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chore(analysis/special_functions/pow): golf a few proofs (#8308)
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* add `ennreal.zero_rpow_mul_self` and `ennreal.mul_rpow_eq_ite`;
* use the latter lemma to golf other proofs about `(x * y) ^ z`;
* drop unneeded argument in `ennreal.inv_rpow_of_pos`, rename it to
* add `ennreal.strict_mono_rpow_of_pos` and
  `ennreal.monotone_rpow_of_nonneg`, use themm to golf some proofs.
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urkud committed Jul 14, 2021
1 parent 743209c commit 2e9aa83
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 109 deletions.
155 changes: 49 additions & 106 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/pow.lean
Expand Up @@ -1243,6 +1243,9 @@ begin
{ simp [H, asymm H, ne_of_lt, zero_rpow_of_neg] }

@[simp] lemma zero_rpow_mul_self (y : ℝ) : (0 : ℝ≥0∞) ^ y * 0 ^ y = 0 ^ y :=
by { rw zero_rpow_def, split_ifs, exacts [zero_mul _, one_mul _, top_mul_top] }

@[norm_cast] lemma coe_rpow_of_ne_zero {x : ℝ≥0} (h : x ≠ 0) (y : ℝ) :
(x : ℝ≥0∞) ^ y = (x ^ y : ℝ≥0) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1361,143 +1364,83 @@ begin
{ simp [coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ (nat.cast_nonneg n)] }

@[norm_cast] lemma coe_mul_rpow (x y : ℝ≥0) (z : ℝ) :
((x : ℝ≥0∞) * y) ^ z = x^z * y^z :=
lemma mul_rpow_eq_ite (x y : ℝ≥0) (z : ℝ) :
(x * y) ^ z = if (x = 0 ∧ y = ⊤ ∨ x = ⊤ ∧ y = 0) ∧ z < 0 thenelse x ^ z * y ^ z :=
rcases lt_trichotomy z 0 with H|H|H,
{ by_cases hx : x = 0; by_cases hy : y = 0,
{ simp [hx, hy, zero_rpow_of_neg, H] },
{ have : (y : ℝ≥0∞) ^ z ≠ 0, by simp [rpow_eq_zero_iff, hy],
simp [hx, hy, zero_rpow_of_neg, H, with_top.top_mul this] },
{ have : (x : ℝ≥0∞) ^ z ≠ 0, by simp [rpow_eq_zero_iff, hx],
simp [hx, hy, zero_rpow_of_neg H, with_top.mul_top this] },
{ rw [← coe_mul, coe_rpow_of_ne_zero, nnreal.mul_rpow, coe_mul,
coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hx, coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hy],
simp [hx, hy] } },
{ simp [H] },
{ by_cases hx : x = 0; by_cases hy : y = 0,
{ simp [hx, hy, zero_rpow_of_pos, H] },
{ have : (y : ℝ≥0∞) ^ z ≠ 0, by simp [rpow_eq_zero_iff, hy],
simp [hx, hy, zero_rpow_of_pos H, with_top.top_mul this] },
{ have : (x : ℝ≥0∞) ^ z ≠ 0, by simp [rpow_eq_zero_iff, hx],
simp [hx, hy, zero_rpow_of_pos H, with_top.mul_top this] },
{ rw [← coe_mul, coe_rpow_of_ne_zero, nnreal.mul_rpow, coe_mul,
coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hx, coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hy],
simp [hx, hy] } },
rcases eq_or_ne z 0 with rfl|hz, { simp },
replace hz := hz.lt_or_lt,
wlog hxy : x ≤ y := le_total x y using [x y, y x] tactic.skip,
{ rcases eq_or_ne x 0 with rfl|hx0,
{ induction y using with_top.rec_top_coe; cases hz with hz hz; simp [*, hz.not_lt] },
rcases eq_or_ne y 0 with rfl|hy0, { exact (hx0 (bot_unique hxy)).elim },
induction x using with_top.rec_top_coe, { cases hz with hz hz; simp [hz, top_unique hxy] },
induction y using with_top.rec_top_coe, { cases hz with hz hz; simp * },
simp only [*, false_and, and_false, false_or, if_false],
norm_cast at *,
rw [coe_rpow_of_ne_zero (mul_ne_zero hx0 hy0), nnreal.mul_rpow] },
{ convert this using 2; simp only [mul_comm, and_comm, or_comm] }

