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…ove properties of spectrum in a Banach algebra (#10530)

Prove that the `spectrum` of an element in a Banach algebra is closed and bounded, hence compact when the scalar field is                               
proper. Compute the derivative of the `resolvent a` function in preparation for showing that the spectrum is nonempty when  the base field is ℂ. Define the `spectral_radius` and prove that it is bounded by the norm. Also rename the resolvent set to `resolvent_set` instead of `resolvent` so that it doesn't clash with the function name.
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j-loreaux committed Nov 30, 2021
1 parent f11d505 commit 4a9aa27
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37 changes: 25 additions & 12 deletions src/algebra/algebra/spectrum.lean
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ This theory will serve as the foundation for spectral theory in Banach algebras.
## Main definitions
* `resolvent a : set R`: the resolvent set of an element `a : A` where
* `resolvent_set a : set R`: the resolvent set of an element `a : A` where
`A` is an `R`-algebra.
* `spectrum a : set R`: the spectrum of an element `a : A` where
`A` is an `R`-algebra.
* `resolvent : R → A`: the resolvent function is `λ r, ring.inverse (↑ₐr - a)`, and hence
when `r ∈ resolvent R A`, it is actually the inverse of the unit `(↑ₐr - a)`.
## Main statements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,20 +45,27 @@ variables [comm_ring R] [ring A] [algebra R A]

-- definition and basic properties

/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *resolvent* of `a : A`
/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *resolvent set* of `a : A`
is the `set R` consisting of those `r : R` for which `r•1 - a` is a unit of the
algebra `A`. -/
def resolvent (a : A) : set R :=
def resolvent_set (a : A) : set R :=
{ r : R | is_unit (algebra_map R A r - a) }

/-- Given a commutative ring `R` and an `R`-algebra `A`, the *spectrum* of `a : A`
is the `set R` consisting of those `r : R` for which `r•1 - a` is not a unit of the
algebra `A`.
The spectrum is simply the complement of the resolvent. -/
The spectrum is simply the complement of the resolvent set. -/
def spectrum (a : A) : set R :=
(resolvent R a)ᶜ
(resolvent_set R a)ᶜ

variable {R}
/-- Given an `a : A` where `A` is an `R`-algebra, the *resolvent* is
a map `R → A` which sends `r : R` to `(algebra_map R A r - a)⁻¹` when
`r ∈ resolvent R A` and `0` when `r ∈ spectrum R A`. -/
noncomputable def resolvent (a : A) (r : R) : A :=
ring.inverse (algebra_map R A r - a)

end defs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,20 +97,24 @@ lemma not_mem_iff {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∉ σ a ↔ is_unit (↑ₐr - a) :=
by { apply, simp [set.not_not_mem, mem_iff] }

lemma mem_resolvent_of_left_right_inverse {r : R} {a b c : A}
lemma mem_resolvent_set_of_left_right_inverse {r : R} {a b c : A}
(h₁ : (↑ₐr - a) * b = 1) (h₂ : c * (↑ₐr - a) = 1) :
r ∈ resolvent R a :=
r ∈ resolvent_set R a :=
units.is_unit ⟨↑ₐr - a, b, h₁, by rwa ←left_inv_eq_right_inv h₂ h₁⟩

lemma mem_resolvent_iff {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∈ resolvent R a ↔ is_unit (↑ₐr - a) :=
lemma mem_resolvent_set_iff {r : R} {a : A} :
r ∈ resolvent_set R a ↔ is_unit (↑ₐr - a) :=

lemma resolvent_eq {a : A} {r : R} (h : r ∈ resolvent_set R a) :
resolvent a r = ↑h.unit⁻¹ :=
ring.inverse_unit h.unit

lemma add_mem_iff {a : A} {r s : R} :
r ∈ σ a ↔ r + s ∈ σ (↑ₐs + a) :=
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_iff],
simp only [mem_resolvent_set_iff],
have h_eq : ↑ₐ(r+s) - (↑ₐs + a) = ↑ₐr - a,
{ simp, noncomm_ring },
rw h_eq,
Expand All @@ -111,7 +124,7 @@ lemma smul_mem_smul_iff {a : A} {s : R} {r : units R} :
r • s ∈ σ (r • a) ↔ s ∈ σ a :=
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
simp only [mem_resolvent_set_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have h_eq : (r•s)•(1 : A) = r•s•1, by simp,
rw [h_eq,←smul_sub,is_unit_smul_iff],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,7 +153,7 @@ theorem unit_mem_mul_iff_mem_swap_mul {a b : A} {r : units R} :
↑r ∈ σ (a * b) ↔ ↑r ∈ σ (b * a) :=
apply not_iff_not.mpr,
simp only [mem_resolvent_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
simp only [mem_resolvent_set_iff, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have coe_smul_eq : ↑r•1 = r•(1 : A), from rfl,
rw coe_smul_eq,
simp only [is_unit.smul_sub_iff_sub_inv_smul],
Expand Down
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/spectrum.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Jireh Loreaux. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jireh Loreaux
import algebra.algebra.spectrum
import analysis.calculus.deriv
# The spectrum of elements in a complete normed algebra
This file contains the basic theory for the resolvent and spectrum of a Banach algebra.
## Main definitions
* `spectral_radius : ℝ≥0∞`: supremum of `∥k∥₊` for all `k ∈ spectrum 𝕜 a`
## Main statements
* `spectrum.is_open_resolvent_set`: the resolvent set is open.
* `spectrum.is_closed`: the spectrum is closed.
* `spectrum.subset_closed_ball_norm`: the spectrum is a subset of closed disk of radius
equal to the norm.
* `spectrum.is_compact`: the spectrum is compact.
* `spectrum.spectral_radius_le_nnnorm`: the spectral radius is bounded above by the norm.
* `spectrum.has_deriv_at_resolvent`: the resolvent function is differentiable on the resolvent set.
* after we have Liouville's theorem, prove that the spectrum is nonempty when the
scalar field is ℂ.
* compute all derivatives of `resolvent a`.

