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feat(geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle): more on relation to unorient…
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…ed angles (#16215)

Add more lemmas about the relation of oriented and unoriented angles;
in particular, some involving `real.angle.to_real` and
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jsm28 committed Aug 24, 2022
1 parent 9b75911 commit 474f96a
Showing 1 changed file with 146 additions and 0 deletions.
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions src/geometry/euclidean/oriented_angle.lean
Expand Up @@ -834,6 +834,113 @@ lemma oangle_eq_angle_or_eq_neg_angle {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
hb.oangle x y = -inner_product_geometry.angle x y :=
real.angle.cos_eq_real_cos_iff_eq_or_eq_neg.1 $ hb.cos_oangle_eq_cos_angle hx hy

/-- The unoriented angle between two nonzero vectors is the absolute value of the oriented angle,
converted to a real. -/
lemma angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
inner_product_geometry.angle x y = |(hb.oangle x y).to_real| :=
have h0 := inner_product_geometry.angle_nonneg x y,
have hpi := inner_product_geometry.angle_le_pi x y,
rcases hb.oangle_eq_angle_or_eq_neg_angle hx hy with (h|h),
{ rw [h, eq_comm, real.angle.abs_to_real_coe_eq_self_iff],
exact ⟨h0, hpi⟩ },
{ rw [h, eq_comm, real.angle.abs_to_real_neg_coe_eq_self_iff],
exact ⟨h0, hpi⟩ }

/-- If the sign of the oriented angle between two vectors is zero, either one of the vectors is
zero or the unoriented angle is 0 or π. -/
lemma eq_zero_or_angle_eq_zero_or_pi_of_sign_oangle_eq_zero {x y : V}
(h : (hb.oangle x y).sign = 0) :
x = 0 ∨ y = 0 ∨ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = 0 ∨ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = π :=
by_cases hx : x = 0, { simp [hx] },
by_cases hy : y = 0, { simp [hy] },
rw hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real hx hy,
rw real.angle.sign_eq_zero_iff at h,
rcases h with h|h;
simp [h, real.pi_pos.le]

/-- If two unoriented angles are equal, and the signs of the corresponding oriented angles are
equal, then the oriented angles are equal (even in degenerate cases). -/
lemma oangle_eq_of_angle_eq_of_sign_eq {w x y z : V}
(h : inner_product_geometry.angle w x = inner_product_geometry.angle y z)
(hs : (hb.oangle w x).sign = (hb.oangle y z).sign) : hb.oangle w x = hb.oangle y z :=
by_cases h0 : (w = 0 ∨ x = 0) ∨ (y = 0 ∨ z = 0),
{ have hs' : (hb.oangle w x).sign = 0 ∧ (hb.oangle y z).sign = 0,
{ rcases h0 with (rfl|rfl)|rfl|rfl,
{ simpa using hs.symm },
{ simpa using hs.symm },
{ simpa using hs },
{ simpa using hs } },
rcases hs' with ⟨hswx, hsyz⟩,
have h' : inner_product_geometry.angle w x = π / 2 ∧ inner_product_geometry.angle y z = π / 2,
{ rcases h0 with (rfl|rfl)|rfl|rfl,
{ simpa using h.symm },
{ simpa using h.symm },
{ simpa using h },
{ simpa using h } },
rcases h' with ⟨hwx, hyz⟩,
have hpi : π / 2 ≠ π,
{ intro hpi,
rw [div_eq_iff, eq_comm, ←sub_eq_zero, mul_two, add_sub_cancel] at hpi,
{ exact hpi },
{ exact two_ne_zero } },
have h0wx : (w = 0 ∨ x = 0),
{ have h0' := hb.eq_zero_or_angle_eq_zero_or_pi_of_sign_oangle_eq_zero hswx,
simpa [hwx,, hpi] using h0' },
have h0yz : (y = 0 ∨ z = 0),
{ have h0' := hb.eq_zero_or_angle_eq_zero_or_pi_of_sign_oangle_eq_zero hsyz,
simpa [hyz,, hpi] using h0' },
rcases h0wx with h0wx|h0wx; rcases h0yz with h0yz|h0yz;
simp [h0wx, h0yz] },
{ push_neg at h0,
rw real.angle.eq_iff_abs_to_real_eq_of_sign_eq hs,
rwa [hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real h0.1.1 h0.1.2,
hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real h0.2.1 h0.2.2] at h }

