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ADedecker committed Dec 6, 2022
1 parent e753057 commit 41e1ab7
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Showing 5 changed files with 595 additions and 50 deletions.
73 changes: 25 additions & 48 deletions src/topology/continuous_function/bounded.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import analysis.normed_space.operator_norm
import data.real.sqrt
import topology.continuous_function.algebra
import topology.metric_space.equicontinuity

# Bounded continuous functions
Expand All @@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ the uniform distance.

noncomputable theory
open_locale topological_space classical nnreal
open_locale topological_space classical nnreal uniformity uniform_convergence

open set filter metric function

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,6 +227,20 @@ iff.intro
λ n hn, lt_of_le_of_lt ((dist_le (half_pos ε_pos).le).mpr $
λ x, dist_comm (f x) (F n x) ▸ le_of_lt (hn x)) (half_lt_self ε_pos)))

/-- The topology on `α →ᵇ β` is exactly the topology induced by the natural map to `α →ᵤ β`. -/
lemma inducing_coe_fn : inducing (uniform_fun.of_fun ∘ coe_fn : (α →ᵇ β) → (α →ᵤ β)) :=
rw inducing_iff_nhds,
refine λ f, eq_of_forall_le_iff (λ l, _),
rw [← tendsto_iff_comap, ← tendsto_id', tendsto_iff_tendsto_uniformly,

-- TODO: upgrade to a `uniform_embedding`
lemma embedding_coe_fn : embedding (uniform_fun.of_fun ∘ coe_fn : (α →ᵇ β) → (α →ᵤ β)) :=
⟨inducing_coe_fn, λ f g h, ext $ λ x, congr_fun h x⟩

