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chore(number_theory/cyclotomic/zeta): generalize to primitive roots (#…
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This was done as `(zeta p ℤ ℤ[ζₚ] : ℚ(ζₚ)) = zeta p ℚ ℚ(ζₚ)` is independent of Lean's type theory. Allows far more flexibility with results.

Co-authored-by: Eric Rodriguez <>
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ericrbg and ericrbg committed Feb 10, 2022
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103 changes: 47 additions & 56 deletions src/number_theory/cyclotomic/gal.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Rodriguez

import number_theory.cyclotomic.zeta
import number_theory.cyclotomic.primitive_roots
import field_theory.polynomial_galois_group

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,19 +40,16 @@ it is always a subgroup, and if the `n`th cyclotomic polynomial is irreducible,

local attribute [instance] pnat.fact_pos

variables (n : ℕ+) (K : Type*) [field K] (L : Type*) [field L] {μ : L} (hμ : is_primitive_root μ n)
variables {n : ℕ+} (K : Type*) [field K] {L : Type*} [field L] {μ : L} (hμ : is_primitive_root μ n)
[algebra K L] [is_cyclotomic_extension {n} K L]

local notation ` := is_cyclotomic_extension.zeta n K L
open polynomial ne_zero is_cyclotomic_extension

open polynomial ne_zero

namespace is_cyclotomic_extension
namespace is_primitive_root

/-- `is_primitive_root.aut_to_pow` is injective in the case that it's considered over a cyclotomic
field extension, where `n` does not divide the characteristic of K. -/
lemma aut_to_pow_injective [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] : function.injective $
(@zeta_primitive_root n K L _ _ _ _ _ $ of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n).aut_to_pow K :=
lemma aut_to_pow_injective : function.injective $ hμ.aut_to_pow K :=
intros f g hfg,
apply_fun units.val at hfg,
Expand All @@ -61,67 +58,66 @@ begin
have hf := hf'.some_spec,
have hg := hg'.some_spec,
generalize_proofs hζ at hf hg,
suffices : f .to_roots_of_unity = g .to_roots_of_unity,
suffices : f .to_roots_of_unity = g .to_roots_of_unity,
{ apply alg_equiv.coe_alg_hom_injective,
apply (zeta.power_basis n K L).alg_hom_ext,
apply (.power_basis K).alg_hom_ext,
exact this },
rw zmod.eq_iff_modeq_nat at hfg,
refine (hf.trans _).trans hg.symm,
rw [←roots_of_unity.coe_pow _ hf'.some, ←roots_of_unity.coe_pow _ hg'.some],
congr' 1,
rw [pow_eq_pow_iff_modeq],
convert hfg,
rw [.eq_order_of],
rw [←.coe_to_roots_of_unity_coe] {occs := occurrences.pos [2]},
rw [.eq_order_of],
rw [←.coe_to_roots_of_unity_coe] {occs := occurrences.pos [2]},
rw [order_of_units, order_of_subgroup]

end is_primitive_root

namespace is_cyclotomic_extension

/-- Cyclotomic extensions are abelian. -/
noncomputable def aut.comm_group [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] : comm_group (L ≃ₐ[K] L) :=
(aut_to_pow_injective n K L).comm_group _ (map_one _) (map_mul _) (map_inv _) (map_div _)

/-- The power basis given by `ζ ^ t`. -/
@[simps] noncomputable def zeta_pow_power_basis [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] (t : (zmod n)ˣ) :
power_basis K L :=
haveI := of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n,
refine (algebra.adjoin.power_basis $ integral {n} K L $ ζ ^ (t : zmod n).val) _,
refine (subalgebra.equiv_of_eq _ _ (adjoin_primitive_root_eq_top n _ _)).trans algebra.top_equiv,
exact (zeta_primitive_root n K L).pow_of_coprime _ (zmod.val_coe_unit_coprime t),
let _ := of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n in by exactI
((zeta_primitive_root n K L).aut_to_pow_injective K).comm_group _
(map_one _) (map_mul _) (map_inv _) (map_div _)

