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feat(data/setoid/partition): indexed partition (#7910)
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from LTE
Note that data/setoid/partition.lean, which already existed before this
PR, is currently not imported anywhere in mathlib. But it is used in LTE
and will be used in the next PR, in relation to locally constant

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <>
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2 people authored and b-mehta committed Jul 6, 2021
1 parent 4ed039c commit 262eb64
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Showing 3 changed files with 174 additions and 5 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/data/quot.lean
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Expand Up @@ -218,6 +218,20 @@ noncomputable def quotient.out [s : setoid α] : quotient s → α := quot.out
theorem quotient.mk_out [s : setoid α] (a : α) : ⟦a⟧.out ≈ a :=
quotient.exact (quotient.out_eq _)

lemma quotient.mk_eq_iff_out [s : setoid α] {x : α} {y : quotient s} :
⟦x⟧ = y ↔ x ≈ quotient.out y :=
refine iff.trans _ quotient.eq,
rw quotient.out_eq y,

lemma quotient.eq_mk_iff_out [s : setoid α] {x : quotient s} {y : α} :
x = ⟦y⟧ ↔ quotient.out x ≈ y :=
refine iff.trans _ quotient.eq,
rw quotient.out_eq x,

instance pi_setoid {ι : Sort*} {α : ι → Sort*} [∀ i, setoid (α i)] : setoid (Π i, α i) :=
{ r := λ a b, ∀ i, a i ≈ b i,
iseqv := ⟨
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,4 +495,5 @@ noncomputable def out' (a : quotient s₁) : α := quotient.out a

theorem mk_out' (a : α) : @setoid.r α s₁ (' a : quotient s₁).out' a :=
quotient.exact (quotient.out_eq _)

end quotient
23 changes: 19 additions & 4 deletions src/data/setoid/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*}
def setoid.rel (r : setoid α) : α → α → Prop := @setoid.r _ r

/-- A version of `quotient.eq'` compatible with `setoid.rel`, to make rewriting possible. -/
lemma quotient.eq_rel {r : setoid α} {x y} : ⟦x⟧ = ⟦y⟧ ↔ r.rel x y := quotient.eq'
lemma quotient.eq_rel {r : setoid α} {x y} :
(' x : quotient r) =' y ↔ r.rel x y := quotient.eq

namespace setoid

Expand All @@ -61,6 +62,9 @@ theorem le_def {r s : setoid α} : r ≤ s ↔ ∀ {x y}, r.rel x y → s.rel x
@[trans] lemma trans' (r : setoid α) : ∀ {x y z}, r.rel x y → r.rel y z → r.rel x z :=
λ _ _ _ hx, r.2.2.2 hx

lemma comm' (s : setoid α) {x y} : s.rel x y ↔ s.rel y x :=
⟨s.symm', s.symm'⟩

/-- The kernel of a function is an equivalence relation. -/
def ker (f : α → β) : setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, f x = f y, ⟨λ _, rfl, λ _ _ h, h.symm, λ _ _ _ h, h.trans⟩⟩
Expand All @@ -69,6 +73,14 @@ def ker (f : α → β) : setoid α :=
@[simp] lemma ker_mk_eq (r : setoid α) : ker ( _ r) = r :=
ext' $ λ x y, quotient.eq

lemma ker_apply_mk_out {f : α → β} (a : α) :
f (by haveI := setoid.ker f; exact ⟦a⟧.out) = f a :=
@quotient.mk_out _ (setoid.ker f) a

lemma ker_apply_mk_out' {f : α → β} (a : α) :
f ((' a : quotient $ setoid.ker f).out') = f a :=
@quotient.mk_out' _ (setoid.ker f) a

lemma ker_def {f : α → β} {x y : α} : (ker f).rel x y ↔ f x = f y := iff.rfl

/-- Given types `α`, `β`, the product of two equivalence relations `r` on `α` and `s` on `β`:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,6 +310,9 @@ by rw ←eqv_gen_of_setoid (map_of_surjective r f h hf); refl
def comap (f : α → β) (r : setoid β) : setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, r.rel (f x) (f y), ⟨λ _, r.refl' _, λ _ _ h, r.symm' h, λ _ _ _ h1, r.trans' h1⟩⟩

lemma comap_rel (f : α → β) (r : setoid β) (x y : α) : (comap f r).rel x y ↔ r.rel (f x) (f y) :=