variables (α) {β}

/-- Constant as a continuous bounded function. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,10 +432,10 @@ and several useful variations around it. -/
theorem arzela_ascoli₁ [compact_space β]
(A : set (α →ᵇ β))
(closed : is_closed A)
(H : ∀ (x:α) (ε > 0), ∃U ∈ 𝓝 x, ∀ (y z ∈ U) (f : α →ᵇ β),
f ∈ A → dist (f y) (f z) < ε) :
(H : equicontinuous (coe_fn : A → α → β)) :
is_compact A :=
simp_rw [equicontinuous, metric.equicontinuous_at_iff_pair] at H,
refine is_compact_of_totally_bounded_is_closed _ closed,
refine totally_bounded_of_finite_discretization (λ ε ε0, _),
rcases exists_between ε0 with ⟨ε₁, ε₁0, εε₁⟩,
Expand All @@ -437,7 +452,7 @@ begin
f ∈ A → dist (f y) (f z) < ε₂ := λ x,
let ⟨U, nhdsU, hU⟩ := H x _ ε₂0,
⟨V, VU, openV, xV⟩ := _root_.mem_nhds_iff.1 nhdsU in
⟨V, xV, openV, λy hy z hz f hf, hU y (VU hy) z (VU hz) f hf⟩,
⟨V, xV, openV, λy hy z hz f hf, hU y (VU hy) z (VU hz) ⟨f, hf⟩,
choose U hU using this,
/- For all x, the set hU x is an open set containing x on which the elements of A
fluctuate by at most ε₂.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,8 +496,7 @@ theorem arzela_ascoli₂
(A : set (α →ᵇ β))
(closed : is_closed A)
(in_s : ∀(f : α →ᵇ β) (x : α), f ∈ A → f x ∈ s)
(H : ∀(x:α) (ε > 0), ∃U ∈ 𝓝 x, ∀ (y z ∈ U) (f : α →ᵇ β),
f ∈ A → dist (f y) (f z) < ε) :
(H : equicontinuous (coe_fn : A → α → β)) :
is_compact A :=
/- This version is deduced from the previous one by restricting to the compact type in the target,
using compactness there and then lifting everything to the original space. -/
Expand All @@ -492,10 +506,9 @@ begin
refine is_compact_of_is_closed_subset
((_ : is_compact (F ⁻¹' A)).image (continuous_comp M)) closed (λ f hf, _),
{ haveI : compact_space s := is_compact_iff_compact_space.1 hs,
refine arzela_ascoli₁ _ (continuous_iff_is_closed.1 (continuous_comp M) _ closed)
(λ x ε ε0, bex.imp_right (λ U U_nhds hU y hy z hz f hf, _) (H x ε ε0)),
calc dist (f y) (f z) = dist (F f y) (F f z) : rfl
... < ε : hU y hy z hz (F f) hf },
refine arzela_ascoli₁ _ (continuous_iff_is_closed.1 (continuous_comp M) _ closed) _,
rw uniform_embedding_subtype_coe.to_uniform_inducing.equicontinuous_iff,
exact H.comp (A.restrict_preimage F) },
{ let g := cod_restrict s f (λx, in_s f x hf),
rw [show f = F g, by ext; refl] at hf ⊢,
exact ⟨g, hf, rfl⟩ }
Expand All @@ -507,51 +520,15 @@ theorem arzela_ascoli [t2_space β]
(s : set β) (hs : is_compact s)
(A : set (α →ᵇ β))
(in_s : ∀(f : α →ᵇ β) (x : α), f ∈ A → f x ∈ s)
(H : ∀(x:α) (ε > 0), ∃U ∈ 𝓝 x, ∀ (y z ∈ U) (f : α →ᵇ β),
f ∈ A → dist (f y) (f z) < ε) :
(H : equicontinuous (coe_fn : A → α → β)) :
is_compact (closure A) :=
/- This version is deduced from the previous one by checking that the closure of A, in
addition to being closed, still satisfies the properties of compact range and equicontinuity -/
arzela_ascoli₂ s hs (closure A) is_closed_closure
(λ f x hf, (mem_of_closed' hs.is_closed).2 $ λ ε ε0,
let ⟨g, gA, dist_fg⟩ := metric.mem_closure_iff.1 hf ε ε0 in
⟨g x, in_s g x gA, lt_of_le_of_lt (dist_coe_le_dist _) dist_fg⟩)
(λ x ε ε0, show ∃ U ∈ 𝓝 x,
∀ y z ∈ U, ∀ (f : α →ᵇ β), f ∈ closure A → dist (f y) (f z) < ε,
refine bex.imp_right (λ U U_set hU y hy z hz f hf, _) (H x (ε/2) (half_pos ε0)),
rcases metric.mem_closure_iff.1 hf (ε/2/2) (half_pos (half_pos ε0)) with ⟨g, gA, dist_fg⟩,
replace dist_fg := λ x, lt_of_le_of_lt (dist_coe_le_dist x) dist_fg,
calc dist (f y) (f z) ≤ dist (f y) (g y) + dist (f z) (g z) + dist (g y) (g z) :
dist_triangle4_right _ _ _ _
... < ε/2/2 + ε/2/2 + ε/2 :
add_lt_add (add_lt_add (dist_fg y) (dist_fg z)) (hU y hy z hz g gA)
... = ε : by rw [add_halves, add_halves]

/- To apply the previous theorems, one needs to check the equicontinuity. An important
instance is when the source space is a metric space, and there is a fixed modulus of continuity
for all the functions in the set A -/

lemma equicontinuous_of_continuity_modulus {α : Type u} [pseudo_metric_space α]
(b : ℝ → ℝ) (b_lim : tendsto b (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0))
(A : set (α →ᵇ β))
(H : ∀(x y:α) (f : α →ᵇ β), f ∈ A → dist (f x) (f y) ≤ b (dist x y))
(x:α) (ε : ℝ) (ε0 : 0 < ε) : ∃U ∈ 𝓝 x, ∀ (y z ∈ U) (f : α →ᵇ β),
f ∈ A → dist (f y) (f z) < ε :=
rcases tendsto_nhds_nhds.1 b_lim ε ε0 with ⟨δ, δ0, hδ⟩,
refine ⟨ball x (δ/2), ball_mem_nhds x (half_pos δ0), λ y hy z hz f hf, _⟩,
have : dist y z < δ := calc
dist y z ≤ dist y x + dist z x : dist_triangle_right _ _ _
... < δ/2 + δ/2 : add_lt_add hy hz
... = δ : add_halves _,
dist (f y) (f z) ≤ b (dist y z) : H y z f hf
... ≤ |b (dist y z)| : le_abs_self _
... = dist (b (dist y z)) 0 : by simp [real.dist_eq]
... < ε : hδ (by simpa [real.dist_eq] using this),
(H.closure' continuous_coe)

