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refactor(topology/sequences): redefine is_seq_closed, define Fréche…
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…t-Urysohn spaces (#15953)

* redefine `is_seq_closed` as "the set contains every limit of a sequence of points from this set";
* delete `is_seq_closed_of_def` and `is_seq_closed.mem_of_tendsto`, because now we use this property as the definition;
* rename `sequential_space` to `frechet_urysohn_space`, add new `sequential_space`; this way our definitions agree with textbooks.
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urkud committed Aug 19, 2022
1 parent 54b4573 commit 4dd837d
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Showing 2 changed files with 182 additions and 115 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/normed_space/banach.lean
Expand Up @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ theorem linear_map.continuous_of_seq_closed_graph
(hg : ∀ (u : ℕ → E) x y, tendsto u at_top (𝓝 x) → tendsto (g ∘ u) at_top (𝓝 y) → y = g x) :
continuous g :=
refine g.continuous_of_is_closed_graph ( $ is_seq_closed_of_def _),
refine g.continuous_of_is_closed_graph (is_seq_closed.is_closed _),
rintros φ ⟨x, y⟩ hφg hφ,
refine hg (prod.fst ∘ φ) x y ((continuous_fst.tendsto _).comp hφ) _,
have : g ∘ prod.fst ∘ φ = prod.snd ∘ φ,
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295 changes: 181 additions & 114 deletions src/topology/sequences.lean
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Jan-David Salchow. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jan-David Salchow, Patrick Massot
Authors: Jan-David Salchow, Patrick Massot, Yury Kudryashov
import topology.subset_properties
import topology.metric_space.basic
Expand All @@ -10,18 +10,54 @@ import topology.metric_space.basic
# Sequences in topological spaces
In this file we define sequences in topological spaces and show how they are related to
filters and the topology. In particular, we
* define the sequential closure of a set and prove that it's contained in the closure,
* define a type class "sequential_space" in which closure and sequential closure agree,
* define sequential continuity and show that it coincides with continuity in sequential spaces,
* provide an instance that shows that every first-countable (and in particular metric) space is
a sequential space.
* define sequential compactness, prove that compactness implies sequential compactness in first
countable spaces, and prove they are equivalent for uniform spaces having a countable uniformity
basis (in particular metric spaces).
filters and the topology.
## Main definitions
### Set operation
* `seq_closure s`: sequential closure of a set, the set of limits of sequences of points of `s`;
### Predicates
* `is_seq_closed s`: predicate saying that a set is sequentially closed, i.e., `seq_closure s ⊆ s`;
* `seq_continuous f`: predicate saying that a function is sequentially continuous, i.e.,
for any sequence `u : ℕ → X` that converges to a point `x`, the sequence `f ∘ u` converges to
`f x`;
* `is_seq_compact s`: predicate saying that a set is sequentially compact, i.e., every sequence
taking values in `s` has a converging subsequence.
### Type classes
* `frechet_urysohn_space X`: a typeclass saying that a topological space is a *Fréchet-Urysohn
space*, i.e., the sequential closure of any set is equal to its closure.
* `sequential_space X`: a typeclass saying that a topological space is a *sequential space*, i.e.,
any sequentially closed set in this space is closed. This condition is weaker than being a
Fréchet-Urysohn space.
* `seq_compact_space X`: a typeclass saying that a topological space is sequentially compact, i.e.,
every sequence in `X` has a converging subsequence.
## Main results
* `seq_closure_subset_closure`: closure of a set includes its sequential closure;
* `is_closed.is_seq_closed`: a closed set is sequentially closed;
* `is_seq_closed.seq_closure_eq`: sequential closure of a sequentially closed set `s` is equal
to `s`;
* `seq_closure_eq_closure`: in a Fréchet-Urysohn space, the sequential closure of a set is equal to
its closure;
* `tendsto_nhds_iff_seq_tendsto`, `frechet_urysohn_space.of_seq_tendsto_imp_tendsto`: a topological
space is a Fréchet-Urysohn space if and only if sequential convergence implies convergence;
* `topological_space.first_countable_topology.frechet_urysohn_space`: every topological space with
first countable topology is a Fréchet-Urysohn space;
* `frechet_urysohn_space.to_sequential_space`: every Fréchet-Urysohn space is a sequential space;
* `is_seq_compact.is_compact`: a sequentially compact set in a uniform space with countably
generated uniformity is compact.
## Tags
sequentially closed, sequentially compact, sequential space

