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feat({tactic + test}/congrm, logic/basic): `congrm = congr + pattern-…
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…match` (#14153)

This PR defines a tactic `congrm`.  If the goal is an equality, where the sides are "almost" equal, then calling `congrm <expr_with_mvars_for_differences>` will produce goals for each place where the given expression has metavariables and will try to close the goal assuming all equalities have been proven.

For instance,
example {a b : ℕ} (h : a = b) : (λ y : ℕ, ∀ z, a + a = z) = (λ x, ∀ z, b + a = z) :=
  congrm λ x, ∀ w, _ + a = w,
  exact h,


Co-authored-by: Gabriel Ebner <>

Co-authored-by: Gabriel Ebner <>
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adomani and gebner committed Jun 14, 2022
1 parent 32d8fc4 commit 41eb958
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139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/congrm.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Damiano Testa. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Gabriel Ebner, Damiano Testa
import tactic.interactive

/-! `congrm`: `congr` with pattern-matching
`congrm e` gives to the use the functionality of using `congr` with an expression `e` "guiding"
`congr` through the matching. This allows more flexibility than `congr' n`, which enters uniformly
through `n` iterations. Instead, we can guide the matching deeper on some parts of the expression
and stop earlier on other parts.

namespace tactic

For each element of `list congr_arg_kind` that is `eq`, add a pair `(g, pat)` to the
final list. Otherwise, discard an appropriate number of initial terms from each list
(possibly none from the first) and repeat.
`pat` is the given pattern-piece at the appropriate location, extracted from the last `list expr`.
It appears to be the list of arguments of a function application.
`g` is possibly the proof of an equality? It is extracted from the first `list expr`.
private meta def extract_subgoals : list expr → list congr_arg_kind → list expr →
tactic (list (expr × expr))
| (_ :: _ :: g :: prf_args) (congr_arg_kind.eq :: kinds) (pat :: pat_args) :=
(λ rest, (g, pat) :: rest) <$> extract_subgoals prf_args kinds pat_args
| (_ :: prf_args) (congr_arg_kind.fixed :: kinds) (_ :: pat_args) :=
extract_subgoals prf_args kinds pat_args
| prf_args (congr_arg_kind.fixed_no_param :: kinds) (_ :: pat_args) :=
extract_subgoals prf_args kinds pat_args
| (_ :: _ :: prf_args) (congr_arg_kind.cast :: kinds) (_ :: pat_args) :=
extract_subgoals prf_args kinds pat_args
| _ _ [] := pure []
| _ _ _ := fail "unsupported congr lemma"

`equate_with_pattern_core pat` solves a single goal of the form `lhs = rhs`
(assuming that `lhs` and `rhs` are unifiable with `pat`)
by applying congruence lemmas until `pat` is a metavariable.
Returns the list of metavariables for the new subgoals at the leafs.
Calls `set_goals []` at the end.
meta def equate_with_pattern_core : expr → tactic (list expr) | pat :=
(applyc ``subsingleton.elim >> pure []) <|>
(applyc ``rfl >> pure []) <|>
if pat.is_mvar || pat.get_delayed_abstraction_locals.is_some then do
try $ applyc ``_root_.propext,
get_goals <* set_goals []
else if pat.is_app then do
cl ← mk_specialized_congr_lemma pat,
H_congr_lemma ← assertv `H_congr_lemma cl.type cl.proof,
[prf] ← get_goals,
apply H_congr_lemma <|> fail "could not apply congr_lemma",
all_goals' $ try $ clear H_congr_lemma, -- given the `set_goals []` that follows, is this needed?
set_goals [],
prf ← instantiate_mvars prf,
subgoals ← extract_subgoals prf.get_app_args cl.arg_kinds pat.get_app_args,
subgoals ← subgoals.mmap (λ ⟨subgoal, subpat⟩, do
set_goals [subgoal],
equate_with_pattern_core subpat),
pure subgoals.join
else if pat.is_lambda then do
applyc ``_root_.funext,
x ← intro pat.binding_name,
equate_with_pattern_core $ pat.lambda_body.instantiate_var x
else if pat.is_pi then do
applyc ``_root_.pi_congr,
x ← intro pat.binding_name,
equate_with_pattern_core $ pat.pi_codomain.instantiate_var x
else do
pat ← pp pat,
fail $ to_fmt "unsupported pattern:\n" ++ pat

