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feat(data/fin): init and snoc (#1978)
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* feat(data/fin): append

* Update fin.lean

* Update fintype.lean

* replace but_last with init

* cons and append commute

* change append to snoc

* comp_snoc and friends

* markdown in docstrings

* fix docstring

Co-authored-by: mergify[bot] <37929162+mergify[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
sgouezel and mergify[bot] committed Feb 18, 2020
1 parent b373dae commit 2d00f20
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Showing 3 changed files with 219 additions and 2 deletions.
186 changes: 184 additions & 2 deletions src/data/fin.lean
Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ le_of_lt_succ i.is_lt

@[simp] lemma last_val (n : ℕ) : (last n).val = n := rfl

@[simp] lemma succ_last (n : ℕ) : (last n).succ = last (n.succ) := rfl

@[simp] lemma cast_succ_cast_lt (i : fin (n + 1)) (h : i.val < n) : cast_succ (cast_lt i h) = i :=
fin.eq_of_veq rfl

Expand All @@ -171,6 +173,13 @@ by simp [eq_iff_veq]
lemma cast_succ_ne_last (a : fin n) : cast_succ a ≠ last n :=
by simp [eq_iff_veq, ne_of_lt a.2]

lemma eq_last_of_not_lt {i : fin (n+1)} (h : ¬ i.val < n) : i = last n :=
le_antisymm (le_last i) (not_lt.1 h)

lemma cast_succ_fin_succ (n : ℕ) (j : fin n) :
cast_succ (fin.succ j) = fin.succ (cast_succ j) :=
by simp [fin.ext_iff]

def clamp (n m : ℕ) : fin (m + 1) := fin.of_nat $ min n m

@[simp] lemma clamp_val (n m : ℕ) : (clamp n m).val = min n m :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,9 +275,13 @@ lemma exists_fin_succ {P : fin (n+1) → Prop} :
end rec

section tuple
/- We can think of the type `Π(i : fin n), α i` as `n`-tuples of elements of possibly varying type
### Tuples
We can think of the type `Π(i : fin n), α i` as `n`-tuples of elements of possibly varying type
`α i`. A particular case is `fin n → α` of elements with all the same type. Here are some relevant
operations. -/
operations, first about adding or removing elements at the beginning of a tuple.

variables {α : fin (n+1) → Type u} (x : α 0) (q : Πi, α i) (p : Π(i : fin n), α (i.succ))
(i : fin n) (y : α i.succ) (z : α 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,8 +354,177 @@ begin
{ simp [tail, (fin.injective_succ n).ne h, h] }

lemma comp_cons {α : Type*} {β : Type*} (g : α → β) (y : α) (q : fin n → α) :
g ∘ (cons y q) = cons (g y) (g ∘ q) :=
ext j,
by_cases h : j = 0,
{ rw h, refl },
{ let j' := pred j h,
have : j'.succ = j := succ_pred j h,
rw [← this, cons_succ, comp_app, cons_succ] }

lemma comp_tail {α : Type*} {β : Type*} (g : α → β) (q : fin n.succ → α) :
g ∘ (tail q) = tail (g ∘ q) :=
by { ext j, simp [tail] }

end tuple

section tuple_right
/-! In the previous section, we have discussed inserting or removing elements on the left of a tuple.
In this section, we do the same on the right. A difference is that `fin (n+1)` is constructed
inductively from `fin n` starting from the left, not from the right. This implies that Lean needs
more help to realize that elements belong to the right types, i.e., we need to insert casts at
several places. -/

variables {α : fin (n+1) → Type u} (x : α (last n)) (q : Πi, α i) (p : Π(i : fin n), α i.cast_succ)
(i : fin n) (y : α i.cast_succ) (z : α (last n))

/-- The beginning of an `n+1` tuple, i.e., its first `n` entries -/
def init (q : Πi, α i) (i : fin n) : α i.cast_succ :=
q i.cast_succ

