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feat(functor): definition multivariate functors (#3360)
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cipher1024 committed Jul 13, 2020
1 parent f034899 commit 2ae7ad8
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Showing 4 changed files with 809 additions and 74 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions src/control/functor/multivariate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Jeremy Avigad. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Jeremy Avigad, Mario Carneiro, Simon Hudon
import data.fin2
import data.typevec
import logic.function.basic
import tactic.basic

Functors between the category of tuples of types, and the category Type
`mvfunctor n` : the type class of multivariate functors
`f <$$> x` : notation for map

universes u v w

open_locale mvfunctor

/-- multivariate functors, i.e. functor between the category of type vectors
and the category of Type -/
class mvfunctor {n : ℕ} (F : typevec n → Type*) :=
(map : Π {α β : typevec n}, (α ⟹ β) → (F α → F β))

localized "infixr ` <$$> `:100 :=" in mvfunctor

variables {n : ℕ}

namespace mvfunctor

variables {α β γ : typevec.{u} n} {F : typevec.{u} n → Type v} [mvfunctor F]

/-- predicate lifting over multivariate functors -/
def liftp {α : typevec n} (p : Π i, α i → Prop) (x : F α) : Prop :=
∃ u : F (λ i, subtype (p i)), (λ i, @subtype.val _ (p i)) <$$> u = x

/-- relational lifting over multivariate functors -/
def liftr {α : typevec n} (r : Π {i}, α i → α i → Prop) (x y : F α) : Prop :=
∃ u : F (λ i, {p : α i × α i // r p.fst p.snd}),
(λ i (t : {p : α i × α i // r p.fst p.snd}), t.val.fst) <$$> u = x ∧
(λ i (t : {p : α i × α i // r p.fst p.snd}), t.val.snd) <$$> u = y

/-- given `x : F α` and a projection `i` of type vector `α`, `supp x i` is the set
of `α.i` contained in `x` -/
def supp {α : typevec n} (x : F α) (i : fin2 n) : set (α i) :=
{ y : α i | ∀ {p}, liftp p x → p i y }

theorem of_mem_supp {α : typevec n} {x : F α} {p : Π ⦃i⦄, α i → Prop} (h : liftp p x) (i : fin2 n):
∀ y ∈ supp x i, p y :=
λ y hy, hy h

end mvfunctor

/-- laws for `mvfunctor` -/
class is_lawful_mvfunctor {n : ℕ} (F : typevec n → Type*) [mvfunctor F] : Prop :=
(id_map : ∀ {α : typevec n} (x : F α), <$$> x = x)
(comp_map : ∀ {α β γ : typevec n} (g : α ⟹ β) (h : β ⟹ γ) (x : F α),
(h ⊚ g) <$$> x = h <$$> g <$$> x)

open nat typevec

namespace mvfunctor

export is_lawful_mvfunctor (comp_map)
open is_lawful_mvfunctor

variables {α β γ : typevec.{u} n}
variables {F : typevec.{u} n → Type v} [mvfunctor F]

variables (p : α ⟹ repeat n Prop) (r : α ⊗ α ⟹ repeat n Prop)

/-- adapt `mvfunctor.liftp` to accept predicates as arrows -/
def liftp' : F α → Prop :=
mvfunctor.liftp $ λ i x, of_repeat $ p i x

/-- adapt `mvfunctor.liftp` to accept relations as arrows -/
def liftr' : F α → F α → Prop :=
mvfunctor.liftr $ λ i x y, of_repeat $ r i $ _ x y

variables [is_lawful_mvfunctor F]

lemma id_map (x : F α) : <$$> x = x :=
id_map x

lemma id_map' (x : F α) :
(λ i a, a) <$$> x = x :=
id_map x

lemma map_map (g : α ⟹ β) (h : β ⟹ γ) (x : F α) :
h <$$> g <$$> x = (h ⊚ g) <$$> x :=
eq.symm $ comp_map _ _ _

section liftp'

variables (F)

lemma exists_iff_exists_of_mono {p : F α → Prop} {q : F β → Prop} (f : α ⟹ β) (g : β ⟹ α)
(h₀ : f ⊚ g = id)
(h₁ : ∀ u : F α, p u ↔ q (f <$$> u)) :
(∃ u : F α, p u) ↔ (∃ u : F β, q u) :=
split; rintro ⟨u,h₂⟩; [ use f <$$> u, use g <$$> u ],
{ apply (h₁ u).mp h₂ },
{ apply (h₁ _).mpr _,
simp only [mvfunctor.map_map,h₀,is_lawful_mvfunctor.id_map,h₂] },
variables {F}

