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feat(src/topology/category/Top/limits): Coproducts in Top. (#17282)
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Co-authored-by: Andrew Yang <>
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erdOne and erdOne committed Nov 6, 2022
1 parent 22f02c1 commit 480c757
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 1 deletion.
104 changes: 103 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/category/Top/limits.lean
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--TODO: Add analogous constructions for `coprod` and `pushout`.
/-- The terminal object of `Top` is `punit`. -/
def is_terminal_punit : is_terminal (Top.of punit.{u+1}) :=
haveI : ∀ X, unique (X ⟶ Top.of punit.{u+1}) :=
λ X, ⟨⟨⟨λ x,, by continuity⟩⟩, λ f, by ext⟩,
exact limits.is_terminal.of_unique _,

/-- The terminal object of `Top` is `punit`. -/
def terminal_iso_punit : ⊤_ Top.{u} ≅ Top.of punit :=
terminal_is_terminal.unique_up_to_iso is_terminal_punit

/-- The initial object of `Top` is `pempty`. -/
def is_initial_pempty : is_initial (Top.of pempty.{u+1}) :=
haveI : ∀ X, unique (Top.of pempty.{u+1} ⟶ X) :=
λ X, ⟨⟨⟨λ x, x.elim, by continuity⟩⟩, λ f, by ext ⟨⟩⟩,
exact limits.is_initial.of_unique _,

/-- The initial object of `Top` is `pempty`. -/
def initial_iso_pempty : ⊥_ Top.{u} ≅ Top.of pempty :=
initial_is_initial.unique_up_to_iso is_initial_pempty

/-- The binary coproduct cofan in `Top`. -/
def binary_cofan (X Y : Top.{u}) : binary_cofan X Y := (⟨sum.inl⟩ : X ⟶ Top.of (X ⊕ Y)) ⟨sum.inr⟩

/-- The constructed binary coproduct cofan in `Top` is the coproduct. -/
def binary_cofan_is_colimit (X Y : Top.{u}) : is_colimit (Top.binary_cofan X Y) :=
refine limits.binary_cofan.is_colimit_mk (λ s, ⟨sum.elim s.inl s.inr⟩) _ _ _,
{ intro s, ext, refl },
{ intro s, ext, refl },
{ intros s m h₁ h₂, ext (x|x),
exacts [(concrete_category.congr_hom h₁ x : _), (concrete_category.congr_hom h₂ x : _)] },

lemma binary_cofan_is_colimit_iff {X Y : Top} (c : binary_cofan X Y) :
nonempty (is_colimit c) ↔
open_embedding c.inl ∧ open_embedding c.inr ∧ is_compl (set.range c.inl) (set.range c.inr) :=
{ rintro ⟨h⟩,
rw [← show _ = c.inl, from h.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv
(binary_cofan_is_colimit X Y) ⟨walking_pair.left⟩,
show _ = c.inr, from h.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv
(binary_cofan_is_colimit X Y) ⟨walking_pair.right⟩],
⟨(homeo_of_iso $ h.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (binary_cofan_is_colimit X Y)).symm
.open_embedding.comp open_embedding_inl, (homeo_of_iso $ h.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso
(binary_cofan_is_colimit X Y)).symm.open_embedding.comp open_embedding_inr, _⟩,
erw [set.range_comp, ← eq_compl_iff_is_compl, set.range_comp _ sum.inr, ← set.image_compl_eq
(homeo_of_iso $ h.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso (binary_cofan_is_colimit X Y))
congr' 1,
exact set.compl_range_inr.symm },
{ rintros ⟨h₁, h₂, h₃⟩,
have : ∀ x, x ∈ set.range c.inl ∨ x ∈ set.range c.inr,
{ rw [eq_compl_iff_is_compl.mpr h₃.symm], exact λ _, or_not },
refine ⟨ _ _ _ _ _⟩,
{ intros T f g,
refine _ _,
{ exact λ x, if h : x ∈ set.range c.inl
then f ((equiv.of_injective _ h₁.inj).symm ⟨x, h⟩)
else g ((equiv.of_injective _ h₂.inj).symm ⟨x, (this x).resolve_left h⟩) },
rw continuous_iff_continuous_at,
intro x,
by_cases x ∈ set.range c.inl,
{ revert h x,
apply (is_open.continuous_on_iff _).mp,
{ rw continuous_on_iff_continuous_restrict,
convert_to continuous (f ∘ (homeomorph.of_embedding _ h₁.to_embedding).symm),
{ ext ⟨x, hx⟩, exact dif_pos hx },
continuity },
{ exact h₁.open_range } },
{ revert h x,
apply (is_open.continuous_on_iff _).mp,
{ rw continuous_on_iff_continuous_restrict,
have : ∀ a, a ∉ set.range c.inl → a ∈ set.range c.inr,
{ rintros a (h : a ∈ (set.range c.inl)ᶜ), rwa eq_compl_iff_is_compl.mpr h₃.symm },
convert_to continuous
(g ∘ (homeomorph.of_embedding _ h₂.to_embedding).symm ∘ _ this),
{ ext ⟨x, hx⟩, exact dif_neg hx },
rw embedding_subtype_coe.to_inducing.continuous_iff,
exact continuous_subtype_coe },
{ change is_open (set.range c.inl)ᶜ, rw ← eq_compl_iff_is_compl.mpr h₃.symm,
exact h₂.open_range } } },
{ intros T f g, ext x, refine (dif_pos _).trans _, { exact ⟨x, rfl⟩ },
{ rw equiv.of_injective_symm_apply } },
{ intros T f g, ext x, refine (dif_neg _).trans _,
{ rintro ⟨y, e⟩, have : c.inr x ∈ set.range c.inl ⊓ set.range c.inr := ⟨⟨_, e⟩, ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩,
rwa h₃.1 at this },
{ exact congr_arg g (equiv.of_injective_symm_apply _ _) } },
{ rintro T _ _ m rfl rfl, ext x, change m x = dite _ _ _,
split_ifs; exact congr_arg _ (equiv.apply_of_injective_symm _ ⟨_, _⟩).symm } }

--TODO: Add analogous constructions for `pushout`.

lemma coinduced_of_is_colimit {F : J ⥤ Top.{max v u}} (c : cocone F) (hc : is_colimit c) :
c.X.topological_space = ⨆ j, (F.obj j).topological_space.coinduced (c.ι.app j) :=
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