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chore(group_theory/free_group): clean up unnecessary lemmas (#6200)
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This removes:

* `free_abelian_group.lift.{add,sub,neg,zero}` as these exist already as `(free_abelian_group.lift _).map_{add,sub,neg,zero}` 
* `free_group.to_group.{mul,one,inv}` as these exist already as `(free_group.to_group _).map_{mul,one,inv}`
* `{mul,one,inv}` as these exist already as `( _).map_{mul,one,inv}`
* `{mul,one,inv}` as these exist already as `{mul,one,inv}`
* `to_group.is_group_hom` as this is provided automatically for `monoid_hom`s

and renames

* `free_group.sum.{mul,one,inv}` to `free_group.sum.map_{mul,one,inv}`

These lemmas are already simp lemmas thanks to the functions they relate to being bundled homs.
While the new spelling is slightly longer, it makes it clear that the entire set of `monoid_hom` lemmas apply, not just the three that were copied across.

This also wraps some lines to make the linter happier about these files.
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eric-wieser committed Feb 13, 2021
1 parent 759ebc0 commit 43bfd90
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Showing 4 changed files with 65 additions and 103 deletions.
75 changes: 31 additions & 44 deletions src/group_theory/free_abelian_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -38,20 +38,6 @@ namespace lift
variables {β : Type v} [add_comm_group β] (f : α → β)
open free_abelian_group

@[simp] protected lemma add (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
lift f (x + y) = lift f x + lift f y :=
is_add_hom.map_add _ _ _

@[simp] protected lemma neg (x : free_abelian_group α) : lift f (-x) = -lift f x :=
is_add_group_hom.map_neg _ _

@[simp] protected lemma sub (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
lift f (x - y) = lift f x - lift f y :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg]

@[simp] protected lemma zero : lift f 0 = 0 :=
is_add_group_hom.map_zero _

@[simp] protected lemma of (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x :=
convert @abelianization.lift.of (free_group α) _ (multiplicative β) _ _ _,
Expand All @@ -62,7 +48,7 @@ protected theorem unique (g : free_abelian_group α →+ β)
(hg : ∀ x, g (of x) = f x) {x} :
g x = lift f x :=
@abelianization.lift.unique (free_group α) _ (multiplicative β) _
(monoid_hom.of (@free_group.to_group _ (multiplicative β) _ f)) g.to_multiplicative
(@free_group.to_group _ (multiplicative β) _ f) g.to_multiplicative
(λ x, @free_group.to_group.unique α (multiplicative β) _ _
((add_monoid_hom.to_multiplicative' g).comp abelianization.of)
hg x) _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +94,7 @@ variables (X : Type*) (G : Type*) [add_comm_group G]
/-- The bijection underlying the free-forgetful adjunction for abelian groups.-/
def hom_equiv : (free_abelian_group X →+ G) ≃ (X → G) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, f.1 ∘ of,
inv_fun := λ f, add_monoid_hom.of (lift f),
inv_fun := λ f, lift f,
left_inv := λ f, begin ext, simp end,
right_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, lift.of f x }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,13 +123,13 @@ theorem lift.add' {α β} [add_comm_group β] (a : free_abelian_group α) (f g :
lift (f + g) a = lift f a + lift g a :=
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on a _ _ _ _,
{ simp only [, zero_add] },
{ simp only [(lift _).map_zero, zero_add] },
{ assume x,
simp only [lift.of, pi.add_apply] },
{ assume x h,
simp only [lift.neg, lift.of, pi.add_apply, neg_add] },
simp only [(lift _).map_neg, lift.of, pi.add_apply, neg_add] },
{ assume x y hx hy,
simp only [lift.add, hx, hy],
simp only [(lift _).map_add, hx, hy],
ac_refl }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,18 +157,18 @@ free_abelian_group.induction_on z C0 C1 Cn Cp
lift.of _ _

@[simp] lemma map_zero (f : α → β) : f <$> (0 : free_abelian_group α) = 0 := (of ∘ f)
(lift (of ∘ f)).map_zero

@[simp] lemma map_add (f : α → β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
f <$> (x + y) = f <$> x + f <$> y :=
lift.add _ _ _
(lift _).map_add _ _

@[simp] lemma map_neg (f : α → β) (x : free_abelian_group α) : f <$> (-x) = -(f <$> x) :=
lift.neg _ _
(lift _).map_neg _

