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feat(category_theory/endofunctor/algebra): Define coalgebras over an …
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…endofunctor and prove an equivalence (#14834)

This PR dualises the definition of an algebra over an endofunctor to that of a coalgebra over an endofunctor. Furthermore, it proves that if an endofunctor `F` is left adjoint to an endofunctor `G`, then the category of algebras over `F` is equivalent to the category of coalgebras over `G`. 

Co-authored-by: jlh <>
  • Loading branch information
Julian-Kuelshammer and Jlh18 committed Jul 11, 2022
1 parent f7baecb commit 40fdf72
Showing 1 changed file with 247 additions and 6 deletions.
253 changes: 247 additions & 6 deletions src/category_theory/endofunctor/algebra.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,20 @@ import
import category_theory.functor.reflects_isomorphisms

# Algebras of endofunctors
This file defines algebras of an endofunctor,
and provides the category instance for them.
This extends to Eilenberg-Moore (co)algebras for a (co)monad.
It also defines the forgetful functor from the category of algebras.
It is shown that the structure map of the initial algebra of an endofunctor
is an isomorphism.
This file defines (co)algebras of an endofunctor, and provides the category instance for them.
It also defines the forgetful functor from the category of (co)algebras. It is shown that the
structure map of the initial algebra of an endofunctor is an isomorphism. Furthermore, it is shown
that for an adjunction `F ⊣ G` the category of algebras over `F` is equivalent to the category of
coalgebras over `G`.
* Prove the dual result about the structure map of the terminal coalgebra of an endofunctor.
* Prove that if the countable infinite product over the powers of the endofunctor exists, then
algebras over the endofunctor coincide with algebras over the free monad on the endofunctor.

universes v u
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,5 +201,239 @@ lemma str_is_iso (h : limits.is_initial A) : is_iso A.str :=

end initial
end algebra

/-- A coalgebra of an endofunctor; `str` stands for "structure morphism" -/
structure coalgebra (F : C ⥤ C) :=
(V : C)
(str : V ⟶ F.obj V)

instance [inhabited C] : inhabited (coalgebra (𝟭 C)) := ⟨⟨ default , 𝟙 _ ⟩⟩

namespace coalgebra

variables {F : C ⥤ C} (V : coalgebra F) {V₀ V₁ V₂ : coalgebra F}

V₀ -----> F V₀
| |
f | | F f
V₁ -----> F V₁
/-- A morphism between coalgebras of an endofunctor `F` -/
@[ext] structure hom (V₀ V₁ : coalgebra F) :=
(f : V₀.1 ⟶ V₁.1)
(h' : V₀.str ≫ f = f ≫ V₁.str . obviously)

restate_axiom hom.h'
attribute [simp, reassoc] hom.h
namespace hom

/-- The identity morphism of an algebra of endofunctor `F` -/
def id : hom V V := { f := 𝟙 _ }

instance : inhabited (hom V V) := ⟨{ f := 𝟙 _ }⟩

/-- The composition of morphisms between algebras of endofunctor `F` -/
def comp (f : hom V₀ V₁) (g : hom V₁ V₂) : hom V₀ V₂ := { f := f.1 ≫ g.1 }

end hom

instance (F : C ⥤ C) : category_struct (coalgebra F) :=
{ hom := hom,
id :=,
comp := @hom.comp _ _ _ }

@[simp] lemma id_eq_id : V = 𝟙 V := rfl

@[simp] lemma id_f : (𝟙 _ : V ⟶ V).1 = 𝟙 V.1 := rfl

variables {V₀ V₁ V₂} (f : V₀ ⟶ V₁) (g : V₁ ⟶ V₂)

@[simp] lemma comp_eq_comp : coalgebra.hom.comp f g = f ≫ g := rfl

@[simp] lemma comp_f : (f ≫ g).1 = f.1 ≫ g.1 := rfl

/-- Coalgebras of an endofunctor `F` form a category -/
instance (F : C ⥤ C) : category (coalgebra F) := {}

To construct an isomorphism of coalgebras, it suffices to give an isomorphism of the Vs which
commutes with the structure morphisms.
def iso_mk (h : V₀.1 ≅ V₁.1) (w : V₀.str ≫ h.hom = h.hom ≫ V₁.str ) : V₀ ≅ V₁ :=
{ hom := { f := h.hom },
inv :=
{ f := h.inv,
h' := by { rw [h.eq_inv_comp, ← category.assoc, ←w, category.assoc, ← functor.map_comp],
simp only [iso.hom_inv_id, functor.map_id, category.comp_id] } } }

