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chore(tactic/{core + compute_degree}): tightening up compute_degree_le (
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This PR instantiates meta-variables to fix [this bug](, using code of Floris.

I also tightened up the main tactic: it uses focus1 and it has a version that does not throw errors, suitable for iterations.
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adomani committed Sep 24, 2022
1 parent ba80091 commit 2d915e4
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Showing 3 changed files with 62 additions and 45 deletions.
89 changes: 44 additions & 45 deletions src/tactic/compute_degree.lean
Expand Up @@ -65,11 +65,8 @@ meta def guess_degree : expr → tactic expr
pe ← to_expr ``(@nat_degree %%R %%inst) tt ff,
pure $ expr.mk_app pe [e]

/-- `resolve_sum_step e` takes the type of the current goal `e` as input.
It tries to make progress on the goal `e` by reducing it to subgoals.
It assumes that `e` is of the form `f.nat_degree ≤ d`, failing otherwise.
`resolve_sum_step` progresses into `f` if `f` is
/-- `resolve_sum_step` assumes that the current goal is of the form `f.nat_degree ≤ d`, failing
otherwise. It tries to make progress on the goal by progressing into `f` if `f` is
* a sum, difference, opposite, product, or a power;
* a monomial;
* `C a`;
Expand All @@ -80,33 +77,33 @@ or of the form `m ≤ n`, where `m n : ℕ`.
If `d` is less than `guess_degree f`, this tactic will create unsolvable goals.
meta def resolve_sum_step : expr → tactic unit
| `(nat_degree %%tl ≤ %%tr) := match tl with
| `(%%tl1 + %%tl2) := refine ``((nat_degree_add_le_iff_left _ _ _).mpr _)
| `(%%tl1 - %%tl2) := refine ``((nat_degree_sub_le_iff_left _).mpr _)
| `(%%tl1 * %%tl2) := do [d1, d2] ← [tl1, tl2].mmap guess_degree,
refine ``(nat_degree_mul_le.trans $ (add_le_add _ _).trans (_ : %%d1 + %%d2 ≤ %%tr))
| `(- %%f) := refine ``((nat_degree_neg _).le.trans _)
| `(X ^ %%n) := refine ``((nat_degree_X_pow_le %%n).trans _)
| (app `(⇑(@monomial %%R %%inst %%n)) x) := refine ``((nat_degree_monomial_le %%x).trans _)
| (app `(⇑C) x) := refine ``((nat_degree_C %%x).le.trans (nat.zero_le %%tr))
| `(X) := refine ``(nat_degree_X_le.trans _)
| `( := refine ``(nat_degree_zero.le.trans (nat.zero_le _))
| `( := refine ``(nat_degree_one.le.trans (nat.zero_le _))
| `(bit0 %%a) := refine ``((nat_degree_bit0 %%a).trans _)
| `(bit1 %%a) := refine ``((nat_degree_bit1 %%a).trans _)
| `(%%tl1 ^ %%n) := do
refine ``(nat_degree_pow_le.trans _),
refine ``(dite (%%n = 0) (λ (n0 : %%n = 0), (by simp only [n0, zero_mul, zero_le])) _),
n0 ← get_unused_name "n0" >>= intro,
refine ``((mul_comm _ _).le.trans ((nat.le_div_iff_mul_le' (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)).mp _)),
lem1 ← to_expr ``(nat.mul_div_cancel _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)) tt ff,
lem2 ← to_expr ``(nat.div_self (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)) tt ff,
focus1 (refine ``((%%n0 rfl).elim) <|> rewrite_target lem1 <|> rewrite_target lem2) <|> skip
| e := fail!"'{e}' is not supported"
| e := fail!("'resolve_sum_step' was called on\n" ++
"{e}\nbut it expects `f.nat_degree ≤ d`")
meta def resolve_sum_step : tactic unit := do
t ← target >>= instantiate_mvars,
`(nat_degree %%tl ≤ %%tr) ← whnf t reducible | fail!("Goal is not of the form `f.nat_degree ≤ d`"),
match tl with
| `(%%tl1 + %%tl2) := refine ``((nat_degree_add_le_iff_left _ _ _).mpr _)
| `(%%tl1 - %%tl2) := refine ``((nat_degree_sub_le_iff_left _).mpr _)
| `(%%tl1 * %%tl2) := do [d1, d2] ← [tl1, tl2].mmap guess_degree,
refine ``(nat_degree_mul_le.trans $ (add_le_add _ _).trans (_ : %%d1 + %%d2 ≤ %%tr))
| `(- %%f) := refine ``((nat_degree_neg _).le.trans _)
| `(X ^ %%n) := refine ``((nat_degree_X_pow_le %%n).trans _)
| (app `(⇑(@monomial %%R %%inst %%n)) x) := refine ``((nat_degree_monomial_le %%x).trans _)
| (app `(⇑C) x) := refine ``((nat_degree_C %%x).le.trans (nat.zero_le %%tr))
| `(X) := refine ``(nat_degree_X_le.trans _)
| `( := refine ``(nat_degree_zero.le.trans (nat.zero_le _))
| `( := refine ``(nat_degree_one.le.trans (nat.zero_le _))
| `(bit0 %%a) := refine ``((nat_degree_bit0 %%a).trans _)
| `(bit1 %%a) := refine ``((nat_degree_bit1 %%a).trans _)
| `(%%tl1 ^ %%n) := do
refine ``(nat_degree_pow_le.trans _),
refine ``(dite (%%n = 0) (λ (n0 : %%n = 0), (by simp only [n0, zero_mul, zero_le])) _),
n0 ← get_unused_name "n0" >>= intro,
refine ``((mul_comm _ _).le.trans ((nat.le_div_iff_mul_le' (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)).mp _)),
lem1 ← to_expr ``(nat.mul_div_cancel _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)) tt ff,
lem2 ← to_expr ``(nat.div_self (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)) tt ff,
focus1 (refine ``((%%n0 rfl).elim) <|> rewrite_target lem1 <|> rewrite_target lem2) <|> skip
| e := fail!"'{e}' is not supported"

