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refactor(topology/uniform_space): proof simplification / extension
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digama0 committed Aug 15, 2018
1 parent b4dc0a5 commit 4a7103d
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Showing 2 changed files with 49 additions and 42 deletions.
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions analysis/metric_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -410,10 +410,18 @@ by rw [← nhds_vmap_dist a, tendsto_vmap_iff]
theorem is_closed_ball : is_closed (closed_ball x ε) :=
is_closed_le (continuous_dist continuous_id continuous_const) continuous_const

lemma lebesgue_number_lemma {s : set α} {c : set (set α)} (hs : compact s)
lemma lebesgue_number_lemma_of_metric
{s : set α} {ι} {c : ι → set α} (hs : compact s)
(hc₁ : ∀ i, is_open (c i)) (hc₂ : s ⊆ ⋃ i, c i) :
∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ i, ball x δ ⊆ c i :=
let ⟨n, en, hn⟩ := lebesgue_number_lemma hs hc₁ hc₂,
⟨δ, δ0, hδ⟩ := mem_uniformity_dist.1 en in
⟨δ, δ0, assume x hx, let ⟨i, hi⟩ := hn x hx in
⟨i, assume y hy, hi (hδ (mem_ball'.mp hy))⟩⟩

lemma lebesgue_number_lemma_of_metric_sUnion
{s : set α} {c : set (set α)} (hs : compact s)
(hc₁ : ∀ t ∈ c, is_open t) (hc₂ : s ⊆ ⋃₀ c) :
∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ t ∈ c, ball x δ ⊆ t :=
let ⟨n, en, hn⟩ := lebesgue_entourage_lemma hs hc₁ hc₂,
⟨δ, δ0, hδ⟩ := en in
⟨δ, δ0, assume x hx, let ⟨t, tc, ht⟩ := hn x hx in
⟨t, tc, assume y hy, ht y (hδ (mem_ball'.mp hy))⟩⟩
by rw sUnion_eq_Union at hc₂;
simpa using lebesgue_number_lemma_of_metric hs (by simpa) hc₂
73 changes: 36 additions & 37 deletions analysis/topology/uniform_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ lemma prod_mk_mem_comp_rel {a b c : α} {s t : set (α×α)} (h₁ : (a, c) ∈
@[simp] lemma id_comp_rel {r : set (α×α)} : comp_rel id_rel r = r :=
set.ext $ assume ⟨a, b⟩, by simp

lemma assoc_comp_rel {r s t : set (α×α)} :
lemma comp_rel_assoc {r s t : set (α×α)} :
comp_rel (comp_rel r s) t = comp_rel r (comp_rel s t) :=
by ext p; cases p; simp only [mem_comp_rel]; tauto

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1359,16 +1359,15 @@ def uniform_space.vmap (f : α → β) (u : uniform_space β) : uniform_space α
repeat { exact monotone_comp_rel monotone_id monotone_id }
(vmap_mono u.comp),
is_open_uniformity :=
intro s,
is_open_uniformity := λ s, begin
change (@is_open α (u.to_topological_space.induced f) s ↔ _),
simp [is_open_iff_nhds, nhds_induced_eq_vmap, mem_nhds_uniformity_iff, filter.vmap, and_comm],
exact (ball_congr $ assume x hx,
⟨assume ⟨t, hts, ht⟩, ⟨_, ht, assume ⟨x₁, x₂⟩, by simp [*, subset_def] at * {contextual := tt} ⟩,
assume ⟨t, ht, hts⟩, ⟨{y:β | (f x, y) ∈ t},
assume y (hy : (f x, f y) ∈ t), @hts (x, y) hy rfl, $ mem_nhds_left _ ht⟩⟩)
refine ball_congr (λ x hx, ⟨_, _⟩),
{ rintro ⟨t, hts, ht⟩, refine ⟨_, ht, _⟩,
rintro ⟨x₁, x₂⟩ h rfl, exact hts (h rfl) },
{ rintro ⟨t, ht, hts⟩,
exact ⟨{y | (f x, y) ∈ t}, λ y hy, @hts (x, y) hy rfl,
mem_nhds_uniformity_iff.1 $ mem_nhds_left _ ht⟩ }
end }

lemma uniform_continuous_vmap {f : α → β} [u : uniform_space β] :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1588,34 +1587,34 @@ lemma to_topological_space_subtype [u : uniform_space α] {p : α → Prop} :

