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feat(group_theory/free_product): equivalence with reduced words (#7395)
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We show that each element of the free product is represented by a unique reduced word.
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dwarn committed Sep 13, 2021
1 parent a9e7d33 commit 4bada4d
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 8 deletions.
193 changes: 185 additions & 8 deletions src/group_theory/free_product.lean
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Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,14 @@ Authors: David Wärn
import algebra.free_monoid
import group_theory.congruence
import data.list.chain
# The free product of groups or monoids
Given an `ι`-indexed family `M` of monoids, we define their free product (categorical coproduct)
`free_product M`.
`free_product M`. When `ι` and all `M i` have decidable equality, the free product bijects with the
type `word M` of reduced words. This bijection is constructed by defining an action of
`free_product M` on `word M`.
When `M i` are all groups, `free_product M` is also a group (and the coproduct in the category of
Expand All @@ -18,21 +22,31 @@ groups).
- `free_product M`: the free product, defined as a quotient of a free monoid.
- `free_product.of {i} : M i →* free_product M`.
- `free_product.lift : (Π {i}, M i →* N) ≃ (free_product M →* N)`: the universal property.
- `free_product.word M`: the type of reduced words.
- `free_product.word.equiv M : free_product M ≃ word M`.
## Remarks
There are many answers to the question "what is the free product of a family `M` of monoids?", and
they are all equivalent but not obviously equivalent. We provide one almost tautological answer,
namely `free_product M`, which is a quotient of the type of words in the alphabet `Σ i, M i`. It's
straightforward to define and easy to prove its universal property. But this answer is not
completely satisfactory, because it's difficult to tell when two elements `x y : free_product M` are
distinct since `free_product M` is defined as a quotient. Soon a second answer will be given, in
terms of reduced words, which lets you show that distinct elements are distinct.
they are all equivalent but not obviously equivalent. We provide two answers. The first, almost
tautological answer is given by `free_product M`, which is a quotient of the type of words in the
alphabet `Σ i, M i`. It's straightforward to define and easy to prove its universal property. But
this answer is not completely satisfactory, because it's difficult to tell when two elements
`x y : free_product M` are distinct since `free_product M` is defined as a quotient.
The second, maximally efficient answer is given by `word M`. An element of `word M` is a word in the
alphabet `Σ i, M i`, where the letter `⟨i, 1⟩` doesn't occur and no adjacent letters share an index
`i`. Since we only work with reduced words, there is no need for quotienting, and it is easy to tell
when two elements are distinct. However it's not obvious that this is even a monoid!
We prove that every element of `free_product M` can be represented by a unique reduced word, i.e.
`free_product M` and `word M` are equivalent types. This means that `word M` can be given a monoid
structure, and it lets us tell when two elements of `free_product M` are distinct.
There is also a completely tautological, maximally inefficient answer given by
`algebra.category.Mon.colimits`. Whereas `free_product M` at least ensures that (any instance of)
associativity holds by reflexivity, in this answer associativity holds because of quotienting. Yet
another answer, which is constructively more satisfying, can be obtained by showing that
another answer, which is constructively more satisfying, could be obtained by showing that
`free_product.rel` is confluent.
## References
Expand All @@ -56,6 +70,13 @@ def free_product : Type* := (con_gen (free_product.rel M)).quotient

namespace free_product

/-- The type of reduced words. A reduced word cannot contain a letter `1`, and no two adjacent
letters can come from the same summand. -/
@[ext] structure word :=
(to_list : list (Σ i, M i))
(ne_one : ∀ l ∈ to_list, sigma.snd l ≠ 1)
(chain_ne : to_list.chain' (λ l l', sigma.fst l ≠ sigma.fst l'))

variable {M}

/-- The inclusion of a summand into the free product. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,4 +168,160 @@ instance : group (free_product G) :=

end group

namespace word

/-- The empty reduced word. -/
def empty : word M := { to_list := [], ne_one := λ _, false.elim, chain_ne := list.chain'_nil }

instance : inhabited (word M) := ⟨empty⟩

/-- A reduced word determines an element of the free product, given by multiplication. -/
def prod (w : word M) : free_product M := ( $ λ l, of l.snd)