end arzela_ascoli

Expand Down
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/metric_space/equicontinuity.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Anatole Dedecker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Anatole Dedecker

import topology.metric_space.basic
import topology.uniform_space.equicontinuity
# Equicontinuity in metric spaces
This files contains various facts about (uniform) equicontinuity in metric spaces. Most
importantly, we prove the usual characterization of equicontinuity of `F` at `x₀` in the case of
(pseudo) metric spaces: `∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, dist x x₀ < δ → ∀ i, dist (F i x₀) (F i x) < ε`,
and we prove that functions sharing a common (local or global) continuity modulus are
(locally or uniformly) equicontinuous.
## Main statements
* `equicontinuous_at_iff`: characterization of equicontinuity for families of functions between
(pseudo) metric spaces.
* `equicontinuous_at_of_continuity_modulus`: convenient way to prove equicontinuity at a point of
a family of functions to a (pseudo) metric space by showing that they share a common *local*
continuity modulus.
* `uniform_equicontinuous_of_continuity_modulus`: convenient way to prove uniform equicontinuity
of a family of functions to a (pseudo) metric space by showing that they share a common *global*
continuity modulus.
## Tags
equicontinuity, continuity modulus

open filter
open_locale topological_space uniformity

variables {α β ι : Type*} [pseudo_metric_space α]

namespace metric

/-- Characterization of equicontinuity for families of functions taking values in a (pseudo) metric
space. -/
lemma equicontinuous_at_iff_right {ι : Type*} [topological_space β] {F : ι → β → α} {x₀ : β} :
equicontinuous_at F x₀ ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 x₀, ∀ i, dist (F i x₀) (F i x) < ε :=

/-- Characterization of equicontinuity for families of functions between (pseudo) metric spaces. -/
lemma equicontinuous_at_iff {ι : Type*} [pseudo_metric_space β] {F : ι → β → α} {x₀ : β} :
equicontinuous_at F x₀ ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, dist x x₀ < δ → ∀ i, dist (F i x₀) (F i x) < ε :=
nhds_basis_ball.equicontinuous_at_iff uniformity_basis_dist

/-- Reformulation of `equicontinuous_at_iff_pair` for families of functions taking values in a
(pseudo) metric space. -/
protected lemma equicontinuous_at_iff_pair {ι : Type*} [topological_space β] {F : ι → β → α}
{x₀ : β} :
equicontinuous_at F x₀ ↔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ U ∈ 𝓝 x₀, ∀ (x x' ∈ U), ∀ i, dist (F i x) (F i x') < ε :=
rw equicontinuous_at_iff_pair,
split; intros H,
{ intros ε hε,
refine exists_imp_exists (λ V, exists_imp_exists $ λ hV h, _) (H _ (dist_mem_uniformity hε)),
exact λ x hx x' hx', h _ hx _ hx' },
{ intros U hU,
rcases hU with ⟨ε, hε, hεU⟩,
refine exists_imp_exists (λ V, exists_imp_exists $ λ hV h, _) (H _ hε),
exact λ x hx x' hx' i, hεU (h _ hx _ hx' i) }

/-- Characterization of uniform equicontinuity for families of functions taking values in a
(pseudo) metric space. -/
lemma uniform_equicontinuous_iff_right {ι : Type*} [uniform_space β] {F : ι → β → α} :
uniform_equicontinuous F ↔
∀ ε > 0, ∀ᶠ (xy : β × β) in 𝓤 β, ∀ i, dist (F i xy.1) (F i xy.2) < ε :=

/-- Characterization of uniform equicontinuity for families of functions between
(pseudo) metric spaces. -/
lemma uniform_equicontinuous_iff {ι : Type*} [pseudo_metric_space β] {F : ι → β → α} :
uniform_equicontinuous F ↔
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x y, dist x y < δ → ∀ i, dist (F i x) (F i y) < ε :=
uniformity_basis_dist.uniform_equicontinuous_iff uniformity_basis_dist

