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feat(analysis/inner_product/orientation, geometry/euclidean/oriented_…
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…angle): use bundled orthonormal bases (#16475)

Bundled orthonormal bases (as opposed to bases with a mixin predicate `orthonormal`) were defined in #12060, and some of the use cases were switched over in #12253. This PR completes the job, switching to bundled orthonormal bases in `inner_product/orientation` and `euclidean/oriented_angle` as well as in one remaining construction (the standard ` ℝ`-orthonormal basis of `ℂ`) in `inner_product/pi_L2`.

Formalized as part of the Sphere Eversion project.  The part that I will be using in future PRs is the bundled version of the construction `orthonormal_basis.adjust_to_orientation` in `inner_product/orientation`.
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hrmacbeth committed Sep 30, 2022
1 parent 73afba4 commit 2fb109f
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64 changes: 43 additions & 21 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/orientation.lean
Expand Up @@ -21,42 +21,64 @@ orientation.
noncomputable theory

variables {E : Type*} [inner_product_space ℝ E]
variables {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι]

open finite_dimensional

/-- `basis.adjust_to_orientation`, applied to an orthonormal basis, produces an orthonormal
basis. -/
lemma orthonormal.orthonormal_adjust_to_orientation [nonempty ι] {e : basis ι ℝ E}
(h : orthonormal ℝ e) (x : orientation ℝ E ι) : orthonormal ℝ (e.adjust_to_orientation x) :=
h.orthonormal_of_forall_eq_or_eq_neg (e.adjust_to_orientation_apply_eq_or_eq_neg x)
section adjust_to_orientation
variables {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] [nonempty ι] (e : orthonormal_basis ι ℝ E)
(x : orientation ℝ E ι)

/-- An orthonormal basis, indexed by `fin n`, with the given orientation. -/
protected def orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n) (h : finrank ℝ E = n)
(x : orientation ℝ E (fin n)) : basis (fin n) ℝ E :=
/-- `orthonormal_basis.adjust_to_orientation`, applied to an orthonormal basis, produces an
orthonormal basis. -/
lemma orthonormal_basis.orthonormal_adjust_to_orientation :
orthonormal ℝ (e.to_basis.adjust_to_orientation x) :=
haveI := fin.pos_iff_nonempty.1 hn,
haveI := finite_dimensional_of_finrank (h.symm ▸ hn : 0 < finrank ℝ E),
exact (fin_std_orthonormal_basis h).to_basis.adjust_to_orientation x
apply e.orthonormal.orthonormal_of_forall_eq_or_eq_neg,
simpa using e.to_basis.adjust_to_orientation_apply_eq_or_eq_neg x

/-- `orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis` is orthonormal. -/
protected lemma orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis_orthonormal {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n)
(h : finrank ℝ E = n) (x : orientation ℝ E (fin n)) :
orthonormal ℝ (x.fin_orthonormal_basis hn h) :=
/-- Given an orthonormal basis and an orientation, return an orthonormal basis giving that
orientation: either the original basis, or one constructed by negating a single (arbitrary) basis
vector. -/
def orthonormal_basis.adjust_to_orientation : orthonormal_basis ι ℝ E :=
(e.to_basis.adjust_to_orientation x).to_orthonormal_basis (e.orthonormal_adjust_to_orientation x)

lemma orthonormal_basis.to_basis_adjust_to_orientation :
(e.adjust_to_orientation x).to_basis = e.to_basis.adjust_to_orientation x :=
(e.to_basis.adjust_to_orientation x).to_basis_to_orthonormal_basis _

/-- `adjust_to_orientation` gives an orthonormal basis with the required orientation. -/
@[simp] lemma orthonormal_basis.orientation_adjust_to_orientation :
(e.adjust_to_orientation x).to_basis.orientation = x :=
rw e.to_basis_adjust_to_orientation,
exact e.to_basis.orientation_adjust_to_orientation x,

