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added the alternating face map complex of a simplicial object in a preadditive category and the natural inclusion of the normalized_Moore_complex

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Dec 23, 2021
1 parent dc57de2 commit 421b9bb
Showing 1 changed file with 213 additions and 0 deletions.
213 changes: 213 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/alternating_face_map_complex.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou, Adam Topaz, Johan Commelin

import algebra.homology.homological_complex
import algebraic_topology.simplicial_object
import algebraic_topology.Moore_complex
import category_theory.abelian.basic
import algebra.big_operators.basic
import tactic.ring_exp
import data.fintype.card

# The alternating face map complex of a simplicial object in a preadditive category
We construct the alternating face map complex, as a
functor `alternating_face_map_complex : simplicial_object C ⥤ chain_complex C ℕ`
for any preadditive category `C`. For any simplicial object `X` in `C`,
this is the homological complex `... → X_2 → X_1 → X_0`
where the differentials are alternating sums of faces.
We also construct the natural transformation
`inclusion_of_Moore_complex : normalized_Moore_complex A ⟶ alternating_face_map_complex A`
when `A` is an abelian category.
## References

open category_theory category_theory.limits category_theory.subobject
open category_theory.preadditive
open opposite

open_locale big_operators
open_locale simplicial

noncomputable theory

namespace algebraic_topology

namespace alternating_face_map_complex

## Construction of the alternating face map complex

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [preadditive C]
variables (X : simplicial_object C)
variables (Y : simplicial_object C)

/-- The differential on the alternating face map complex is the alternate
sum of the face maps -/
def obj_d (n : ℕ) : X _[n+1] ⟶ X _[n] :=
∑ (i : fin (n+2)), (-1 : ℤ)^(i : ℕ) • X.δ i

## The chain complex relation `d ≫ d`
lemma d_squared (n : ℕ) : obj_d X (n+1) ≫ obj_d X n = 0 :=
/- we start by expanding d ≫ d as a double sum -/
rw comp_sum,
let d_l := λ (j : fin (n+3)), (-1 : ℤ)^(j : ℕ) • X.δ j,
let d_r := λ (i : fin (n+2)), (-1 : ℤ)^(i : ℕ) • X.δ i,
rw [show (λ i , (∑ j : fin (n+3), d_l j) ≫ d_r i) =
(λ i, ∑ j : fin (n+3), (d_l j ≫ d_r i)), by { ext i, rw sum_comp, }],
rw ← finset.sum_product',
/- then, we decompose the index set P into a subet S and its complement Sᶜ -/
let P := fin (n+2) × fin (n+3),
let S := finset.univ.filter (λ (ij : P), (ij.2 : ℕ) ≤ (ij.1 : ℕ)),
let term := λ (ij : P), d_l ij.2 ≫ d_r ij.1,
erw [show ∑ (ij : P), term ij =
(∑ ij in S, term ij) + (∑ ij in Sᶜ, term ij), by rw finset.sum_add_sum_compl],
rw [← eq_neg_iff_add_eq_zero, ← finset.sum_neg_distrib],
/- we are reduced to showing that two sums are equal, and this is obtained
by constructing a bijection φ : S -> Sᶜ, which maps (i,j) to (j,i+1),
and by comparing the terms -/
let φ : Π (ij : P), ij ∈ S → P := λ ij hij,
(fin.cast_lt ij.2
(lt_of_le_of_lt ( hij).right (fin.is_lt ij.1)), ij.1.succ),
apply finset.sum_bij φ,
{ -- φ(S) is contained in Sᶜ
intros ij hij,
simp only [finset.mem_univ, finset.compl_filter, finset.mem_filter, true_and,
fin.coe_succ, fin.coe_cast_lt] at hij ⊢,
linarith, },
{ /- identification of corresponding terms in both sums -/
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ hij,
simp only [term, d_l, d_r, φ, comp_zsmul, zsmul_comp, ← neg_smul, ← mul_smul,
pow_add, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm, mul_one, fin.coe_cast_lt,
fin.coe_succ, pow_one, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, neg_neg],
let jj : fin (n+2) := (φ (i,j) hij).1,
have ineq : jj ≤ i, { rw ← fin.coe_fin_le, simpa using hij, },
rw [category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_δ X ineq, fin.cast_succ_cast_lt, mul_comm] },
{ -- φ : S → Sᶜ is injective
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ ⟨i', j'⟩ hij hij' h,
rw [],
refine ⟨by simpa using congr_arg prod.snd h, _⟩,
have h1 := congr_arg fin.cast_succ (congr_arg prod.fst h),
simpa [fin.cast_succ_cast_lt] using h1 },
{ -- φ : S → Sᶜ is surjective
rintro ⟨i', j'⟩ hij',
simp only [true_and, finset.mem_univ, finset.compl_filter, not_le,
finset.mem_filter] at hij',
refine ⟨(j'.pred _, fin.cast_succ i'), _, _⟩,
{ intro H,
simpa only [H, nat.not_lt_zero, fin.coe_zero] using hij' },
{ simpa only [true_and, finset.mem_univ, fin.coe_cast_succ, fin.coe_pred,
finset.mem_filter] using nat.le_pred_of_lt hij', },
{ simp only [, fin.succ_pred, fin.cast_lt_cast_succ],
split; refl }, },