/-- For a family of functions to a (pseudo) metric spaces, a convenient way to prove
equicontinuity at a point is to show that all of the functions share a common *local* continuity
modulus. -/
lemma equicontinuous_at_of_continuity_modulus {ι : Type*} [topological_space β] {x₀ : β}
(b : β → ℝ)
(b_lim : tendsto b (𝓝 x₀) (𝓝 0))
(F : ι → β → α)
(H : ∀ᶠ x in 𝓝 x₀, ∀ i, dist (F i x₀) (F i x) ≤ b x) :
equicontinuous_at F x₀ :=
rw metric.equicontinuous_at_iff_right,
intros ε ε0,
filter_upwards [b_lim (Iio_mem_nhds ε0), H] using λ x hx₁ hx₂ i, (hx₂ i).trans_lt hx₁

/-- For a family of functions between (pseudo) metric spaces, a convenient way to prove
uniform equicontinuity is to show that all of the functions share a common *global* continuity
modulus. -/
lemma uniform_equicontinuous_of_continuity_modulus {ι : Type*} [pseudo_metric_space β] (b : ℝ → ℝ)
(b_lim : tendsto b (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0))
(F : ι → β → α)
(H : ∀ (x y : β) i, dist (F i x) (F i y) ≤ b (dist x y)) :
uniform_equicontinuous F :=
rw metric.uniform_equicontinuous_iff,
intros ε ε0,
rcases tendsto_nhds_nhds.1 b_lim ε ε0 with ⟨δ, δ0, hδ⟩,
refine ⟨δ, δ0, λ x y hxy i, _⟩,
dist (F i x) (F i y) ≤ b (dist x y) : H x y i
... ≤ |b (dist x y)| : le_abs_self _
... = dist (b (dist x y)) 0 : by simp [real.dist_eq]
... < ε : hδ (by simpa only [real.dist_eq, tsub_zero, abs_dist] using hxy)

/-- For a family of functions between (pseudo) metric spaces, a convenient way to prove
equicontinuity is to show that all of the functions share a common *global* continuity modulus. -/
lemma equicontinuous_of_continuity_modulus {ι : Type*} [pseudo_metric_space β] (b : ℝ → ℝ)
(b_lim : tendsto b (𝓝 0) (𝓝 0))
(F : ι → β → α)
(H : ∀ (x y : β) i, dist (F i x) (F i y) ≤ b (dist x y)) :
equicontinuous F :=
(uniform_equicontinuous_of_continuity_modulus b b_lim F H).equicontinuous

end metric
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/topology/metric_space/gromov_hausdorff_realized.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ begin
{ have : tendsto (λ (t : ℝ), 2 * (max_var X Y : ℝ) * t) (𝓝 0) (𝓝 (2 * max_var X Y * 0)) :=
tendsto_const_nhds.mul tendsto_id,
simpa using this },
{ assume x y f hf,
{ rintros x y ⟨f, hf,
exact (candidates_lipschitz hf).dist_le_mul _ _ } }

Expand Down
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/uniform_space/compact.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Patrick Massot, Yury Kudryashov
import topology.uniform_space.uniform_convergence
import topology.uniform_space.equicontinuity
import topology.separation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ def uniform_space_of_compact_t2 [topological_space γ] [compact_space γ] [t2_sp
### Heine-Cantor theorem

/-- Heine-Cantor: a continuous function on a compact separated uniform space is uniformly
/-- Heine-Cantor: a continuous function on a compact uniform space is uniformly
continuous. -/
lemma compact_space.uniform_continuous_of_continuous [compact_space α]
{f : α → β} (h : continuous f) : uniform_continuous f :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,3 +221,18 @@ locally compact and `β` is compact. -/
lemma continuous.tendsto_uniformly [locally_compact_space α] [compact_space β] [uniform_space γ]
(f : α → β → γ) (h : continuous ↿f) (x : α) : tendsto_uniformly f (f x) (𝓝 x) :=
h.continuous_on.tendsto_uniformly univ_mem

section uniform_convergence

/-- An equicontinuous family of functions defined on a compact uniform space is automatically
uniformly equicontinuous. -/
lemma compact_space.uniform_equicontinuous_of_equicontinuous {ι : Type*} {F : ι → β → α}
[compact_space β] (h : equicontinuous F) :
uniform_equicontinuous F :=
rw equicontinuous_iff_continuous at h,
rw uniform_equicontinuous_iff_uniform_continuous,
exact compact_space.uniform_continuous_of_continuous h

end uniform_convergence

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