/-- Given a map `f : N → M` and an equivalence relation `r` on `β`, the equivalence relation
induced on `α` by `f` equals the kernel of `r`'s quotient map composed with `f`. -/
lemma comap_eq {f : α → β} {r : setoid β} : comap f r = ker ( _ r ∘ f) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,13 +346,13 @@ open quotient
equivalence relations containing `r` and the equivalence relations on the quotient of `α` by `r`. -/
def correspondence (r : setoid α) : {s // r ≤ s} ≃o setoid (quotient r) :=
{ to_fun := λ s, map_of_surjective s.1 ((ker_mk_eq r).symm ▸ s.2) exists_rep,
inv_fun := λ s, ⟨comap s, λ x y h, show s.rel ⟦x⟧ ⟦y⟧, by rw eq_rel.2 h⟩,
inv_fun := λ s, ⟨comap' s, λ x y h, by rw [comap_rel, eq_rel.2 h]⟩,
left_inv := λ s, subtype.ext_iff_val.2 $ ext' $ λ _ _,
⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in
s.1.trans' (s.1.symm' $ s.2 $ eq_rel.1 hx) $ s.1.trans' H $ s.2 $ eq_rel.1 hy,
λ h, ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩,
right_inv := λ s, let Hm : ker ≤ comap s :=
λ x y h, show s.rel ⟦x⟧ ⟦y⟧, by rw (@eq_rel _ r x y).2 ((ker_mk_eq r) ▸ h) in
right_inv := λ s, let Hm : ker' ≤ comap' s :=
λ x y h, by rw [comap_rel, (@eq_rel _ r x y).2 ((ker_mk_eq r) ▸ h)] in
ext' $ λ x y, ⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in hx ▸ hy ▸ H,
quotient.induction_on₂ x y $ λ w z h, ⟨w, z, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩,
map_rel_iff' := λ s t, ⟨λ h x y hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, ht⟩ := h ⟨x, y, rfl, rfl, hs⟩ in
Expand Down
141 changes: 140 additions & 1 deletion src/data/setoid/partition.lean
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Amelia Livingston. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Amelia Livingston, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
Authors: Amelia Livingston, Bryan Gin-ge Chen, Patrick Massot

import data.setoid.basic
Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ import data.set.lattice
# Equivalence relations: partitions
This file comprises properties of equivalence relations viewed as partitions.
There are two implementations of partitions here:
* A collection `c : set (set α)` of sets is a partition of `α` if `∅ ∉ c` and each element `a : α`
belongs to a unique set `b ∈ c`. This is expressed as `is_partition c`
* An indexed partition is a map `s : ι → α` whose image is a partition. This is
expressed as `indexed_partition s`.
Of course both implementations are related to `quotient` and `setoid`.
## Tags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,6 +101,10 @@ lemma eqv_class_mem {c : set (set α)} (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) {y} :
{x | (mk_classes c H).rel x y} ∈ c :=
(H y).elim2 $ λ b hc hy hb, eq_eqv_class_of_mem H hc hy ▸ hc

lemma eqv_class_mem' {c : set (set α)} (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) {x} :
{y : α | (mk_classes c H).rel x y} ∈ c :=
by { convert setoid.eqv_class_mem H, ext, rw setoid.comm' }

/-- Distinct elements of a set of sets partitioning α are disjoint. -/
lemma eqv_classes_disjoint {c : set (set α)} (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) :
set.pairwise_disjoint c :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,3 +212,131 @@ _ (subtype (@is_partition α)) _ (partial_order.to_preorder _) $ partition.rel_i
end partition

end setoid

/-- Constructive information associated with a partition of a type `α` indexed by another type `ι`,
`s : ι → set α`.
`indexed_partition.index` sends an element to its index, while `indexed_partition.some` sends
an index to an element of the corresponding set.
This type is primarily useful for definitional control of `s` - if this is not needed, then
`setoid.ker index` by itself may be sufficient. -/
structure indexed_partition {ι α : Type*} (s : ι → set α) :=
(eq_of_mem : ∀ {x i j}, x ∈ s i → x ∈ s j → i = j)
(some : ι → α)
(some_mem : ∀ i, some i ∈ s i)
(index : α → ι)
(mem_index : ∀ x, x ∈ s (index x))

/-- The non-constructive constructor for `indexed_partition`. -/
def' {ι α : Type*} (s : ι → set α) (dis : ∀ i j, i ≠ j → disjoint (s i) (s j))
(nonempty : ∀ i, (s i).nonempty) (ex : ∀ x, ∃ i, x ∈ s i) : indexed_partition s :=
{ eq_of_mem := λ x i j hxi hxj, classical.by_contradiction $ λ h, dis _ _ h ⟨hxi, hxj⟩,
some := λ i, (nonempty i).some,
some_mem := λ i, (nonempty i).some_spec,
index := λ x, (ex x).some,
mem_index := λ x, (ex x).some_spec }

namespace indexed_partition

open set

variables {ι α : Type*} {s : ι → set α} (hs : indexed_partition s)