end constructions

lemma lebesgue_entourage_lemma {α : Type u} [uniform_space α] {s : set α} {c : set (set α)}
(hs : compact s) (hc₁ : ∀ t ∈ c, is_open t) (hc₂ : s ⊆ ⋃₀ c) :
∃ n ∈ (@uniformity α _).sets, ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ t ∈ c, ∀ y, (x, y) ∈ n → y ∈ t :=
let unif := (@uniformity α _).sets,
u : set (α × α) → set α := λ n,
{x | ∃ (t ∈ c) (m ∈ unif), {y | (x, y) ∈ comp_rel m n} ⊆ t} in
have hu₁ : ∀ n ∈ unif, is_open (u n), from
assume n hn, is_open_uniformity.mpr $ begin
rintros x ⟨t, ht, m, hm, h⟩,
lemma lebesgue_number_lemma {α : Type u} [uniform_space α] {s : set α} {ι} {c : ι → set α}
(hs : compact s) (hc₁ : ∀ i, is_open (c i)) (hc₂ : s ⊆ ⋃ i, c i) :
∃ n ∈ (@uniformity α _).sets, ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ i, {y | (x, y) ∈ n} ⊆ c i :=
let u := λ n, {x | ∃ i (m ∈ (@uniformity α _).sets), {y | (x, y) ∈ comp_rel m n} ⊆ c i},
have hu₁ : ∀ n ∈ (@uniformity α _).sets, is_open (u n),
{ refine λ n hn, is_open_uniformity.2 _,
rintro x ⟨i, m, hm, h⟩,
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets hm with ⟨m', hm', mm'⟩,
apply uniformity.upwards_sets hm',
rintros ⟨x, y⟩ hp rfl,
refine ⟨t, ht, m', hm', _⟩,
intros z hz,
have : (x, z) ∈ comp_rel m' (comp_rel m' n), from mem_comp_rel.mpr ⟨y, hp, hz⟩,
rw ←assoc_comp_rel at this,
exact h (monotone_comp_rel monotone_id monotone_const mm' this)
have hu₂ : s ⊆ ⋃ (n ∈ unif), u n, from assume x hx,
let ⟨t, ht, xt⟩ := (hc₂ hx),
⟨m', hm', mm'⟩ := comp_mem_uniformity_sets ( (hc₁ t ht) x xt)
in mem_bUnion hm' ⟨t, ht, m', hm', assume y hy, mm' hy rfl⟩,
let ⟨b, bu, b_fin, b_cover⟩ := compact_elim_finite_subcover_image hs hu₁ hu₂,
n := ⋂ (i ∈ b), i,
hn := Inter_mem_sets b_fin bu in
⟨n, hn, assume x hx,
let ⟨i, bi, hi⟩ := (b_cover hx),
⟨t, tc, n', hn', h⟩ := hi in
⟨t, tc, assume y hy, h $
prod_mk_mem_comp_rel (refl_mem_uniformity hn') $
bInter_subset_of_mem bi $ hy⟩⟩
refine ⟨i, m', hm', λ z hz, h (monotone_comp_rel monotone_id monotone_const mm' _)⟩,
dsimp at hz ⊢, rw comp_rel_assoc,
exact ⟨y, hp, hz⟩ },
have hu₂ : s ⊆ ⋃ n ∈ (@uniformity α _).sets, u n,
{ intros x hx,
rcases mem_Union.1 (hc₂ hx) with ⟨i, h⟩,
rcases comp_mem_uniformity_sets (is_open_uniformity.1 (hc₁ i) x h) with ⟨m', hm', mm'⟩,
exact mem_bUnion hm' ⟨i, _, hm', λ y hy, mm' hy rfl⟩ },
rcases compact_elim_finite_subcover_image hs hu₁ hu₂ with ⟨b, bu, b_fin, b_cover⟩,
refine ⟨_, Inter_mem_sets b_fin bu, λ x hx, _⟩,
rcases mem_bUnion_iff.1 (b_cover hx) with ⟨n, bn, i, m, hm, h⟩,
refine ⟨i, λ y hy, h _⟩,
exact prod_mk_mem_comp_rel (refl_mem_uniformity hm) (bInter_subset_of_mem bn hy)

lemma lebesgue_number_lemma_sUnion {α : Type u} [uniform_space α] {s : set α} {c : set (set α)}
(hs : compact s) (hc₁ : ∀ t ∈ c, is_open t) (hc₂ : s ⊆ ⋃₀ c) :
∃ n ∈ (@uniformity α _).sets, ∀ x ∈ s, ∃ t ∈ c, ∀ y, (x, y) ∈ n → y ∈ t :=
by rw sUnion_eq_Union at hc₂;
simpa using lebesgue_number_lemma hs (by simpa) hc₂

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