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refactor(ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev): move lemmas around (#6510)
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As discussed in #6501, split up the old file `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic`, moving half its contents to `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.defs` and the other half to `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.dickson`.
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hrmacbeth committed Mar 3, 2021
1 parent 383dd2b commit 3309ce2
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Showing 5 changed files with 141 additions and 173 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/special_functions/trigonometric.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Chris Hughes, Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir, Jean Lo, Calle Sönne, Benjamin
import analysis.special_functions.exp_log
import data.set.intervals.infinite
import algebra.quadratic_discriminant
import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.defs
import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev
import analysis.calculus.times_cont_diff

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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin
Authors: Johan Commelin, Heather Macbeth

import data.polynomial.derivative
Expand All @@ -13,24 +13,28 @@ import tactic.ring
The Chebyshev polynomials are two families of polynomials indexed by `ℕ`,
with integral coefficients.
See the file `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic` for more properties.
## Main definitions
* `polynomial.chebyshev₁`: the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
* `polynomial.chebyshev₂`: the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
## Main statements
* The formal derivative of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind is a scalar multiple of the
Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
* `polynomial.mul_chebyshev₁`, the product of the `m`-th and `(m + k)`-th Chebyshev polynomials of
the first kind is the sum of the `(2 * m + k)`-th and `k`-th Chebyshev polynomials of the first
* `polynomial.chebyshev₁_mul`, the `(m * n)`-th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind is the
composition of the `m`-th and `n`-th Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
## Implementation details
In this file we only give definitions and some very elementary simp-lemmas.
This way, we can import this file in `analysis.special_functions.trigonometric`,
and import that file in turn, in `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic`.
Since Chebyshev polynomials have interesting behaviour over the complex numbers and modulo `p`,
we define them to have coefficients in an arbitrary commutative ring, even though
technically `ℤ` would suffice.
The benefit of allowing arbitrary coefficient rings, is that the statements afterwards are clean,
and do not have `map (int.cast_ring_hom R)` interfering all the time.
## References
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,4 +250,63 @@ begin
by ring,

variables (R)

/-- The product of two Chebyshev polynomials is the sum of two other Chebyshev polynomials. -/
lemma mul_chebyshev₁ :
∀ m : ℕ, ∀ k,
2 * chebyshev₁ R m * chebyshev₁ R (m + k) = chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k) + chebyshev₁ R k
| 0 := by simp [two_mul, add_mul]
| 1 := by simp [add_comm]
| (m + 2) := begin
intros k,
-- clean up the `chebyshev₁` nat indices in the goal
suffices : 2 * chebyshev₁ R (m + 2) * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2)
= chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k + 4) + chebyshev₁ R k,
{ have h_nat₁ : 2 * (m + 2) + k = 2 * m + k + 4 := by ring,
have h_nat₂ : m + 2 + k = m + k + 2 := by simp [add_comm, add_assoc],
simpa [h_nat₁, h_nat₂] using this },
-- clean up the `chebyshev₁` nat indices in the inductive hypothesis applied to `m + 1` and
-- `k + 1`
have H₁ : 2 * chebyshev₁ R (m + 1) * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2)
= chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k + 3) + chebyshev₁ R (k + 1),
{ have h_nat₁ : m + 1 + (k + 1) = m + k + 2 := by ring,
have h_nat₂ : 2 * (m + 1) + (k + 1) = 2 * m + k + 3 := by ring,
simpa [h_nat₁, h_nat₂] using mul_chebyshev₁ (m + 1) (k + 1) },
-- clean up the `chebyshev₁` nat indices in the inductive hypothesis applied to `m` and `k + 2`
have H₂ : 2 * chebyshev₁ R m * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2)
= chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k + 2) + chebyshev₁ R (k + 2),
{ have h_nat₁ : 2 * m + (k + 2) = 2 * m + k + 2 := by simp [add_assoc],
have h_nat₂ : m + (k + 2) = m + k + 2 := by simp [add_assoc],
simpa [h_nat₁, h_nat₂] using mul_chebyshev₁ m (k + 2) },
-- state the `chebyshev₁` recurrence relation for a few useful indices
have h₁ := chebyshev₁_add_two R m,
have h₂ := chebyshev₁_add_two R (2 * m + k + 2),
have h₃ := chebyshev₁_add_two R k,
-- the desired identity is an appropriate linear combination of H₁, H₂, h₁, h₂, h₃
-- it would be really nice here to have a linear algebra tactic!!
apply_fun (λ p, 2 * X * p) at H₁,
apply_fun (λ p, 2 * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2) * p) at h₁,
have e₁ := congr (congr_arg has_add.add H₁) h₁,
have e₂ := congr (congr_arg has_sub.sub e₁) H₂,
have e₃ := congr (congr_arg has_sub.sub e₂) h₂,
have e₄ := congr (congr_arg has_sub.sub e₃) h₃,
rw ← sub_eq_zero at e₄ ⊢,
rw ← e₄,