/-- If the signs of two oriented angles between nonzero vectors are equal, the oriented angles are
equal if and only if the unoriented angles are equal. -/
lemma oangle_eq_iff_angle_eq_of_sign_eq {w x y z : V} (hw : w ≠ 0) (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0)
(hz : z ≠ 0) (hs : (hb.oangle w x).sign = (hb.oangle y z).sign) :
inner_product_geometry.angle w x = inner_product_geometry.angle y z ↔
hb.oangle w x = hb.oangle y z :=
refine ⟨λ h, hb.oangle_eq_of_angle_eq_of_sign_eq h hs, λ h, _⟩,
rw [hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real hw hx, hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real hy hz, h]

/-- The oriented angle between two nonzero vectors is zero if and only if the unoriented angle
is zero. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_iff_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
hb.oangle x y = 0 ↔ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = 0 :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
{ simpa [hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real hx hy] },
{ have ha := hb.oangle_eq_angle_or_eq_neg_angle hx hy,
rw h at ha,
simpa using ha }

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is `π` if and only if the unoriented angle is `π`. -/
lemma oangle_eq_pi_iff_angle_eq_pi {x y : V} :
hb.oangle x y = π ↔ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = π :=
by_cases hx : x = 0, { simp [hx, real.angle.pi_ne_zero.symm, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_right_eq_self₀,
not_or_distrib, real.pi_ne_zero], norm_num },
by_cases hy : y = 0, { simp [hy, real.angle.pi_ne_zero.symm, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_right_eq_self₀,
not_or_distrib, real.pi_ne_zero], norm_num },
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
{ rw [hb.angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real hx hy, h],
simp [real.pi_pos.le] },
{ have ha := hb.oangle_eq_angle_or_eq_neg_angle hx hy,
rw h at ha,
simpa using ha }

end orthonormal

namespace orientation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1285,4 +1392,43 @@ lemma oangle_eq_angle_or_eq_neg_angle {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
o.oangle x y = -inner_product_geometry.angle x y :=
(ob).oangle_eq_angle_or_eq_neg_angle hx hy

/-- The unoriented angle between two nonzero vectors is the absolute value of the oriented angle,
converted to a real. -/
lemma angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
inner_product_geometry.angle x y = |(o.oangle x y).to_real| :=
(ob).angle_eq_abs_oangle_to_real hx hy

/-- If the sign of the oriented angle between two vectors is zero, either one of the vectors is
zero or the unoriented angle is 0 or π. -/
lemma eq_zero_or_angle_eq_zero_or_pi_of_sign_oangle_eq_zero {x y : V}
(h : (o.oangle x y).sign = 0) :
x = 0 ∨ y = 0 ∨ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = 0 ∨ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = π :=
(ob).eq_zero_or_angle_eq_zero_or_pi_of_sign_oangle_eq_zero h

/-- If two unoriented angles are equal, and the signs of the corresponding oriented angles are
equal, then the oriented angles are equal (even in degenerate cases). -/
lemma oangle_eq_of_angle_eq_of_sign_eq {w x y z : V}
(h : inner_product_geometry.angle w x = inner_product_geometry.angle y z)
(hs : (o.oangle w x).sign = (o.oangle y z).sign) : o.oangle w x = o.oangle y z :=
(ob).oangle_eq_of_angle_eq_of_sign_eq h hs

/-- If the signs of two oriented angles between nonzero vectors are equal, the oriented angles are
equal if and only if the unoriented angles are equal. -/
lemma oangle_eq_iff_angle_eq_of_sign_eq {w x y z : V} (hw : w ≠ 0) (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0)
(hz : z ≠ 0) (hs : (o.oangle w x).sign = (o.oangle y z).sign) :
inner_product_geometry.angle w x = inner_product_geometry.angle y z ↔
o.oangle w x = o.oangle y z :=
(ob).oangle_eq_iff_angle_eq_of_sign_eq hw hx hy hz hs

/-- The oriented angle between two nonzero vectors is zero if and only if the unoriented angle
is zero. -/
lemma oangle_eq_zero_iff_angle_eq_zero {x y : V} (hx : x ≠ 0) (hy : y ≠ 0) :
o.oangle x y = 0 ↔ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = 0 :=
(ob).oangle_eq_zero_iff_angle_eq_zero hx hy

/-- The oriented angle between two vectors is `π` if and only if the unoriented angle is `π`. -/
lemma oangle_eq_pi_iff_angle_eq_pi {x y : V} :
o.oangle x y = π ↔ inner_product_geometry.angle x y = π :=

end orientation

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