variables (h : irreducible (cyclotomic n K)) {K}
variables (h : irreducible (cyclotomic n K)) {K} (L)

include h

/-- The `mul_equiv` that takes an automorphism to the power of μ that μ gets mapped to under it.
A stronger version of `is_primitive_root.aut_to_pow`. -/
/-- The `mul_equiv` that takes an automorphism `f` to the element `k : (zmod n)ˣ` such that
`f μ = μ ^ k`. A stronger version of `is_primitive_root.aut_to_pow`. -/
@[simps] noncomputable def aut_equiv_pow [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] : (L ≃ₐ[K] L) ≃* (zmod n)ˣ :=
let hn := of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n in by exactI
{ inv_fun := λ t, (zeta.power_basis n K L).equiv_of_minpoly (zeta_pow_power_basis n K L t)
let hn := of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n in
by exactI
let hζ := zeta_primitive_root n K L,
hμ := λ t, hζ.pow_of_coprime _ (zmod.val_coe_unit_coprime t) in
{ inv_fun := λ t, (hζ.power_basis K).equiv_of_minpoly ((hμ t).power_basis K)
simp only [zeta.power_basis_gen, zeta_pow_power_basis_gen],
simp only [is_primitive_root.power_basis_gen],
have hr := is_primitive_root.minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible
((zeta_primitive_root n K L).pow_of_coprime _ (zmod.val_coe_unit_coprime t)) h,
exact ((zeta_primitive_root n K L).minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible h).symm.trans hr
left_inv := λ f, begin
simp only [monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe],
apply alg_equiv.coe_alg_hom_injective,
apply (zeta.power_basis n K L).alg_hom_ext,
apply (.power_basis K).alg_hom_ext,
simp only [alg_equiv.coe_alg_hom, alg_equiv.map_pow],
rw power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_gen,
simp only [zeta_pow_power_basis_gen, zeta.power_basis_gen, is_primitive_root.aut_to_pow_spec],
simp only [is_primitive_root.power_basis_gen, is_primitive_root.aut_to_pow_spec],
right_inv := λ x, begin
simp only [monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe],
generalize_proofs _ _ h,
have key := hζ.aut_to_pow_spec K ((zeta.power_basis n K L).equiv_of_minpoly
(zeta_pow_power_basis n K L x) h),
have := (zeta.power_basis n K L).equiv_of_minpoly_gen,
rw zeta.power_basis_gen at this {occs := occurrences.pos [2]},
rw [this, zeta_pow_power_basis_gen] at key,
rw ← hζ.coe_to_roots_of_unity_coe at key {occs := occurrences.pos [1, 3]},
generalize_proofs _ _ _ h,
have key := hζ.aut_to_pow_spec K ((.power_basis K).equiv_of_minpoly
((hμ x).power_basis K) h),
have := (.power_basis K).equiv_of_minpoly_gen ((hμ x).power_basis K) h,
rw .power_basis_gen K at this,
rw [this, is_primitive_root.power_basis_gen] at key,
rw ← hζ.coe_to_roots_of_unity_coe at key {occs := occurrences.pos [1, 5]},
simp only [←coe_coe, ←roots_of_unity.coe_pow] at key,
replace key := roots_of_unity.coe_injective key,
rw [pow_eq_pow_iff_modeq, ←order_of_subgroup, ←order_of_units, hζ.coe_to_roots_of_unity_coe,
Expand All @@ -131,33 +127,28 @@ let hn := of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n in by exactI
.. (zeta_primitive_root n K L).aut_to_pow K }

end is_cyclotomic_extension

open is_cyclotomic_extension

namespace is_primitive_root

variables (h : irreducible (cyclotomic n K)) {K L}

include h hμ
variables {L}

/-- Maps `μ` to the `alg_equiv` that sends `is_cyclotomic_extension.zeta` to `μ`. -/
noncomputable def from_zeta_aut [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] : L ≃ₐ[K] L :=
have _ := of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n, by exactI
let hζ := (zeta_primitive_root n K L).eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one hμ.pow_eq_one n.pos in
(aut_equiv_pow n L h).symm $ zmod.unit_of_coprime hζ.some $
(aut_equiv_pow L h).symm $ zmod.unit_of_coprime hζ.some $
((zeta_primitive_root n K L).pow_iff_coprime n.pos hζ.some).mp $ hζ.some_spec.some_spec.symm ▸ hμ

