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chore(category_theory/equivalence): weaken essential surjectivity (#3821
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Weaken essential surjectivity to be a Prop, rather than the data of the inverse.
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b-mehta committed Dec 15, 2020
1 parent a1aa511 commit 407d138
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Showing 5 changed files with 28 additions and 48 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/algebra/category/Group/Z_Module_equivalence.lean
Expand Up @@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ instance : full (forget₂ (Module ℤ) AddCommGroup.{u}) :=

/-- The forgetful functor from `ℤ` modules to `AddCommGroup` is essentially surjective. -/
instance : ess_surj (forget₂ (Module ℤ) AddCommGroup.{u}) :=
{ obj_preimage := λ A, Module.of ℤ A,
iso' := λ A, { hom := 𝟙 A, inv := 𝟙 A, } }
{ obj_preimage := λ A, ⟨Module.of ℤ A, ⟨{ hom := 𝟙 A, inv := 𝟙 A }⟩⟩}

instance : is_equivalence (forget₂ (Module ℤ) AddCommGroup.{u}) :=
noncomputable instance : is_equivalence (forget₂ (Module ℤ) AddCommGroup.{u}) :=
equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj (forget₂ (Module ℤ) AddCommGroup)
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions src/category_theory/Fintype.lean
Expand Up @@ -80,14 +80,10 @@ def incl : skeleton ⥤ Fintype :=

instance : full incl := { preimage := λ _ _ f, f }
instance : faithful incl := {}
noncomputable instance : ess_surj incl :=
{ obj_preimage := λ X, fintype.card X,
iso' := λ X,
instance : ess_surj incl :=
{ obj_preimage := λ X,
let F := trunc.out (fintype.equiv_fin X) in
{ hom := F.symm,
inv := F,
hom_inv_id' := by { change F.to_fun ∘ F.inv_fun = _, simpa },
inv_hom_id' := by { change F.inv_fun ∘ F.to_fun = _, simpa } } }
⟨fintype.card X, ⟨⟨F.symm, F, F.self_comp_symm, F.symm_comp_self⟩⟩⟩ }

noncomputable instance : is_equivalence incl :=
equivalence.equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj _
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46 changes: 15 additions & 31 deletions src/category_theory/equivalence.lean
Expand Up @@ -495,27 +495,21 @@ so `F.obj c ≅ D`.
-- TODO should we make this a `Prop` that merely asserts the existence of a preimage,
-- rather than choosing one?
class ess_surj (F : C ⥤ D) :=
(obj_preimage (d : D) : C)
(iso' (d : D) : F.obj (obj_preimage d) ≅ d . obviously)

restate_axiom ess_surj.iso'

/-- Applying an essentially surjective functor to a preimage of `d` yields an object that is
isomorphic to `d`. -/
add_decl_doc ess_surj.iso
class ess_surj (F : C ⥤ D) : Prop :=
(obj_preimage [] (d : D) : ∃ c, nonempty (F.obj c ≅ d))

namespace functor
/-- Given an essentially surjective functor, we can find a preimage for every object `d` in the
codomain. Applying the functor to this preimage will yield an object isomorphic to `d`, see
`fun_obj_preimage_iso`. -/
def obj_preimage (F : C ⥤ D) [ess_surj F] (d : D) : C := ess_surj.obj_preimage.{v₁ v₂} F d
noncomputable def obj_preimage (F : C ⥤ D) [sF : ess_surj F] (d : D) : C :=
classical.some (ess_surj.obj_preimage F d)
/-- Applying an essentially surjective functor to a preimage of `d` yields an object that is
isomorphic to `d`. -/
def fun_obj_preimage_iso (F : C ⥤ D) [ess_surj F] (d : D) : F.obj (F.obj_preimage d) ≅ d :=
ess_surj.iso d
noncomputable def fun_obj_preimage_iso (F : C ⥤ D) [sF : ess_surj F] (d : D) :
F.obj (F.obj_preimage d) ≅ d :=
classical.choice (classical.some_spec (ess_surj.obj_preimage F d))

end functor

namespace equivalence
Expand All @@ -525,8 +519,8 @@ An equivalence is essentially surjective.
def ess_surj_of_equivalence (F : C ⥤ D) [is_equivalence F] : ess_surj F :=
λ Y : D, F.inv.obj Y, λ Y : D, ( Y)
lemma ess_surj_of_equivalence (F : C ⥤ D) [is_equivalence F] : ess_surj F :=
⟨λ Y, ⟨F.inv.obj Y, Y⟩⟩

