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refactor(group_theory/free_abelian_group): Make proofs more robust (#…
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Reduce the API breakage by proving `distrib (free_abelian_group α)` and `has_distrib_neg (free_abelian_group α)` earlier. Protect lemmas to avoid shadowing the root ones.

Co-authored-by: Kevin Buzzard <>
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YaelDillies and kbuzzard committed May 14, 2022
1 parent 9f5b328 commit 3824493
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 69 deletions.
145 changes: 76 additions & 69 deletions src/group_theory/free_abelian_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ corresponding to the evaluation of the induced map `free_abelian_group X → A`
def lift_add_group_hom {α} (β) [add_comm_group β] (a : free_abelian_group α) : (α → β) →+ β :=' (λ f, lift f a) (lift.add' a)

lemma lift_neg' {β} [add_comm_group β] (f : α → β) : lift (-f) = -lift f :=
add_monoid_hom.ext $ λ _, (lift_add_group_hom _ _ : (α → β) →+ β).map_neg _

section monad

variables {β : Type u}
Expand All @@ -197,17 +200,17 @@ free_abelian_group.induction_on z C0 C1 Cn Cp
@[simp] lemma map_pure (f : α → β) (x : α) : f <$> (pure x : free_abelian_group α) = pure (f x) :=

@[simp] lemma map_zero (f : α → β) : f <$> (0 : free_abelian_group α) = 0 :=
@[simp] protected lemma map_zero (f : α → β) : f <$> (0 : free_abelian_group α) = 0 :=
(lift (of ∘ f)).map_zero

@[simp] lemma map_add (f : α → β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
@[simp] protected lemma map_add (f : α → β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
f <$> (x + y) = f <$> x + f <$> y :=
(lift _).map_add _ _

@[simp] lemma map_neg (f : α → β) (x : free_abelian_group α) : f <$> (-x) = -(f <$> x) :=
@[simp] protected lemma map_neg (f : α → β) (x : free_abelian_group α) : f <$> (-x) = -(f <$> x) :=
(lift _).map_neg _

@[simp] lemma map_sub (f : α → β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
@[simp] protected lemma map_sub (f : α → β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
f <$> (x - y) = f <$> x - f <$> y :=
(lift _).map_sub _ _

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ def seq_add_group_hom (f : free_abelian_group (α → β)) :
free_abelian_group α →+ free_abelian_group β :=' ((<*>) f)
(λ x y, show lift (<$> (x+y)) _ = _,
by { simp only [map_add], exact lift.add' f _ _, })
by { simp only [free_abelian_group.map_add], exact lift.add' f _ _, })

@[simp] lemma seq_zero (f : free_abelian_group (α → β)) : f <*> 0 = 0 :=
(seq_add_group_hom f).map_zero
Expand All @@ -273,8 +276,9 @@' ((<*>) f)
(seq_add_group_hom f).map_sub x y

instance : is_lawful_monad free_abelian_group.{u} :=
{ id_map := λ α x, free_abelian_group.induction_on' x (map_zero id) (λ x, map_pure id x)
(λ x ih, by rw [map_neg, ih]) (λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [map_add, ihx, ihy]),
{ id_map := λ α x, free_abelian_group.induction_on' x (free_abelian_group.map_zero id)
(map_pure id) (λ x ih, by rw [free_abelian_group.map_neg, ih])
(λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [free_abelian_group.map_add, ihx, ihy]),
pure_bind := λ α β x f, pure_bind f x,
bind_assoc := λ α β γ x f g, free_abelian_group.induction_on' x
(by iterate 3 { rw zero_bind }) (λ x, by iterate 2 { rw pure_bind })
Expand All @@ -283,14 +287,15 @@ instance : is_lawful_monad free_abelian_group.{u} :=

