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feat(algebraic_topology/fundamental_groupoid): Define simply connecte…
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…d spaces (#12788)

Proves contractible spaces are simply connected, and that simply connected spaces are characterized by the property that any two paths between the same endpoints are homotopic.
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prakol16 committed Jul 26, 2022
1 parent b21c9aa commit 38341f1
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 0 deletions.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/fundamental_groupoid/simply_connected.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Praneeth Kolichala. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Praneeth Kolichala
import algebraic_topology.fundamental_groupoid.induced_maps
import topology.homotopy.contractible
import category_theory.punit
import algebraic_topology.fundamental_groupoid.punit

# Simply connected spaces
This file defines simply connected spaces.
A topological space is simply connected if its fundamental groupoid is equivalent to `unit`.
## Main theorems
- `simply_connected_iff_unique_homotopic` - A space is simply connected if and only if it is
nonempty and there is a unique path up to homotopy between any two points
- `simply_connected_space.of_contractible` - A contractible space is simply connected
noncomputable theory

open category_theory
open continuous_map
open_locale continuous_map

/-- A simply connected space is one whose fundamental groupoid is equivalent to `discrete unit` -/
class simply_connected_space (X : Type*) [topological_space X] : Prop :=
(equiv_unit [] : nonempty (fundamental_groupoid X ≌ discrete unit))

lemma simply_connected_def (X : Type*) [topological_space X] :
simply_connected_space X ↔ nonempty (fundamental_groupoid X ≌ discrete unit) :=
⟨λ h, @simply_connected_space.equiv_unit X _ h, λ h, ⟨h⟩⟩

lemma simply_connected_iff_unique_homotopic (X : Type*) [topological_space X] :
simply_connected_space X ↔ (nonempty X) ∧
∀ (x y : X), nonempty (unique (path.homotopic.quotient x y)) :=
by { rw [simply_connected_def, equiv_punit_iff_unique], refl, }

namespace simply_connected_space
variables {X : Type*} [topological_space X] [simply_connected_space X]

instance (x y : X) : subsingleton (path.homotopic.quotient x y) :=
@unique.subsingleton _ (nonempty.some (by { rw simply_connected_iff_unique_homotopic at *, tauto }))

local attribute [instance] path.homotopic.setoid

@[priority 100]
instance : path_connected_space X :=
let unique_homotopic := (simply_connected_iff_unique_homotopic X).mp infer_instance in
{ nonempty := unique_homotopic.1, joined := λ x y, ⟨(unique_homotopic.2 x y).some.default.out⟩, }

/-- In a simply connected space, any two paths are homotopic -/
lemma paths_homotopic {x y : X} (p₁ p₂ : path x y) : path.homotopic p₁ p₂ :=
by simpa using @subsingleton.elim (path.homotopic.quotient x y) _ ⟦p₁⟧ ⟦p₂⟧

@[priority 100]
instance of_contractible (Y : Type*) [topological_space Y] [contractible_space Y] :
simply_connected_space Y :=
{ equiv_unit :=
let H : Top.of Y ≃ₕ Top.of unit := (contractible_space.hequiv_unit Y).some in
⟨(fundamental_groupoid_functor.equiv_of_homotopy_equiv H).trans
fundamental_groupoid.punit_equiv_discrete_punit⟩, }

end simply_connected_space

local attribute [instance] path.homotopic.setoid

/-- A space is simply connected iff it is path connected, and there is at most one path
up to homotopy between any two points. -/
lemma simply_connected_iff_paths_homotopic {Y : Type*} [topological_space Y] :
simply_connected_space Y ↔ (path_connected_space Y) ∧
(∀ x y : Y, subsingleton (path.homotopic.quotient x y)) :=
by { introI, split; apply_instance, },
λ h, begin
casesI h, rw simply_connected_iff_unique_homotopic,
exact ⟨infer_instance, λ x y, ⟨unique_of_subsingleton ⟦path_connected_space.some_path x y⟧⟩⟩,

/-- Another version of `simply_connected_iff_paths_homotopic` -/
lemma simply_connected_iff_paths_homotopic' {Y : Type*} [topological_space Y] :
simply_connected_space Y ↔ (path_connected_space Y) ∧
(∀ {x y : Y} (p₁ p₂ : path x y), path.homotopic p₁ p₂) :=
convert simply_connected_iff_paths_homotopic,
simp [path.homotopic.quotient, setoid.eq_top_iff], refl,

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