/-- Adding an element at the end of an `n`-tuple, to get an `n+1`-tuple. The name `snoc` comes from
`cons` (i.e., adding an element to the left of a tuple) read in reverse order. -/
def snoc (p : Π(i : fin n), α i.cast_succ) (x : α (last n)) (i : fin (n+1)) : α i :=
if h : i.val < n
then _root_.cast (by rw fin.cast_succ_cast_lt i h) (p (cast_lt i h))
else _root_.cast (by rw eq_last_of_not_lt h) x

@[simp] lemma init_snoc : init (snoc p x) = p :=
ext i,
have h' := fin.cast_lt_cast_succ i i.is_lt,
simp [init, snoc, i.is_lt, h'],
convert cast_eq rfl (p i)

@[simp] lemma snoc_cast_succ : snoc p x i.cast_succ = p i :=
have : i.cast_succ.val < n := i.is_lt,
have h' := fin.cast_lt_cast_succ i i.is_lt,
simp [snoc, this, h'],
convert cast_eq rfl (p i)

@[simp] lemma snoc_last : snoc p x (last n) = x :=
by { simp [snoc], refl }

/-- Updating a tuple and adding an element at the end commute. -/
@[simp] lemma snoc_update : snoc (update p i y) x = update (snoc p x) i.cast_succ y :=
ext j,
by_cases h : j.val < n,
{ simp only [snoc, h, dif_pos],
by_cases h' : j = cast_succ i,
{ have C1 : α i.cast_succ = α j, by rw h',
have E1 : update (snoc p x) i.cast_succ y j = _root_.cast C1 y,
{ have : update (snoc p x) j (_root_.cast C1 y) j = _root_.cast C1 y, by simp,
convert this,
{ exact h'.symm },
{ exact heq_of_eq_mp (congr_arg α (eq.symm h')) rfl } },
have C2 : α i.cast_succ = α (cast_succ (cast_lt j h)),
by rw [cast_succ_cast_lt, h'],
have E2 : update p i y (cast_lt j h) = _root_.cast C2 y,
{ have : update p (cast_lt j h) (_root_.cast C2 y) (cast_lt j h) = _root_.cast C2 y,
by simp,
convert this,
{ simp [h, h'] },
{ exact heq_of_eq_mp C2 rfl } },
rw [E1, E2],
exact eq_rec_compose _ _ _ },
{ have : ¬(cast_lt j h = i),
by { assume E, apply h', rw [← E, cast_succ_cast_lt] },
simp [h', this, snoc, h] } },
{ rw eq_last_of_not_lt h,
simp [ne.symm (cast_succ_ne_last i)] }

/-- Adding an element at the beginning of a tuple and then updating it amounts to adding it directly. -/
lemma update_snoc_last : update (snoc p x) (last n) z = snoc p z :=
ext j,
by_cases h : j.val < n,
{ have : j ≠ last n := ne_of_lt h,
simp [h, update_noteq, this, snoc] },
{ rw eq_last_of_not_lt h,
simp }

/-- Concatenating the first element of a tuple with its tail gives back the original tuple -/
@[simp] lemma snoc_init_self : snoc (init q) (q (last n)) = q :=
ext j,
by_cases h : j.val < n,
{ have : j ≠ last n := ne_of_lt h,
simp [h, update_noteq, this, snoc, init, cast_succ_cast_lt],
have A : cast_succ (cast_lt j h) = j := cast_succ_cast_lt _ _,
rw ← cast_eq rfl (q j),
congr' 1; rw A },
{ rw eq_last_of_not_lt h,
simp }

/-- Updating the last element of a tuple does not change the beginning. -/
@[simp] lemma init_update_last : init (update q (last n) z) = init q :=
by { ext j, simp [init, cast_succ_ne_last] }

/-- Updating an element and taking the beginning commute. -/
@[simp] lemma init_update_cast_succ :
init (update q i.cast_succ y) = update (init q) i y :=
ext j,
by_cases h : j = i,
{ rw h, simp [init] },
{ simp [init, h] }