lemma mul_rpow_of_ne_top {x y : ℝ≥0∞} (hx : x ≠ ⊤) (hy : y ≠ ⊤) (z : ℝ) :
(x * y) ^ z = x^z * y^z :=
lift x to ℝ≥0 using hx,
lift y to ℝ≥0 using hy,
exact coe_mul_rpow x y z
by simp [*, mul_rpow_eq_ite]

@[norm_cast] lemma coe_mul_rpow (x y : ℝ≥0) (z : ℝ) :
((x : ℝ≥0∞) * y) ^ z = x^z * y^z :=
mul_rpow_of_ne_top coe_ne_top coe_ne_top z

lemma mul_rpow_of_ne_zero {x y : ℝ≥0∞} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) (z : ℝ) :
(x * y) ^ z = x ^ z * y ^ z :=
rcases lt_trichotomy z 0 with H|H|H,
{ cases x; cases y,
{ simp [hx, hy, top_rpow_of_neg, H] },
{ have : y ≠ 0, by simpa using hy,
simp [hx, hy, top_rpow_of_neg, H, rpow_eq_zero_iff, this] },
{ have : x ≠ 0, by simpa using hx,
simp [hx, hy, top_rpow_of_neg, H, rpow_eq_zero_iff, this] },
{ have hx' : x ≠ 0, by simpa using hx,
have hy' : y ≠ 0, by simpa using hy,
simp only [some_eq_coe],
rw [← coe_mul, coe_rpow_of_ne_zero, nnreal.mul_rpow, coe_mul,
coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hx', coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hy'],
simp [hx', hy'] } },
{ simp [H] },
{ cases x; cases y,
{ simp [hx, hy, top_rpow_of_pos, H] },
{ have : y ≠ 0, by simpa using hy,
simp [hx, hy, top_rpow_of_pos, H, rpow_eq_zero_iff, this] },
{ have : x ≠ 0, by simpa using hx,
simp [hx, hy, top_rpow_of_pos, H, rpow_eq_zero_iff, this] },
{ have hx' : x ≠ 0, by simpa using hx,
have hy' : y ≠ 0, by simpa using hy,
simp only [some_eq_coe],
rw [← coe_mul, coe_rpow_of_ne_zero, nnreal.mul_rpow, coe_mul,
coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hx', coe_rpow_of_ne_zero hy'],
simp [hx', hy'] } }
by simp [*, mul_rpow_eq_ite]

lemma mul_rpow_of_nonneg (x y : ℝ≥0∞) {z : ℝ} (hz : 0 ≤ z) :
(x * y) ^ z = x ^ z * y ^ z :=
rcases le_iff_eq_or_lt.1 hz with H|H, { simp [← H] },
by_cases h : x = 0 ∨ y = 0,
{ cases h; simp [h, zero_rpow_of_pos H] },
push_neg at h,
exact mul_rpow_of_ne_zero h.1 h.2 z
by simp [hz.not_lt, mul_rpow_eq_ite]

