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MichaelStollBayreuth committed Jun 13, 2022
1 parent 6ad2799 commit 2977b88
Showing 1 changed file with 217 additions and 0 deletions.
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions src/number_theory/legendre_symbol/mul_character.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Michael Stoll. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Michael Stoll
import ring_theory.integral_domain

# Multiplicative characters of finite rings and fields
Let `R` be a finite commutative ring.
A *multiplicative character* of `R` with values in `R'` is a morphism of
monoids with zero from the multiplicative monoid of `R` into that of `R'`.
We use the namespace `mul_char` for the definitions and results.
## Tags
multiplicative character

section multiplicative

namespace mul_char

### Definitions related to and results on multiplicative characters

universes u v w

-- The domain of our multiplicative characters
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]
-- The target
variables {R' : Type v} [comm_ring R']

/-- The trivial multiplicative character. It takes the value `0` on non-units and
the value `1` on units. -/
def trivial [nontrivial R] [decidable_pred (λ x : R, is_unit x)] : R →*₀ R' :=
{ to_fun := λ x, if is_unit x then 1 else 0,
map_zero' := by simp only [not_is_unit_zero, if_false],
map_one' := by simp only [is_unit_one, if_true],
map_mul' := by { intros x y,
simp only [is_unit.mul_iff, boole_mul],
split_ifs; tauto, } }
attribute [protected] trivial

/-- A multiplicative character takes unit values on units -/
lemma is_unit_of_is_unit (χ : R →*₀ R') {a : R} (ha : is_unit a) : is_unit (χ a) :=
obtain ⟨u, rfl⟩ := ha,
exact is_unit_of_mul_eq_one _ _
(by rw [← map_mul, units.mul_inv, map_one] : χ u * χ (u⁻¹ : Rˣ) = 1),

/-- A multiplicative character is *nontrivial* if it takes a value `≠ 1` on a unit -/
def is_nontrivial (χ : R →*₀ R') : Prop := ∃ (a : R), is_unit a ∧ χ a ≠ 1

/-- A multiplicative character is *quadratic* if it takes only the values `0`, `1`, `-1` -/
def is_quadratic (χ : R →*₀ R') : Prop := ∀ a, χ a = 0 ∨ χ a = 1 ∨ χ a = -1

/-- Composition with an injective ring homomorphism preserves nontriviality -/
lemma comp_is_nontrivial {χ : R →*₀ R'} (hχ : is_nontrivial χ) {R'' : Type w} [comm_ring R'']
(f : R' →+* R'') (hf : function.injective f) :
is_nontrivial (f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.comp χ) :=
obtain ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩ := hχ,
refine ⟨a, ha₁, λ ha, ha₂ (hf _)⟩,
erw [ha, map_one],

/-- Composition with a ring homomorphism preserves the property of being a quadratic character -/
lemma comp_is_quadratic {χ : R →*₀ R'} (hχ : is_quadratic χ) {R'' : Type w} [comm_ring R'']
(f : R' →+* R'') : is_quadratic (f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.comp χ) :=
intro a,
have hχ' : f.to_monoid_with_zero_hom.comp χ a = f (χ a) := rfl,
rw [hχ'],
rcases hχ a with (ha | ha | ha); rw [ha],
{ left,
rw [map_zero], },
{ right, left,
rw [map_one], },
{ right, right,
rw [map_neg, map_one], },

/-- If `χ` is a quadratic character and `a : R` is a unit, then `(χ a) * (χ a) = 1`. -/
lemma quad_char_sq_eq_one {χ : R →*₀ R'} [nontrivial R'] (hχ : is_quadratic χ)
{a : R} (ha : is_unit a) : χ a * χ a = 1 :=
rcases hχ a with (h | h | h),
{ have hu := is_unit_of_is_unit χ ha,
rw h at hu ⊢,
exact false.rec _ (is_unit.ne_zero hu rfl), },
all_goals { simp only [h, mul_neg, mul_one, neg_neg], },

/-- For positive `n : ℕ`, define `χ ^ n` as `χ` composed with the `n`the power homomorphism -/
def pow_pos (χ : R →*₀ R') {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n) : R →*₀ R' :=
χ.comp (pow_monoid_with_zero_hom hn)

lemma pow_pos_spec (χ : R →*₀ R') {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n) (x : R) :
pow_pos χ hn x = (χ x) ^ n :=
by simp only [pow_pos, pow_monoid_with_zero_hom_apply, monoid_with_zero_hom.coe_comp,
monoid_with_zero_hom.coe_mk, function.comp_app, map_pow]