/-- The `(m * n)`-th Chebyshev polynomial is the composition of the `m`-th and `n`-th -/
lemma chebyshev₁_mul :
∀ m : ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, chebyshev₁ R (m * n) = (chebyshev₁ R m).comp (chebyshev₁ R n)
| 0 := by simp
| 1 := by simp
| (m + 2) := begin
intros n,
have : 2 * chebyshev₁ R n * chebyshev₁ R ((m + 1) * n)
= chebyshev₁ R ((m + 2) * n) + chebyshev₁ R (m * n),
{ convert mul_chebyshev₁ R n (m * n); ring },
simp [this, chebyshev₁_mul m, ← chebyshev₁_mul (m + 1)]

end polynomial
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/default.lean

This file was deleted.

91 changes: 0 additions & 91 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/dickson.lean

This file was deleted.

@@ -1,105 +1,102 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2021 Julian Kuelshammer. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Heather Macbeth
Authors: Julian Kuelshammer

import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.defs
import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.dickson
import ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev
import ring_theory.localization
import data.zmod.basic
import algebra.invertible

# Chebyshev polynomials
# Dickson polynomials
The (generalised) Dickson polynomials are a family of polynomials indexed by `ℕ × ℕ`,
with coefficients in a commutative ring `R` depending on an element `a∈R`. More precisely, the
they satisfy the recursion `dickson k a (n + 2) = X * (dickson k a n + 1) - a * (dickson k a n)`
with starting values `dickson k a 0 = 3 - k` and `dickson k a 1 = X`. In the literature,
`dickson k a n` is called the `n`-th Dickson polynomial of the `k`-th kind associated to the
parameter `a : R`. They are closely related to the Chebyshev polynomials in the case that `a=1`.
When `a=0` they are just the family of monomials `X ^ n`.
The Chebyshev polynomials are two families of polynomials indexed by `ℕ`,
with integral coefficients.
In this file, we only consider Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
## Main definition
* `polynomial.dickson`: the generalised Dickson polynomials.
## Main statements
* `polynomial.mul_chebyshev₁`, the product of the `m`-th and `(m + k)`-th Chebyshev polynomials is
the sum of the `(2 * m + k)`-th and `k`-th Chebyshev polynomials
* `polynomial.chebyshev₁_mul`, the `(m * n)`-th Chebyshev polynomial is the composition
of the `m`-th and `n`-th Chebyshev polynomials.
* `polynomial.dickson_one_one_mul`, the `(m * n)`-th Dickson polynomial of the first kind for
parameter `1 : R` is the composition of the `m`-th and `n`-th Dickson polynomials of the first
kind for `1 : R`.
* `polynomial.dickson_one_one_char_p`, for a prime number `p`, the `p`-th Dickson polynomial of the
first kind associated to parameter `1 : R` is congruent to `X ^ p` modulo `p`.
## Implementation details
## References
Since Chebyshev polynomials have interesting behaviour over the complex numbers and modulo `p`,
we define them to have coefficients in an arbitrary commutative ring, even though
technically `ℤ` would suffice.
The benefit of allowing arbitrary coefficient rings, is that the statements afterwards are clean,
and do not have `map (int.cast_ring_hom R)` interfering all the time.
* [R. Lidl, G. L. Mullen and G. Turnwald, _Dickson polynomials_][MR1237403]
* Redefine `dickson` in terms of `linear_recurrence`.
* Show that `dickson 2 1` is equal to the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix of a
type A Dynkin diagram.
* Prove that the adjacency matrices of simply laced Dynkin diagrams are precisely the adjacency
matrices of simple connected graphs which annihilate `dickson 2 1`.

noncomputable theory

namespace polynomial
variables (R S : Type*) [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S]

