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refactor(linear_algebra/trace): unbundle matrix.trace (#13712)
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These extra type arguments are annoying to work with in many cases, especially when Lean doesn't have any information to infer the mostly-irrelevant `R` argument from. This came up while trying to work with `continuous.matrix_trace`, which is annoying to use for that reason.
The old bundled version is still available as `matrix.trace_linear_map`.

The cost of this change is that we have to copy across the usual set of obvious lemmas about additive maps; but we already do this for `diagonal`, `transpose` etc anyway.
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eric-wieser committed May 2, 2022
1 parent a627569 commit 320df45
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Showing 10 changed files with 138 additions and 77 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/algebra/lie/classical.lean
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Expand Up @@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ variables [decidable_eq n] [decidable_eq p] [decidable_eq q] [decidable_eq l]
variables [comm_ring R]

@[simp] lemma matrix_trace_commutator_zero [fintype n] (X Y : matrix n n R) :
matrix.trace n R R ⁅X, Y⁆ = 0 :=
calc _ = matrix.trace n R R (X ⬝ Y) - matrix.trace n R R (Y ⬝ X) : linear_map.map_sub _ _ _
... = matrix.trace n R R (X ⬝ Y) - matrix.trace n R R (X ⬝ Y) :
matrix.trace ⁅X, Y⁆ = 0 :=
calc _ = matrix.trace (X ⬝ Y) - matrix.trace (Y ⬝ X) : trace_sub _ _
... = matrix.trace (X ⬝ Y) - matrix.trace (X ⬝ Y) :
congr_arg (λ x, _ - x) (matrix.trace_mul_comm Y X)
... = 0 : sub_self _

Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace special_linear
/-- The special linear Lie algebra: square matrices of trace zero. -/
def sl [fintype n] : lie_subalgebra R (matrix n n R) :=
{ lie_mem' := λ X Y _ _, linear_map.mem_ker.2 $ matrix_trace_commutator_zero _ _ _ _,
..linear_map.ker (matrix.trace n R R) }
..linear_map.ker (matrix.trace_linear_map n R R) }

lemma sl_bracket [fintype n] (A B : sl n R) : ⁅A, B⁆.val = A.val ⬝ B.val - B.val ⬝ A.val := rfl

Expand All @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ variables {n} [fintype n] (i j : n)
basis of sl n R. -/
def Eb (h : j ≠ i) : sl n R :=
⟨matrix.std_basis_matrix i j (1 : R),
show matrix.std_basis_matrix i j (1 : R) ∈ linear_map.ker (matrix.trace n R R),
show matrix.std_basis_matrix i j (1 : R) ∈ linear_map.ker (matrix.trace_linear_map n R R),
from matrix.std_basis_matrix.trace_zero i j (1 : R) h⟩

@[simp] lemma Eb_val (h : j ≠ i) : (Eb R i j h).val = matrix.std_basis_matrix i j 1 := rfl
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/adj_matrix.lean
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Expand Up @@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ by simp [mul_apply, neighbor_finset_eq_filter, sum_filter, adj_comm]

variable (α)

theorem trace_adj_matrix [non_assoc_semiring α] [semiring β] [module β α]:
matrix.trace _ β _ (G.adj_matrix α) = 0 :=
by simp
@[simp] theorem trace_adj_matrix [add_comm_monoid α] [has_one α] :
matrix.trace (G.adj_matrix α) = 0 :=
by simp [matrix.trace]

variable {α}

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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/data/matrix/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -368,6 +368,18 @@ lemma diag_map {f : α → β} {A : matrix n n α} : diag ( f) = f ∘ diag
@[simp] lemma diag_conj_transpose [add_monoid α] [star_add_monoid α] (A : matrix n n α) :
diag Aᴴ = star (diag A) := rfl

@[simp] lemma diag_list_sum [add_monoid α] (l : list (matrix n n α)) :
diag l.sum = ( diag).sum :=
map_list_sum (diag_add_monoid_hom n α) l

@[simp] lemma diag_multiset_sum [add_comm_monoid α] (s : multiset (matrix n n α)) :
diag s.sum = ( diag).sum :=
map_multiset_sum (diag_add_monoid_hom n α) s