instance : is_comm_applicative free_abelian_group.{u} :=
{ commutative_prod := λ α β x y, free_abelian_group.induction_on' x
(by rw [map_zero, zero_seq, seq_zero])
(by rw [free_abelian_group.map_zero, zero_seq, seq_zero])
(λ p, by rw [map_pure, pure_seq]; exact free_abelian_group.induction_on' y
(by rw [map_zero, map_zero, zero_seq])
(by rw [free_abelian_group.map_zero, free_abelian_group.map_zero, zero_seq])
(λ q, by rw [map_pure, map_pure, pure_seq, map_pure])
(λ q ih, by rw [map_neg, map_neg, neg_seq, ih])
(λ y₁ y₂ ih1 ih2, by rw [map_add, map_add, add_seq, ih1, ih2]))
(λ p ih, by rw [map_neg, neg_seq, seq_neg, ih])
(λ x₁ x₂ ih1 ih2, by rw [map_add, add_seq, seq_add, ih1, ih2]) }
(λ q ih, by rw [free_abelian_group.map_neg, free_abelian_group.map_neg, neg_seq, ih])
(λ y₁ y₂ ih1 ih2,
by rw [free_abelian_group.map_add, free_abelian_group.map_add, add_seq, ih1, ih2]))
(λ p ih, by rw [free_abelian_group.map_neg, neg_seq, seq_neg, ih])
(λ x₁ x₂ ih1 ih2, by rw [free_abelian_group.map_add, add_seq, seq_add, ih1, ih2]) }

end monad
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,67 +337,74 @@ lemma map_comp_apply {f : α → β} {g : β → γ} (x : free_abelian_group α)

variable (α)

section monoid

variables {R : Type*} [monoid α] [ring R]
section has_mul
variables [has_mul α]

instance : semigroup (free_abelian_group α) :=
{ mul := λ x, lift $ λ x₂, lift (λ x₁, of $ x₁ * x₂) x,
mul_assoc := λ x y z, begin
unfold has_mul.mul,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on z (by simp) _ _ _,
{ intros L3, rw [lift.of, lift.of],
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on y (by simp) _ _ _,
{ intros L2, iterate 3 { rw lift.of },
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (by simp) _ _ _,
{ intros L1, iterate 3 { rw lift.of }, congr' 1, exact mul_assoc _ _ _ },
{ intros L1 ih, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw ih },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L2 ih, iterate 4 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw ih },
{ intros y1 y2 ih1 ih2, iterate 4 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L3 ih, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw ih },
{ intros z1 z2 ih1 ih2, iterate 2 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2],
exact ((lift _).map_add _ _).symm }
end }
instance : has_mul (free_abelian_group α) := ⟨λ x, lift $ λ x₂, lift (λ x₁, of $ x₁ * x₂) x⟩

variable {α}

lemma mul_def (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
x * y = lift (λ x₂, lift (λ x₁, of (x₁ * x₂)) x) y := rfl
lemma mul_def (x y : free_abelian_group α) : x * y = lift (λ x₂, lift (λ x₁, of (x₁ * x₂)) x) y :=

lemma of_mul_of (x y : α) : of x * of y = of (x * y) := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_mul_of (x y : α) : of x * of y = of (x * y) := rfl
lemma of_mul (x y : α) : of (x * y) = of x * of y := rfl

variable (α)
instance : distrib (free_abelian_group α) :=
{ add := (+),
left_distrib := λ x y z, (lift _).map_add _ _,
right_distrib := λ x y z, by simp only [(*), map_add, ←pi.add_def, lift.add'],
..free_abelian_group.has_mul _ }

instance : non_unital_non_assoc_ring (free_abelian_group α) :=
{ zero_mul := λ a, by { have h : 0 * a + 0 * a = 0 * a, by simp [←add_mul], simpa using h },
mul_zero := λ a, rfl,
..free_abelian_group.distrib, ..free_abelian_group.add_comm_group _ }

