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refactor(analysis/seminorm): Weaken typeclasses (#10999)
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This weakens `normed_field` to the appropriate `normed_whatever`.
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YaelDillies committed Dec 23, 2021
1 parent cce09a6 commit 3362b1e
Showing 1 changed file with 134 additions and 89 deletions.
223 changes: 134 additions & 89 deletions src/analysis/seminorm.lean
Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,11 @@ open_locale pointwise topological_space

variables {𝕜 E : Type*}

section normed_field
variables (𝕜) [normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E]
section semi_normed_ring
variables [semi_normed_ring 𝕜]

section has_scalar
variables (𝕜) [has_scalar 𝕜 E]

/-- A set `A` absorbs another set `B` if `B` is contained in all scalings of
`A` by elements of sufficiently large norms. -/
Expand All @@ -84,77 +87,44 @@ def absorbent (A : set E) := ∀ x, ∃ r, 0 < r ∧ ∀ a : 𝕜, r ≤ ∥a∥
has norm less than or equal to one. -/
def balanced (A : set E) := ∀ a : 𝕜, ∥a∥ ≤ 1 → a • A ⊆ A

variables {𝕜} (a : 𝕜) {A B : set E}
variables {𝕜} {A B : set E}

/-- A balanced set absorbs itself. -/
lemma balanced.absorbs_self (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) : absorbs 𝕜 A A :=
use [1, zero_lt_one],
intros a ha x hx,
rw mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀,
{ apply hA a⁻¹,
{ rw norm_inv, exact inv_le_one ha },
{ rw mem_smul_set, use [x, hx] }},
{ rw ←norm_pos_iff, calc 0 < 1 : zero_lt_one ... ≤ ∥a∥ : ha, }
lemma balanced.univ : balanced 𝕜 (univ : set E) := λ a ha, subset_univ _

lemma balanced.univ : balanced 𝕜 (univ : set E) :=
λ a ha, subset_univ _

lemma balanced.union {A₁ A₂ : set E} (hA₁ : balanced 𝕜 A₁) (hA₂ : balanced 𝕜 A₂) :
balanced 𝕜 (A₁ ∪ A₂) :=
lemma balanced.union (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) (hB : balanced 𝕜 B) : balanced 𝕜 (A ∪ B) :=
intros a ha t ht,
rw [smul_set_union] at ht,
exact ht.imp (λ x, hA _ ha x) (λ x, hA₂ _ ha x),
exact ht.imp (λ x, hA _ ha x) (λ x, hB _ ha x),

lemma balanced.inter {A₁ A₂ : set E} (hA₁ : balanced 𝕜 A₁) (hA₂ : balanced 𝕜 A₂) :
balanced 𝕜 (A₁ ∩ A₂) :=
end has_scalar

section add_comm_group
variables [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E}

lemma balanced.inter (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) (hB : balanced 𝕜 B) : balanced 𝕜 (A ∩ B) :=
rintro a ha _ ⟨x, ⟨hx₁, hx₂⟩, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨hA _ ha ⟨_, hx₁, rfl⟩, hA₂ _ ha ⟨_, hx₂, rfl⟩⟩,
exact ⟨hA _ ha ⟨_, hx₁, rfl⟩, hB _ ha ⟨_, hx₂, rfl⟩⟩,

lemma balanced.add {A₁ A₂ : set E} (hA₁ : balanced 𝕜 A₁) (hA₂ : balanced 𝕜 A₂) :
balanced 𝕜 (A₁ + A₂) :=
lemma balanced.add (hA₁ : balanced 𝕜 A) (hA₂ : balanced 𝕜 B) : balanced 𝕜 (A + B) :=
rintro a ha _ ⟨_, ⟨x, y, hx, hy, rfl⟩, rfl⟩,
rw smul_add,
exact ⟨_, _, hA₁ _ ha ⟨_, hx, rfl⟩, hA₂ _ ha ⟨_, hy, rfl⟩, rfl⟩,

lemma balanced.smul (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) : balanced 𝕜 (a • A) :=
rintro b hb _ ⟨_, ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨b • x, hA _ hb ⟨_, hx, rfl⟩, smul_comm _ _ _⟩,