@[simp] lemma diag_sum {ι} [add_comm_monoid α] (s : finset ι) (f : ι → matrix n n α) :
diag (∑ i in s, f i) = ∑ i in s, diag (f i) :=
map_sum (diag_add_monoid_hom n α) f s

end diag

section dot_product
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/data/matrix/basis.lean
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Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ by { ext j, by_cases hij : i = j; try {rw hij}; simp [hij] }

variable [fintype n]

lemma trace_zero (h : j ≠ i) : trace n α α (std_basis_matrix i j c) = 0 := by simp [h]
@[simp] lemma trace_zero (h : j ≠ i) : trace (std_basis_matrix i j c) = 0 := by simp [trace, h]

@[simp] lemma trace_eq : trace (std_basis_matrix i i c) = c := by simp [trace]

@[simp] lemma mul_left_apply_same (b : n) (M : matrix n n α) :
(std_basis_matrix i j c ⬝ M) i b = c * M j b :=
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/data/matrix/hadamard.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ section trace
variables [fintype m] [fintype n]
variables (R) [semiring α] [semiring R] [module R α]

lemma sum_hadamard_eq : ∑ (i : m) (j : n), (A ⊙ B) i j = trace m R α (A ⬝ Bᵀ) :=
lemma sum_hadamard_eq : ∑ (i : m) (j : n), (A ⊙ B) i j = trace (A ⬝ Bᵀ) :=

lemma dot_product_vec_mul_hadamard [decidable_eq m] [decidable_eq n] (v : m → α) (w : n → α) :
dot_product (vec_mul v (A ⊙ B)) w = trace m R α (diagonal v ⬝ A ⬝ (B ⬝ diagonal w)ᵀ) :=
dot_product (vec_mul v (A ⊙ B)) w = trace (diagonal v ⬝ A ⬝ (B ⬝ diagonal w)ᵀ) :=
rw [←sum_hadamard_eq, finset.sum_comm],
simp [dot_product, vec_mul, finset.sum_mul, mul_assoc],
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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions src/linear_algebra/matrix/charpoly/coeff.lean
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Expand Up @@ -118,11 +118,12 @@ begin

theorem trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff [nonempty n] (M : matrix n n R) :
(trace n R R) M = -M.charpoly.coeff (fintype.card n - 1) :=
trace M = -M.charpoly.coeff (fintype.card n - 1) :=
rw charpoly_coeff_eq_prod_coeff_of_le, swap, refl,
rw [fintype.card, prod_X_sub_C_coeff_card_pred univ (λ i : n, M i i)], simp,
rw [← fintype.card, fintype.card_pos_iff], apply_instance,
rw [fintype.card, prod_X_sub_C_coeff_card_pred univ (λ i : n, M i i) fintype.card_pos, neg_neg,

-- I feel like this should use polynomial.alg_hom_eval₂_algebra_map
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,16 +210,16 @@ end
by { have h := finite_field.matrix.charpoly_pow_card M, rwa zmod.card at h, }

lemma finite_field.trace_pow_card {K : Type*} [field K] [fintype K]
(M : matrix n n K) : trace n K K (M ^ (fintype.card K)) = (trace n K K M) ^ (fintype.card K) :=
(M : matrix n n K) : trace (M ^ (fintype.card K)) = trace M ^ (fintype.card K) :=
casesI is_empty_or_nonempty n,
{ simp [zero_pow fintype.card_pos], },
{ simp [zero_pow fintype.card_pos, matrix.trace], },
rw [matrix.trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff, matrix.trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff,
finite_field.matrix.charpoly_pow_card, finite_field.pow_card]

lemma zmod.trace_pow_card {p:ℕ} [fact] (M : matrix n n (zmod p)) :
trace n (zmod p) (zmod p) (M ^ p) = (trace n (zmod p) (zmod p) M)^p :=
lemma zmod.trace_pow_card {p : ℕ} [fact] (M : matrix n n (zmod p)) :
trace (M ^ p) = (trace M)^p :=
by { have h := finite_field.trace_pow_card M, rwa zmod.card at h, }

namespace matrix
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128 changes: 87 additions & 41 deletions src/linear_algebra/matrix/trace.lean
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Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import data.matrix.basic
# Trace of a matrix
This file defines the trace of a matrix, the linear map
sending a matrix to the sum of its diagonal entries.
This file defines the trace of a matrix, the map sending a matrix to the sum of its diagonal
See also `linear_algebra.trace` for the trace of an endomorphism.
Expand All @@ -19,79 +19,125 @@ matrix, trace, diagonal