end has_mul

instance [has_one α] : has_one (free_abelian_group α) := ⟨of 1

instance [semigroup α] : non_unital_ring (free_abelian_group α) :=
{ mul := (*),
mul_assoc := λ x y z, begin
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on z (by simp) (λ L3, _) (λ L3 ih, _) (λ z₁ z₂ ih₁ ih₂, _),
{ refine free_abelian_group.induction_on y (by simp) (λ L2, _) (λ L2 ih, _)
(λ y₁ y₂ ih₁ ih₂, _),
{ refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (by simp) (λ L1, _) (λ L1 ih, _)
(λ x₁ x₂ ih₁ ih₂, _),
{ rw [of_mul_of, of_mul_of, of_mul_of, of_mul_of, mul_assoc] },
{ rw [neg_mul, neg_mul, neg_mul, ih] },
{ rw [add_mul, add_mul, add_mul, ih₁, ih₂] } },
{ rw [neg_mul, mul_neg, mul_neg, neg_mul, ih] },
{ rw [add_mul, mul_add, mul_add, add_mul, ih₁, ih₂] } },
{ rw [mul_neg, mul_neg, mul_neg, ih] },
{ rw [mul_add, mul_add, mul_add, ih₁, ih₂] }
.. free_abelian_group.non_unital_non_assoc_ring }

section monoid

variables {R : Type*} [monoid α] [ring R]

instance : ring (free_abelian_group α) :=
{ one := free_abelian_group.of 1,
{ mul := (*),
mul_one := λ x, begin
unfold has_mul.mul semigroup.mul,
rw lift.of,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x rfl _ _ _,
{ intros L, erw [lift.of], congr' 1, exact mul_one L },
{ intros L ih, rw [(lift _).map_neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [(lift _).map_add, ih1, ih2] }
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x rfl (λ L, _) (λ L ih, _) (λ x1 x2 ih1 ih2, _),
{ erw [lift.of], congr' 1, exact mul_one L },
{ rw [map_neg, ih] },
{ rw [map_add, ih1, ih2] }
one_mul := λ x, begin
unfold has_mul.mul semigroup.mul,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x rfl _ _ _,
{ intros L, rw [lift.of, lift.of], congr' 1, exact one_mul L },
{ intros L ih, rw [(lift _).map_neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [(lift _).map_add, ih1, ih2] }
left_distrib := λ x y z, (lift _).map_add _ _,
right_distrib := λ x y z, begin
unfold has_mul.mul semigroup.mul,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on z rfl _ _ _,
{ intros L, iterate 3 { rw lift.of }, rw (lift _).map_add, refl },
{ intros L ih, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw [ih, neg_add], refl },
{ intros z1 z2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2],
rw [add_assoc, add_assoc], congr' 1, apply add_left_comm }
{ intros L ih, rw [map_neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [map_add, ih1, ih2] }
.. free_abelian_group.add_comm_group α,
.. free_abelian_group.semigroup α }
.. free_abelian_group.non_unital_ring _, ..free_abelian_group.has_one _ }

variable {α}

Expand All @@ -407,23 +419,18 @@ def of_mul_hom : α →* free_abelian_group α :=
/-- If `f` preserves multiplication, then so does `lift f`. -/
def lift_monoid : (α →* R) ≃ (free_abelian_group α →+* R) :=
{ to_fun := λ f,
{ map_one' := (lift.of f _).trans f.map_one,
{ to_fun := lift f,
map_one' := (lift.of f _).trans f.map_one,
map_mul' := λ x y,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe],
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on y (mul_zero _).symm _ _ _,
{ intros L2,
rw mul_def x,
simp only [lift.of],
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (zero_mul _).symm _ _ _,
{ intros L1, iterate 3 { rw lift.of },
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on y (mul_zero _).symm (λ L2, _) _ _,
{ refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (zero_mul _).symm (λ L1, _) (λ L1 ih, _) _,
{ simp_rw [of_mul_of, lift.of],
exact f.map_mul _ _ },
{ intros L1 ih,
iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg },
rw [ih, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] },
{ simp_rw [neg_mul, (lift f).map_neg, neg_mul],
exact congr_arg has_neg.neg ih },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2,
iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_add },
rw [ih1, ih2, add_mul] } },
simp only [add_mul, map_add, ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L2 ih,
rw [mul_neg, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, add_monoid_hom.map_neg,
mul_neg, ih] },
Expand Down

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