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chore(algebra/order/sub): Generalize to preorder and `add_comm_semi…
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This generalizes a bunch of lemmas from `partial_order` to `preorder` and from `add_comm_monoid` to `add_comm_semigroup`.

It also adds `tsub_tsub_le_tsub_add : a - (b - c) ≤ a - b + c`.
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YaelDillies committed Jan 19, 2022
1 parent 1cfb97d commit 4ad74ae
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 56 deletions.
144 changes: 88 additions & 56 deletions src/algebra/order/sub.lean
Expand Up @@ -92,11 +92,15 @@ begin
exact e.monotone (e_add.symm.to_add_hom.le_map_tsub e.symm.monotone _ _)

/-! ### Preorder -/

section ordered_add_comm_monoid

section preorder
variables [preorder α]

variables [preorder α] [add_comm_monoid α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α] {a b c d : α}
section add_comm_semigroup
variables [add_comm_semigroup α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α] {a b c d : α}

lemma tsub_le_iff_left : a - b ≤ c ↔ a ≤ b + c :=
by rw [tsub_le_iff_right, add_comm]
Expand All @@ -118,6 +122,83 @@ by rw [tsub_le_iff_left, tsub_le_iff_right]
lemma tsub_tsub_le : b - (b - a) ≤ a :=
tsub_le_iff_right.mpr le_add_tsub

section cov
variable [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)]

lemma tsub_le_tsub_left (h : a ≤ b) (c : α) : c - b ≤ c - a :=
tsub_le_iff_left.mpr $ le_add_tsub.trans $ add_le_add_right h _

lemma tsub_le_tsub (hab : a ≤ b) (hcd : c ≤ d) : a - d ≤ b - c :=
(tsub_le_tsub_right hab _).trans $ tsub_le_tsub_left hcd _

/-- See `add_tsub_assoc_of_le` for the equality. -/
lemma add_tsub_le_assoc : a + b - c ≤ a + (b - c) :=
by { rw [tsub_le_iff_left, add_left_comm], exact add_le_add_left le_add_tsub a }

lemma add_le_add_add_tsub : a + b ≤ (a + c) + (b - c) :=
by { rw [add_assoc], exact add_le_add_left le_add_tsub a }

lemma le_tsub_add_add : a + b ≤ (a - c) + (b + c) :=
by { rw [add_comm a, add_comm (a - c)], exact add_le_add_add_tsub }

lemma tsub_le_tsub_add_tsub : a - c ≤ (a - b) + (b - c) :=
rw [tsub_le_iff_left, ← add_assoc, add_right_comm],
exact le_add_tsub.trans (add_le_add_right le_add_tsub _),

lemma tsub_tsub_tsub_le_tsub : (c - a) - (c - b) ≤ b - a :=
rw [tsub_le_iff_left, tsub_le_iff_left, add_left_comm],
exact le_tsub_add.trans (add_le_add_left le_add_tsub _),

lemma tsub_tsub_le_tsub_add {a b c : α} : a - (b - c) ≤ a - b + c :=
tsub_le_iff_right.2 $ calc
a ≤ a - b + b : le_tsub_add
... ≤ a - b + (c + (b - c)) : add_le_add_left le_add_tsub _
... = a - b + c + (b - c) : (add_assoc _ _ _).symm

end cov

/-! #### Lemmas that assume that an element is `add_le_cancellable` -/

namespace add_le_cancellable

protected lemma le_add_tsub_swap (hb : add_le_cancellable b) : a ≤ b + a - b := hb le_add_tsub

protected lemma le_add_tsub (hb : add_le_cancellable b) : a ≤ a + b - b :=
by { rw add_comm, exact hb.le_add_tsub_swap }

protected lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_left (ha : add_le_cancellable a) (h : a + b ≤ c) : b ≤ c - a :=
ha $ h.trans le_add_tsub

protected lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_right (hb : add_le_cancellable b) (h : a + b ≤ c) : a ≤ c - b :=
hb.le_tsub_of_add_le_left $ by rwa add_comm

end add_le_cancellable

/-! ### Lemmas where addition is order-reflecting -/

section contra
variable [contravariant_class α α (+) (≤)]

lemma le_add_tsub_swap : a ≤ b + a - b := contravariant.add_le_cancellable.le_add_tsub_swap

lemma le_add_tsub' : a ≤ a + b - b := contravariant.add_le_cancellable.le_add_tsub

lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_left (h : a + b ≤ c) : b ≤ c - a :=
contravariant.add_le_cancellable.le_tsub_of_add_le_left h

lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_right (h : a + b ≤ c) : a ≤ c - b :=
contravariant.add_le_cancellable.le_tsub_of_add_le_right h

end contra

end add_comm_semigroup

variables [add_comm_monoid α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α] {a b c d : α}

lemma tsub_nonpos : a - b ≤ 0 ↔ a ≤ b := by rw [tsub_le_iff_left, add_zero]

alias tsub_nonpos ↔ _ tsub_nonpos_of_le
Expand All @@ -129,7 +210,9 @@ f.to_add_hom.le_map_tsub hf a b

end preorder

variables [partial_order α] [add_comm_monoid α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α] {a b c d : α}
/-! ### Partial order -/

variables [partial_order α] [add_comm_semigroup α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α] {a b c d : α}