/-- On a unique index set there is the obvious trivial partition -/
instance [unique ι] [inhabited α] :
inhabited (indexed_partition (λ i : ι, (set.univ : set α))) :=
⟨{ eq_of_mem := λ x i j hi hj, subsingleton.elim _ _,
some := λ i, default α,
some_mem := set.mem_univ,
index := λ a, default ι,
mem_index := set.mem_univ }⟩

attribute [simp] some_mem mem_index

include hs

lemma exists_mem (x : α) : ∃ i, x ∈ s i := ⟨hs.index x, hs.mem_index x⟩

lemma Union : (⋃ i, s i) = univ :=
by { ext x, simp [hs.exists_mem x] }

lemma disjoint : ∀ {i j}, i ≠ j → disjoint (s i) (s j) :=
λ i j h x ⟨hxi, hxj⟩, h (hs.eq_of_mem hxi hxj)

lemma mem_iff_index_eq {x i} : x ∈ s i ↔ hs.index x = i :=
⟨λ hxi, (hs.eq_of_mem hxi (hs.mem_index x)).symm, λ h, h ▸ hs.mem_index _⟩

lemma eq (i) : s i = {x | hs.index x = i} :=
set.ext $ λ _, hs.mem_iff_index_eq

/-- The equivalence relation associated to an indexed partition. Two
elements are equivalent if they belong to the same set of the partition. -/
protected abbreviation setoid (hs : indexed_partition s) : setoid α :=
setoid.ker hs.index

@[simp] lemma index_some (i : ι) : hs.index (hs.some i) = i :=
(mem_iff_index_eq _).1 $ hs.some_mem i

lemma some_index (x : α) : hs.setoid.rel (hs.some (hs.index x)) x :=
hs.index_some (hs.index x)

/-- The quotient associated to an indexed partition. -/
protected def quotient := quotient hs.setoid

/-- The projection onto the quotient associated to an indexed partition. -/
def proj : α → hs.quotient :='

instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (hs.quotient) := ⟨hs.proj (default α)⟩

lemma proj_eq_iff {x y : α} : hs.proj x = hs.proj y ↔ hs.index x = hs.index y :=

@[simp] lemma proj_some_index (x : α) : hs.proj (hs.some (hs.index x)) = hs.proj x :=
quotient.eq'.2 (hs.some_index x)

/-- The obvious equivalence between the quotient associated to an indexed partition and
the indexing type. -/
def equiv_quotient : ι ≃ hs.quotient :=
(setoid.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse hs.index hs.some $ hs.index_some).symm

@[simp] lemma equiv_quotient_index_apply (x : α) : hs.equiv_quotient (hs.index x) = hs.proj x :=
hs.proj_eq_iff.mpr (some_index hs x)

@[simp] lemma equiv_quotient_symm_proj_apply (x : α) :
hs.equiv_quotient.symm (hs.proj x) = hs.index x :=

lemma equiv_quotient_index : hs.equiv_quotient ∘ hs.index = hs.proj :=
funext hs.equiv_quotient_index_apply

/-- A map choosing a representative for each element of the quotient associated to an indexed
partition. This is a computable version of `quotient.out'` using `indexed_partition.some`. -/
def out : hs.quotient ↪ α :=
hs.equiv_quotient.symm.to_embedding.trans ⟨hs.some, function.left_inverse.injective hs.index_some⟩

/-- This lemma is analogous to `quotient.mk_out'`. -/
lemma out_proj (x : α) : hs.out (hs.proj x) = hs.some (hs.index x) :=

/-- The indices of `quotient.out'` and `indexed_partition.out` are equal. -/
lemma index_out' (x : hs.quotient) : hs.index (x.out') = hs.index (hs.out x) :=
quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, (setoid.ker_apply_mk_out' x).trans (hs.index_some _).symm

/-- This lemma is analogous to `quotient.out_eq'`. -/
@[simp] lemma proj_out (x : hs.quotient) : hs.proj (hs.out x) = x :=
quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, quotient.sound' $ hs.some_index x

lemma class_of {x : α} : set_of (hs.setoid.rel x) = s (hs.index x) :=
set.ext $ λ y, eq_comm.trans hs.mem_iff_index_eq.symm

lemma proj_fiber (x : hs.quotient) : hs.proj ⁻¹' {x} = s (hs.equiv_quotient.symm x) :=
quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, begin
ext y,
simp only [set.mem_preimage, set.mem_singleton_iff, hs.mem_iff_index_eq],
exact quotient.eq',

end indexed_partition

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