`equate_with_pattern pat` solves a single goal of the form `lhs = rhs`
(assuming that `lhs` and `rhs` are unifiable with `pat`)
by applying congruence lemmas until `pat` is a metavariable.
The subgoals for the leafs are prepended to the goals.
meta def equate_with_pattern (pat : expr) : tactic unit := do
congr_subgoals ← solve1 (equate_with_pattern_core pat),
gs ← get_goals,
set_goals $ congr_subgoals ++ gs

end tactic

namespace tactic.interactive
open tactic interactive

Assume that the goal is of the form `lhs = rhs` or `lhs ↔ rhs`.
`congrm e` takes an expression `e` containing placeholders `_` and scans `e, lhs, rhs` in parallel.
It matches both `lhs` and `rhs` to the pattern `e`, and produces one goal for each placeholder,
stating that the corresponding subexpressions in `lhs` and `rhs` are equal.
example {a b c d : ℕ} :
nat.pred a.succ * (d + (c + a.pred)) = nat.pred b.succ * (b + (c + d.pred)) :=
congrm nat.pred (nat.succ _) * (_ + _),
/- Goals left:
⊢ a = b
⊢ d = b
⊢ c + a.pred = c + d.pred
example {a b : ℕ} (h : a = b) : (λ y : ℕ, ∀ z, a + a = z) = (λ x, ∀ z, b + a = z) :=
congrm λ x, ∀ w, _ + a = w,
-- produces one goal for the underscore: ⊢ a = b
exact h,
meta def congrm (arg : parse texpr) : tactic unit := do
try $ applyc ``_root_.eq.to_iff,
`(@eq %%ty _ _) ← target | fail "congrm: goal must be an equality or iff",
ta ← to_expr ``((%%arg : %%ty)) tt ff,
equate_with_pattern ta

{ name := "congrm",
category := doc_category.tactic,
decl_names := [`tactic.interactive.congrm],
tags := ["congruence"] }

end tactic.interactive
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions test/congrm.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import tactic.congrm

variables {X : Type*} [has_add X] [has_mul X] (a b c d : X) (f : X → X)

example (H : a = b) : f a + f a = f b + f b :=
by congrm f _ + f _; exact H

example {g : X → X} (H : a = b) (H' : c + f a = c + f d) (H'' : f d = f b) :
f (g a) * (f d + (c + f a)) = f (g b) * (f b + (c + f d)) :=
congrm f (g _) * (_ + _),
{ exact H },
{ exact H'' },
{ exact H' },

example (H' : c + (f a) = c + (f d)) (H'' : f d = f b) :
f (f a) * (f d + (c + f a)) = f (f a) * (f b + (c + f d)) :=
congrm f (f _) * (_ + _),
{ exact H'' },
{ exact H' },

example (H' : c + (f a) = c + (f d)) (H'' : f d = f b) :
f (f a) * (f d + (c + f a)) = f (f a) * (f b + (c + f d)) :=
congrm f (f _) * (_ + _),
{ exact H'' },
{ exact H' },

example {p q} [decidable p] [decidable q] (h : p ↔ q) :
ite p 0 1 = ite q 0 1 :=
congrm ite _ 0 1,
exact h,

example {p q} [decidable p] [decidable q] (h : p ↔ q) :
ite p 0 1 = ite q 0 1 :=
congrm ite _ 0 1,
exact h,

example {a b : ℕ} (h : a = b) : (λ y : ℕ, ∀ z, a + a = z) = (λ x, ∀ z, b + a = z) :=
congrm λ x, ∀ w, _ + a = w,
exact h,

example (h : 5 = 3) : (⟨5 + 1, dec_trivial⟩ : fin 10) = ⟨3 + 1, dec_trivial⟩ :=
congrm ⟨_ + 1, _⟩,
exact h,

example : true ∧ false ↔ (true ∧ true) ∧ false :=
congrm _ ∧ _,
exact (true_and true).symm,

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