@[simp] lemma map_sub (f : α → β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
f <$> (x - y) = f <$> x - f <$> y :=
lift.sub _ _ _
(lift _).map_sub _ _

@[simp] lemma map_of (f : α → β) (y : α) : f <$> of y = of (f y) := rfl

Expand All @@ -196,29 +182,29 @@ lemma lift_comp {α} {β} {γ} [add_comm_group γ]
lift (g ∘ f) x = lift g (f <$> x) :=
apply free_abelian_group.induction_on x,
{ simp only [, map_zero], },
{ simp only [(lift _).map_zero, map_zero], },
{ intro y, simp [lift.of, map_of, function.comp_app], },
{ intros x w, simp only [w, neg_inj, lift.neg, map_neg], },
{ intros x y w₁ w₂, simp only [w₁, w₂, lift.add, add_right_inj, map_add], },
{ intros x w, simp only [w, neg_inj, (lift _).map_neg, map_neg], },
{ intros x y w₁ w₂, simp only [w₁, w₂, (lift _).map_add, add_right_inj, map_add], },

@[simp] lemma pure_bind (f : α → free_abelian_group β) (x) : pure x >>= f = f x :=
lift.of _ _

@[simp] lemma zero_bind (f : α → free_abelian_group β) : 0 >>= f = 0 := f
(lift f).map_zero

@[simp] lemma add_bind (f : α → free_abelian_group β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
x + y >>= f = (x >>= f) + (y >>= f) :=
lift.add _ _ _
(lift _).map_add _ _

@[simp] lemma neg_bind (f : α → free_abelian_group β) (x : free_abelian_group α) :
-x >>= f = -(x >>= f) :=
lift.neg _ _
(lift _).map_neg _

@[simp] lemma sub_bind (f : α → free_abelian_group β) (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
x - y >>= f = (x >>= f) - (y >>= f) :=
lift.sub _ _ _
(lift _).map_sub _ _

@[simp] lemma pure_seq (f : α → β) (x : free_abelian_group α) : pure f <*> x = f <$> x :=
pure_bind _ _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,12 +275,13 @@ instance [monoid α] : semigroup (free_abelian_group α) :=
{ intros L2, iterate 3 { rw lift.of },
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (by simp) _ _ _,
{ intros L1, iterate 3 { rw lift.of }, congr' 1, exact mul_assoc _ _ _ },
{ intros L1 ih, iterate 3 { rw lift.neg }, rw ih },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L2 ih, iterate 4 { rw lift.neg }, rw ih },
{ intros y1 y2 ih1 ih2, iterate 4 { rw lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L3 ih, iterate 3 { rw lift.neg }, rw ih },
{ intros z1 z2 ih1 ih2, iterate 2 { rw lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2], exact (lift.add _ _ _).symm }
{ intros L1 ih, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw ih },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L2 ih, iterate 4 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw ih },
{ intros y1 y2 ih1 ih2, iterate 4 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2] } },
{ intros L3 ih, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw ih },
{ intros z1 z2 ih1 ih2, iterate 2 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2],
exact ((lift _).map_add _ _).symm }
end }

lemma mul_def [monoid α] (x y : free_abelian_group α) :
Expand All @@ -310,23 +297,23 @@ instance [monoid α] : ring (free_abelian_group α) :=
rw lift.of,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x rfl _ _ _,
{ intros L, erw [lift.of], congr' 1, exact mul_one L },
{ intros L ih, rw [lift.neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [lift.add, ih1, ih2] }
{ intros L ih, rw [(lift _).map_neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [(lift _).map_add, ih1, ih2] }
one_mul := λ x, begin
unfold has_mul.mul semigroup.mul,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x rfl _ _ _,
{ intros L, rw [lift.of, lift.of], congr' 1, exact one_mul L },
{ intros L ih, rw [lift.neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [lift.add, ih1, ih2] }
{ intros L ih, rw [(lift _).map_neg, ih] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, rw [(lift _).map_add, ih1, ih2] }
left_distrib := λ x y z, lift.add _ _ _,
left_distrib := λ x y z, (lift _).map_add _ _,
right_distrib := λ x y z, begin
unfold has_mul.mul semigroup.mul,
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on z rfl _ _ _,
{ intros L, iterate 3 { rw lift.of }, rw lift.add, refl },
{ intros L ih, iterate 3 { rw lift.neg }, rw [ih, neg_add], refl },
{ intros z1 z2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2],
{ intros L, iterate 3 { rw lift.of }, rw (lift _).map_add, refl },
{ intros L ih, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_neg }, rw [ih, neg_add], refl },
{ intros z1 z2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw (lift _).map_add }, rw [ih1, ih2],
rw [add_assoc, add_assoc], congr' 1, apply add_left_comm }
.. free_abelian_group.add_comm_group α,
Expand Down
73 changes: 20 additions & 53 deletions src/group_theory/free_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -401,28 +401,14 @@ rfl
@[simp] lemma to_group.of {x} : to_group f (of x) = f x :=
one_mul _