## Construction of the alternating face map complex functor

/-- The alternating face map complex, on objects -/
def obj : chain_complex C ℕ := chain_complex.of (λ n, X _[n]) (obj_d X) (d_squared X)

variables {X} {Y}

/-- The alternating face map complex, on morphisms -/
def map (f : X ⟶ Y) : obj X ⟶ obj Y :=
chain_complex.of_hom _ _ _ _ _ _
(λ n, (op [n]))
(λ n,
rw [comp_sum, sum_comp],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl (λ x h, _),
rw [comp_zsmul, zsmul_comp],
apply congr_arg,
erw f.naturality,

end alternating_face_map_complex

variables (C : Type*) [category C] [preadditive C]

/-- The alternating face map complex, as a functor -/
def alternating_face_map_complex : simplicial_object C ⥤ chain_complex C ℕ :=
{ obj := alternating_face_map_complex.obj,
map := λ X Y f, f }

## Construction of the natural inclusion of the normalized Moore complex

variables {A : Type*} [category A] [abelian A]

/-- The inclusion map of the Moore complex in the alternating face map complex -/
def inclusion_of_Moore_complex_map (X : simplicial_object A) :
(normalized_Moore_complex A).obj X ⟶ (alternating_face_map_complex A).obj X :=
chain_complex.of_hom _ _ _ _ _ _
(λ n, (normalized_Moore_complex.obj_X X n).arrow)
(λ n,
/- we have to show the compatibility of the differentials on the alternating
face map complex with those defined on the normalized Moore complex:
we first get rid of the terms of the alternating sum that are obviously
zero on the normalized_Moore_complex -/
simp only [alternating_face_map_complex.obj_d],
rw comp_sum,
let t := λ (j : fin (n+2)), (normalized_Moore_complex.obj_X X (n+1)).arrow ≫
((-1 : ℤ)^(j : ℕ) • X.δ j),
have def_t : (∀ j : fin (n+2), t j = (normalized_Moore_complex.obj_X X (n+1)).arrow ≫
((-1 : ℤ)^(j : ℕ) • X.δ j)) := by { intro j, refl, },
rw [fin.sum_univ_succ t],
have null : ∀ j : fin (n+1), t j.succ = 0,
{ intro j,
rw [def_t, comp_zsmul, ← zsmul_zero ((-1 : ℤ)^(j.succ : ℕ))],
apply congr_arg,
rw normalized_Moore_complex.obj_X,
rw ← factor_thru_arrow _ _
(finset_inf_arrow_factors finset.univ _ j (by simp only [finset.mem_univ])),
slice_lhs 2 3 { erw kernel_subobject_arrow_comp (X.δ j.succ), },
simp only [comp_zero], },
rw [fintype.sum_eq_zero _ null],
simp only [add_zero],
/- finally, we study the remaining term which is induced by X.δ 0 -/
let eq := def_t 0,
rw [show (-1 : ℤ)^((0 : fin (n+2)) : ℕ) = 1, by ring] at eq,
rw one_smul at eq,
rw eq,
cases n; dsimp; simp,

lemma inclusion_of_Moore_complex_map_f (X : simplicial_object A) (n : ℕ) :
(inclusion_of_Moore_complex_map X).f n = (normalized_Moore_complex.obj_X X n).arrow :=
chain_complex.of_hom_f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n

variables (A)

/-- The inclusion map of the Moore complex in the alternating face map complex,
as a natural transformation -/
def inclusion_of_Moore_complex :
(normalized_Moore_complex A) ⟶ (alternating_face_map_complex A) :=
{ app := inclusion_of_Moore_complex_map, }

end algebraic_topology

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