lemma tsub_tsub (b a c : α) : b - a - c = b - (a + c) :=
Expand All @@ -141,12 +224,6 @@ end
section cov
variable [covariant_class α α (+) (≤)]

lemma tsub_le_tsub_left (h : a ≤ b) (c : α) : c - b ≤ c - a :=
tsub_le_iff_left.mpr $ le_add_tsub.trans $ add_le_add_right h _

lemma tsub_le_tsub (hab : a ≤ b) (hcd : c ≤ d) : a - d ≤ b - c :=
(tsub_le_tsub_right hab _).trans $ tsub_le_tsub_left hcd _

lemma tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub (a b c : α) : a - (b + c) = a - b - c :=
refine le_antisymm (tsub_le_iff_left.mpr _)
Expand All @@ -158,41 +235,14 @@ end
lemma tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub_swap (a b c : α) : a - (b + c) = a - c - b :=
by { rw [add_comm], apply tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub }

lemma add_le_add_add_tsub : a + b ≤ (a + c) + (b - c) :=
by { rw [add_assoc], exact add_le_add_left le_add_tsub a }

lemma tsub_right_comm : a - b - c = a - c - b :=
by simp_rw [← tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub, add_comm]

/-- See `add_tsub_assoc_of_le` for the equality. -/
lemma add_tsub_le_assoc : a + b - c ≤ a + (b - c) :=
by { rw [tsub_le_iff_left, add_left_comm], exact add_le_add_left le_add_tsub a }

lemma le_tsub_add_add : a + b ≤ (a - c) + (b + c) :=
by { rw [add_comm a, add_comm (a - c)], exact add_le_add_add_tsub }

lemma tsub_le_tsub_add_tsub : a - c ≤ (a - b) + (b - c) :=
rw [tsub_le_iff_left, ← add_assoc, add_right_comm],
refine le_add_tsub.trans (add_le_add_right le_add_tsub _),

lemma tsub_tsub_tsub_le_tsub : (c - a) - (c - b) ≤ b - a :=
rw [tsub_le_iff_left, tsub_le_iff_left, add_left_comm],
refine le_tsub_add.trans (add_le_add_left le_add_tsub _),

end cov

/-! ### Lemmas that assume that an element is `add_le_cancellable`. -/
namespace add_le_cancellable

protected lemma le_add_tsub_swap (hb : add_le_cancellable b) : a ≤ b + a - b :=
hb le_add_tsub

protected lemma le_add_tsub (hb : add_le_cancellable b) : a ≤ a + b - b :=
by { rw [add_comm], exact hb.le_add_tsub_swap }
namespace add_le_cancellable

protected lemma tsub_eq_of_eq_add (hb : add_le_cancellable b) (h : a = c + b) : a - b = c :=
le_antisymm (tsub_le_iff_right.mpr h.le) $
Expand All @@ -212,12 +262,6 @@ hb.tsub_eq_of_eq_add $ by rw [add_comm]
protected lemma add_tsub_cancel_left (ha : add_le_cancellable a) : a + b - a = b :=
ha.tsub_eq_of_eq_add $ add_comm a b

protected lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_left (ha : add_le_cancellable a) (h : a + b ≤ c) : b ≤ c - a :=
ha $ h.trans le_add_tsub

protected lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_right (hb : add_le_cancellable b) (h : a + b ≤ c) : a ≤ c - b :=
hb.le_tsub_of_add_le_left $ by rwa [add_comm]

protected lemma lt_add_of_tsub_lt_left (hb : add_le_cancellable b) (h : a - b < c) : a < b + c :=
rw [lt_iff_le_and_ne, ← tsub_le_iff_left],
Expand All @@ -236,17 +280,11 @@ end

end add_le_cancellable

/-! ### Lemmas where addition is order-reflecting. -/
/-! #### Lemmas where addition is order-reflecting. -/

section contra
variable [contravariant_class α α (+) (≤)]

lemma le_add_tsub_swap : a ≤ b + a - b :=

lemma le_add_tsub' : a ≤ a + b - b :=

lemma tsub_eq_of_eq_add (h : a = c + b) : a - b = c :=
contravariant.add_le_cancellable.tsub_eq_of_eq_add h

Expand All @@ -264,12 +302,6 @@ contravariant.add_le_cancellable.add_tsub_cancel_right
lemma add_tsub_cancel_left (a b : α) : a + b - a = b :=

lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_left (h : a + b ≤ c) : b ≤ c - a :=
contravariant.add_le_cancellable.le_tsub_of_add_le_left h

lemma le_tsub_of_add_le_right (h : a + b ≤ c) : a ≤ c - b :=
contravariant.add_le_cancellable.le_tsub_of_add_le_right h

lemma lt_add_of_tsub_lt_left (h : a - b < c) : a < b + c :=
contravariant.add_le_cancellable.lt_add_of_tsub_lt_left h

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +332,7 @@ end ordered_add_comm_monoid

/-! ### Lemmas in a linearly ordered monoid. -/
section linear_order
variables {a b c d : α} [linear_order α] [add_comm_monoid α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α]
variables {a b c d : α} [linear_order α] [add_comm_semigroup α] [has_sub α] [has_ordered_sub α]

/-- See `lt_of_tsub_lt_tsub_right_of_le` for a weaker statement in a partial order. -/
lemma lt_of_tsub_lt_tsub_right (h : a - c < b - c) : a < b :=
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