lemma from_zeta_aut_spec [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] : from_zeta_aut n hμ h ζ = μ :=
lemma from_zeta_aut_spec [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] : from_zeta_aut hμ h (zeta n K L) = μ :=
simp only [from_zeta_aut, exists_prop, aut_equiv_pow_symm_apply, ←zeta.power_basis_gen,
power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_gen, zeta_pow_power_basis_gen, zmod.coe_unit_of_coprime],
generalize_proofs hζ,
convert hζ.some_spec.2,
exact zmod.val_cast_of_lt hζ.some_spec.1
simp_rw [from_zeta_aut, aut_equiv_pow_symm_apply],
generalize_proofs _ hζ h _ hμ _,
rw [←hζ.power_basis_gen K] {occs := occurrences.pos [4]},
rw [power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_gen, hμ.power_basis_gen K],
convert h.some_spec.some_spec,
exact zmod.val_cast_of_lt h.some_spec.some

end is_primitive_root
end is_cyclotomic_extension

section gal

Expand All @@ -171,14 +162,14 @@ characteristic of `K`, and `cyclotomic n K` is irreducible in the base field. -/
noncomputable def gal_cyclotomic_equiv_units_zmod [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] :
(cyclotomic n K).gal ≃* (zmod n)ˣ :=
(alg_equiv.aut_congr (is_splitting_field.alg_equiv _ _)).symm.trans
(is_cyclotomic_extension.aut_equiv_pow n L h)
(is_cyclotomic_extension.aut_equiv_pow L h)

/-- `is_cyclotomic_extension.aut_equiv_pow` repackaged in terms of `gal`. Asserts that the
Galois group of `X ^ n - 1` is equivalent to `(zmod n)ˣ` if `n` does not divide the characteristic
of `K`, and `cyclotomic n K` is irreducible in the base field. -/
noncomputable def gal_X_pow_equiv_units_zmod [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] :
(X ^ (n : ℕ) - 1).gal ≃* (zmod n)ˣ :=
(alg_equiv.aut_congr (is_splitting_field.alg_equiv _ _)).symm.trans
(is_cyclotomic_extension.aut_equiv_pow n L h)
(is_cyclotomic_extension.aut_equiv_pow L h)

end gal
198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions src/number_theory/cyclotomic/primitive_roots.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alex Best, Riccardo Brasca, Eric Rodriguez

import number_theory.cyclotomic.basic
import ring_theory.adjoin.power_basis
import ring_theory.norm

# Primitive roots in cyclotomic fields
If `is_cyclotomic_extension {n} A B`, we define an element `zeta n A B : B` that is (under certain
assumptions) a primitive `n`-root of unity in `B` and we study its properties. We also prove related
theorems under the more general assumption of just being a primitive root, for reasons described
in the implementation details section.
## Main definitions
* `is_cyclotomic_extension.zeta n A B`: if `is_cyclotomic_extension {n} A B`, than `zeta n A B`
is an element of `B` that plays the role of a primitive `n`-th root of unity.
* `is_primitive_root.power_basis`: if `K` and `L` are fields such that
`is_cyclotomic_extension {n} K L` and `ne_zero (↑n : K)`, then `is_primitive_root.power_basis`
gives a K-power basis for L given a primitive root `ζ`.
* `is_primitive_root.embeddings_equiv_primitive_roots`: the equivalence between `L →ₐ[K] A`
and `primitive_roots n A` given by the choice of `ζ`.
## Main results
* `is_cyclotomic_extension.zeta_primitive_root`: if `is_domain B` and `ne_zero (↑n : B)`, then
`zeta n A B` is a primitive `n`-th root of unity.
* `is_cyclotomic_extension.finrank`: if `irreducible (cyclotomic n K)` (in particular for
`K = ℚ`), then the `finrank` of a cyclotomic extension is `n.totient`.
* `is_primitive_root.norm_eq_one`: If `K` is linearly ordered (in particular for `K = ℚ`), the norm
of a primitive root is `1` if `n` is odd.
* `is_primitive_root.sub_one_norm_eq_eval_cyclotomic`: If `irreducible (cyclotomic n K)`, then
the norm of `ζ - 1` is `eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ)`.
## Implementation details
`zeta n A B` is defined as any root of `cyclotomic n A` in `B`, that exists because of
`is_cyclotomic_extension {n} A B`. It is not true in general that it is a primitive `n`-th root of
unity, but this holds if `is_domain B` and `ne_zero (↑n : B)`.
`zeta n A B` is defined using `exists.some`, which means we cannot control it.
For example, in normal mathematics, we can demand that `(zeta p ℤ ℤ[ζₚ] : ℚ(ζₚ))` is equal to
`zeta p ℚ ℚ(ζₚ)`, as we are just choosing "an arbitrary primitive root" and we can internally
specify that our choices agree. This is not the case here, and it is indeed impossible to prove that
these two are equal. Therefore, whenever possible, we prove our results for any primitive root,
and only at the "final step", when we need to provide an "explicit" primitive root, we use `zeta`.