lemma balanced.subset_smul (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) {a : 𝕜} (ha : 1 ≤ ∥a∥) : A ⊆ a • A :=
refine (subset_set_smul_iff₀ _).2 (hA (a⁻¹) _),
{ rintro rfl,
rw norm_zero at ha,
exact zero_lt_one.not_le ha },
{ rw norm_inv,
exact inv_le_one ha }

lemma balanced.smul_eq (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) {a : 𝕜} (ha : ∥a∥ = 1) : a • A = A :=
(hA _ ha.le).antisymm $ hA.subset_smul

lemma absorbent.subset (hA : absorbent 𝕜 A) (hAB : A ⊆ B) : absorbent 𝕜 B :=
rintro x,
obtain ⟨r, hr, hx⟩ := hA x,
refine ⟨r, hr, λ a ha, (set_smul_subset_set_smul_iff₀ _).2 hAB $ hx a ha⟩,
rintro rfl,
rw norm_zero at ha,
exact hr.not_le ha,
exact ⟨r, hr, λ a ha, set.smul_set_mono hAB $ hx a ha⟩,

lemma absorbent_iff_forall_absorbs_singleton : absorbent 𝕜 A ↔ ∀ x, absorbs 𝕜 A {x} :=
by simp [absorbs, absorbent]
by simp_rw [absorbs, absorbent, singleton_subset_iff]

lemma absorbent_iff_nonneg_lt : absorbent 𝕜 A ↔ ∀ x, ∃ r, 0 ≤ r ∧ ∀ a : 𝕜, r < ∥a∥ → x ∈ a • A :=
Expand All @@ -168,9 +138,50 @@ begin
λ a ha, hx a ((lt_add_of_pos_right r zero_lt_one).trans_le ha)⟩ }

Properties of balanced and absorbent sets in a topological vector space:
end add_comm_group
end semi_normed_ring

section normed_comm_ring
variables [normed_comm_ring 𝕜] [add_comm_monoid E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} (a : 𝕜)

lemma balanced.smul (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) : balanced 𝕜 (a • A) :=
rintro b hb _ ⟨_, ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨b • x, hA _ hb ⟨_, hx, rfl⟩, smul_comm _ _ _⟩,

end normed_comm_ring

section normed_field
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] {A B : set E} {a : 𝕜}

/-- A balanced set absorbs itself. -/
lemma balanced.absorbs_self (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) : absorbs 𝕜 A A :=
use [1, zero_lt_one],
intros a ha x hx,
rw mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀,
{ apply hA a⁻¹,
{ rw norm_inv, exact inv_le_one ha },
{ rw mem_smul_set, use [x, hx] }},
{ rw ←norm_pos_iff, calc 0 < 1 : zero_lt_one ... ≤ ∥a∥ : ha, }

lemma balanced.subset_smul (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) (ha : 1 ≤ ∥a∥) : A ⊆ a • A :=
refine (subset_set_smul_iff₀ _).2 (hA (a⁻¹) _),
{ rintro rfl,
rw norm_zero at ha,
exact zero_lt_one.not_le ha },
{ rw norm_inv,
exact inv_le_one ha }

lemma balanced.smul_eq (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) (ha : ∥a∥ = 1) : a • A = A :=
(hA _ ha.le).antisymm $ hA.subset_smul

/-! #### Topological vector space -/

variables [topological_space E] [has_continuous_smul 𝕜 E]

/-- Every neighbourhood of the origin is absorbent. -/
Expand All @@ -185,19 +196,15 @@ begin
use [(r/2)⁻¹, hr₃],
intros a ha₁,
have ha₂ : 0 < ∥a∥ := hr₃.trans_le ha₁,
have ha₃ : a ⁻¹ • x ∈ w,
{ apply hr₂,
rw [metric.mem_ball, dist_zero_right, norm_inv],
calc ∥a∥⁻¹ ≤ r/2 : (inv_le (half_pos hr₁) ha₂).mp ha₁
... < r : half_lt_self hr₁ },
rw [mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ ( ha₂)],
exact hw₁ ha₃,
refine hw₁ (hr₂ _),
rw [metric.mem_ball, dist_zero_right, norm_inv],
calc ∥a∥⁻¹ ≤ r/2 : (inv_le (half_pos hr₁) ha₂).mp ha₁
... < r : half_lt_self hr₁,