/-- `norm_assum` simply tries `norm_num` and `assumption`.
It is used to try to discharge as many as possible of the side-goals of `compute_degree_le`.
Expand All @@ -130,6 +127,19 @@ meta def eval_guessing (n : ℕ) : expr → tactic ℕ
| `(max %%a %%b) := max <$> eval_guessing a <*> eval_guessing b
| e := eval_expr' ℕ e <|> pure n

/-- A general description of `compute_degree_le_aux` is in the doc-string of `compute_degree`.
The difference between the two is that `compute_degree_le_aux` makes no effort to close side-goals,
nor fails if the goal does not change. -/
meta def compute_degree_le_aux : tactic unit := do
try $ refine ``(degree_le_nat_degree.trans (with_bot.coe_le_coe.mpr _)),
`(nat_degree %%tl ≤ %%tr) ← target |
fail "Goal is not of the form\n`f.nat_degree ≤ d` or ` ≤ d`",
expected_deg ← guess_degree tl >>= eval_guessing 0,
deg_bound ← eval_expr' ℕ tr <|> pure expected_deg,
if deg_bound < expected_deg
then fail sformat!"the given polynomial has a term of expected degree\nat least '{expected_deg}'"
else repeat $ resolve_sum_step

end compute_degree

namespace interactive
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,19 +172,8 @@ by compute_degree_le
meta def compute_degree_le : tactic unit :=
do t ← target,
try $ refine ``(degree_le_nat_degree.trans (with_bot.coe_le_coe.mpr _)),
`(nat_degree %%tl ≤ %%tr) ← target |
fail "Goal is not of the form\n`f.nat_degree ≤ d` or ` ≤ d`",
expected_deg ← guess_degree tl >>= eval_guessing 0,
deg_bound ← eval_expr' ℕ tr <|> pure expected_deg,
if deg_bound < expected_deg
then fail sformat!"the given polynomial has a term of expected degree\nat least '{expected_deg}'"
repeat $ target >>= resolve_sum_step,
(do gs ← get_goals >>= list.mmap infer_type,
success_if_fail $ gs.mfirst $ unify t) <|> fail "Goal did not change",
try $ any_goals' norm_assum
focus1 $ do check_target_changes compute_degree_le_aux,
try $ any_goals' norm_assum

{ name := "compute_degree_le",
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/core.lean
Expand Up @@ -1219,6 +1219,17 @@ do r ← decorate_ex "iterate1 failed: tactic did not succeed" t,
L ← iterate t,
return (r :: L)

/-- A simple check: `check_target_changes tac` applies tactic `tac` and fails if the main target
before applying the tactic `tac` unifies with one of the goals produced by the tactic itself.
Useful to make sure that the tactic `tac` is actually making progress. -/
meta def check_target_changes (tac : tactic α) : tactic α :=
focus1 $ do
t ← target,
x ← tac,
gs ← get_goals >>= list.mmap infer_type,
(success_if_fail $ gs.mfirst $ unify t) <|> fail "Goal did not change",
pure x

/-- Introduces one or more variables and returns the new local constants.
Fails if `intro` cannot be applied. -/
meta def intros1 : tactic (list expr) :=
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/compute_degree.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ open_locale polynomial

variables {R : Type*} [semiring R] {a b c d e : R}

example {R : Type*} [ring R] (h : ∀ {p q : R[X]}, p.nat_degree ≤ 0 → (p * q).nat_degree = 0) :
nat_degree (- 1 * 1 : R[X]) = 0 :=
apply h _,

example {p : R[X]} {n : ℕ} {p0 : p.nat_degree = 0} :
(p ^ n).nat_degree ≤ 0 :=
by compute_degree_le
Expand Down

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