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feat(tactic/compute_degree + test/compute_degree): introduce a tactic…
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… for proving `f.(nat_)degree ≤ d` (#14762)

This PR is a prequel to #14040.  It introduces a simpler step than the actual computation of the degree.  This step is used by the "main" tactic `compute_degree` defined in #14040.

To help the reviewing process, I split this PR from the other one.

For a very small sample of some golfing that could be done with this tactic, see [this diff](, from #14776.
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adomani committed Jul 20, 2022
1 parent 382acc1 commit 2f5afa1
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Showing 2 changed files with 251 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/compute_degree.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Damiano Testa. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Damiano Testa

/-! # `compute_degree_le` a tactic for computing degrees of polynomials
This file defines the tactic `compute_degree_le`.
Using `compute_degree_le` when the goal is of the form `f.nat_degree ≤ d`, tries to solve the goal.
It may leave side-goals, in case it is not entirely successful.
See the doc-string for more details.
## Future work
* Deal with goals of the form `f.(nat_)degree = d` (PR #14040 does exactly this).
* Add better functionality to deal with exponents that are not necessarily closed natural numbers.
* Add support for proving goals of the from `f.(nat_)degree ≠ 0`.
* Make sure that `degree` and `nat_degree` are equally supported.
## Implementation details
We start with a goal of the form `f.(nat_)degree ≤ d`. Recurse into `f` breaking apart sums,
products and powers. Take care of numerals, `C a, X (^ n), monomial a n` separately. -/

namespace tactic
namespace compute_degree
open expr polynomial

/-- `guess_degree e` assumes that `e` is an expression in a polynomial ring, and makes an attempt
at guessing the `nat_degree` of `e`. Heuristics for `guess_degree`:
* `0, 1, C a`, guess `0`,
* `polynomial.X`, guess `1`,
* `bit0/1 f, -f`, guess `guess_degree f`,
* `f + g, f - g`, guess `max (guess_degree f) (guess_degree g)`,
* `f * g`, guess `guess_degree f + guess_degree g`,
* `f ^ n`, guess `guess_degree f * n`,
* `monomial n r`, guess `n`,
* `f` not as above, guess `f.nat_degree`.
The guessed degree should coincide with the behaviour of `resolve_sum_step`:
`resolve_sum_step` cannot solve a goal `f.nat_degree ≤ d` if `guess_degree f < d`.
meta def guess_degree : expr → tactic expr
| `( := pure `(0)
| `( := pure `(0)
| `(- %%f) := guess_degree f
| (app `(⇑C) x) := pure `(0)
| `(X) := pure `(1)
| `(bit0 %%a) := guess_degree a
| `(bit1 %%a) := guess_degree a
| `(%%a + %%b) := do [da, db] ← [a, b].mmap guess_degree,
pure $ expr.mk_app `(max : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) [da, db]
| `(%%a - %%b) := do [da, db] ← [a, b].mmap guess_degree,
pure $ expr.mk_app `(max : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) [da, db]
| `(%%a * %%b) := do [da, db] ← [a, b].mmap guess_degree,
pure $ expr.mk_app `((+) : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) [da, db]
| `(%%a ^ %%b) := do da ← guess_degree a,
pure $ expr.mk_app `((*) : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ) [da, b]
| (app `(⇑(monomial %%n)) x) := pure n
| e := do `(@polynomial %%R %%inst) ← infer_type e,
pe ← to_expr ``(@nat_degree %%R %%inst) tt ff,
pure $ expr.mk_app pe [e]

