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feat(category_theory/closed): golf definition and proofs (#5623)
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Using the new mates framework, simplify the definition of `pre` and shorten proofs about it. 
To be more specific,

- `pre` is now explicitly a natural transformation, rather than indexed morphisms with a naturality property
- The new definition of `pre` means things like `pre_map` which I complained about before are easier to prove, and `pre_post_comm` is automatic
- There are now more lemmas relating `pre` to `coev`, `ev` and `uncurry`: `uncurry_pre` in particular was a hole in the API.
- `internal_hom` has a shorter construction. In particular I changed the type to `Cᵒᵖ ⥤ C ⥤ C`, which I think is better since the usual external hom functor is given as `Cᵒᵖ ⥤ C ⥤ Type*`, so this is consistent with that. 

In a subsequent PR I'll do the same for `exp_comparison`, but that's a bigger change with improved API so they're separate for now.
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b-mehta committed Jan 7, 2021
1 parent fdbcab6 commit 4da8313
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 34 deletions.
69 changes: 35 additions & 34 deletions src/category_theory/closed/cartesian.lean
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.binary_products
import category_theory.closed.monoidal
import category_theory.monoidal.of_has_finite_products
import category_theory.adjunction
import category_theory.adjunction.mates
import category_theory.epi_mono

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,6 +98,9 @@ closed.is_adj.adj.counit
def coev : 𝟭 C ⟶ prod.functor.obj A ⋙ exp A :=

@[simp] lemma exp_adjunction_counit : (exp.adjunction A).counit = ev A := rfl
@[simp] lemma exp_adjunction_unit : (exp.adjunction A).unit = coev A := rfl

@[simp, reassoc]
lemma ev_naturality {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) : (𝟙 A) ((exp A).map f) ≫ (ev A).app Y = (ev A).app X ≫ f :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,41 +223,40 @@ section pre
variables {B}

/-- Pre-compose an internal hom with an external hom. -/
def pre (X : C) (f : B ⟶ A) [exponentiable B] : (A⟹X)B⟹X :=
curry ( f (𝟙 _) ≫ (ev A).app X)
def pre (f : B ⟶ A) [exponentiable B] : exp Aexp B :=
transfer_nat_trans_self (exp.adjunction _) (exp.adjunction _) ( f)

lemma pre_id (A X : C) [exponentiable A] : pre X (𝟙 A) = 𝟙 (A⟹X) :=
by { rw [pre, prod.map_id_id, id_comp, ← uncurry_id_eq_ev], simp }
lemma prod_map_pre_app_comp_ev (f : B ⟶ A) [exponentiable B] (X : C) : (𝟙 B) ((pre f).app X) ≫ (ev B).app X = f (𝟙 (A ⟹ X)) ≫ (ev A).app X :=
transfer_nat_trans_self_counit _ _ ( f) X

-- There's probably a better proof of this somehow
/-- Precomposition is contrafunctorial. -/
lemma pre_map [exponentiable B] {D : C} [exponentiable D] (f : A ⟶ B) (g : B ⟶ D) :
pre X (f ≫ g) = pre X g ≫ pre X f :=
lemma uncurry_pre (f : B ⟶ A) [exponentiable B] (X : C) :
uncurry ((pre f).app X) = f (𝟙 _) ≫ (ev A).app X :=
rw [pre, curry_eq_iff, pre, uncurry_natural_left, pre, uncurry_curry, prod.map_swap_assoc,
prod.map_comp_id, assoc, ← uncurry_id_eq_ev, ← uncurry_id_eq_ev, ← uncurry_natural_left,
curry_natural_right, comp_id, uncurry_natural_right, uncurry_curry],
rw [uncurry_eq, prod_map_pre_app_comp_ev]

end pre
lemma coev_app_comp_pre_app (f : B ⟶ A) [exponentiable B] :
(coev A).app X ≫ (pre f).app (A ⨯ X) = (coev B).app X ≫ (exp B).map ( f (𝟙 _)) :=
unit_transfer_nat_trans_self _ _ ( f) X

lemma pre_post_comm [cartesian_closed C] {A B : C} {X Y : Cᵒᵖ} (f : A ⟶ B) (g : X ⟶ Y) :
pre A g.unop ≫ (exp Y.unop).map f = (exp X.unop).map f ≫ pre B g.unop :=
rw [pre, pre, ← curry_natural_left, eq_curry_iff, uncurry_natural_right, uncurry_curry,
prod.map_swap_assoc, ev_naturality, assoc],
lemma pre_id (A : C) [exponentiable A] : pre (𝟙 A) = 𝟙 _ :=
by simp [pre]

lemma pre_map {A₁ A₂ A₃ : C} [exponentiable A₁] [exponentiable A₂] [exponentiable A₃]
(f : A₁ ⟶ A₂) (g : A₂ ⟶ A₃) :
pre (f ≫ g) = pre g ≫ pre f :=
by rw [pre, pre, pre, transfer_nat_trans_self_comp, prod.functor.map_comp]

end pre

/-- The internal hom functor given by the cartesian closed structure. -/
def internal_hom [cartesian_closed C] : C ⥤ Cᵒᵖ ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ X,
{ obj := λ Y, Y.unop ⟹ X,
map := λ Y Y' f, pre _ f.unop,
map_id' := λ Y, pre_id _ _,
map_comp' := λ Y Y' Y'' f g, pre_map _ _ },
map := λ A B f, { app := λ X, (exp X.unop).map f, naturality' := λ X Y g, pre_post_comm _ _ },
map_id' := λ X, by { ext, apply functor.map_id },
map_comp' := λ X Y Z f g, by { ext, apply functor.map_comp } }
def internal_hom [cartesian_closed C] : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ C ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ X, exp X.unop,
map := λ X Y f, pre f.unop }

/-- If an initial object `I` exists in a CCC, then `A ⨯ I ≅ I`. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,16 +388,14 @@ curry (inv (prod_comparison F A _) ≫ ((ev _).app _))

/-- The exponential comparison map is natural in its left argument. -/
lemma exp_comparison_natural_left (A A' B : C) (f : A' ⟶ A) :
exp_comparison F A B ≫ pre (F.obj B) ( f) = (pre B f) ≫ exp_comparison F A' B :=
exp_comparison F A B ≫ (pre ( f)).app (F.obj B) = ((pre f).app B) ≫ exp_comparison F A' B :=
rw [exp_comparison, exp_comparison, ← curry_natural_left, eq_curry_iff, uncurry_natural_left,
pre, uncurry_curry, prod.map_swap_assoc, curry_eq, prod.map_id_comp, assoc, ev_naturality],
rw [exp_comparison, exp_comparison, ←curry_natural_left, eq_curry_iff, uncurry_natural_left,
uncurry_pre, prod.map_swap_assoc, curry_eq, prod.map_id_comp, assoc, ev_naturality],
dsimp only [prod.functor_obj_obj],
rw [ev_coev_assoc, ← F.map_id, ← F.map_id, ← prod_comparison_inv_natural_assoc,
← prod_comparison_inv_natural_assoc, ← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, pre, curry_eq,
prod.map_id_comp, assoc, ev_naturality],
dsimp only [prod.functor_obj_obj],
rw ev_coev_assoc,
← prod_comparison_inv_natural_assoc, ← F.map_comp, ← F.map_comp, prod_map_pre_app_comp_ev],

/-- The exponential comparison map is natural in its right argument. -/
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