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feat(algebraic_topology/cech_nerve): The Cech nerve is a right adjoin…
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…t. (#7716)

Also fixes the namespace in the file `algebraic_topology/cech_nerve.lean`.

This is needed for LTE

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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adamtopaz and semorrison committed Jun 1, 2021
1 parent 272a930 commit 31ba155
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Showing 3 changed files with 279 additions and 2 deletions.
237 changes: 236 additions & 1 deletion src/algebraic_topology/cech_nerve.lean
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def cech_nerve : simplicial_object C :=
{ obj := λ n, wide_pullback f.right
(λ i : ulift (fin (n.unop.len + 1)), f.left) (λ i, f.hom),
map := λ m n g, wide_pullback.lift (wide_pullback.base _)
(λ i, wide_pullback.π _ $ ulift.up $ g.unop.to_preorder_hom i.down) (by tidy) }
(λ i, wide_pullback.π (λ i, f.hom) $ ulift.up $ g.unop.to_preorder_hom i.down) (by tidy) }

/-- The augmented Čech nerve associated to an arrow. -/
Expand All @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ def augmented_cech_nerve : simplicial_object.augmented C :=

end category_theory.arrow

namespace category_theory
namespace simplicial_object

variables [∀ (n : ℕ) (f : arrow C),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,4 +88,238 @@ def augmented_cech_nerve : arrow C ⥤ simplicial_object.augmented C :=
{ left := F,
right := F.right } }

/-- A helper function used in defining the Čech adjunction. -/
def equivalence_right_to_left (X : simplicial_object.augmented C) (F : arrow C)
(G : X ⟶ F.augmented_cech_nerve) : augmented.to_arrow.obj X ⟶ F :=
{ left := _ ≫ wide_pullback.π (λ i, F.hom) ⟨0⟩,
right := G.right,
w' := begin
have := G.w,
apply_fun (λ e, (opposite.op $ 0)) at this,
end }

/-- A helper function used in defining the Čech adjunction. -/
def equivalence_left_to_right (X : simplicial_object.augmented C) (F : arrow C)
(G : augmented.to_arrow.obj X ⟶ F) : X ⟶ F.augmented_cech_nerve :=
{ left :=
{ app := λ x, limits.wide_pullback.lift ( _ ≫ G.right)
(λ i, (simplex_category.const x.unop i.down).op ≫ G.left) (by tidy),
naturality' := begin
intros x y f,
{ dsimp,
simp only [wide_pullback.lift_π, category.assoc],
rw [← category.assoc, ← X.left.map_comp],
refl },
{ dsimp,
simp only [functor.const.obj_map, nat_trans.naturality_assoc,
wide_pullback.lift_base, category.assoc],
erw category.id_comp }
end },
right := G.right }

/-- A helper function used in defining the Čech adjunction. -/
def cech_nerve_equiv (X : simplicial_object.augmented C) (F : arrow C) :
(augmented.to_arrow.obj X ⟶ F) ≃ (X ⟶ F.augmented_cech_nerve) :=
{ to_fun := equivalence_left_to_right _ _,
inv_fun := equivalence_right_to_left _ _,
left_inv := begin
intro A,
{ dsimp,
erw wide_pullback.lift_π,
nth_rewrite 1 ← category.id_comp A.left,
congr' 1,
convert X.left.map_id _,
rw ← op_id,
congr' 1,
ext ⟨a,ha⟩,
change a < 1 at ha,
change 0 = a,
linarith },
{ refl, }
right_inv := begin
intro A,
ext _ ⟨j⟩,
{ dsimp,
simp only [arrow.cech_nerve_map, wide_pullback.lift_π, nat_trans.naturality_assoc],
erw wide_pullback.lift_π,
refl },
{ dsimp,
erw wide_pullback.lift_base,
have := A.w,
apply_fun (λ e, x) at this,
rw nat_trans.comp_app at this,
erw this,
refl },
{ refl }
end }