An equivalence is faithful.
Expand All @@ -552,7 +546,7 @@ instance full_of_equivalence (F : C ⥤ D) [is_equivalence F] : full F :=
witness' := λ X Y f, F.inv.map_injective
(by simpa only [is_equivalence.inv_fun_map, assoc, iso.hom_inv_id_app_assoc, iso.hom_inv_id_app] using comp_id _) }

@[simp] private def equivalence_inverse (F : C ⥤ D) [full F] [faithful F] [ess_surj F] : D ⥤ C :=
@[simps] private noncomputable def equivalence_inverse (F : C ⥤ D) [full F] [faithful F] [ess_surj F] : D ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ X, F.obj_preimage X,
map := λ X Y f, F.preimage ((F.fun_obj_preimage_iso X).hom ≫ f ≫ (F.fun_obj_preimage_iso Y).inv),
map_id' := λ X, begin apply F.map_injective, tidy end,
Expand All @@ -563,29 +557,19 @@ A functor which is full, faithful, and essentially surjective is an equivalence.
def equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj
noncomputable def equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj
(F : C ⥤ D) [full F] [faithful F] [ess_surj F] : is_equivalence F := (equivalence_inverse F)
(λ X, (preimage_iso $ F.fun_obj_preimage_iso $ F.obj X).symm)
(λ X Y f, by { apply F.map_injective, obviously }))
(λ Y, F.fun_obj_preimage_iso Y)
(by obviously))
(nat_iso.of_components F.fun_obj_preimage_iso (by tidy))

@[simp] lemma functor_map_inj_iff (e : C ≌ D) {X Y : C} (f g : X ⟶ Y) : f = g ↔ f = g :=
{ intro w, apply e.functor.map_injective, exact w, },
{ rintro ⟨rfl⟩, refl, }
⟨λ h, e.functor.map_injective h, λ h, h ▸ rfl⟩

@[simp] lemma inverse_map_inj_iff (e : C ≌ D) {X Y : D} (f g : X ⟶ Y) : f = g ↔ f = g :=
{ intro w, apply e.inverse.map_injective, exact w, },
{ rintro ⟨rfl⟩, refl, }
functor_map_inj_iff e.symm f g

end equivalence

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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/category_theory/monad/adjunction.lean
Expand Up @@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ let h : L ⊣ R := (is_right_adjoint.adj) in
instance comparison_ess_surj [reflective R] : ess_surj (monad.comparison R) :=
let L := left_adjoint R in
let h : L ⊣ R := is_right_adjoint.adj in
{ obj_preimage := λ X, L.obj X.A,
iso' := λ X,
⟨λ X, ⟨L.obj X.A, ⟨
{ hom :=
{ f := (as_iso ( X.A)).inv,
h' :=
Expand All @@ -135,7 +134,8 @@ let h : L ⊣ R := is_right_adjoint.adj in
erw [comp_id, id_comp],
end },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext, exact (as_iso ( X.A)).inv_hom_id, },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext, exact (as_iso ( X.A)).hom_inv_id, }, } }
inv_hom_id' := by { ext, exact (as_iso ( X.A)).hom_inv_id, }, }

instance comparison_full [full R] [is_right_adjoint R] : full (monad.comparison R) :=
{ preimage := λ X Y f, R.preimage f.f }
Expand All @@ -144,10 +144,12 @@ instance comparison_faithful [faithful R] [is_right_adjoint R] : faithful (monad

end reflective

-- It is possible to do this computably since the construction gives the data of the inverse, not
-- just the existence of an inverse on each object.
/-- Any reflective inclusion has a monadic right adjoint.
cf Prop 5.3.3 of [Riehl][riehl2017] -/
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance monadic_of_reflective [reflective R] : monadic_right_adjoint R :=
noncomputable instance monadic_of_reflective [reflective R] : monadic_right_adjoint R :=
{ eqv := equivalence.equivalence_of_fully_faithfully_ess_surj _ }

end category_theory
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/topology/category/Compactum.lean
Expand Up @@ -432,9 +432,8 @@ noncomputable def iso_of_topological_space {D : CompHaus} :
λ _ h1, by {rw is_open_iff_ultrafilter', intros _ h2, exact h1 _ h2} } }

/-- The functor Compactum_to_CompHaus is essentially surjective. -/
noncomputable def ess_surj : ess_surj Compactum_to_CompHaus :=
{ obj_preimage := λ X, Compactum.of_topological_space X,
iso' := λ _, iso_of_topological_space }
lemma ess_surj : ess_surj Compactum_to_CompHaus :=
{ obj_preimage := λ X, ⟨Compactum.of_topological_space X, ⟨iso_of_topological_space⟩⟩ }

/-- The functor Compactum_to_CompHaus is an equivalence of categories. -/
noncomputable def is_equivalence : is_equivalence Compactum_to_CompHaus :=
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