open polynomial algebra finset finite_dimensional is_cyclotomic_extension

universes u v w z

variables {n : ℕ+} (A : Type w) (B : Type z) (K : Type u) {L : Type v} (C : Type w)
variables [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B] [algebra A B] [is_cyclotomic_extension {n} A B]

section zeta

namespace is_cyclotomic_extension

variables (n)

/-- If `B` is a `n`-th cyclotomic extension of `A`, then `zeta n A B` is any root of
`cyclotomic n A` in L. -/
noncomputable def zeta : B :=
(exists_root $ set.mem_singleton n : ∃ r : B, aeval r (cyclotomic n A) = 0).some

@[simp] lemma zeta_spec : aeval (zeta n A B) (cyclotomic n A) = 0 :=
classical.some_spec (exists_root (set.mem_singleton n) : ∃ r : B, aeval r (cyclotomic n A) = 0)

lemma zeta_spec' : is_root (cyclotomic n B) (zeta n A B) :=
by { convert zeta_spec n A B, rw [is_root.def, aeval_def, eval₂_eq_eval_map, map_cyclotomic] }

lemma zeta_pow : (zeta n A B) ^ (n : ℕ) = 1 :=
is_root_of_unity_of_root_cyclotomic (nat.mem_divisors_self _') (zeta_spec' _ _ _)

/-- If `is_domain B` and `ne_zero (↑n : B)` then `zeta n A B` is a primitive `n`-th root of
unity. -/
lemma zeta_primitive_root [is_domain B] [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : B)] :
is_primitive_root (zeta n A B) n :=
by { rw ←is_root_cyclotomic_iff, exact zeta_spec' n A B }

end is_cyclotomic_extension

end zeta

section no_order

variables [field K] [field L] [comm_ring C] [algebra K L] [algebra K C]
[is_cyclotomic_extension {n} K L]
{ζ : L} (hζ : is_primitive_root ζ n)

namespace is_primitive_root

/-- The `power_basis` given by a primitive root `ζ`. -/
@[simps] noncomputable def power_basis : power_basis K L := (algebra.adjoin.power_basis $ integral {n} K L ζ) $
(subalgebra.equiv_of_eq _ _ (is_cyclotomic_extension.adjoin_primitive_root_eq_top n _ hζ)).trans