/-- The forgetful functor from the category of coalgebras, forgetting the coalgebraic structure. -/
@[simps] def forget (F : C ⥤ C) : coalgebra F ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ A, A.1,
map := λ A B f, f.1 }

/-- A coalgebra morphism with an underlying isomorphism hom in `C` is a coalgebra isomorphism. -/
lemma iso_of_iso (f : V₀ ⟶ V₁) [is_iso f.1] : is_iso f :=
⟨⟨{ f := inv f.1,
h' := by { rw [is_iso.eq_inv_comp f.1, ← category.assoc, ← f.h, category.assoc], simp } },
by tidy⟩⟩

instance forget_reflects_iso : reflects_isomorphisms (forget F) :=
{ reflects := λ A B, iso_of_iso }

instance forget_faithful : faithful (forget F) := {}

From a natural transformation `α : F → G` we get a functor from
coalgebras of `F` to coalgebras of `G`.
def functor_of_nat_trans {F G : C ⥤ C} (α : F ⟶ G) : coalgebra F ⥤ coalgebra G :=
{ obj := λ V,
{ V := V.1,
str := V.str ≫ α.app V.1 },
map := λ V₀ V₁ f, { f := f.1,
h' := by rw [category.assoc, ← α.naturality, ← category.assoc, f.h, category.assoc] } }

/-- The identity transformation induces the identity endofunctor on the category of coalgebras. -/
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def functor_of_nat_trans_id :
functor_of_nat_trans (𝟙 F) ≅ 𝟭 _ :=
(λ X, iso_mk (iso.refl _) (by { dsimp, simp, }))
(λ X Y f, by { ext, dsimp, simp })

/-- A composition of natural transformations gives the composition of corresponding functors. -/
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def functor_of_nat_trans_comp {F₀ F₁ F₂ : C ⥤ C} (α : F₀ ⟶ F₁) (β : F₁ ⟶ F₂) :
functor_of_nat_trans (α ≫ β) ≅
functor_of_nat_trans α ⋙ functor_of_nat_trans β :=
(λ X, iso_mk (iso.refl _) (by { dsimp, simp }))
(λ X Y f, by { ext, dsimp, simp })

If `α` and `β` are two equal natural transformations, then the functors of coalgebras induced by
them are isomorphic.
We define it like this as opposed to using `eq_to_iso` so that the components are nicer to prove
lemmas about.
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def functor_of_nat_trans_eq {F G : C ⥤ C} {α β : F ⟶ G} (h : α = β) :
functor_of_nat_trans α ≅ functor_of_nat_trans β :=
(λ X, iso_mk (iso.refl _) (by { dsimp, simp [h] }))
(λ X Y f, by { ext, dsimp, simp })

Naturally isomorphic endofunctors give equivalent categories of coalgebras.
Furthermore, they are equivalent as categories over `C`, that is,
we have `equiv_of_nat_iso h ⋙ forget = forget`.
def equiv_of_nat_iso {F G : C ⥤ C} (α : F ≅ G) :
coalgebra F ≌ coalgebra G :=
{ functor := functor_of_nat_trans α.hom,
inverse := functor_of_nat_trans α.inv,
unit_iso :=
functor_of_nat_trans_id.symm ≪≫
functor_of_nat_trans_eq (by simp) ≪≫
functor_of_nat_trans_comp _ _,
counit_iso :=
(functor_of_nat_trans_comp _ _).symm ≪≫
functor_of_nat_trans_eq (by simp) ≪≫
functor_of_nat_trans_id }.

end coalgebra

namespace adjunction

variables {F : C ⥤ C} {G : C ⥤ C}

lemma algebra.hom_equiv_naturality_str (adj : F ⊣ G) (A₁ A₂ : algebra F)
(f : A₁ ⟶ A₂) : (adj.hom_equiv A₁.A A₁.A) A₁.str ≫ f.f =
f.f ≫ (adj.hom_equiv A₂.A A₂.A) A₂.str :=
by { rw [← adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_right, ← adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_left, f.h] }

lemma coalgebra.hom_equiv_naturality_str_symm (adj : F ⊣ G) (V₁ V₂ : coalgebra G)
(f : V₁ ⟶ V₂) : f.f ≫ ((adj.hom_equiv V₂.V V₂.V).symm) V₂.str =
((adj.hom_equiv V₁.V V₁.V).symm) V₁.str ≫ f.f :=
by { rw [← adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm, ← adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_right_symm,
f.h] }