lemma liftp_def (x : F α) : liftp' p x ↔ ∃ u : F (subtype_ p), subtype_val p <$$> u = x :=
dsimp only [liftp', mvfunctor.liftp],
apply exists_iff_exists_of_mono F (to_subtype p) (of_subtype p),
{ clear x _inst_2 _inst_1 F, dsimp only [comp],
ext i x; induction i, { refl },
-- Lean 3.11.0 problem
rw [of_subtype,@to_subtype.equations._eqn_2 i_n _ p i_a,i_ih],
refl, },
{ intro, rw [mvfunctor.map_map,(⊚)], congr',
clear x u _inst_2 _inst_1 F, ext i ⟨ x,_ ⟩,
induction i; dsimp only [to_subtype, subtype_val],
{ refl }, { apply i_ih }, }

lemma liftr_def (x y : F α) :
liftr' r x y ↔
∃ u : F (subtype_ r), ( ⊚ subtype_val r) <$$> u = x ∧
( ⊚ subtype_val r) <$$> u = y :=
dsimp only [liftr', mvfunctor.liftr],
apply exists_iff_exists_of_mono F (to_subtype' r) (of_subtype' r),
{ clear x y _inst_2 _inst_1 F, dsimp only [comp],
ext i x; induction i,
{ dsimp only [], cases x, refl },
-- Lean 3.11.0 problem
{ rw [of_subtype',@to_subtype'.equations._eqn_2 i_n _ r i_a, i_ih], refl } },
{ intro, rw [mvfunctor.map_map,(⊚),mvfunctor.map_map,(⊚)], congr';
clear x y u _inst_2 _inst_1 F,
{ ext i ⟨ x,_ ⟩, induction i; dsimp only [subtype_val],
{ refl },
apply i_ih, },
{ ext i ⟨x,_⟩,
{ induction i, { refl },
{ rw i_ih (drop_fun r), refl }, } } }

end liftp'

end mvfunctor

open nat

namespace mvfunctor

open typevec

section liftp_last_pred_iff
variables {F : typevec.{u} (n+1) → Type*} [mvfunctor F] [is_lawful_mvfunctor F]
{α : typevec.{u} n}
variables (p : α ⟹ repeat n Prop)
(r : α ⊗ α ⟹ repeat n Prop)

open mvfunctor

variables {β : Type u}
variables (pp : β → Prop)

private def f : Π (n α), (λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 // of_repeat (pred_last' α pp i p_1)}) ⟹
λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 : (α ::: β) i // pred_last α pp p_1}
| _ α (fin2.fs i) x := ⟨ x.val, cast (by simp only [pred_last]; erw const_iff_true) ⟩
| _ α fin2.fz x := ⟨ x.val, ⟩

private def g : Π (n α), (λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 : (α ::: β) i // pred_last α pp p_1}) ⟹
(λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 // of_repeat (pred_last' α pp i p_1)})
| _ α (fin2.fs i) x := ⟨ x.val, cast (by simp only [pred_last]; erw const_iff_true) ⟩
| _ α fin2.fz x := ⟨ x.val, ⟩

lemma liftp_last_pred_iff {β} (p : β → Prop) (x : F (α ::: β)) :
liftp' (pred_last' _ p) x ↔ liftp (pred_last _ p) x :=
dsimp only [liftp,liftp'],
apply exists_iff_exists_of_mono F (f _ n α) (g _ n α),
{ clear x _inst_2 _inst_1 F, ext i ⟨x,_⟩, cases i; refl },
{ intros, rw [mvfunctor.map_map,(⊚)],
congr'; ext i ⟨x,_⟩; cases i; refl }

open function
variables (rr : β → β → Prop)

private def f : Π (n α), (λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 : _ × _ // of_repeat (rel_last' α rr i ( _ p_1.fst p_1.snd))}) ⟹
λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 : (α ::: β) i × _ // rel_last α rr (p_1.fst) (p_1.snd)}
| _ α (fin2.fs i) x := ⟨ x.val, cast (by simp only [rel_last]; erw repeat_eq_iff_eq) ⟩
| _ α fin2.fz x := ⟨ x.val, ⟩

private def g : Π (n α), (λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 : (α ::: β) i × _ // rel_last α rr (p_1.fst) (p_1.snd)}) ⟹
(λ (i : fin2 (n + 1)), {p_1 : _ × _ // of_repeat (rel_last' α rr i ( _ p_1.fst p_1.snd))})
| _ α (fin2.fs i) x := ⟨ x.val, cast (by simp only [rel_last]; erw repeat_eq_iff_eq) ⟩
| _ α fin2.fz x := ⟨ x.val, ⟩