/-- `resolve_sum_step e` takes the type of the current goal `e` as input.
It tries to make progress on the goal `e` by reducing it to subgoals.
It assumes that `e` is of the form `f.nat_degree ≤ d`, failing otherwise.
`resolve_sum_step` progresses into `f` if `f` is
* a sum, difference, opposite, product, or a power;
* a monomial;
* `C a`;
* `0, 1` or `bit0 a, bit1 a` (to deal with numerals).
The side-goals produced by `resolve_sum_step` are either again of the same shape `f'.nat_degree ≤ d`
or of the form `m ≤ n`, where `m n : ℕ`.
If `d` is less than `guess_degree f`, this tactic will create unsolvable goals.
meta def resolve_sum_step : expr → tactic unit
| `(nat_degree %%tl ≤ %%tr) := match tl with
| `(%%tl1 + %%tl2) := refine ``((nat_degree_add_le_iff_left _ _ _).mpr _)
| `(%%tl1 - %%tl2) := refine ``((nat_degree_sub_le_iff_left _ _ _).mpr _)
| `(%%tl1 * %%tl2) := do [d1, d2] ← [tl1, tl2].mmap guess_degree,
refine ``(nat_degree_mul_le.trans $ (add_le_add _ _).trans (_ : %%d1 + %%d2 ≤ %%tr))
| `(- %%f) := refine ``((nat_degree_neg _).le.trans _)
| `(X ^ %%n) := refine ``((nat_degree_X_pow_le %%n).trans _)
| (app `(⇑(@monomial %%R %%inst %%n)) x) := refine ``((nat_degree_monomial_le %%x).trans _)
| (app `(⇑C) x) := refine ``((nat_degree_C %%x).le.trans (nat.zero_le %%tr))
| `(X) := refine ``(nat_degree_X_le.trans _)
| `( := refine ``(nat_degree_zero.le.trans (nat.zero_le _))
| `( := refine ``(nat_degree_one.le.trans (nat.zero_le _))
| `(bit0 %%a) := refine ``((nat_degree_bit0 %%a).trans _)
| `(bit1 %%a) := refine ``((nat_degree_bit1 %%a).trans _)
| `(%%tl1 ^ %%n) := do
refine ``(nat_degree_pow_le.trans _),
refine ``(dite (%%n = 0) (λ (n0 : %%n = 0), (by simp only [n0, zero_mul, zero_le])) _),
n0 ← get_unused_name "n0" >>= intro,
refine ``((mul_comm _ _).le.trans ((nat.le_div_iff_mul_le' (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)).mp _)),
lem1 ← to_expr ``(nat.mul_div_cancel _ (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)) tt ff,
lem2 ← to_expr ``(nat.div_self (nat.pos_of_ne_zero %%n0)) tt ff,
focus1 (refine ``((%%n0 rfl).elim) <|> rewrite_target lem1 <|> rewrite_target lem2) <|> skip
| e := fail!"'{e}' is not supported"
| e := fail!("'resolve_sum_step' was called on\n" ++
"{e}\nbut it expects `f.nat_degree ≤ d`")

/-- `norm_assum` simply tries `norm_num` and `assumption`.
It is used to try to discharge as many as possible of the side-goals of `compute_degree_le`.
Several side-goals are of the form `m ≤ n`, for natural numbers `m, n` or of the form `c ≠ 0`,
with `c` a coefficient of the polynomial `f` in question. -/
meta def norm_assum : tactic unit :=
try `[ norm_num ] >> try assumption

/-- `eval_guessing n e` takes a natural number `n` and an expression `e` and gives an
estimate for the evaluation of `eval_expr' ℕ e`. It is tailor made for estimating degrees of
It decomposes `e` recursively as a sequence of additions, multiplications and `max`.
On the atoms of the process, `eval_guessing` tries to use `eval_expr' ℕ`, resorting to using
`n` if `eval_expr' ℕ` fails.
For use with degree of polynomials, we mostly use `n = 0`. -/
meta def eval_guessing (n : ℕ) : expr → tactic ℕ
| `(%%a + %%b) := (+) <$> eval_guessing a <*> eval_guessing b
| `(%%a * %%b) := (*) <$> eval_guessing a <*> eval_guessing b
| `(max %%a %%b) := max <$> eval_guessing a <*> eval_guessing b
| e := eval_expr' ℕ e <|> pure n

end compute_degree

namespace interactive
open compute_degree polynomial

/-- `compute_degree_le` tries to solve a goal of the form `f.nat_degree ≤ d` or ` ≤ d`,
where `f : R[X]` and `d : ℕ` or `d : with_bot ℕ`.
If the given degree `d` is smaller than the one that the tactic computes,
then the tactic suggests the degree that it computed. -/
meta def compute_degree_le : tactic unit :=
do t ← target,
try $ refine ``(degree_le_nat_degree.trans (with_bot.coe_le_coe.mpr _)),
`(nat_degree %%tl ≤ %%tr) ← target |
fail "Goal is not of the form\n`f.nat_degree ≤ d` or ` ≤ d`",
expected_deg ← guess_degree tl >>= eval_guessing 0,
deg_bound ← eval_expr' ℕ tr <|> pure expected_deg,
if deg_bound < expected_deg
then fail sformat!"the given polynomial has a term of expected degree\nat least '{expected_deg}'"
repeat $ target >>= resolve_sum_step,
(do gs ← get_goals >>= list.mmap infer_type,
success_if_fail $ gs.mfirst $ unify t) <|> fail "Goal did not change",
try $ any_goals' norm_assum