/-- Given an adjunction `F ⊣ G`, the functor that associates to an algebra over `F` a
coalgebra over `G` defined via adjunction applied to the structure map. -/
def algebra.to_coalgebra_of (adj : F ⊣ G) : algebra F ⥤ coalgebra G :=
{ obj := λ A, { V := A.1,
str := (adj.hom_equiv A.1 A.1).to_fun A.2 },
map := λ A₁ A₂ f, { f := f.1,
h' := (algebra.hom_equiv_naturality_str adj A₁ A₂ f) } }

/-- Given an adjunction `F ⊣ G`, the functor that associates to a coalgebra over `G` an algebra over
`F` defined via adjunction applied to the structure map. -/
def coalgebra.to_algebra_of (adj : F ⊣ G) : coalgebra G ⥤ algebra F :=
{ obj := λ V, { A := V.1,
str := (adj.hom_equiv V.1 V.1).inv_fun V.2 },
map := λ V₁ V₂ f, { f := f.1,
h' := (coalgebra.hom_equiv_naturality_str_symm adj V₁ V₂ f) } }

/-- Given an adjunction, assigning to an algebra over the left adjoint a coalgebra over its right
adjoint and going back is isomorphic to the identity functor. -/
def alg_coalg_equiv.unit_iso (adj : F ⊣ G) :
𝟭 (algebra F) ≅ (algebra.to_coalgebra_of adj) ⋙ (coalgebra.to_algebra_of adj) :=
{ hom :=
{ app := λ A,
{ f := (𝟙 A.1),
h' := by { erw [F.map_id, category.id_comp, category.comp_id],
apply (adj.hom_equiv _ _).left_inv A.str } },
naturality' := λ A₁ A₂ f, by { ext1, dsimp, erw [category.id_comp, category.comp_id], refl } },
inv :=
{ app := λ A,
{ f := (𝟙 A.1),
h' := by { erw [F.map_id, category.id_comp, category.comp_id],
apply ((adj.hom_equiv _ _).left_inv A.str).symm } },
naturality' := λ A₁ A₂ f,
by { ext1, dsimp, erw [category.comp_id, category.id_comp], refl } },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext, exact category.comp_id _ },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext, exact category.comp_id _ } }

/-- Given an adjunction, assigning to a coalgebra over the right adjoint an algebra over the left
adjoint and going back is isomorphic to the identity functor. -/
def alg_coalg_equiv.counit_iso (adj : F ⊣ G) :
(coalgebra.to_algebra_of adj) ⋙ (algebra.to_coalgebra_of adj) ≅ 𝟭 (coalgebra G) :=
{ hom :=
{ app := λ V,
{ f := (𝟙 V.1),
h' := by { dsimp, erw [G.map_id, category.id_comp, category.comp_id],
apply (adj.hom_equiv _ _).right_inv V.str } },
naturality' := λ V₁ V₂ f,
by { ext1, dsimp, erw [category.comp_id, category.id_comp], refl, } },
inv :=
{ app := λ V,
{ f := (𝟙 V.1),
h' := by { dsimp, rw [G.map_id, category.comp_id, category.id_comp],
apply ((adj.hom_equiv _ _).right_inv V.str).symm } },
naturality' := λ V₁ V₂ f,
by { ext1, dsimp, erw [category.comp_id, category.id_comp], refl } },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext, exact category.comp_id _ },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext, exact category.comp_id _ } }

/-- If `F` is left adjoint to `G`, then the category of algebras over `F` is equivalent to the
category of coalgebras over `G`. -/
def algebra_coalgebra_equiv (adj : F ⊣ G) : algebra F ≌ coalgebra G :=
{ functor := algebra.to_coalgebra_of adj,
inverse := coalgebra.to_algebra_of adj,
unit_iso := alg_coalg_equiv.unit_iso adj,
counit_iso := alg_coalg_equiv.counit_iso adj,
functor_unit_iso_comp' := λ A, by { ext, exact category.comp_id _ } }

end adjunction

end endofunctor
end category_theory

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