lemma liftr_last_rel_iff (x y : F (α ::: β)) :
liftr' (rel_last' _ rr) x y ↔ liftr (rel_last _ rr) x y :=
dsimp only [liftr,liftr'],
apply exists_iff_exists_of_mono F (f rr _ _) (g rr _ _),
{ clear x y _inst_2 _inst_1 F, ext i ⟨x,_⟩ : 2, cases i; refl, },
{ intros, rw [mvfunctor.map_map,mvfunctor.map_map,(⊚),(⊚)],
congr'; ext i ⟨x,_⟩; cases i; refl }

end liftp_last_pred_iff

end mvfunctor
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fin2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro

open nat
universes u

/-- An alternate definition of `fin n` defined as an inductive type
instead of a subtype of `nat`. This is useful for its induction
principle and different definitional equalities. -/
inductive fin2 : ℕ → Type
| fz {n} : fin2 (succ n)
| fs {n} : fin2 n → fin2 (succ n)

namespace fin2

protected def cases' {n} {C : fin2 (succ n) → Sort u} (H1 : C fz) (H2 : Π n, C (fs n)) :
Π (i : fin2 (succ n)), C i
| fz := H1
| (fs n) := H2 n

def elim0 {C : fin2 0Sort u} : Π (i : fin2 0), C i.

/-- convert a `fin2` into a `nat` -/
def to_nat : Π {n}, fin2 n → ℕ
| ._ (@fz n) := 0
| ._ (@fs n i) := succ (to_nat i)

/-- convert a `nat` into a `fin2` if it is in range -/
def opt_of_nat : Π {n} (k : ℕ), option (fin2 n)
| 0 _ := none
| (succ n) 0 := some fz
| (succ n) (succ k) := fs <$> @opt_of_nat n k

/-- `i + k : fin2 (n + k)` when `i : fin2 n` and `k : ℕ` -/
def add {n} (i : fin2 n) : Π k, fin2 (n + k)
| 0 := i
| (succ k) := fs (add k)

/-- `left k` is the embedding `fin2 n → fin2 (k + n)` -/
def left (k) : Π {n}, fin2 n → fin2 (k + n)
| ._ (@fz n) := fz
| ._ (@fs n i) := fs (left i)

/-- `insert_perm a` is a permutation of `fin2 n` with the following properties:
* `insert_perm a i = i+1` if `i < a`
* `insert_perm a a = 0`
* `insert_perm a i = i` if `i > a` -/
def insert_perm : Π {n}, fin2 n → fin2 n → fin2 n
| ._ (@fz n) (@fz ._) := fz
| ._ (@fz n) (@fs ._ j) := fs j
| ._ (@fs (succ n) i) (@fz ._) := fs fz
| ._ (@fs (succ n) i) (@fs ._ j) := match insert_perm i j with fz := fz | fs k := fs (fs k) end

/-- `remap_left f k : fin2 (m + k) → fin2 (n + k)` applies the function
`f : fin2 m → fin2 n` to inputs less than `m`, and leaves the right part
on the right (that is, `remap_left f k (m + i) = n + i`). -/
def remap_left {m n} (f : fin2 m → fin2 n) : Π k, fin2 (m + k) → fin2 (n + k)
| 0 i := f i
| (succ k) (@fz ._) := fz
| (succ k) (@fs ._ i) := fs (remap_left _ i)

/-- This is a simple type class inference prover for proof obligations
of the form `m < n` where `m n : ℕ`. -/
class is_lt (m n : ℕ) := (h : m < n)
instance (n) : is_lt 0 (succ n) := ⟨succ_pos _⟩
instance is_lt.succ (m n) [l : is_lt m n] : is_lt (succ m) (succ n) := ⟨succ_lt_succ l.h⟩

/-- Use type class inference to infer the boundedness proof, so that we
can directly convert a `nat` into a `fin2 n`. This supports
notation like `&1 : fin 3`. -/
def of_nat' : Π {n} m [is_lt m n], fin2 n
| 0 m ⟨h⟩ := absurd h (not_lt_zero _)
| (succ n) 0 ⟨h⟩ := fz
| (succ n) (succ m) ⟨h⟩ := fs (@of_nat' n m ⟨lt_of_succ_lt_succ h⟩)

local prefix `&`:max := of_nat'

end fin2

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