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feat(category_theory/products/basic): equivalence ((A ⥤ B) × (A ⥤ C))…
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… ≌ (A ⥤ (B × C)) (#15445)
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antoinelab01 committed Aug 16, 2022
1 parent 6375f85 commit 3db6395
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/products/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ end
variables {C D}

/-- The isomorphism between `(X.1, X.2)` and `X`. -/
def prod.eta_iso (X : C × D) : (X.1, X.2) ≅ X := { hom := (𝟙 _, 𝟙 _), inv := (𝟙 _, 𝟙 _) }

/-- Construct an isomorphism in `C × D` out of two isomorphisms in `C` and `D`. -/
def {P Q : C} {S T : D} (f : P ≅ Q) (g : S ≅ T) : (P, S) ≅ (Q, T) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,6 +201,16 @@ namespace functor
{ obj := λ a, (F.obj a, G.obj a),
map := λ x y f, ( f, f), }

/-- The product `' G` followed by projection on the first component is isomorphic to `F` -/
def prod'_comp_fst (F : A ⥤ B) (G : A ⥤ C) : (' G) ⋙ ( B C) ≅ F :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, iso.refl _) (λ X Y f, by simp)

/-- The product `' G` followed by projection on the second component is isomorphic to `G` -/
def prod'_comp_snd (F : A ⥤ B) (G : A ⥤ C) : (' G) ⋙ ( B C) ≅ G :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ X, iso.refl _) (λ X Y f, by simp)

variable (C)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,4 +249,42 @@ def flip_comp_evaluation (F : A ⥤ B ⥤ C) (a) :
F.flip ⋙ (evaluation _ _).obj a ≅ F.obj a :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ b, eq_to_iso rfl) $ by tidy

variables (A B C)

/-- The forward direction for `functor_prod_functor_equiv` -/
@[simps] def prod_functor_to_functor_prod : (A ⥤ B) × (A ⥤ C) ⥤ A ⥤ B × C :=
{ obj := λ F,' F.2,
map := λ F G f, { app := λ X, ( X, X) } }

/-- The backward direction for `functor_prod_functor_equiv` -/
@[simps] def functor_prod_to_prod_functor : (A ⥤ B × C) ⥤ (A ⥤ B) × (A ⥤ C) :=
{ obj := λ F, ⟨F ⋙ ( B C), F ⋙ ( B C)⟩,
map := λ F G α,
⟨{ app := λ X, (α.app X).1,
naturality' := λ X Y f,
by simp only [functor.comp_map, prod.fst_map, ←prod_comp_fst, α.naturality] },
{ app := λ X, (α.app X).2,
naturality' := λ X Y f,
by simp only [functor.comp_map, prod.snd_map, ←prod_comp_snd, α.naturality] }⟩ }

/-- The unit isomorphism for `functor_prod_functor_equiv` -/
@[simps] def functor_prod_functor_equiv_unit_iso :
𝟭 _ ≅ prod_functor_to_functor_prod A B C ⋙ functor_prod_to_prod_functor A B C :=
(λ F, ((('_comp_fst _ _).prod ('_comp_snd _ _)).trans
(prod.eta_iso F)).symm) (λ F G α, by {tidy})

/-- The counit isomorphism for `functor_prod_functor_equiv` -/
@[simps] def functor_prod_functor_equiv_counit_iso :
functor_prod_to_prod_functor A B C ⋙ prod_functor_to_functor_prod A B C ≅ 𝟭 _ :=
(λ F, nat_iso.of_components (λ X, prod.eta_iso (F.obj X)) (by tidy)) (by tidy)

/-- The equivalence of categories between `(A ⥤ B) × (A ⥤ C)` and `A ⥤ (B × C)` -/
@[simps] def functor_prod_functor_equiv : ((A ⥤ B) × (A ⥤ C)) ≌ (A ⥤ (B × C)) :=
{ functor := prod_functor_to_functor_prod A B C,
inverse := functor_prod_to_prod_functor A B C,
unit_iso := functor_prod_functor_equiv_unit_iso A B C,
counit_iso := functor_prod_functor_equiv_counit_iso A B C }

end category_theory

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