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feat(topology/basic): a condition implying that a sequence of functio…
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…ns locally stabilizes (#15580)

For sphere-eversion-project.

Co-authored-by: Patrick Massot <>
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urkud and PatrickMassot committed Jul 21, 2022
1 parent 6b5a173 commit 4a09c73
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 1 deletion.
49 changes: 48 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1200,9 +1200,14 @@ assume a,
let ⟨t, ht₁, ht₂⟩ := hf₂ a in
⟨t, ht₁, ht₂.subset $ assume i hi, hi.mono $ inter_subset_inter (hf i) $ subset.refl _⟩

lemma locally_finite.comp_inj_on {ι} {f : β → set α} {g : ι → β} (hf : locally_finite f)
(hg : inj_on g {i | (f (g i)).nonempty}) : locally_finite (f ∘ g) :=
λ x, let ⟨t, htx, htf⟩ := hf x in ⟨t, htx, htf.preimage $ hg.mono $ λ i hi,
hi.out.mono $ inter_subset_left _ _⟩

lemma locally_finite.comp_injective {ι} {f : β → set α} {g : ι → β} (hf : locally_finite f)
(hg : function.injective g) : locally_finite (f ∘ g) :=
λ x, let ⟨t, htx, htf⟩ := hf x in ⟨t, htx, htf.preimage (hg.inj_on _)
hf.comp_inj_on (hg.inj_on _)

lemma locally_finite.eventually_finite {f : β → set α} (hf : locally_finite f) (x : α) :
∀ᶠ s in (𝓝 x).small_sets, {i | (f i ∩ s).nonempty}.finite :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1271,6 +1276,48 @@ begin
exact (hf.comp_injective subtype.coe_injective).is_closed_Union (λ i, hc _)

/-- Let `f : ℕ → Π a, β a` be a sequence of (dependent) functions on a topological space. Suppose
that the family of sets `s n = {x | f (n + 1) x ≠ f n x}` is locally finite. Then there exists a
function `F : Π a, β a` such that for any `x`, we have `f n x = F x` on the product of an infinite
interval `[N, +∞)` and a neighbourhood of `x`.
We formulate the conclusion in terms of the product of filter `filter.at_top` and `𝓝 x`. -/
lemma locally_finite.exists_forall_eventually_eq_prod {β : α → Sort*} {f : ℕ → Π a : α, β a}
(hf : locally_finite (λ n, {x | f (n + 1) x ≠ f n x})) :
∃ F : Π a : α, β a, ∀ x, ∀ᶠ p : ℕ × α in at_top ×ᶠ 𝓝 x, f p.1 p.2 = F p.2 :=
choose U hUx hU using hf,
choose N hN using λ x, (hU x).bdd_above,
replace hN : ∀ x (n > N x) (y ∈ U x), f (n + 1) y = f n y,
from λ x n hn y hy, by_contra (λ hne, $ hN x ⟨y, hne, hy⟩),
replace hN : ∀ x (n ≥ N x + 1) (y ∈ U x), f n y = f (N x + 1) y,
from λ x n hn y hy, nat.le_induction rfl (λ k hle, (hN x _ hle _ hy).trans) n hn,
refine ⟨λ x, f (N x + 1) x, λ x, _⟩,
filter_upwards [filter.prod_mem_prod (eventually_gt_at_top (N x)) (hUx x)],
rintro ⟨n, y⟩ ⟨hn : N x < n, hy : y ∈ U x⟩,
calc f n y = f (N x + 1) y : hN _ _ hn _ hy
... = f (max (N x + 1) (N y + 1)) y : (hN _ _ (le_max_left _ _) _ hy).symm
... = f (N y + 1) y : hN _ _ (le_max_right _ _) _ (mem_of_mem_nhds $ hUx y)

/-- Let `f : ℕ → Π a, β a` be a sequence of (dependent) functions on a topological space. Suppose
that the family of sets `s n = {x | f (n + 1) x ≠ f n x}` is locally finite. Then there exists a
function `F : Π a, β a` such that for any `x`, for sufficiently large values of `n`, we have
`f n y = F y` in a neighbourhood of `x`. -/
lemma locally_finite.exists_forall_eventually_at_top_eventually_eq' {β : α → Sort*}
{f : ℕ → Π a : α, β a} (hf : locally_finite (λ n, {x | f (n + 1) x ≠ f n x})) :
∃ F : Π a : α, β a, ∀ x, ∀ᶠ n : ℕ in at_top, ∀ᶠ y : α in 𝓝 x, f n y = F y :=
hf.exists_forall_eventually_eq_prod.imp $ λ F hF x, (hF x).curry

/-- Let `f : ℕ → α → β` be a sequence of functions on a topological space. Suppose
that the family of sets `s n = {x | f (n + 1) x ≠ f n x}` is locally finite. Then there exists a
function `F : α → β` such that for any `x`, for sufficiently large values of `n`, we have
`f n =ᶠ[𝓝 x] F`. -/
lemma locally_finite.exists_forall_eventually_at_top_eventually_eq
{f : ℕ → α → β} (hf : locally_finite (λ n, {x | f (n + 1) x ≠ f n x})) :
∃ F : α → β, ∀ x, ∀ᶠ n : ℕ in at_top, f n =ᶠ[𝓝 x] F :=

end locally_finite

end topological_space
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