open_locale big_operators
open_locale matrix
open_locale big_operators matrix

namespace matrix

section trace
variables {ι m n p : Type*} {α R S : Type*}
variables [fintype m] [fintype n] [fintype p]

universes u v w
section add_comm_monoid
variables [add_comm_monoid R]

variables {m : Type*} (n : Type*) {p : Type*}
variables (R : Type*) (M : Type*) [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
/-- The trace of a square matrix. For more bundled versions, see:
* `matrix.trace_add_monoid_hom`
* `matrix.trace_linear_map`
def trace (A : matrix n n R) : R := ∑ i, diag A i

variables (n) (R) (M)
variables (n R)
@[simp] lemma trace_zero : trace (0 : matrix n n R) = 0 :=
(finset.sum_const (0 : R)).trans $ smul_zero _
variables {n R}

The trace of a square matrix.
def trace [fintype n] : (matrix n n M) →ₗ[R] M :=
{ to_fun := λ A, ∑ i, diag A i,
map_add' := by { intros, apply finset.sum_add_distrib, },
map_smul' := by { intros, simp [finset.smul_sum], } }
@[simp] lemma trace_add (A B : matrix n n R) : trace (A + B) = trace A + trace B :=

@[simp] lemma trace_smul [monoid α] [distrib_mul_action α R] (r : α) (A : matrix n n R) :
trace (r • A) = r • trace A :=

@[simp] lemma trace_transpose (A : matrix n n R) : trace Aᵀ = trace A := rfl

variables (n α R)
/-- `matrix.trace` as an `add_monoid_hom` -/
def trace_add_monoid_hom : matrix n n R →+ R :=
{ to_fun := trace, map_zero' := trace_zero n R, map_add' := trace_add }

/-- `matrix.trace` as a `linear_map` -/
def trace_linear_map [semiring α] [module α R] : matrix n n R →ₗ[α] R :=
{ to_fun := trace, map_add' := trace_add, map_smul' := trace_smul }
variables {n α R}

@[simp] lemma trace_list_sum (l : list (matrix n n R)) : trace l.sum = ( trace).sum :=
map_list_sum (trace_add_monoid_hom n R) l

@[simp] lemma trace_multiset_sum (s : multiset (matrix n n R)) : trace s.sum = ( trace).sum :=
map_multiset_sum (trace_add_monoid_hom n R) s

variables {n} {R} {M} [fintype n] [fintype m] [fintype p]
@[simp] lemma trace_sum (s : finset ι) (f : ι → matrix n n R) :
trace (∑ i in s, f i) = ∑ i in s, trace (f i) :=
map_sum (trace_add_monoid_hom n R) f s

@[simp] lemma trace_diag (A : matrix n n M) : trace n R M A = ∑ i, diag A i := rfl
end add_comm_monoid

lemma trace_apply (A : matrix n n M) : trace n R M A = ∑ i, A i i := rfl
section add_comm_group
variables [add_comm_group R]

@[simp] lemma trace_one [decidable_eq n] :
trace n R R 1 = fintype.card n :=
have h : trace n R R 1 = ∑ i, diag 1 i := rfl,
by simp_rw [h, diag_one, pi.one_def, finset.sum_const, nsmul_one]; refl
@[simp] lemma trace_sub (A B : matrix n n R) : trace (A - B) = trace A - trace B :=

@[simp] lemma trace_transpose (A : matrix n n M) : trace n R M Aᵀ = trace n R M A := rfl
@[simp] lemma trace_neg (A : matrix n n R) : trace (-A) = -trace A :=

@[simp] lemma trace_transpose_mul (A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) :
trace n R R (Aᵀ ⬝ Bᵀ) = trace m R R (A ⬝ B) := finset.sum_comm
end add_comm_group

lemma trace_mul_comm {S : Type v} [comm_semiring S] (A : matrix m n S) (B : matrix n m S) :
trace m S S (A ⬝ B) = trace n S S (B ⬝ A) :=
section one
variables [decidable_eq n] [add_comm_monoid R] [has_one R]