/-- The union of `{0}` with the interior of a balanced set
is balanced. -/
lemma balanced_zero_union_interior (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) :
balanced 𝕜 ({(0 : E)} ∪ interior A) :=
/-- The union of `{0}` with the interior of a balanced set is balanced. -/
lemma balanced_zero_union_interior (hA : balanced 𝕜 A) : balanced 𝕜 ({(0 : E)} ∪ interior A) :=
intros a ha, by_cases a = 0,
{ rw [h, zero_smul_set],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,18 +240,23 @@ end normed_field
/-- A seminorm on a vector space over a normed field is a function to
the reals that is positive semidefinite, positive homogeneous, and
subadditive. -/
structure seminorm (𝕜 : Type*) (E : Type*)
[normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] :=
structure seminorm (𝕜 : Type*) (E : Type*) [semi_normed_ring 𝕜] [add_monoid E] [has_scalar 𝕜 E] :=
(to_fun : E → ℝ)
(smul' : ∀ (a : 𝕜) (x : E), to_fun (a • x) = ∥a∥ * to_fun x)
(triangle' : ∀ x y : E, to_fun (x + y) ≤ to_fun x + to_fun y)

namespace seminorm
section normed_field
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E]
section semi_normed_ring
variables [semi_normed_ring 𝕜]

section add_monoid
variables [add_monoid E]

section has_scalar
variables [has_scalar 𝕜 E]

instance : inhabited (seminorm 𝕜 E) :=
⟨{ to_fun := λ _, 0,
⟨{ to_fun := λ _, 0,
smul' := λ _ _, (mul_zero _).symm,
triangle' := λ x y, by rw add_zero }⟩

Expand All @@ -262,57 +274,90 @@ variables (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (c : 𝕜) (x y : E) (r : ℝ)

protected lemma smul : p (c • x) = ∥c∥ * p x := p.smul' _ _
protected lemma triangle : p (x + y) ≤ p x + p y := p.triangle' _ _
protected lemma sub_le : p (x - y) ≤ p x + p y :=
p (x - y)
= p (x + -y) : by rw sub_eq_add_neg
... ≤ p x + p (-y) : p.triangle x (-y)
... = p x + p y : by rw [←neg_one_smul 𝕜 y, p.smul, norm_neg, norm_one, one_mul]

end has_scalar

section smul_with_zero
variables [smul_with_zero 𝕜 E] (p : seminorm 𝕜 E)

protected lemma zero : p 0 = 0 :=
calc p 0 = p ((0 : 𝕜) • 0) : by rw zero_smul
... = 0 : by rw [p.smul, norm_zero, zero_mul]

end smul_with_zero
end add_monoid

section norm_one_class
variables [norm_one_class 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (x y : E) (r : ℝ)

protected lemma neg : p (-x) = p x :=
calc p (-x) = p ((-1 : 𝕜) • x) : by rw neg_one_smul
... = p x : by rw [p.smul, norm_neg, norm_one, one_mul]

protected lemma sub_le : p (x - y) ≤ p x + p y :=
p (x - y)
= p (x + -y) : by rw sub_eq_add_neg
... ≤ p x + p (-y) : p.triangle x (-y)
... = p x + p y : by rw p.neg

lemma nonneg : 0 ≤ p x :=
have h: 02 * p x, from
calc 0 = p (x + (- x)) : by rw [add_neg_self,]
... ≤ p x + p (-x) : p.triangle _ _
... = 2 * p x : by rw [p.neg, two_mul],
nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left h zero_lt_two

lemma sub_rev : p (x - y) = p (y - x) :=
by rw [←neg_sub, p.neg]
lemma sub_rev : p (x - y) = p (y - x) := by rw [←neg_sub, p.neg]