instance to_group.is_group_hom : is_group_hom (to_group f) :=
{ map_mul := by rintros ⟨L₁⟩ ⟨L₂⟩; simp }

@[simp] lemma to_group.mul : to_group f (x * y) = to_group f x * to_group f y :=
is_mul_hom.map_mul _ _ _

@[simp] lemma : to_group f 1 = 1 :=
is_group_hom.map_one _

@[simp] lemma to_group.inv : to_group f x⁻¹ = (to_group f x)⁻¹ :=
is_group_hom.map_inv _ _

theorem to_group.unique (g : free_group α →* β)
(hg : ∀ x, g (of x) = f x) : ∀{x}, g x = to_group f x :=
by rintros ⟨L⟩; exact list.rec_on L (is_group_hom.map_one g)
(λ ⟨x, b⟩ t (ih : g (mk t) = _), bool.rec_on b
(show g ((of x)⁻¹ * mk t) = to_group f (mk ((x, ff) :: t)),
by simp [monoid_hom.map_mul g, monoid_hom.map_inv g, hg, ih,
to_group.to_fun, to_group.aux])
by simp [g.map_mul, g.map_inv, hg, ih, to_group.to_fun, to_group.aux])
(show g (of x * mk t) = to_group f (mk ((x, tt) :: t)),
by simp [monoid_hom.map_mul g, monoid_hom.map_inv g, hg, ih,
to_group.to_fun, to_group.aux]))
by simp [g.map_mul, g.map_inv, hg, ih, to_group.to_fun, to_group.aux]))

/-- Two homomorphisms out of a free group are equal if they are equal on generators.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,23 +497,14 @@ by rcases x with ⟨L⟩; simp

@[simp] lemma map.of {x} : map f (of x) = of (f x) := rfl

@[simp] lemma map.mul : map f (x * y) = map f x * map f y :=
is_mul_hom.map_mul _ x y

@[simp] lemma : map f 1 = 1 :=
is_group_hom.map_one _

@[simp] lemma map.inv : map f x⁻¹ = (map f x)⁻¹ :=
is_group_hom.map_inv _ x

theorem map.unique (g : free_group α → free_group β) [is_group_hom g]
theorem map.unique (g : free_group α →* free_group β)
(hg : ∀ x, g (of x) = of (f x)) : ∀{x}, g x = map f x :=
by rintros ⟨L⟩; exact list.rec_on L (is_group_hom.map_one g)
by rintros ⟨L⟩; exact list.rec_on L g.map_one
(λ ⟨x, b⟩ t (ih : g (mk t) = map f (mk t)), bool.rec_on b
(show g ((of x)⁻¹ * mk t) = map f ((of x)⁻¹ * mk t),
by simp [is_mul_hom.map_mul g, is_group_hom.map_inv g, hg, ih])
by simp [g.map_mul, g.map_inv, hg, ih])
(show g (of x * mk t) = map f (of x * mk t),
by simp [is_mul_hom.map_mul g, hg, ih]))
by simp [g.map_mul, hg, ih]))

/-- Equivalent types give rise to equivalent free groups. -/
def free_group_congr {α β} (e : α ≃ β) : free_group α ≃ free_group β :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,15 +536,6 @@ rfl
@[simp] lemma prod.of {x : α} : prod (of x) = x :=