/-- Every basis vector from `adjust_to_orientation` is either that from the original basis or its
negation. -/
lemma orthonormal_basis.adjust_to_orientation_apply_eq_or_eq_neg (i : ι) :
e.adjust_to_orientation x i = e i ∨ e.adjust_to_orientation x i = -(e i) :=
by simpa [← e.to_basis_adjust_to_orientation]
using e.to_basis.adjust_to_orientation_apply_eq_or_eq_neg x i

end adjust_to_orientation

/-- An orthonormal basis, indexed by `fin n`, with the given orientation. -/
protected def orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n) (h : finrank ℝ E = n)
(x : orientation ℝ E (fin n)) : orthonormal_basis (fin n) ℝ E :=
haveI := fin.pos_iff_nonempty.1 hn,
haveI := finite_dimensional_of_finrank (h.symm ▸ hn : 0 < finrank ℝ E),
exact (show orthonormal ℝ (fin_std_orthonormal_basis h).to_basis, -- Note sure how to format this
by simp only [orthonormal_basis.coe_to_basis, orthonormal_basis.orthonormal]
).orthonormal_adjust_to_orientation _
exact (fin_std_orthonormal_basis h).adjust_to_orientation x

/-- `orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis` gives a basis with the required orientation. -/
@[simp] lemma orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis_orientation {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n)
(h : finrank ℝ E = n) (x : orientation ℝ E (fin n)) :
(x.fin_orthonormal_basis hn h).orientation = x :=
(x.fin_orthonormal_basis hn h).to_basis.orientation = x :=
haveI := fin.pos_iff_nonempty.1 hn,
exact basis.orientation_adjust_to_orientation _ _
haveI := finite_dimensional_of_finrank (h.symm ▸ hn : 0 < finrank ℝ E),
exact (fin_std_orthonormal_basis h).orientation_adjust_to_orientation x
73 changes: 32 additions & 41 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/pi_L2.lean
Expand Up @@ -348,6 +348,11 @@ protected def map {G : Type*} [inner_product_space 𝕜 G] (b : orthonormal_basi
(b : orthonormal_basis ι 𝕜 E) (L : E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] G) (i : ι) : L i = L (b i) := rfl

@[simp] protected lemma to_basis_map {G : Type*} [inner_product_space 𝕜 G]
(b : orthonormal_basis ι 𝕜 E) (L : E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] G) :
( L).to_basis = L.to_linear_equiv :=

/-- A basis that is orthonormal is an orthonormal basis. -/
def _root_.basis.to_orthonormal_basis (v : basis ι 𝕜 E) (hv : orthonormal 𝕜 v) :
orthonormal_basis ι 𝕜 E :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,66 +475,52 @@ by { classical,

end orthonormal_basis

/-- If `f : E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] E'` is a linear isometry of inner product spaces then an orthonormal basis `v`
of `E` determines a linear isometry `e : E' ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] euclidean_space 𝕜 ι`. This result states that
`e` may be obtained either by transporting `v` to `E'` or by composing with the linear isometry
`E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] euclidean_space 𝕜 ι` provided by `v`. -/
@[simp] lemma basis.map_isometry_euclidean_of_orthonormal (v : basis ι 𝕜 E) (hv : orthonormal 𝕜 v)
(f : E ≃ₗᵢ[𝕜] E') :
(( f.to_linear_equiv).to_orthonormal_basis (hv.map_linear_isometry_equiv f)).repr =
f.symm.trans (v.to_orthonormal_basis hv).repr :=
linear_isometry_equiv.to_linear_equiv_injective $ v.map_equiv_fun _

/-- `ℂ` is isometric to `ℝ²` with the Euclidean inner product. -/
def complex.isometry_euclidean : ℂ ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] (euclidean_space ℝ (fin 2)) :=
/-- `![1, I]` is an orthonormal basis for `ℂ` considered as a real inner product space. -/
def complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I : orthonormal_basis (fin 2) ℝ ℂ :=
rw orthonormal_iff_ite,
intros i, fin_cases i;
intros j; fin_cases j;
simp [real_inner_eq_re_inner]