lemma inv_rpow_of_pos {x : ℝ≥0} {y : ℝ} (hy : 0 < y) : (x⁻¹) ^ y = (x ^ y)⁻¹ :=
lemma inv_rpow (x : ℝ≥0) (y : ℝ) : (x⁻¹) ^ y = (x ^ y)⁻¹ :=
by_cases h0 : x = 0,
{ rw [h0, zero_rpow_of_pos hy, inv_zero, top_rpow_of_pos hy], },
by_cases h_top : x = ⊤,
{ rw [h_top, top_rpow_of_pos hy, inv_top, zero_rpow_of_pos hy], },
rw ←coe_to_nnreal h_top,
have h : x.to_nnreal ≠ 0,
{ rw [ne.def, to_nnreal_eq_zero_iff],
simp [h0, h_top], },
rw [←coe_inv h, coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ (le_of_lt hy), coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ (le_of_lt hy), ←coe_inv],
{ rw coe_eq_coe,
exact nnreal.inv_rpow x.to_nnreal y, },
{ simp [h], },
rcases eq_or_ne y 0 with rfl|hy, { simp only [rpow_zero, inv_one] },
replace hy := hy.lt_or_lt,
rcases eq_or_ne x 0 with rfl|h0, { cases hy; simp * },
rcases eq_or_ne x ⊤ with rfl|h_top, { cases hy; simp * },
apply eq_inv_of_mul_eq_one,
rw [← mul_rpow_of_ne_zero (inv_ne_zero.2 h_top) h0, inv_mul_cancel h0 h_top, one_rpow]

lemma div_rpow_of_nonneg (x y : ℝ≥0∞) {z : ℝ} (hz : 0 ≤ z) :
(x / y) ^ z = x ^ z / y ^ z :=
by rw [div_eq_mul_inv, mul_rpow_of_nonneg _ _ hz, inv_rpow, div_eq_mul_inv]

lemma strict_mono_rpow_of_pos {z : ℝ} (h : 0 < z) : strict_mono (λ x : ℝ≥0∞, x ^ z) :=
by_cases h0 : z = 0,
{ simp [h0], },
rw ←ne.def at h0,
have hz_pos : 0 < z, from lt_of_le_of_ne hz h0.symm,
rw [div_eq_mul_inv, mul_rpow_of_nonneg x y⁻¹ hz, inv_rpow_of_pos hz_pos, ←div_eq_mul_inv],
intros x y hxy,
lift x to ℝ≥0 using ne_top_of_lt hxy,
rcases eq_or_ne y ∞ with rfl|hy,
{ simp only [top_rpow_of_pos h, coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ h.le, coe_lt_top] },
{ lift y to ℝ≥0 using hy,
simp only [coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ h.le, nnreal.rpow_lt_rpow (coe_lt_coe.1 hxy) h, coe_lt_coe] }

lemma monotone_rpow_of_nonneg {z : ℝ} (h : 0 ≤ z) : monotone (λ x : ℝ≥0∞, x ^ z) :=
h.eq_or_lt.elim (λ h0, h0 ▸ by simp only [rpow_zero, monotone_const])
(λ h0, (strict_mono_rpow_of_pos h0).monotone)

lemma rpow_le_rpow {x y : ℝ≥0∞} {z : ℝ} (h₁ : x ≤ y) (h₂ : 0 ≤ z) : x^z ≤ y^z :=
rcases le_iff_eq_or_lt.1 h₂ with H|H, { simp [← H, le_refl] },
cases y, { simp [top_rpow_of_pos H] },
cases x, { exact (not_top_le_coe h₁).elim },
simp at h₁,
simp [coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ h₂, nnreal.rpow_le_rpow h₁ h₂]
monotone_rpow_of_nonneg h₂ h₁

lemma rpow_lt_rpow {x y : ℝ≥0∞} {z : ℝ} (h₁ : x < y) (h₂ : 0 < z) : x^z < y^z :=
cases x, { exact (not_top_lt h₁).elim },
cases y, { simp [top_rpow_of_pos h₂, coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ (le_of_lt h₂)] },
simp at h₁,
simp [coe_rpow_of_nonneg _ (le_of_lt h₂), nnreal.rpow_lt_rpow h₁ h₂]
strict_mono_rpow_of_pos h₂ h₁

