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feat(algebra/lie/free): construction of free Lie algebras (#8153)
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ocfnash committed Jul 1, 2021
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235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/lie/free.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Oliver Nash. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Oliver Nash
import algebra.lie.of_associative
import algebra.lie.non_unital_non_assoc_algebra
import algebra.free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra

# Free Lie algebras
Given a commutative ring `R` and a type `X` we construct the free Lie algebra on `X` with
coefficients in `R` together with its universal property.
## Main definitions
* `free_lie_algebra`
* `free_lie_algebra.lift`
* `free_lie_algebra.of`
## Implementation details
### Quotient of free non-unital, non-associative algebra
We follow [N. Bourbaki, *Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Chapters 1--3*](bourbaki1975) and construct
the free Lie algebra as a quotient of the free non-unital, non-associative algebra. Since we do not
currently have definitions of ideals, lattices of ideals, and quotients for
`non_unital_non_assoc_semiring`, we construct our quotient using the low-level `quot` function on
an inductively-defined relation.
### Alternative construction (often used over field of characteristic zero, but not by us)
By universality of the free Lie algebra, there is a natural morphism of Lie algebras:
`ρ : free_lie_algebra R X →ₗ⁅R⁆ free_algebra R X`, where `free_algebra R X` is the free unital,
associative algebra, regarded as a Lie algebra via the ring commutator.
By uniqueness, the image of `ρ` is the Lie subalgebra generated by `X` in the free algebra, i.e.:
`lie_subalgebra.lie_span R (free_algebra R X) (set.range (free_algebra.ι R))`. If `ρ` is injective
we could thus take the Lie subalgebra generated by `X` in the free associative algebra as the
definition of the free Lie algebra, and indeed some authors do this. This is valid at least over a
field of characteristic zero but I do not believe `ρ` is injective for general `R`. Indeed the only
proof I know that `ρ` is injective relies on using the injectivity of the map from a Lie algebra to
its universal enveloping algebra, which does not hold in general. Furthermore, even when a Lie
algebra does inject into its universal enveloping algebra, the only proofs I know of this fact
use the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem. Some related MathOverflow questions are
[this one]( and
[this one](
## Tags
lie algebra, free algebra, non-unital, non-associative, universal property, forgetful functor,
adjoint functor

universes u v w

noncomputable theory

variables (R : Type u) (X : Type v) [comm_ring R]

/-- We save characters by using Bourbaki's name `lib` (as in «libre») for
`free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra` in this file. -/
local notation `lib` := free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra
local notation `lib.lift` := free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift
local notation `lib.of` := free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.of
local notation `lib.lift_of_apply` := free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift_of_apply
local notation `lib.lift_comp_of` := free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift_comp_of

namespace free_lie_algebra

/-- The quotient of `lib R X` by the equivalence relation generated by this relation will give us
the free Lie algebra. -/
inductive rel : lib R X → lib R X → Prop
| lie_self (a : lib R X) : rel (a * a) 0
| leibniz_lie (a b c : lib R X) : rel (a * (b * c)) (((a * b) * c) + (b * (a * c)))
| smul (t : R) (a b : lib R X) : rel a b → rel (t • a) (t • b)
| add_right (a b c : lib R X) : rel a b → rel (a + c) (b + c)
| mul_left (a b c : lib R X) : rel b c → rel (a * b) (a * c)
| mul_right (a b c : lib R X) : rel a b → rel (a * c) (b * c)

variables {R X}

lemma rel.add_left (a b c : lib R X) (h : rel R X b c) : rel R X (a + b) (a + c) :=
by { rw [add_comm _ b, add_comm _ c], exact rel.add_right _ _ _ h, }

end free_lie_algebra

/-- The free Lie algebra on the type `X` with coefficients in the commutative ring `R`. -/
@[derive inhabited]
def free_lie_algebra := quot (free_lie_algebra.rel R X)

namespace free_lie_algebra

instance : has_scalar R (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ smul := λ t a, quot.lift_on a (λ x, _ (t • x)) (λ a b h, quot.sound (rel.smul t a b h)), }

instance : has_add (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ add := quot.map₂ (+) rel.add_left rel.add_right, }

instance : add_comm_group (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ add_comm := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw add_comm, },
add_assoc := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ ⟨c⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw add_assoc, },
zero := _ 0,
zero_add := by { rintros ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _, rw zero_add, },
add_zero := by { rintros ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _, rw add_zero, },
neg := λ x, (-1 : R) • x,
sub := λ x y, x + ((-1 : R) • y),
sub_eq_add_neg := λ x y, rfl,
add_left_neg :=
by { rintros ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _, erw [neg_smul, one_smul, add_left_neg], refl, },
..(infer_instance : has_add _)}