@[simp] lemma trace_one : trace (1 : matrix n n R) = fintype.card n :=
by simp_rw [trace, diag_one, pi.one_def, finset.sum_const, nsmul_one, finset.card_univ]

end one

section mul

@[simp] lemma trace_transpose_mul [add_comm_monoid R] [has_mul R]
(A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) : trace (Aᵀ ⬝ Bᵀ) = trace (A ⬝ B) := finset.sum_comm

lemma trace_mul_comm [add_comm_monoid R] [comm_semigroup R] (A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n m R) :
trace (A ⬝ B) = trace (B ⬝ A) :=
by rw [←trace_transpose, ←trace_transpose_mul, transpose_mul]

lemma trace_mul_cycle {S : Type v} [comm_semiring S]
(A : matrix m n S) (B : matrix n p S) (C : matrix p m S) :
trace _ S S (A ⬝ B ⬝ C) = trace p S S (C ⬝ A ⬝ B) :=
lemma trace_mul_cycle [non_unital_comm_semiring R]
(A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n p R) (C : matrix p m R) :
trace (A ⬝ B ⬝ C) = trace (C ⬝ A ⬝ B) :=
by rw [trace_mul_comm, matrix.mul_assoc]

lemma trace_mul_cycle' {S : Type v} [comm_semiring S]
(A : matrix m n S) (B : matrix n p S) (C : matrix p m S) :
trace _ S S (A ⬝ (B ⬝ C)) = trace p S S (C ⬝ (A ⬝ B)) :=
lemma trace_mul_cycle' [non_unital_comm_semiring R]
(A : matrix m n R) (B : matrix n p R) (C : matrix p m R) :
trace (A ⬝ (B ⬝ C)) = trace (C ⬝ (A ⬝ B)) :=
by rw [←matrix.mul_assoc, trace_mul_comm]

@[simp] lemma trace_col_mul_row (a b : n → R) : trace n R R (col a ⬝ row b) = dot_product a b :=
by simp [dot_product]
@[simp] lemma trace_col_mul_row [non_unital_non_assoc_semiring R] (a b : n → R) :
trace (col a ⬝ row b) = dot_product a b :=
by simp [dot_product, trace]

end mul

section fin
variables [add_comm_monoid R]

/-! ### Special cases for `fin n`
While `simp [fin.sum_univ_succ]` can prove these, we include them for convenience and consistency
with `matrix.det_fin_two` etc.

@[simp] lemma trace_fin_zero (A : matrix (fin 0) (fin 0) R) : trace _ R R A = 0 :=
@[simp] lemma trace_fin_zero (A : matrix (fin 0) (fin 0) R) : trace A = 0 :=

lemma trace_fin_one (A : matrix (fin 1) (fin 1) R) : trace _ R R A = A 0 0 :=
lemma trace_fin_one (A : matrix (fin 1) (fin 1) R) : trace A = A 0 0 :=
add_zero _

lemma trace_fin_two (A : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) : trace _ R R A = A 0 0 + A 1 1 :=
lemma trace_fin_two (A : matrix (fin 2) (fin 2) R) : trace A = A 0 0 + A 1 1 :=
congr_arg ((+) _) (add_zero (A 1 1))

lemma trace_fin_three (A : matrix (fin 3) (fin 3) R) : trace _ R R A = A 0 0 + A 1 1 + A 2 2 :=
lemma trace_fin_three (A : matrix (fin 3) (fin 3) R) : trace A = A 0 0 + A 1 1 + A 2 2 :=
by { rw [← add_zero (A 2 2), add_assoc], refl }

end trace
end fin

end matrix
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/linear_algebra/trace.lean
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Expand Up @@ -41,29 +41,29 @@ variables (b : basis ι R M) (c : basis κ R M)
/-- The trace of an endomorphism given a basis. -/
def trace_aux :
(M →ₗ[R] M) →ₗ[R] R :=
(matrix.trace ι R R) ∘ₗ ↑(linear_map.to_matrix b b)
(matrix.trace_linear_map ι R R) ∘ₗ ↑(linear_map.to_matrix b b)