@[simp] lemma complex.isometry_euclidean_symm_apply (x : euclidean_space ℝ (fin 2)) :
complex.isometry_euclidean.symm x = (x 0) + (x 1) * I :=
convert complex.basis_one_I.equiv_fun_symm_apply x,
{ simpa },
{ simp },
@[simp] lemma complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I_repr_apply (z : ℂ) :
complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I.repr z = ![,] :=

lemma complex.isometry_euclidean_proj_eq_self (z : ℂ) :
↑(complex.isometry_euclidean z 0) + ↑(complex.isometry_euclidean z 1) * (I : ℂ) = z :=
by rw [← complex.isometry_euclidean_symm_apply (complex.isometry_euclidean z),
complex.isometry_euclidean.symm_apply_apply z]
@[simp] lemma complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I_repr_symm_apply (x : euclidean_space ℝ (fin 2)) :
complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I.repr.symm x = (x 0) + (x 1) * I :=

@[simp] lemma complex.isometry_euclidean_apply_zero (z : ℂ) :
complex.isometry_euclidean z 0 = :=
by { conv_rhs { rw ← complex.isometry_euclidean_proj_eq_self z }, simp }
@[simp] lemma complex.to_basis_orthonormal_basis_one_I :
complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I.to_basis = complex.basis_one_I :=
basis.to_basis_to_orthonormal_basis _ _

@[simp] lemma complex.isometry_euclidean_apply_one (z : ℂ) :
complex.isometry_euclidean z 1 = :=
by { conv_rhs { rw ← complex.isometry_euclidean_proj_eq_self z }, simp }
@[simp] lemma complex.coe_orthonormal_basis_one_I :
(complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I : (fin 2) → ℂ) = ![1, I] :=
by simp [complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I]

/-- The isometry between `ℂ` and a two-dimensional real inner product space given by a basis. -/
def complex.isometry_of_orthonormal {v : basis (fin 2) ℝ F} (hv : orthonormal ℝ v) : ℂ ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] F :=
complex.isometry_euclidean.trans (v.to_orthonormal_basis hv).repr.symm
def complex.isometry_of_orthonormal (v : orthonormal_basis (fin 2) ℝ F) : ℂ ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] F :=
complex.orthonormal_basis_one_I.repr.trans v.repr.symm

@[simp] lemma complex.map_isometry_of_orthonormal {v : basis (fin 2) ℝ F} (hv : orthonormal ℝ v)
@[simp] lemma complex.map_isometry_of_orthonormal (v : orthonormal_basis (fin 2) ℝ F)
(f : F ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] F') :
complex.isometry_of_orthonormal (hv.map_linear_isometry_equiv f) =
(complex.isometry_of_orthonormal hv).trans f :=
by simp [complex.isometry_of_orthonormal, linear_isometry_equiv.trans_assoc]
complex.isometry_of_orthonormal ( f) =
(complex.isometry_of_orthonormal v).trans f :=
by simp [complex.isometry_of_orthonormal, linear_isometry_equiv.trans_assoc,]

lemma complex.isometry_of_orthonormal_symm_apply
{v : basis (fin 2) ℝ F} (hv : orthonormal ℝ v) (f : F) :
(complex.isometry_of_orthonormal hv).symm f = (v.coord 0 f : ℂ) + (v.coord 1 f : ℂ) * I :=
(v : orthonormal_basis (fin 2) ℝ F) (f : F) :
(complex.isometry_of_orthonormal v).symm f
= (v.to_basis.coord 0 f : ℂ) + (v.to_basis.coord 1 f : ℂ) * I :=
by simp [complex.isometry_of_orthonormal]

lemma complex.isometry_of_orthonormal_apply
{v : basis (fin 2) ℝ F} (hv : orthonormal ℝ v) (z : ℂ) :
complex.isometry_of_orthonormal hv z = • v 0 + • v 1 :=
by simp [complex.isometry_of_orthonormal, (dec_trivial : (finset.univ : finset (fin 2)) = {0, 1})]
(v : orthonormal_basis (fin 2) ℝ F) (z : ℂ) :
complex.isometry_of_orthonormal v z = • v 0 + • v 1 :=
by simp [complex.isometry_of_orthonormal, ← v.sum_repr_symm]

open finite_dimensional

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