/-- Note that here we turn the `has_mul` coming from the `non_unital_non_assoc_semiring` structure
on `lib R X` into a `has_bracket` on `free_lie_algebra`. -/
instance : has_bracket (free_lie_algebra R X) (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ bracket := quot.map₂ (*) (λ a b c, rel.mul_left a b c) (λ a b c, rel.mul_right a b c), }

instance : lie_ring (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ add_lie := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ ⟨c⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw add_mul, },
lie_add := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ ⟨c⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw mul_add, },
lie_self := by { rintros ⟨a⟩, exact quot.sound (rel.lie_self a), },
leibniz_lie := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ ⟨c⟩, exact quot.sound (rel.leibniz_lie a b c), }, }

instance : module R (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ one_smul := by { rintros ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw one_smul, },
mul_smul := by { rintros t₁ t₂ ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw mul_smul, },
add_smul := by { rintros t₁ t₂ ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw add_smul, },
smul_add := by { rintros t ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw smul_add, },
zero_smul := by { rintros ⟨a⟩, change _ _ = _ _, rw zero_smul, },
smul_zero := λ t, by { change _ _ = _ _, rw smul_zero, }, }

instance : lie_algebra R (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ lie_smul :=
rintros t ⟨a⟩ ⟨c⟩,
change _ (a • (t • c)) = _ (t • (a • c)),
rw ← smul_comm,
end, }

variables {X}

/-- The embedding of `X` into the free Lie algebra of `X` with coefficients in the commutative ring
`R`. -/
def of : X → free_lie_algebra R X := λ x, _ (lib.of R x)

variables {L : Type w} [lie_ring L] [lie_algebra R L]

local attribute [instance] lie_ring.to_non_unital_non_assoc_semiring

/-- An auxiliary definition used to construct the equivalence `lift` below. -/
def lift_aux (f : X → L) := lib.lift R f

lemma lift_aux_map_smul (f : X → L) (t : R) (a : lib R X) :
lift_aux R f (t • a) = t • lift_aux R f a :=
non_unital_alg_hom.map_smul _ t a

lemma lift_aux_map_add (f : X → L) (a b : lib R X) :
lift_aux R f (a + b) = (lift_aux R f a) + (lift_aux R f b) :=
non_unital_alg_hom.map_add _ a b

lemma lift_aux_map_mul (f : X → L) (a b : lib R X) :
lift_aux R f (a * b) = ⁅lift_aux R f a, lift_aux R f b⁆ :=
non_unital_alg_hom.map_mul _ a b

lemma lift_aux_spec (f : X → L) (a b : lib R X) (h : free_lie_algebra.rel R X a b) :
lift_aux R f a = lift_aux R f b :=
induction h,
case rel.lie_self : a'
{ simp only [lift_aux_map_mul, non_unital_alg_hom.map_zero, lie_self], },
case rel.leibniz_lie : a' b' c'
{ simp only [lift_aux_map_mul, lift_aux_map_add, sub_add_cancel, lie_lie], },
case rel.smul : t a' b' h₁ h₂
{ simp only [lift_aux_map_smul, h₂], },
case rel.add_right : a' b' c' h₁ h₂
{ simp only [lift_aux_map_add, h₂], },
case rel.mul_left : a' b' c' h₁ h₂
{ simp only [lift_aux_map_mul, h₂], },
case rel.mul_right : a' b' c' h₁ h₂
{ simp only [lift_aux_map_mul, h₂], },

/-- The quotient map as a `non_unital_alg_hom`. -/
def mk : non_unital_alg_hom R (lib R X) (free_lie_algebra R X) :=
{ to_fun := (rel R X),
map_smul' := λ t a, rfl,
map_zero' := rfl,
map_add' := λ a b, rfl,
map_mul' := λ a b, rfl, }

/-- The functor `X ↦ free_lie_algebra R X` from the category of types to the category of Lie
algebras over `R` is adjoint to the forgetful functor in the other direction. -/
def lift : (X → L) ≃ (free_lie_algebra R X →ₗ⁅R⁆ L) :=
{ to_fun := λ f,
{ to_fun := λ c, quot.lift_on c (lift_aux R f) (lift_aux_spec R f),
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩, rw ← lift_aux_map_add, refl, },
map_smul' := by { rintros t ⟨a⟩, rw ← lift_aux_map_smul, refl, },
map_lie' := by { rintros ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩, rw ← lift_aux_map_mul, refl, }, },
inv_fun := λ F, F ∘ (of R),
left_inv := λ f, by { ext x, simp only [lift_aux, of, quot.lift_on_mk, lie_hom.coe_mk,
function.comp_app, lib.lift_of_apply], },
right_inv := λ F,
ext ⟨a⟩,
let F' := F.to_non_unital_alg_hom.comp (mk R),
exact non_unital_alg_hom.congr_fun (lib.lift_comp_of R F') a,
end, }