-- Can't be `simp` because it would cause a loop.
lemma trace_aux_def (b : basis ι R M) (f : M →ₗ[R] M) :
trace_aux R b f = matrix.trace ι R R (linear_map.to_matrix b b f) :=
trace_aux R b f = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix b b f) :=

theorem trace_aux_eq : trace_aux R b = trace_aux R c :=
linear_map.ext $ λ f,
calc matrix.trace ι R R (linear_map.to_matrix b b f)
= matrix.trace ι R R (linear_map.to_matrix b b (( f).comp :
calc matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix b b f)
= matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix b b (( f).comp :
by rw [linear_map.id_comp, linear_map.comp_id]
... = matrix.trace ι R R (linear_map.to_matrix c b ⬝
... = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix c b ⬝
linear_map.to_matrix c c f ⬝
linear_map.to_matrix b c :
by rw [linear_map.to_matrix_comp _ c, linear_map.to_matrix_comp _ c]
... = matrix.trace κ R R (linear_map.to_matrix c c f ⬝
... = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix c c f ⬝
linear_map.to_matrix b c ⬝
linear_map.to_matrix c b :
by rw [matrix.mul_assoc, matrix.trace_mul_comm]
... = matrix.trace κ R R (linear_map.to_matrix c c ((f.comp :
... = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix c c ((f.comp :
by rw [linear_map.to_matrix_comp _ b, linear_map.to_matrix_comp _ c]
... = matrix.trace κ R R (linear_map.to_matrix c c f) :
... = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix c c f) :
by rw [linear_map.comp_id, linear_map.comp_id]

open_locale classical
Expand All @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ variables (R) {M}
/-- Auxiliary lemma for `trace_eq_matrix_trace`. -/
theorem trace_eq_matrix_trace_of_finset {s : finset M} (b : basis s R M)
(f : M →ₗ[R] M) :
trace R M f = matrix.trace s R R (linear_map.to_matrix b b f) :=
trace R M f = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix b b f) :=
have ∃ (s : finset M), nonempty (basis s R M),
from ⟨s, ⟨b⟩⟩,
by { rw [trace, dif_pos this, ← trace_aux_def], congr' 1, apply trace_aux_eq }

theorem trace_eq_matrix_trace (f : M →ₗ[R] M) :
trace R M f = matrix.trace ι R R (linear_map.to_matrix b b f) :=
trace R M f = matrix.trace (linear_map.to_matrix b b f) :=
by rw [trace_eq_matrix_trace_of_finset R b.reindex_finset_range,
← trace_aux_def, ← trace_aux_def, trace_aux_eq R b]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ begin
simp only [function.comp_app, basis.tensor_product_apply, basis.coe_dual_basis, coe_comp],
rw [trace_eq_matrix_trace R b, to_matrix_dual_tensor_hom],
by_cases hij : i = j,
{ rw [hij], simp},
{ rw [hij], simp },
rw matrix.std_basis_matrix.trace_zero j i (1:R) hij,
simp [finsupp.single_eq_pi_single, hij],
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/ring_theory/trace.lean
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Expand Up @@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ variables {R}

-- Can't be a `simp` lemma because it depends on a choice of basis
lemma trace_eq_matrix_trace [decidable_eq ι] (b : basis ι R S) (s : S) :
trace R S s = matrix.trace _ R _ (algebra.left_mul_matrix b s) :=
trace R S s = matrix.trace (algebra.left_mul_matrix b s) :=
by rw [trace_apply, linear_map.trace_eq_matrix_trace _ b, to_matrix_lmul_eq]

/-- If `x` is in the base field `K`, then the trace is `[L : K] * x`. -/
lemma trace_algebra_map_of_basis (x : R) :
trace R S (algebra_map R S x) = fintype.card ι • x :=
haveI := classical.dec_eq ι,
rw [trace_apply, linear_map.trace_eq_matrix_trace R b, trace_diag],
rw [trace_apply, linear_map.trace_eq_matrix_trace R b, matrix.trace],
convert finset.sum_const _,
ext i,
Expand All @@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ begin
haveI := classical.dec_eq ι,
haveI := classical.dec_eq κ,
rw [trace_eq_matrix_trace (b.smul c), trace_eq_matrix_trace b, trace_eq_matrix_trace c,
matrix.trace_apply, matrix.trace_apply, matrix.trace_apply,
matrix.trace, matrix.trace, matrix.trace,
← finset.univ_product_univ, finset.sum_product],
refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ i _, _),
simp only [alg_hom.map_sum, smul_left_mul_matrix, finset.sum_apply,
simp only [alg_hom.map_sum, smul_left_mul_matrix, finset.sum_apply, matrix.diag,
-- The unifier is not smart enough to apply this one by itself:
finset.sum_apply i _ (λ y, left_mul_matrix b (left_mul_matrix c x y y))]
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