@[simp] lemma prod_nil : prod (empty : word M) = 1 := rfl

/-- `fst_idx w` is `some i` if the first letter of `w` is `⟨i, m⟩` with `m : M i`. If `w` is empty
then it's `none`. -/
def fst_idx (w : word M) : option ι := w.to_list.head'.map sigma.fst

lemma fst_idx_ne_iff {w : word M} {i} :
fst_idx w ≠ some i ↔ ∀ l ∈ w.to_list.head', i ≠ sigma.fst l := $ by simp [fst_idx]

variable (M)

/-- Given an index `i : ι`, `pair M i` is the type of pairs `(head, tail)` where `head : M i` and
`tail : word M`, subject to the constraint that first letter of `tail` can't be `⟨i, m⟩`.
By prepending `head` to `tail`, one obtains a new word. We'll show that any word can be uniquely
obtained in this way. -/
@[ext] structure pair (i : ι) :=
(head : M i)
(tail : word M)
(fst_idx_ne : fst_idx tail ≠ some i)

instance (i : ι) : inhabited (pair M i) := ⟨⟨1, empty, by tauto⟩⟩

variable {M}

variables [∀ i, decidable_eq (M i)]

/-- Given a pair `(head, tail)`, we can form a word by prepending `head` to `tail`, except if `head`
is `1 : M i` then we have to just return `word` since we need the result to be reduced. -/
def rcons {i} (p : pair M i) : word M :=
if h : p.head = 1 then p.tail
else { to_list := ⟨i, p.head⟩ :: p.tail.to_list,
ne_one := by { rintros l (rfl | hl), exact h, exact p.tail.ne_one l hl },
chain_ne := p.tail.chain_ne.cons' ( p.fst_idx_ne) }

/-- Given a word of the form `⟨l :: ls, h1, h2⟩`, we can form a word of the form `⟨ls, _, _⟩`,
dropping the first letter. -/
private def mk_aux {l} (ls) (h1 : ∀ l' ∈ l :: ls, sigma.snd l' ≠ 1) (h2 : (l :: ls).chain' _) :
word M := ⟨ls, λ l' hl, h1 _ (list.mem_cons_of_mem _ hl), h2.tail⟩

lemma cons_eq_rcons {i} {m : M i} {ls h1 h2} : (⟨i, m⟩ :: ls) h1 h2 = rcons ⟨m, mk_aux ls h1 h2, fst_idx_ne_iff.mpr h2.rel_head'⟩ :=
by { rw [rcons, dif_neg], refl, exact h1 ⟨i, m⟩ (ls.mem_cons_self _) }

@[simp] lemma prod_rcons {i} (p : pair M i) :
prod (rcons p) = of p.head * prod p.tail :=
if hm : p.head = 1 then by rw [rcons, dif_pos hm, hm, monoid_hom.map_one, one_mul]
else by rw [rcons, dif_neg hm, prod, list.map_cons, list.prod_cons, prod]

lemma rcons_inj {i} : function.injective (rcons : pair M i → word M) :=
rintros ⟨m, w, h⟩ ⟨m', w', h'⟩ he,
by_cases hm : m = 1;
by_cases hm' : m' = 1,
{ simp only [rcons, dif_pos hm, dif_pos hm'] at he, cc, },
{ exfalso, simp only [rcons, dif_pos hm, dif_neg hm'] at he, rw he at h, exact h rfl },
{ exfalso, simp only [rcons, dif_pos hm', dif_neg hm] at he, rw ←he at h', exact h' rfl, },
{ have : m = m' ∧ w.to_list = w'.to_list,
{ simpa only [rcons, dif_neg hm, dif_neg hm', true_and, eq_self_iff_true, subtype.mk_eq_mk,
heq_iff_eq, ←subtype.ext_iff_val] using he },
rcases this with ⟨rfl, h⟩,
congr, exact word.ext _ _ h, }

variable [decidable_eq ι]