/-- The augmented Čech nerve construction is right adjoint to the `to_arrow` functor. -/
abbreviation cech_nerve_adjunction :
(augmented.to_arrow : _ ⥤ arrow C) ⊣ augmented_cech_nerve :=
adjunction.mk_of_hom_equiv { hom_equiv := cech_nerve_equiv }

end simplicial_object

end category_theory

namespace category_theory.arrow

variables (f : arrow C)
variables [∀ n : ℕ, has_wide_pushout f.left (λ i : ulift (fin (n+1)), f.right) (λ i, f.hom)]

/-- The Čech conerve associated to an arrow. -/
def cech_conerve : cosimplicial_object C :=
{ obj := λ n, wide_pushout f.left
(λ i : ulift (fin (n.len + 1)), f.right) (λ i, f.hom),
map := λ m n g, wide_pushout.desc (wide_pushout.head _)
(λ i, wide_pushout.ι (λ i, f.hom) $ ulift.up $ g.to_preorder_hom i.down)
rintros ⟨⟨j⟩⟩,
rw [wide_pushout.arrow_ι (λ i, f.hom)],
end }

/-- The augmented Čech conerve associated to an arrow. -/
def augmented_cech_conerve : cosimplicial_object.augmented C :=
{ left := f.left,
right := f.cech_conerve,
hom := { app := λ i, wide_pushout.head _ } }

end category_theory.arrow

namespace category_theory
namespace cosimplicial_object

variables [∀ (n : ℕ) (f : arrow C),
has_wide_pushout f.left (λ i : ulift (fin (n+1)), f.right) (λ i, f.hom)]

/-- The Čech conerve construction, as a functor from `arrow C`. -/
def cech_conerve : arrow C ⥤ cosimplicial_object C :=
{ obj := λ f, f.cech_conerve,
map := λ f g F,
{ app := λ n, wide_pushout.desc (F.left ≫ wide_pushout.head _)
(λ i, F.right ≫ wide_pushout.ι _ i)
(λ i, by { rw [←arrow.w_assoc F, wide_pushout.arrow_ι (λ i, g.hom)], }) },
-- tidy needs a bit of help here...
map_id' := by { intros i, ext, tidy },
map_comp' := begin
intros f g h F G,
all_goals {
simp only [category.assoc, limits.wide_pushout.head_desc_assoc,
limits.wide_pushout.ι_desc_assoc, limits.colimit.ι_desc],
simpa only [← category.assoc], },
end }

/-- The augmented Čech conerve construction, as a functor from `arrow C`. -/
def augmented_cech_conerve : arrow C ⥤ cosimplicial_object.augmented C :=
{ obj := λ f, f.augmented_cech_conerve,
map := λ f g F,
{ left := F.left,
right := F, } }

/-- A helper function used in defining the Čech conerve adjunction. -/
def equivalence_left_to_right (F : arrow C) (X : cosimplicial_object.augmented C)
(G : F.augmented_cech_conerve ⟶ X) : F ⟶ augmented.to_arrow.obj X :=
{ left := G.left,
right :=
(wide_pushout.ι (λ i, F.hom) (_root_.ulift.up 0) ≫ ( 0) : _),
w' := begin
have := G.w,
apply_fun (λ e, ( 0)) at this,
dsimp at this,
simpa only [category_theory.functor.id_map, augmented.to_arrow_obj_hom,
wide_pushout.arrow_ι_assoc (λ i, F.hom)],
end }

/-- A helper function used in defining the Čech conerve adjunction. -/
def equivalence_right_to_left (F : arrow C) (X : cosimplicial_object.augmented C)
(G : F ⟶ augmented.to_arrow.obj X) : F.augmented_cech_conerve ⟶ X :=
{ left := G.left,
right := { app := λ x, limits.wide_pushout.desc (G.left ≫ _)
(λ i, G.right ≫ (simplex_category.const x i.down))
rintros ⟨j⟩,
rw ←arrow.w_assoc G,
have t := X.hom.naturality (x.const j),
dsimp at t, simp only [category.id_comp] at t,
rw ←t,
naturality' := begin
intros x y f,
{ dsimp,
simp only [wide_pushout.ι_desc_assoc, wide_pushout.ι_desc],
rw [category.assoc, ←X.right.map_comp],
refl },
{ dsimp,
simp only [functor.const.obj_map, ←nat_trans.naturality,
wide_pushout.head_desc_assoc, wide_pushout.head_desc, category.assoc],
erw category.id_comp }
end }, }