@[simp] lemma lift_symm_apply (F : free_lie_algebra R X →ₗ⁅R⁆ L) : (lift R).symm F = F ∘ (of R) :=

variables {R}

@[simp] lemma of_comp_lift (f : X → L) : (lift R f) ∘ (of R) = f :=
(lift R).left_inv f

@[simp] lemma lift_unique (f : X → L) (g : free_lie_algebra R X →ₗ⁅R⁆ L) :
g ∘ (of R) = f ↔ g = lift R f :=
(lift R).symm_apply_eq

attribute [irreducible] of lift

@[simp] lemma lift_of_apply (f : X → L) (x) : lift R f (of R x) = f x :=
by rw [← function.comp_app (lift R f) (of R) x, of_comp_lift]

@[simp] lemma lift_comp_of (F : free_lie_algebra R X →ₗ⁅R⁆ L) : lift R (F ∘ (of R)) = F :=
by { rw ← lift_symm_apply, exact (lift R).apply_symm_apply F, }

/-- See note [partially-applied ext lemmas]. -/
@[ext] lemma hom_ext {F₁ F₂ : free_lie_algebra R X →ₗ⁅R⁆ L} (h : F₁ ∘ (of R) = F₂ ∘ (of R)) :
F₁ = F₂ :=
by { rw [← lift_symm_apply, ← lift_symm_apply] at h, exact (lift R).symm.injective h, }

end free_lie_algebra
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/lie/non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Oliver Nash. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Oliver Nash
import algebra.lie.basic
import algebra.non_unital_alg_hom

# Lie algebras as non-unital, non-associative algebras
The definition of Lie algebras uses the `has_bracket` typeclass for multiplication whereas we have a
separate `has_mul` typeclass used for general algebras.
It is useful to have a special typeclass for Lie algebras because:
* it enables us to use the traditional notation `⁅x, y⁆` for the Lie multiplication,
* associative algebras carry a natural Lie algebra structure via the ring commutator and so we need
them to carry both `has_mul` and `has_bracket` simultaneously,
* more generally, Poisson algebras (not yet defined) need both typeclasses.
However there are times when it is convenient to be able to regard a Lie algebra as a general
algebra and we provide some basic definitions for doing so here.
## Main definitions
* `lie_ring.to_non_unital_non_assoc_semiring`
* `lie_hom.to_non_unital_alg_hom`
## Tags
lie algebra, non-unital, non-associative

universes u v w

variables (R : Type u) (L : Type v) [comm_ring R] [lie_ring L] [lie_algebra R L]

/-- A `lie_ring` can be regarded as a `non_unital_non_assoc_semiring` by turning its
`has_bracket` (denoted `⁅, ⁆`) into a `has_mul` (denoted `*`). -/
def lie_ring.to_non_unital_non_assoc_semiring : non_unital_non_assoc_semiring L :=
{ mul := has_bracket.bracket,
left_distrib := lie_add,
right_distrib := add_lie,
zero_mul := zero_lie,
mul_zero := lie_zero,
.. (infer_instance : add_comm_monoid L) }

local attribute [instance] lie_ring.to_non_unital_non_assoc_semiring

/-- Regarding the `lie_ring` of a `lie_algebra` as a `non_unital_non_assoc_semiring`, we can
reinterpret the `smul_lie` law as an `is_scalar_tower`. -/
instance lie_algebra.is_scalar_tower : is_scalar_tower R L L := ⟨smul_lie⟩

/-- Regarding the `lie_ring` of a `lie_algebra` as a `non_unital_non_assoc_semiring`, we can
reinterpret the `lie_smul` law as an `smul_comm_class`. -/
instance lie_algebra.smul_comm_class : smul_comm_class R L L := ⟨λ t x y, (lie_smul t x y).symm⟩

variables {R L} {L₂ : Type w} [lie_ring L₂] [lie_algebra R L₂]

/-- Regarding the `lie_ring` of a `lie_algebra` as a `non_unital_non_assoc_semiring`, we can
regard a `lie_hom` as a `non_unital_alg_hom`. -/
def lie_hom.to_non_unital_alg_hom (f : L →ₗ⁅R⁆ L₂) : non_unital_alg_hom R L L₂ :=
{ to_fun := f,
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_mul' := f.map_lie,
..f }
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/non_unital_alg_hom.lean
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ coe_injective $ funext h
lemma ext_iff {f g : non_unital_alg_hom R A B} : f = g ↔ ∀ x, f x = g x :=
by { rintro rfl x, refl }, ext⟩

lemma congr_fun {f g : non_unital_alg_hom R A B} (h : f = g) (x : A) : f x = g x := h ▸ rfl

@[simp] lemma coe_mk (f : A → B) (h₁ h₂ h₃ h₄) :
((⟨f, h₁, h₂, h₃, h₄⟩ : non_unital_alg_hom R A B) : A → B) = f :=
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