/-- Given `i : ι`, any reduced word can be decomposed into a pair `p` such that `w = rcons p`. -/
-- This definition is computable but not very nice to look at. Thankfully we don't have to inspect
-- it, since `rcons` is known to be injective.
private def equiv_pair_aux (i) : Π w : word M, { p : pair M i // rcons p = w }
| w@⟨[], _, _⟩ := ⟨⟨1, w, by rintro ⟨⟩⟩, dif_pos rfl⟩
| w@⟨⟨j, m⟩ :: ls, h1, h2⟩ := if ij : i = j then
{ val := { head := ij.symm.rec m,
tail := mk_aux ls h1 h2,
fst_idx_ne := by cases ij; exact fst_idx_ne_iff.mpr h2.rel_head' },
property := by cases ij; exact cons_eq_rcons.symm }
else ⟨⟨1, w, (option.some_injective _).ne (ne.symm ij)⟩, dif_pos rfl⟩

/-- The equivalence between words and pairs. Given a word, it decomposes it as a pair by removing
the first letter if it comes from `M i`. Given a pair, it prepends the head to the tail. -/
def equiv_pair (i) : word M ≃ pair M i :=
{ to_fun := λ w, (equiv_pair_aux i w).val,
inv_fun := rcons,
left_inv := λ w, (equiv_pair_aux i w).property,
right_inv := λ p, rcons_inj (equiv_pair_aux i _).property }

lemma equiv_pair_symm (i) (p : pair M i) : (equiv_pair i).symm p = rcons p := rfl

lemma equiv_pair_eq_of_fst_idx_ne {i} {w : word M} (h : fst_idx w ≠ some i) :
equiv_pair i w = ⟨1, w, h⟩ :=
(equiv_pair i).apply_eq_iff_eq_symm_apply.mpr $ eq.symm (dif_pos rfl)

instance summand_action (i) : mul_action (M i) (word M) :=
{ smul := λ m w, rcons { head := m * (equiv_pair i w).head, ..equiv_pair i w },
one_smul := λ w, by { simp_rw [one_mul], apply (equiv_pair i).symm_apply_eq.mpr, ext; refl },
mul_smul := λ m m' w, by simp only [mul_assoc, ←equiv_pair_symm, equiv.apply_symm_apply], }

instance : mul_action (free_product M) (word M) :=
mul_action.of_End_hom (lift (λ i, mul_action.to_End_hom))

lemma of_smul_def (i) (w : word M) (m : M i) :
of m • w = rcons { head := m * (equiv_pair i w).head, ..equiv_pair i w } := rfl

lemma cons_eq_smul {i} {m : M i} {ls h1 h2} : (⟨i, m⟩ :: ls) h1 h2 = of m • mk_aux ls h1 h2 :=
by rw [cons_eq_rcons, of_smul_def, equiv_pair_eq_of_fst_idx_ne _]; simp only [mul_one]

lemma smul_induction {C : word M → Prop}
(h_empty : C empty)
(h_smul : ∀ i (m : M i) w, C w → C (of m • w))
(w : word M) : C w :=
cases w with ls h1 h2,
induction ls with l ls ih,
{ exact h_empty },
cases l with i m,
rw cons_eq_smul,
exact h_smul _ _ _ (ih _ _),

@[simp] lemma prod_smul (m) : ∀ w : word M, prod (m • w) = m * prod w :=
apply m.induction_on,
{ intro, rw [one_smul, one_mul] },
{ intros, rw [of_smul_def, prod_rcons, of.map_mul, mul_assoc, ←prod_rcons,
←equiv_pair_symm, equiv.symm_apply_apply] },
{ intros x y hx hy w, rw [mul_smul, hx, hy, mul_assoc] },

/-- Each element of the free product corresponds to a unique reduced word. -/
def equiv : free_product M ≃ word M :=
{ to_fun := λ m, m • empty,
inv_fun := λ w, prod w,
left_inv := λ m, by dsimp only; rw [prod_smul, prod_nil, mul_one],
right_inv := begin
apply smul_induction,
{ dsimp only, rw [prod_nil, one_smul], },
{ dsimp only, intros i m w ih, rw [prod_smul, mul_smul, ih], },
end }

instance : decidable_eq (word M) := function.injective.decidable_eq word.ext
instance : decidable_eq (free_product M) := word.equiv.decidable_eq

end word

end free_product

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