/-- `tail` and `init` commute. We state this lemma in a non-dependent setting, as otherwise it
would involve a cast to convince Lean that the two types are equal, making it harder to use. -/
lemma tail_init_eq_init_tail {β : Type*} (q : fin (n+2) → β) :
tail (init q) = init (tail q) :=
by { ext i, simp [tail, init, cast_succ_fin_succ] }

/-- `cons` and `snoc` commute. We state this lemma in a non-dependent setting, as otherwise it
would involve a cast to convince Lean that the two types are equal, making it harder to use. -/
lemma cons_snoc_eq_snoc_cons {β : Type*} (a : β) (q : fin n → β) (b : β) :
@cons n.succ (λ i, β) a (snoc q b) = snoc (cons a q) b :=
ext i,
by_cases h : i = 0,
{ rw h, refl },
set j := pred i h with ji,
have : i = j.succ, by rw [ji, succ_pred],
rw [this, cons_succ],
by_cases h' : j.val < n,
{ set k := cast_lt j h' with jk,
have : j = k.cast_succ, by rw [jk, cast_succ_cast_lt],
rw [this, ← cast_succ_fin_succ],
simp },
rw [eq_last_of_not_lt h', succ_last],

lemma comp_snoc {α : Type*} {β : Type*} (g : α → β) (q : fin n → α) (y : α) :
g ∘ (snoc q y) = snoc (g ∘ q) (g y) :=
ext j,
by_cases h : j.val < n,
{ have : j ≠ last n := ne_of_lt h,
simp [h, this, snoc, cast_succ_cast_lt],
refl },
{ rw eq_last_of_not_lt h,
simp }

lemma comp_init {α : Type*} {β : Type*} (g : α → β) (q : fin n.succ → α) :
g ∘ (init q) = init (g ∘ q) :=
by { ext j, simp [init] }

end tuple_right

section find

/-- `find p` returns the first index `n` where `p n` is satisfied, and `none` if it is never
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fintype.lean
Expand Up @@ -253,6 +253,32 @@ by apply @fin.prod_univ_succ (multiplicative β)

attribute [to_additive] fin.prod_univ_succ

lemma fin.univ_cast_succ (n : ℕ) :
(univ : finset (fin $ n+1)) = insert (fin.last n) (univ.image fin.cast_succ) :=
ext m,
simp only [mem_univ, mem_insert, true_iff, mem_image, exists_prop, true_and],
by_cases h : m.val < n,
{ right,
use fin.cast_lt m h,
rw fin.cast_succ_cast_lt },
{ left,
exact fin.eq_last_of_not_lt h }

theorem fin.prod_univ_cast_succ [comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) : f = (λ i:fin n, f i.cast_succ) * f (fin.last n) :=
rw [fin.univ_cast_succ, prod_insert, prod_image, mul_comm],
{ intros x _ y _ hxy, exact hxy },
{ simpa using fin.cast_succ_ne_last }

theorem fin.sum_univ_cast_succ [add_comm_monoid β] {n:ℕ} (f : fin n.succ → β) :
univ.sum f = univ.sum (λ i:fin n, f i.cast_succ) + f (fin.last n) :=
by apply @fin.prod_univ_cast_succ (multiplicative β)
attribute [to_additive] fin.prod_univ_cast_succ

@[instance, priority 10] def unique.fintype {α : Type*} [unique α] : fintype α :=
⟨finset.singleton (default α), λ x, by rw [unique.eq_default x]; simp⟩

Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/logic/function.lean
Expand Up @@ -244,6 +244,15 @@ begin
{ simp [h,] }

lemma comp_update {α' : Sort*} {β : Sort*} (f : α' → β) (g : α → α') (i : α) (v : α') :
f ∘ (update g i v) = update (f ∘ g) i (f v) :=
refine funext (λj, _),
by_cases h : j = i,
{ rw h, simp },
{ simp [h] }

end update

lemma uncurry_def {α β γ} (f : α → β → γ) : uncurry f = (λp, f p.1 p.2) :=
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