/-- A helper function used in defining the Čech conerve adjunction. -/
def cech_conerve_equiv (F : arrow C) (X : cosimplicial_object.augmented C) :
(F.augmented_cech_conerve ⟶ X) ≃ (F ⟶ augmented.to_arrow.obj X) :=
{ to_fun := equivalence_left_to_right _ _,
inv_fun := equivalence_right_to_left _ _,
left_inv := begin
intro A,
{ refl, },
{ cases j,
simp only [arrow.cech_conerve_map, wide_pushout.ι_desc, category.assoc,
←nat_trans.naturality, wide_pushout.ι_desc_assoc],
refl },
{ dsimp,
erw wide_pushout.head_desc,
have := A.w,
apply_fun (λ e, x) at this,
rw nat_trans.comp_app at this,
erw this,
refl },
right_inv := begin
intro A,
{ refl, },
{ dsimp,
erw wide_pushout.ι_desc,
nth_rewrite 1 ← category.comp_id A.right,
congr' 1,
convert X.right.map_id _,
ext ⟨a,ha⟩,
change a < 1 at ha,
change 0 = a,
linarith },
end }

/-- The augmented Čech conerve construction is left adjoint to the `to_arrow` functor. -/
abbreviation cech_conerve_adjunction :
augmented_cech_conerve ⊣ (augmented.to_arrow : _ ⥤ arrow C) :=
adjunction.mk_of_hom_equiv { hom_equiv := cech_conerve_equiv }

end cosimplicial_object

end category_theory
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/simplex_category.lean
Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,14 @@ instance small_category : small_category.{u} simplex_category :=
id := λ m, _,
comp := λ _ _ _ f g, simplex_category.hom.comp g f, }

/-- The constant morphism from [0]. -/
def const (x : simplex_category.{u}) (i : fin (x.len+1)) : [0] ⟶ x := $ ⟨λ _, i, by tauto⟩

lemma const_comp (x y : simplex_category.{u}) (i : fin (x.len + 1)) (f : x ⟶ y) :
const x i ≫ f = const y (f.to_preorder_hom i) := rfl

Make a morphism `[n] ⟶ [m]` from a monotone map between fin's.
This is useful for constructing morphisms beetween `[n]` directly
Expand Down
36 changes: 35 additions & 1 deletion src/algebraic_topology/simplicial_object.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import category_theory.category.ulift
import category_theory.limits.functor_category
import category_theory.opposites
import category_theory.adjunction.limits
import category_theory.comma
import category_theory.arrow

# Simplicial objects in a category.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +180,23 @@ def drop : augmented C ⥤ simplicial_object C := comma.fst _ _
def point : augmented C ⥤ C := comma.snd _ _

/-- The functor from augmented objects to arrows. -/
def to_arrow : augmented C ⥤ arrow C :=
{ obj := λ X,
{ left := (drop.obj X) _[0],
right := (point.obj X),
hom := _ },
map := λ X Y η,
{ left := ( η).app _,
right := ( η),
w' := begin
rw ← nat_trans.comp_app,
erw η.w,
end } }

variable (C)

/-- Functor composition induces a functor on augmented simplicial objects. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,6 +383,23 @@ def drop : augmented C ⥤ cosimplicial_object C := comma.snd _ _
def point : augmented C ⥤ C := comma.fst _ _

/-- The functor from augmented objects to arrows. -/
def to_arrow : augmented C ⥤ arrow C :=
{ obj := λ X,
{ left := (point.obj X),
right := (drop.obj X) _[0],
hom := _ },
map := λ X Y η,
{ left := ( η),
right := ( η).app _,
w' := begin
rw ← nat_trans.comp_app,
erw ← η.w,
end } }

variable (C)

/-- Functor composition induces a functor on augmented cosimplicial objects. -/
Expand Down

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