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feat(probability/kernel/disintegration): disintegration of finite mea…
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…sures on product spaces (#18834)

Disintegration of finite measures on `α × Ω`, where `Ω` is a standard Borel space.

Co-authored-by: RemyDegenne <>
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RemyDegenne and RemyDegenne committed May 22, 2023
1 parent 13bce9a commit 3b88f40
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Showing 3 changed files with 485 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/constructions/prod/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -189,6 +189,35 @@ begin
exact measurable_measure_prod_mk_right hs

lemma measurable_embedding.prod_mk {α β γ δ : Type*} {mα : measurable_space α}
{mβ : measurable_space β} {mγ : measurable_space γ} {mδ : measurable_space δ}
{f : α → β} {g : γ → δ} (hg : measurable_embedding g) (hf : measurable_embedding f) :
measurable_embedding (λ x : γ × α, (g x.1, f x.2)) :=
have h_inj : function.injective (λ x : γ × α, (g x.fst, f x.snd)),
{ intros x y hxy,
rw [← _ _ x, ← _ _ y],
simp only [] at hxy ⊢,
exact ⟨hg.injective hxy.1, hf.injective hxy.2⟩, },
refine ⟨h_inj, _, _⟩,
{ exact (hg.measurable.comp measurable_fst).prod_mk (hf.measurable.comp measurable_snd), },
{ -- Induction using the π-system of rectangles
refine λ s hs, @measurable_space.induction_on_inter _
(λ s, measurable_set ((λ (x : γ × α), (g x.fst, f x.snd)) '' s)) _ _ generate_from_prod.symm
is_pi_system_prod _ _ _ _ _ hs,
{ simp only [set.image_empty, measurable_set.empty], },
{ rintros t ⟨t₁, t₂, ht₁, ht₂, rfl⟩,
rw ← set.prod_image_image_eq,
exact (hg.measurable_set_image.mpr ht₁).prod (hf.measurable_set_image.mpr ht₂), },
{ intros t ht ht_m,
rw [← set.range_diff_image h_inj, ← set.prod_range_range_eq],
exact measurable_set.diff
( hg.measurable_set_range hf.measurable_set_range) ht_m, },
{ intros g hg_disj hg_meas hg,
simp_rw set.image_Union,
exact measurable_set.Union hg, }, },

/-- The Lebesgue integral is measurable. This shows that the integrand of (the right-hand-side of)
Tonelli's theorem is measurable. -/
lemma measurable.lintegral_prod_right' [sigma_finite ν] :
Expand Down
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/probability/kernel/cond_cdf.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -966,4 +966,49 @@ lemma integral_cond_cdf (ρ : measure (α × ℝ)) [is_finite_measure ρ] (x :
∫ a, cond_cdf ρ a x ∂ρ.fst = (ρ (univ ×ˢ Iic x)).to_real :=
by rw [← set_integral_cond_cdf ρ _ measurable_set.univ, measure.restrict_univ]

section measure

lemma measure_cond_cdf_Iic (ρ : measure (α × ℝ)) (a : α) (x : ℝ) :
(cond_cdf ρ a).measure (Iic x) = ennreal.of_real (cond_cdf ρ a x) :=
rw [← sub_zero (cond_cdf ρ a x)],
exact (cond_cdf ρ a).measure_Iic (tendsto_cond_cdf_at_bot ρ a) _,

lemma measure_cond_cdf_univ (ρ : measure (α × ℝ)) (a : α) :
(cond_cdf ρ a).measure univ = 1 :=
rw [← ennreal.of_real_one, ← sub_zero (1 : ℝ)],
exact stieltjes_function.measure_univ _ (tendsto_cond_cdf_at_bot ρ a)
(tendsto_cond_cdf_at_top ρ a),

instance (ρ : measure (α × ℝ)) (a : α) : is_probability_measure ((cond_cdf ρ a).measure) :=
⟨measure_cond_cdf_univ ρ a⟩

/-- The function `a ↦ (cond_cdf ρ a).measure` is measurable. -/
lemma measurable_measure_cond_cdf (ρ : measure (α × ℝ)) :
measurable (λ a, (cond_cdf ρ a).measure) :=
rw measure.measurable_measure,
refine λ s hs, measurable_space.induction_on_inter
(borel_eq_generate_from_Iic ℝ) is_pi_system_Iic _ _ _ _ hs,
{ simp only [measure_empty, measurable_const], },
{ rintros S ⟨u, rfl⟩,
simp_rw measure_cond_cdf_Iic ρ _ u,
exact (measurable_cond_cdf ρ u).ennreal_of_real, },
{ intros t ht ht_cd_meas,
have : (λ a, (cond_cdf ρ a).measure tᶜ)
= (λ a, (cond_cdf ρ a).measure univ) - (λ a, (cond_cdf ρ a).measure t),
{ ext1 a,
rw [measure_compl ht (measure_ne_top (cond_cdf ρ a).measure _), pi.sub_apply], },
simp_rw [this, measure_cond_cdf_univ ρ],
exact measurable.sub measurable_const ht_cd_meas, },
{ intros f hf_disj hf_meas hf_cd_meas,
simp_rw measure_Union hf_disj hf_meas,
exact measurable.ennreal_tsum hf_cd_meas, },

end measure

end probability_theory

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