@[simp] lemma prod.mul : prod (x * y) = prod x * prod y :=

@[simp] lemma : prod (1:free_group α) = 1 :=

@[simp] lemma prod.inv : prod x⁻¹ = (prod x)⁻¹ :=

lemma prod.unique (g : free_group α →* α)
(hg : ∀ x, g (of x) = x) {x} :
g x = prod x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,17 +571,16 @@ rfl
@[simp] lemma sum.of {x : α} : sum (of x) = x :=

instance sum.is_group_hom : is_group_hom (@sum α _) :=

@[simp] lemma sum.mul : sum (x * y) = sum x + sum y :=
-- note: there are no bundled homs with different notation in the domain and codomain, so we copy
-- these manually
@[simp] lemma sum.map_mul : sum (x * y) = sum x + sum y :=
(@prod (multiplicative _) _).map_mul _ _

@[simp] lemma : sum (1:free_group α) = 0 :=
@[simp] lemma sum.map_one : sum (1:free_group α) = 0 :=
(@prod (multiplicative _) _).map_one

@[simp] lemma sum.inv : sum x⁻¹ = -sum x :=
@[simp] lemma sum.map_inv : sum x⁻¹ = -sum x :=
(@prod (multiplicative _) _).map_inv _

end sum

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -667,25 +634,25 @@ bool.rec_on b (Cm _ _ (Ci _ $ Cp x) ih) (Cm _ _ (Cp x) ih)

@[simp] lemma map_one (f : α → β) : f <$> (1 : free_group α) = 1 :=
(map f).map_one

@[simp] lemma map_mul (f : α → β) (x y : free_group α) : f <$> (x * y) = f <$> x * f <$> y :=
(map f).map_mul x y

@[simp] lemma map_inv (f : α → β) (x : free_group α) : f <$> (x⁻¹) = (f <$> x)⁻¹ :=
(map f).map_inv x

@[simp] lemma pure_bind (f : α → free_group β) (x) : pure x >>= f = f x :=

@[simp] lemma one_bind (f : α → free_group β) : 1 >>= f = 1 := _ f
(to_group f).map_one

@[simp] lemma mul_bind (f : α → free_group β) (x y : free_group α) : x * y >>= f = (x >>= f) * (y >>= f) :=
(to_group f).map_mul _ _

@[simp] lemma inv_bind (f : α → free_group β) (x : free_group α) : x⁻¹ >>= f = (x >>= f)⁻¹ :=
(to_group f).map_inv _

instance : is_lawful_monad free_group.{u} :=
{ id_map := λ α x, free_group.induction_on x (map_one id) (λ x, map_pure id x)
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/ring_theory/free_comm_ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -105,11 +105,14 @@ def lift : free_comm_ring α →+* R :=
calc _ = (( f s1) + ( f s2)) :
by {congr' 1, exact multiset.map_add _ _ _}
... = _ : multiset.prod_add _ _ },
{ intros s1 ih, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.neg }, rw [ih, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2, add_mul] } },
{ intros s1 ih, iterate 3 { rw (free_abelian_group.lift _).map_neg },
rw [ih, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw (free_abelian_group.lift _).map_add },
rw [ih1, ih2, add_mul] } },
{ intros s2 ih,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at ih ⊢,
rw [mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, ih] },
rw [mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, add_monoid_hom.map_neg,
mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, ih] },
{ intros y1 y2 ih1 ih2,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at ih1 ih2 ⊢,
rw [mul_add, add_monoid_hom.map_add, add_monoid_hom.map_add, mul_add, ih1, ih2] },
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/ring_theory/free_ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -79,11 +79,16 @@ def lift : free_ring α →+* R :=
refine free_abelian_group.induction_on x (zero_mul _).symm _ _ _,
{ intros L1, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.of },
show ( f (_ ++ _)) = _, rw [list.map_append, list.prod_append] },
{ intros L1 ih, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.neg }, rw [ih, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2, iterate 3 { rw free_abelian_group.lift.add }, rw [ih1, ih2, add_mul] } },
{ intros L1 ih,
iterate 3 { rw (free_abelian_group.lift _).map_neg },
rw [ih, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul] },
{ intros x1 x2 ih1 ih2,
iterate 3 { rw (free_abelian_group.lift _).map_add },
rw [ih1, ih2, add_mul] } },
{ intros L2 ih,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at ih ⊢,
rw [mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, ih] },
rw [mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, add_monoid_hom.map_neg, add_monoid_hom.map_neg,
mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm, ih] },
{ intros y1 y2 ih1 ih2,
simp only [add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe] at ih1 ih2 ⊢,
rw [mul_add, add_monoid_hom.map_add, add_monoid_hom.map_add, mul_add, ih1, ih2] },
Expand Down

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