/-- The product of two Chebyshev polynomials is the sum of two other Chebyshev polynomials. -/
lemma mul_chebyshev₁ :
∀ m : ℕ, ∀ k,
2 * chebyshev₁ R m * chebyshev₁ R (m + k) = chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k) + chebyshev₁ R k
| 0 := by simp [two_mul, add_mul]
| 1 := by simp [add_comm]
| (m + 2) := begin
intros k,
-- clean up the `chebyshev₁` nat indices in the goal
suffices : 2 * chebyshev₁ R (m + 2) * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2)
= chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k + 4) + chebyshev₁ R k,
{ have h_nat₁ : 2 * (m + 2) + k = 2 * m + k + 4 := by ring,
have h_nat₂ : m + 2 + k = m + k + 2 := by simp [add_comm, add_assoc],
simpa [h_nat₁, h_nat₂] using this },
-- clean up the `chebyshev₁` nat indices in the inductive hypothesis applied to `m + 1` and
-- `k + 1`
have H₁ : 2 * chebyshev₁ R (m + 1) * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2)
= chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k + 3) + chebyshev₁ R (k + 1),
{ have h_nat₁ : m + 1 + (k + 1) = m + k + 2 := by ring,
have h_nat₂ : 2 * (m + 1) + (k + 1) = 2 * m + k + 3 := by ring,
simpa [h_nat₁, h_nat₂] using mul_chebyshev₁ (m + 1) (k + 1) },
-- clean up the `chebyshev₁` nat indices in the inductive hypothesis applied to `m` and `k + 2`
have H₂ : 2 * chebyshev₁ R m * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2)
= chebyshev₁ R (2 * m + k + 2) + chebyshev₁ R (k + 2),
{ have h_nat₁ : 2 * m + (k + 2) = 2 * m + k + 2 := by simp [add_assoc],
have h_nat₂ : m + (k + 2) = m + k + 2 := by simp [add_assoc],
simpa [h_nat₁, h_nat₂] using mul_chebyshev₁ m (k + 2) },
-- state the `chebyshev₁` recurrence relation for a few useful indices
have h₁ := chebyshev₁_add_two R m,
have h₂ := chebyshev₁_add_two R (2 * m + k + 2),
have h₃ := chebyshev₁_add_two R k,
-- the desired identity is an appropriate linear combination of H₁, H₂, h₁, h₂, h₃
-- it would be really nice here to have a linear algebra tactic!!
apply_fun (λ p, 2 * X * p) at H₁,
apply_fun (λ p, 2 * chebyshev₁ R (m + k + 2) * p) at h₁,
have e₁ := congr (congr_arg has_add.add H₁) h₁,
have e₂ := congr (congr_arg has_sub.sub e₁) H₂,
have e₃ := congr (congr_arg has_sub.sub e₂) h₂,
have e₄ := congr (congr_arg has_sub.sub e₃) h₃,
rw ← sub_eq_zero at e₄ ⊢,
rw ← e₄,

variables {R S : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] (k : ℕ) (a : R)

/-- `dickson` is the `n`the (generalised) Dickson polynomial of the `k`-th kind associated to the
element `a ∈ R`. -/
noncomputable def dickson : ℕ → polynomial R
| 0 := 3 - k
| 1 := X
| (n + 2) := X * dickson (n + 1) - (C a) * dickson n

@[simp] lemma dickson_zero : dickson k a 0 = 3 - k := rfl
@[simp] lemma dickson_one : dickson k a 1 = X := rfl
lemma dickson_two : dickson k a 2 = X ^ 2 - C a * (3 - k) :=
by simp only [dickson, pow_two]
@[simp] lemma dickson_add_two (n : ℕ) :
dickson k a (n + 2) = X * dickson k a (n + 1) - C a * dickson k a n :=
by rw dickson

lemma dickson_of_two_le {n : ℕ} (h : 2 ≤ n) :
dickson k a n = X * dickson k a (n - 1) - C a * dickson k a (n - 2) :=
obtain ⟨n, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_le h,
rw add_comm,
exact dickson_add_two k a n

/-- The `(m * n)`-th Chebyshev polynomial is the composition of the `m`-th and `n`-th -/
lemma chebyshev₁_mul :
∀ m : ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, chebyshev₁ R (m * n) = (chebyshev₁ R m).comp (chebyshev₁ R n)
| 0 := by simp
| 1 := by simp
| (m + 2) := begin
intros n,
have : 2 * chebyshev₁ R n * chebyshev₁ R ((m + 1) * n)
= chebyshev₁ R ((m + 2) * n) + chebyshev₁ R (m * n),
{ convert mul_chebyshev₁ R n (m * n); ring },
simp [this, chebyshev₁_mul m, ← chebyshev₁_mul (m + 1)]
variables {R S k a}

lemma map_dickson (f : R →+* S) :
∀ (n : ℕ), map f (dickson k a n) = dickson k (f a) n
| 0 := by simp only [dickson_zero, map_sub, map_nat_cast, bit1, bit0, map_add, map_one]
| 1 := by simp only [dickson_one, map_X]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [dickson_add_two, map_sub, map_mul, map_X, map_C],
rw [map_dickson, map_dickson]

variable {R}

@[simp] lemma dickson_two_zero :
∀ (n : ℕ), dickson 2 (0 : R) n = X ^ n
| 0 := by { simp only [dickson_zero, pow_zero], norm_num }
| 1 := by simp only [dickson_one, pow_one]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [dickson_add_two, C_0, zero_mul, sub_zero],
rw [dickson_two_zero, pow_add X (n + 1) 1, mul_comm, pow_one]

section dickson
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