open_locale ennreal

/-- The *spectral radius* is the supremum of the `nnnorm` (`∥⬝∥₊`) of elements in the spectrum,
coerced into an element of `ℝ≥0∞`. Note that it is possible for `spectrum 𝕜 a = ∅`. In this
case, `spectral_radius a = 0`. It is also possible that `spectrum 𝕜 a` be unbounded (though
not for Banach algebras, see `spectrum.is_bounded`, below). In this case,
`spectral_radius a = ∞`. -/
noncomputable def spectral_radius (𝕜 : Type*) {A : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [ring A]
[algebra 𝕜 A] (a : A) : ℝ≥0∞ :=
⨆ k ∈ spectrum 𝕜 a, ∥k∥₊

namespace spectrum

section spectrum_compact

variables {𝕜 : Type*} {A : Type*}
variables [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A] [complete_space A]

local notation ` := spectrum 𝕜
local notation ` := resolvent_set 𝕜
local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map 𝕜 A

lemma is_open_resolvent_set (a : A) : is_open (ρ a) :=
units.is_open.preimage ((algebra_map_isometry 𝕜 A).continuous.sub continuous_const)

lemma is_closed (a : A) : is_closed (σ a) :=
(is_open_resolvent_set a).is_closed_compl

lemma mem_resolvent_of_norm_lt {a : A} {k : 𝕜} (h : ∥a∥ < ∥k∥) :
k ∈ ρ a :=
rw [resolvent_set, set.mem_set_of_eq, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one],
have hk : k ≠ 0 := ne_zero_of_norm_pos (by linarith [norm_nonneg a]),
let ku := (↑ₐ).to_monoid_hom (units.mk0 k hk),
have hku : ∥-a∥ < ∥(↑ku⁻¹:A)∥⁻¹ := by simpa [ku, algebra_map_isometry] using h,
simpa [ku, sub_eq_add_neg, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one] using (ku.add (-a) hku).is_unit,

lemma norm_le_norm_of_mem {a : A} {k : 𝕜} (hk : k ∈ σ a) :
∥k∥ ≤ ∥a∥ :=
le_of_not_lt $ mt mem_resolvent_of_norm_lt hk

lemma subset_closed_ball_norm (a : A) :
σ a ⊆ metric.closed_ball (0 : 𝕜) (∥a∥) :=
λ k hk, by simp [norm_le_norm_of_mem hk]

lemma is_bounded (a : A) : metric.bounded (σ a) :=
(metric.bounded_iff_subset_ball 0).mpr ⟨∥a∥, subset_closed_ball_norm a⟩

theorem is_compact [proper_space 𝕜] (a : A) : is_compact (σ a) :=
metric.is_compact_of_is_closed_bounded (is_closed a) (is_bounded a)

theorem spectral_radius_le_nnnorm (a : A) :
spectral_radius 𝕜 a ≤ ∥a∥₊ :=
suffices h : ∀ k ∈ σ a, (∥k∥₊ : ℝ≥0∞) ≤ ∥a∥₊,
{ exact bsupr_le h, },
{ by_cases ha : (σ a).nonempty,
{ intros _ hk,
exact_mod_cast norm_le_norm_of_mem hk },
{ rw set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty at ha,
simp [ha, set.ball_empty_iff] } }

end spectrum_compact

section resolvent_deriv

variables {𝕜 : Type*} {A : Type*}
variables [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜] [normed_ring A] [normed_algebra 𝕜 A] [complete_space A]

local notation ` := resolvent_set 𝕜
local notation `↑ₐ` := algebra_map 𝕜 A

theorem has_deriv_at_resolvent {a : A} {k : 𝕜} (hk : k ∈ ρ a) :
has_deriv_at (resolvent a) (-(resolvent a k) ^ 2) k :=
have H₁ : has_fderiv_at ring.inverse _ (↑ₐk - a) := has_fderiv_at_ring_inverse hk.unit,
have H₂ : has_deriv_at (λ k, ↑ₐk - a) 1 k,
{ simpa using (algebra.linear_map 𝕜 A).has_deriv_at.sub_const a },
simpa [resolvent, sq, hk.unit_spec, ← ring.inverse_unit hk.unit] using H₁.comp_has_deriv_at k H₂,

end resolvent_deriv

end spectrum

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