end norm_one_class

/-- The ball of radius `r` at `x` with respect to seminorm `p`
is the set of elements `y` with `p (y - x) < `r`. -/
def ball (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) (x : E) (r : ℝ) := { y : E | p (y - x) < r }
/-! ### Seminorm ball -/

lemma mem_ball : y ∈ ball p x r ↔ p (y - x) < r :=
section add_comm_group
variables [add_comm_group E]

lemma mem_ball_zero : y ∈ ball p 0 r ↔ p y < r :=
by rw [mem_ball, sub_zero]
section has_scalar
variables [has_scalar 𝕜 E] (p : seminorm 𝕜 E)

/-- The ball of radius `r` at `x` with respect to seminorm `p` is the set of elements `y` with
`p (y - x) < `r`. -/
def ball (x : E) (r : ℝ) := { y : E | p (y - x) < r }

variables {x y : E} {r : ℝ}

lemma mem_ball : y ∈ ball p x r ↔ p (y - x) < r := iff.rfl

lemma ball_zero_eq : ball p 0 r = { y : E | p y < r } :=
set.ext $ λ x,by { rw mem_ball_zero, exact iff.rfl }
lemma mem_ball_zero : y ∈ ball p 0 r ↔ p y < r := by rw [mem_ball, sub_zero]

lemma ball_zero_eq : ball p 0 r = { y : E | p y < r } := set.ext $ λ x, p.mem_ball_zero

end has_scalar

section module
variables [norm_one_class 𝕜] [module 𝕜 E] (p : seminorm 𝕜 E)

/-- Seminorm-balls at the origin are balanced. -/
lemma balanced_ball_zero : balanced 𝕜 (ball p 0 r) :=
lemma balanced_ball_zero (r : ℝ): balanced 𝕜 (ball p 0 r) :=
rintro a ha x ⟨y, hy, hx⟩,
rw [mem_ball_zero, ←hx, p.smul],
calc _ ≤ p y : mul_le_of_le_one_left (p.nonneg _) ha
... < r : by rwa mem_ball_zero at hy,

end module
end add_comm_group
end semi_normed_ring

section normed_field
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [add_comm_group E] [module 𝕜 E] (p : seminorm 𝕜 E) {A B : set E}
{a : 𝕜} {r : ℝ} {x : E}

/-- Seminorm-balls at the origin are absorbent. -/
lemma absorbent_ball_zero {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) : absorbent 𝕜 (ball p (0 : E) r) :=
lemma absorbent_ball_zero (hr : 0 < r) : absorbent 𝕜 (ball p (0 : E) r) :=
rw absorbent_iff_nonneg_lt,
rintro x,
Expand All @@ -328,10 +373,10 @@ lemma absorbent_ball (hpr : p x < r) : absorbent 𝕜 (ball p x r) :=
refine (p.absorbent_ball_zero $ sub_pos.2 hpr).subset (λ y hy, _),
rw p.mem_ball_zero at hy,
exact (p.mem_ball _ _ _).2 ((p.sub_le _ _).trans_lt $ add_lt_of_lt_sub_right hy),
exact p.mem_ball.2 ((p.sub_le _ _).trans_lt $ add_lt_of_lt_sub_right hy),

lemma symmetric_ball_zero {x : E} (hx : x ∈ ball p 0 r) : -x ∈ ball p 0 r :=
lemma symmetric_ball_zero (r : ℝ) (hx : x ∈ ball p 0 r) : -x ∈ ball p 0 r :=
balanced_ball_zero p r (-1) (by rw [norm_neg, norm_one]) ⟨x, hx, by rw [neg_smul, one_smul]⟩

end normed_field
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,7 +409,7 @@ lemma convex_ball : convex ℝ (ball p x r) :=
convert (p.convex_on.translate_left (-x)).convex_lt r,
ext y,
rw [preimage_univ, sep_univ, p.mem_ball x y r, sub_eq_add_neg],
rw [preimage_univ, sep_univ, p.mem_ball, sub_eq_add_neg],

Expand Down

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