/-- The `p`th power of a quadratic character is itself, when `p` is the (prime) characteristic
of the target ring. -/
lemma quad_char_pow_char {χ : R →*₀ R'} (hχ : is_quadratic χ) (p : ℕ) [fact] [char_p R' p] :
pow_pos χ (fact.out = χ :=
rw [pow_pos_spec],
rcases hχ x with (hx | hx | hx); rw hx,
{ rw [zero_pow (fact.out], },
{ rw [one_pow], },
{ exact char_p.neg_one_pow_char R' p, },

/-- The `n`th power of a quadratic character is itself, when `n` is odd. -/
lemma quad_char_pow_odd {χ : R →*₀ R'} (hχ : is_quadratic χ) {n : ℕ} (hn : n % 2 = 1) :
pow_pos χ (nat.odd_gt_zero (nat.odd_iff.mpr hn)) = χ :=
rw [pow_pos_spec],
rcases hχ x with (hx | hx | hx); rw hx,
{ rw [zero_pow (nat.odd_gt_zero (nat.odd_iff.mpr hn))], },
{ rw [one_pow], },
{ exact odd.neg_one_pow (nat.odd_iff.mpr hn), },

/-- The inverse of a multiplicative character -/
def inv' (χ : R →*₀ R') : R →*₀ R' := χ.comp monoid_with_zero.inverse
attribute [protected] inv'

lemma inv'_spec (χ : R →*₀ R') (a : R) : (inv' χ) a = χ (ring.inverse a) := rfl

/-- When `R` is a field `F`, we can use the standard inverse map. -/
def inv {F : Type u} [field F] (χ : F →*₀ R') : F →*₀ R' := χ.comp (@inv_monoid_with_zero_hom F _)
attribute [protected] inv

lemma inv_spec {F : Type u} [field F] (χ : F →*₀ R') (a : F) : (inv χ) a = χ a⁻¹ := rfl

lemma inv_eq_inv' {F : Type u} [field F] (χ : F →*₀ R') : inv χ = inv' χ :=
ext x,
simp only [inv_spec, inv'_spec, ring.inverse_eq_inv'],

/-- The product of a character with its inverse is the trivial character -/
lemma mul_inv [nontrivial R] [decidable_pred (λ (x : R), is_unit x)] (χ : R →*₀ R') :
χ * (inv' χ) = mul_char.trivial :=
ext x,
have h₁ : (χ * (inv' χ)) x = (χ x) * (inv' χ x) := rfl,
rw [h₁, inv'_spec, ← map_mul, trivial_apply],
{ haveI := is_unit.invertible h,
rw [ring.inverse_invertible, mul_inv_of_self, map_one], },
{ rw [ring.inverse_non_unit x h, mul_zero, map_zero], },

/-- The inverse of a quadratic character is itself -/
lemma quadratic_char_inv {χ : R →*₀ R'} (hχ : is_quadratic χ) (hχ' : ∀ a, χ a ≠ 0 → is_unit a) :
inv' χ = χ :=
ext x,
rw [inv'_spec],
by_cases hx : is_unit x,
{ haveI := is_unit.invertible hx,
apply_fun (λ a, a * χ x) using (is_unit.is_regular (is_unit_of_is_unit χ hx)).right,
change χ _ * χ x = χ x * χ x,
rw [← map_mul, ring.inverse_invertible, inv_of_mul_self, map_one],
rcases hχ x with h₀ | h₁ | h₂,
{ rw [h₀, mul_zero],
exact ( (cast (congr_arg is_unit h₀) (is_unit_of_is_unit χ hx))).symm, },
{ rw [h₁, mul_one], },
{ rw [h₂, neg_one_mul, neg_neg], }, },
{ rw [ring.inverse_non_unit x hx, map_zero],
exact (of_not_not (mt (hχ' x) hx)).symm, },

/-- When `R` is a field `F`, then a multiplicative character takes nonzero values
only on units. -/
lemma is_unit_of_ne_zero {F : Type u} [field F] (χ : F →*₀ R') {a : F} (ha : χ a ≠ 0) :
is_unit a :=
by_cases h₀ : a = 0,
{ simp only [h₀, map_zero, ne.def, eq_self_iff_true, not_true] at ha,
exact false.rec (is_unit a) ha, },
{ exact is_unit_iff_ne_zero.mpr h₀, },

open_locale big_operators

/-- The sum over all values of a nontrivial multiplicative character is zero -/
lemma sum_eq_zero_of_is_nontrivial [fintype R] [is_domain R'] {χ : R →*₀ R'}
(hχ : is_nontrivial χ) : ∑ a, χ a = 0 :=
rcases hχ with ⟨b, hb₀, hb⟩,
have h₁ : ∑ a, χ (b * a) = ∑ a, χ a :=
fintype.sum_bijective _ (units.mul_left_bijective hb₀.unit) _ _ (λ x, rfl),
simp only [map_mul] at h₁,
rw [← finset.mul_sum] at h₁,
exact eq_zero_of_mul_eq_self_left hb h₁,

end mul_char

end multiplicative

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