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feat(ring_theory/witt_vector): the comparison between W(F_p) and Z_p (#…
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This PR is the culmination of the Witt vector project. We prove that the
ring of Witt vectors over `zmod p` is isomorphic to the ring of `p`-adic

Co-Authored-By: Rob Y. Lewis <>

Co-authored-by: Rob Lewis <>
Co-authored-by: Rob Lewis <>
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3 people committed Dec 23, 2020
1 parent d5adbde commit 435b97a
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Showing 2 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/data/equiv/ring.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,6 +248,16 @@ equiv.symm_apply_apply (e.to_equiv)
lemma to_ring_hom_trans (e₁ : R ≃+* S) (e₂ : S ≃+* S') :
(e₁.trans e₂).to_ring_hom = e₂.to_ring_hom.comp e₁.to_ring_hom := rfl

lemma to_ring_hom_comp_symm_to_ring_hom (e : R ≃+* S) :
e.to_ring_hom.comp e.symm.to_ring_hom = _ :=
by { ext, simp }

lemma symm_to_ring_hom_comp_to_ring_hom (e : R ≃+* S) :
e.symm.to_ring_hom.comp e.to_ring_hom = _ :=
by { ext, simp }

Construct an equivalence of rings from homomorphisms in both directions, which are inverses.
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219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/witt_vector/compare.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Robert Y. Lewis

import ring_theory.witt_vector.truncated
import ring_theory.witt_vector.identities
import data.padics.ring_homs

# Comparison isomorphism between `witt_vector p (zmod p)` and `ℤ_[p]`
We construct a ring isomorphism between `witt_vector p (zmod p)` and `ℤ_[p]`.
This isomorphism follows from the fact that both satisfy the universal property
of the inverse limit of `zmod (p^n)`.
## Main declarations
* `witt_vector.to_zmod_pow`: a family of compatible ring homs `𝕎 (zmod p) → zmod (p^k)`
* `witt_vector.equiv`: the isomorphism

noncomputable theory

variables {p : ℕ} [hp : fact]

local notation `𝕎` := witt_vector p

include hp

namespace truncated_witt_vector

variables (p) (n : ℕ) (R : Type*) [comm_ring R]

lemma eq_of_le_of_cast_pow_eq_zero [char_p R p] (i : ℕ) (hin : i ≤ n)
(hpi : (p ^ i : truncated_witt_vector p n R) = 0) :
i = n :=
contrapose! hpi,
replace hin := lt_of_le_of_ne hin hpi, clear hpi,
have : (↑p ^ i : truncated_witt_vector p n R) = witt_vector.truncate n (↑p ^ i),
{ rw [ring_hom.map_pow, ring_hom.map_nat_cast] },
rw [this, ext_iff, not_forall], clear this,
use ⟨i, hin⟩,
rw [witt_vector.coeff_truncate, coeff_zero, fin.coe_mk, witt_vector.coeff_p_pow],
haveI : nontrivial R := char_p.nontrivial_of_char_ne_one hp.ne_one,
exact one_ne_zero

section iso

variables (p n) {R}

lemma card_zmod : fintype.card (truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p)) = p ^ n :=
by rw [card, zmod.card]

lemma char_p_zmod : char_p (truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p)) (p ^ n) :=
char_p_of_prime_pow_injective _ _ _ (card_zmod _ _)
(eq_of_le_of_cast_pow_eq_zero p n (zmod p))

local attribute [instance] char_p_zmod

The unique isomorphism between `zmod p^n` and `truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p)`.
This isomorphism exists, because `truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p)` is a finite ring
with characteristic and cardinality `p^n`.
def zmod_equiv_trunc : zmod (p^n) ≃+* truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p) :=
zmod.ring_equiv (truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p)) (card_zmod _ _)

lemma zmod_equiv_trunc_apply {x : zmod (p^n)} :
zmod_equiv_trunc p n x = zmod.cast_hom (by refl) (truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p)) x :=

The following diagram commutes:
zmod (p^n) ----------------------------> zmod (p^m)
| |
| |
v v
truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p) ----> truncated_witt_vector p m (zmod p)
Here the vertical arrows are `truncated_witt_vector.zmod_equiv_trunc`,
the horizontal arrow at the top is `zmod.cast_hom`,
and the horizontal arrow at the bottom is `truncated_witt_vector.truncate`.
lemma commutes {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) :
(truncate hm).comp (zmod_equiv_trunc p m).to_ring_hom =
(zmod_equiv_trunc p n).to_ring_hom.comp (zmod.cast_hom (pow_dvd_pow p hm) _) :=
ring_hom.ext_zmod _ _

lemma commutes' {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) (x : zmod (p^m)) :
truncate hm (zmod_equiv_trunc p m x) =
zmod_equiv_trunc p n (zmod.cast_hom (pow_dvd_pow p hm) _ x) :=
show (truncate hm).comp (zmod_equiv_trunc p m).to_ring_hom x = _,
by rw commutes _ _ hm; refl

lemma commutes_symm' {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) (x : truncated_witt_vector p m (zmod p)) :
(zmod_equiv_trunc p n).symm (truncate hm x) =
zmod.cast_hom (pow_dvd_pow p hm) _ ((zmod_equiv_trunc p m).symm x) :=
apply (zmod_equiv_trunc p n).injective,
rw ← commutes',