variables {K}

/-- The equivalence between `L →ₐ[K] A` and `primitive_roots n A` given by a primitive root `ζ`. -/
@[simps] noncomputable def embeddings_equiv_primitive_roots [is_domain C] [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)]
(hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic n K)) : (L →ₐ[K] C) ≃ primitive_roots n C :=
((hζ.power_basis K).lift_equiv).trans
{ to_fun := λ x,
haveI hn := ne_zero.of_no_zero_smul_divisors K C n,
refine ⟨x.1, _⟩,
cases x,
rwa [mem_primitive_roots n.pos, ←is_root_cyclotomic_iff, is_root.def,
←map_cyclotomic _ (algebra_map K C), hζ.minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible hirr,
←eval₂_eq_eval_map, ←aeval_def]
inv_fun := λ x,
haveI hn := ne_zero.of_no_zero_smul_divisors K C n,
refine ⟨x.1, _⟩,
cases x,
rwa [aeval_def, eval₂_eq_eval_map, hζ.power_basis_gen K,
←hζ.minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible hirr, map_cyclotomic, ←is_root.def,
is_root_cyclotomic_iff, ← mem_primitive_roots n.pos]
left_inv := λ x, subtype.ext rfl,
right_inv := λ x, subtype.ext rfl }

end is_primitive_root

namespace is_cyclotomic_extension

variables {K} (L)

/-- If `irreducible (cyclotomic n K)` (in particular for `K = ℚ`), then the `finrank` of a
cyclotomic extension is `n.totient`. -/
lemma finrank (hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic n K)) [ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] :
finrank K L = (n : ℕ).totient :=
haveI := ne_zero.of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n,
rw [((zeta_primitive_root n K L).power_basis K).finrank, is_primitive_root.power_basis_dim,
←(zeta_primitive_root n K L).minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible hirr, nat_degree_cyclotomic]

end is_cyclotomic_extension

end no_order

namespace is_primitive_root

section norm

variables [field L] {ζ : L} (hζ : is_primitive_root ζ n)


/-- If `K` is linearly ordered (in particular for `K = ℚ`), the norm of a primitive root is `1`
if `n` is odd. -/
lemma norm_eq_one [linear_ordered_field K] [algebra K L] (hodd : odd (n : ℕ)) : norm K ζ = 1 :=
haveI := ne_zero.of_no_zero_smul_divisors K L n,
have hz := congr_arg (norm K) ((is_primitive_root.iff_def _ n).1 hζ).1,
rw [←(algebra_map K L).map_one , norm_algebra_map, one_pow, map_pow, ←one_pow ↑n] at hz,
exact strict_mono.injective hodd.strict_mono_pow hz

variables {K}

/-- If `irreducible (cyclotomic n K)` (in particular for `K = ℚ`), then the norm of
`ζ - 1` is `eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ)`. -/
lemma sub_one_norm_eq_eval_cyclotomic [field K] [algebra K L] [is_cyclotomic_extension {n} K L]
[ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : K)] (h : 2 < (n : ℕ)) (hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic n K)) :
norm K (ζ - 1) = ↑(eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ)) :=
let E := algebraic_closure L,
obtain ⟨z, hz⟩ := is_alg_closed.exists_root _ (degree_cyclotomic_pos n E n.pos).ne.symm,
apply (algebra_map K E).injective,
letI := finite_dimensional {n} K L,
letI := is_galois n K L,
rw [norm_eq_prod_embeddings],
conv_lhs { congr, skip, funext,
rw [← neg_sub, alg_hom.map_neg, alg_hom.map_sub, alg_hom.map_one, neg_eq_neg_one_mul] },
rw [prod_mul_distrib, prod_const, card_univ, alg_hom.card, is_cyclotomic_extension.finrank L hirr,
nat.neg_one_pow_of_even (nat.totient_even h), one_mul],
have : (λ (σ : L →ₐ[K] E), 1 - σ ζ) = eval 1 (cyclotomic' n E),
{ rw [cyclotomic', eval_prod, ← @finset.prod_attach E E, ← univ_eq_attach],
refine fintype.prod_equiv (hζ.embeddings_equiv_primitive_roots E hirr) _ _ (λ σ, _),
simp },
haveI : ne_zero ((n : ℕ) : E) := (ne_zero.of_no_zero_smul_divisors K _ (n : ℕ)),
rw [this, cyclotomic', ← cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_sub_primitive_roots (is_root_cyclotomic_iff.1 hz),
← map_cyclotomic_int, (algebra_map K E).map_int_cast, ←int.cast_one, eval_int_cast_map,
ring_hom.eq_int_cast, int.cast_id]

end norm

end is_primitive_root

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