lemma rpow_le_rpow_iff {x y : ℝ≥0∞} {z : ℝ} (hz : 0 < z) : x ^ z ≤ y ^ z ↔ x ≤ y :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, rpow_le_rpow h (le_of_lt hz)⟩,
rw [←rpow_one x, ←rpow_one y, ←@_root_.mul_inv_cancel _ _ z (ne_of_lt hz).symm, rpow_mul,
rpow_mul, ←one_div],
exact rpow_le_rpow h (by simp [le_of_lt hz]),
(strict_mono_rpow_of_pos hz).le_iff_le

lemma rpow_lt_rpow_iff {x y : ℝ≥0∞} {z : ℝ} (hz : 0 < z) : x ^ z < y ^ z ↔ x < y :=
refine ⟨λ h_lt, _, λ h, rpow_lt_rpow h hz⟩,
rw [←rpow_one x, ←rpow_one y, ←@_root_.mul_inv_cancel _ _ z (ne_of_lt hz).symm, rpow_mul,
exact rpow_lt_rpow h_lt (by simp [hz]),
(strict_mono_rpow_of_pos hz).lt_iff_lt

lemma le_rpow_one_div_iff {x y : ℝ≥0∞} {z : ℝ} (hz : 0 < z) : x ≤ y ^ (1 / z) ↔ x ^ z ≤ y :=
nth_rewrite 0 ←rpow_one x,
nth_rewrite 0 ←@_root_.mul_inv_cancel _ _ z (ne_of_lt hz).symm,
nth_rewrite 0 ←@_root_.mul_inv_cancel _ _ z',
rw [rpow_mul, ←one_div, @rpow_le_rpow_iff _ _ (1/z) (by simp [hz])],

Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/data/real/ennreal.lean
Expand Up @@ -1115,6 +1115,14 @@ end
lemma inv_mul_cancel (h0 : a ≠ 0) (ht : a ≠ ∞) : a⁻¹ * a = 1 :=
mul_comm a a⁻¹ ▸ mul_inv_cancel h0 ht

lemma eq_inv_of_mul_eq_one (h : a * b = 1) : a = b⁻¹ :=
rcases eq_or_ne b ∞ with rfl|hb,
{ have : false, by simpa [left_ne_zero_of_mul_eq_one h] using h,
exact this.elim },
{ rw [← mul_one a, ← mul_inv_cancel (right_ne_zero_of_mul_eq_one h) hb, ← mul_assoc, h, one_mul] }

lemma mul_le_iff_le_inv {a b r : ℝ≥0∞} (hr₀ : r ≠ 0) (hr₁ : r ≠ ∞) : (r * a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ r⁻¹ * b) :=
by rw [← @ennreal.mul_le_mul_left _ a _ hr₀ hr₁, ← mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel hr₀ hr₁, one_mul]

Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/measure_theory/mean_inequalities.lean
Expand Up @@ -80,9 +80,8 @@ lemma fun_mul_inv_snorm_rpow {p : ℝ} (hp0 : 0 < p) {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} {a
rw [fun_mul_inv_snorm, mul_rpow_of_nonneg _ _ (le_of_lt hp0)],
suffices h_inv_rpow : ((∫⁻ (c : α), f c ^ p ∂μ) ^ (1 / p))⁻¹ ^ p = (∫⁻ (c : α), f c ^ p ∂μ)⁻¹,
by rw h_inv_rpow,
rw [inv_rpow_of_pos hp0, ←rpow_mul, div_eq_mul_inv, one_mul,
_root_.inv_mul_cancel (ne_of_lt hp0).symm, rpow_one],
by rw h_inv_rpow,
rw [inv_rpow, ← rpow_mul, one_div_mul_cancel', rpow_one]

lemma lintegral_rpow_fun_mul_inv_snorm_eq_one {p : ℝ} (hp0_lt : 0 < p) {f : α → ℝ≥0∞}
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