{ name := "compute_degree_le",
category := doc_category.tactic,
decl_names := [`tactic.interactive.compute_degree_le],
tags := ["arithmetic, finishing"] }

end interactive

end tactic
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions test/compute_degree.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import tactic.compute_degree

open polynomial
open_locale polynomial

variables {R : Type*} [semiring R] {a b c d e : R}

example {p : R[X]} {n : ℕ} {p0 : p.nat_degree = 0} :
(p ^ n).nat_degree ≤ 0 :=
by compute_degree_le

example {p : R[X]} {n : ℕ} {p0 : p.nat_degree = 0} :
(p ^ n).nat_degree ≤ 0 :=
by cases n; compute_degree_le

example {p q r : R[X]} {a b c d e f m n : ℕ} {p0 : p.nat_degree = a} {q0 : q.nat_degree = b}
{r0 : r.nat_degree = c} :
(((q ^ e * p ^ d) ^ m * r ^ f) ^ n).nat_degree ≤ ((b * e + a * d) * m + c * f) * n :=
rw [p0, q0, r0],

example {F} [ring F] {p : F[X]} (p0 : p.nat_degree ≤ 0) :
p.nat_degree ≤ 0 :=
success_if_fail_with_msg {compute_degree_le} "Goal did not change",
exact p0,

example {F} [ring F] {p q : F[X]} (h : p.nat_degree + 1 ≤ q.nat_degree) :
(- p * X).nat_degree ≤ q.nat_degree :=
by compute_degree_le

example {F} [ring F] {a : F} {n : ℕ} (h : n ≤ 10) :
nat_degree (X ^ n - C a * X ^ 10 : F[X]) ≤ 10 :=
by compute_degree_le

example {F} [ring F] {a : F} {n : ℕ} (h : n ≤ 10) :
nat_degree (X ^ n + C a * X ^ 10 : F[X]) ≤ 10 :=
by compute_degree_le

example (n : ℕ) (h : 1 + n < 11) :
degree (5 * X ^ n + (X * monomial n 1 + X * X) + C a + C a * X ^ 10) ≤ 10 :=
{ exact h },
{ exact ((lt_one_add n).trans h) },

example {n : ℕ} (h : 1 + n < 11) :
degree (X + (X * monomial 2 1 + X * X) ^ 2) ≤ 10 :=
by compute_degree_le

example {m s: ℕ} (ms : m ≤ s) (s1 : 1 ≤ s) : nat_degree (C a * X ^ m + X + 5) ≤ s :=
by compute_degree_le; assumption

example : nat_degree (7 * X : R[X]) ≤ 1 :=
by compute_degree_le

example : (1 : polynomial R).nat_degree ≤ 0 :=
by compute_degree_le

example : nat_degree (monomial 5 c * monomial 1 c + monomial 7 d +
C a * X ^ 0 + C b * X ^ 5 + C c * X ^ 2 + X ^ 10 + C e * X) ≤ 10 :=
by compute_degree_le

example {n : ℕ} : nat_degree (0 * (X ^ 0 + X ^ n) * monomial 5 c * monomial 6 c) ≤ 9 :=
success_if_fail_with_msg {compute_degree_le}
"the given polynomial has a term of expected degree
at least '11'",
rw [zero_mul, zero_mul, zero_mul, nat_degree_zero],
exact nat.zero_le _

example : nat_degree (monomial 0 c * (monomial 0 c * C 1) + monomial 0 d + C 1 + C a * X ^ 0) ≤ 0 :=
by compute_degree_le

example {F} [ring F] {n m : ℕ} (n4 : n ≤ 4) (m4 : m ≤ 4) {a : F} :
nat_degree (C a * X ^ n + X ^ m + bit1 1 : F[X]) ≤ 4 :=
by compute_degree_le; assumption

example {F} [ring F] : nat_degree (X ^ 4 + bit1 1 : F[X]) ≤ 4 :=
by compute_degree_le

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