The following diagram commutes:
truncated_witt_vector p n (zmod p) ----> truncated_witt_vector p m (zmod p)
| |
| |
v v
zmod (p^n) ----------------------------> zmod (p^m)
Here the vertical arrows are `(truncated_witt_vector.zmod_equiv_trunc p _).symm`,
the horizontal arrow at the top is `zmod.cast_hom`,
and the horizontal arrow at the bottom is `truncated_witt_vector.truncate`.
lemma commutes_symm {m : ℕ} (hm : n ≤ m) :
(zmod_equiv_trunc p n).symm.to_ring_hom.comp (truncate hm) =
(zmod.cast_hom (pow_dvd_pow p hm) _).comp (zmod_equiv_trunc p m).symm.to_ring_hom :=
by ext; apply commutes_symm'

end iso

end truncated_witt_vector

namespace witt_vector
open truncated_witt_vector

variables (p)

`to_zmod_pow` is a family of compatible ring homs. We get this family by composing
`truncated_witt_vector.zmod_equiv_trunc` (in right-to-left direction)
with `witt_vector.truncate`.
def to_zmod_pow (k : ℕ) : 𝕎 (zmod p) →+* zmod (p ^ k) :=
(zmod_equiv_trunc p k).symm.to_ring_hom.comp (truncate k)

lemma to_zmod_pow_compat (m n : ℕ) (h : m ≤ n) :
(zmod.cast_hom (pow_dvd_pow p h) (zmod (p ^ m))).comp (to_zmod_pow p n) = to_zmod_pow p m :=
calc (zmod.cast_hom _ (zmod (p ^ m))).comp
((zmod_equiv_trunc p n).symm.to_ring_hom.comp (truncate n)) =
((zmod_equiv_trunc p m).symm.to_ring_hom.comp
(truncated_witt_vector.truncate h)).comp (truncate n) :
by rw [commutes_symm, ring_hom.comp_assoc]
... = (zmod_equiv_trunc p m).symm.to_ring_hom.comp (truncate m) :
by rw [ring_hom.comp_assoc, truncate_comp_witt_vector_truncate]

`to_padic_int` lifts `to_zmod_pow : 𝕎 (zmod p) →+* zmod (p ^ k)` to a ring hom to `ℤ_[p]`
using `padic_int.lift`, the universal property of `ℤ_[p]`.
def to_padic_int : 𝕎 (zmod p) →+* ℤ_[p] := padic_int.lift $ to_zmod_pow_compat p

lemma zmod_equiv_trunc_compat (k₁ k₂ : ℕ) (hk : k₁ ≤ k₂) :
(truncated_witt_vector.truncate hk).comp
((zmod_equiv_trunc p k₂).to_ring_hom.comp
(padic_int.to_zmod_pow k₂)) =
(zmod_equiv_trunc p k₁).to_ring_hom.comp (padic_int.to_zmod_pow k₁) :=
by rw [← ring_hom.comp_assoc, commutes, ring_hom.comp_assoc, padic_int.zmod_cast_comp_to_zmod_pow]

`from_padic_int` uses `witt_vector.lift` to lift `truncated_witt_vector.zmod_equiv_trunc`
composed with `padic_int.to_zmod_pow` to a ring hom `ℤ_[p] →+* 𝕎 (zmod p)`.
def from_padic_int : ℤ_[p] →+* 𝕎 (zmod p) :=
witt_vector.lift (λ k, (zmod_equiv_trunc p k).to_ring_hom.comp (padic_int.to_zmod_pow k)) $
zmod_equiv_trunc_compat _

lemma to_padic_int_comp_from_padic_int :
(to_padic_int p).comp (from_padic_int p) = ℤ_[p] :=
rw ← padic_int.to_zmod_pow_eq_iff_ext,
intro n,
rw [← ring_hom.comp_assoc, to_padic_int, padic_int.lift_spec],
simp only [from_padic_int, to_zmod_pow, ring_hom.comp_id],
rw [ring_hom.comp_assoc, truncate_comp_lift, ← ring_hom.comp_assoc],
simp only [ring_equiv.symm_to_ring_hom_comp_to_ring_hom, ring_hom.id_comp]

lemma to_padic_int_comp_from_padic_int_ext (x) :
(to_padic_int p).comp (from_padic_int p) x = ℤ_[p] x :=
by rw to_padic_int_comp_from_padic_int

lemma from_padic_int_comp_to_padic_int :
(from_padic_int p).comp (to_padic_int p) = (𝕎 (zmod p)) :=
apply witt_vector.hom_ext,
intro n,
rw [from_padic_int, ← ring_hom.comp_assoc, truncate_comp_lift, ring_hom.comp_assoc],
simp only [to_padic_int, to_zmod_pow, ring_hom.comp_id, padic_int.lift_spec, ring_hom.id_comp,
← ring_hom.comp_assoc, ring_equiv.to_ring_hom_comp_symm_to_ring_hom]

lemma from_padic_int_comp_to_padic_int_ext (x) :
(from_padic_int p).comp (to_padic_int p) x = (𝕎 (zmod p)) x :=
by rw from_padic_int_comp_to_padic_int

The ring of Witt vectors over `zmod p` is isomorphic to the ring of `p`-adic integers. This
equivalence is witnessed by `witt_vector.to_padic_int` with inverse `witt_vector.from_padic_int`.
def equiv : 𝕎 (zmod p) ≃+* ℤ_[p] :=
{ to_fun := to_padic_int p,
inv_fun := from_padic_int p,
left_inv := from_padic_int_comp_to_padic_int_ext _,
right_inv := to_padic_int_comp_from_padic_int_ext _,
map_mul' := ring_hom.map_mul _,
map_add' := ring_hom.map_add _ }

end witt_vector

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