open set function filter
open set function filter topological_space
open_locale topological_space

variables {X Y : Type*}
Expand All @@ -30,129 +66,160 @@ variables {X Y : Type*}
section topological_space
variables [topological_space X] [topological_space Y]

/-- The sequential closure of a set `s : set X` in a topological space `X` is
the set of all `a : X` which arise as limit of sequences in `s`. -/
/-- The sequential closure of a set `s : set X` in a topological space `X` is the set of all `a : X`
which arise as limit of sequences in `s`. Note that the sequential closure of a set is not
guaranteed to be sequentially closed. -/
def seq_closure (s : set X) : set X :=
{a | ∃ x : ℕ → X, (∀ n : ℕ, x n ∈ s) ∧ tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a)}

lemma subset_seq_closure (s : set X) : s ⊆ seq_closure s :=
λ a ha, ⟨const ℕ a, λ n, ha, tendsto_const_nhds⟩

/-- A set `s` is sequentially closed if for any converging sequence `x n` of elements of `s`,
the limit belongs to `s` as well. -/
def is_seq_closed (s : set X) : Prop := s = seq_closure s

/-- A convenience lemma for showing that a set is sequentially closed. -/
lemma is_seq_closed_of_def {s : set X}
(h : ∀ (x : ℕ → X) (a : X), (∀ n : ℕ, x n ∈ s) → tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a) → a ∈ s) :
is_seq_closed s :=
show s = seq_closure s, from subset.antisymm
(subset_seq_closure s)
(show ∀ a, a ∈ seq_closure s → a ∈ s, from
(assume a ⟨x, hxs, hxa⟩, show a ∈ s, from h x a hxs hxa))
lemma subset_seq_closure {s : set X} : s ⊆ seq_closure s :=
λ p hp, ⟨const ℕ p, λ _, hp, tendsto_const_nhds⟩

/-- The sequential closure of a set is contained in the closure of that set.
The converse is not true. -/
lemma seq_closure_subset_closure (s : set X) : seq_closure s ⊆ closure s :=
assume a ⟨x, xM, xa⟩,
mem_closure_of_tendsto xa (eventually_of_forall xM)
lemma seq_closure_subset_closure {s : set X} : seq_closure s ⊆ closure s :=
λ p ⟨x, xM, xp⟩, mem_closure_of_tendsto xp (univ_mem' xM)

/-- A set `s` is sequentially closed if for any converging sequence `x n` of elements of `s`, the
limit belongs to `s` as well. Note that the sequential closure of a set is not guaranteed to be
sequentially closed. -/
def is_seq_closed (s : set X) : Prop :=
∀ ⦃x : ℕ → X⦄ ⦃p : X⦄, (∀ n, x n ∈ s) → tendsto x at_top (𝓝 p) → p ∈ s

/-- The sequential closure of a sequentially closed set is the set itself. -/
lemma is_seq_closed.seq_closure_eq {s : set X} (hs : is_seq_closed s) :
seq_closure s = s :=
subset.antisymm (λ p ⟨x, hx, hp⟩, hs hx hp) subset_seq_closure

/-- If a set is equal to its sequential closure, then it is sequentially closed. -/
lemma is_seq_closed_of_seq_closure_eq {s : set X} (hs : seq_closure s = s) :
is_seq_closed s :=
λ x p hxs hxp, hs ▸ ⟨x, hxs, hxp⟩

/-- A set is sequentially closed iff it is equal to its sequential closure. -/
lemma is_seq_closed_iff {s : set X} :
is_seq_closed s ↔ seq_closure s = s :=
⟨is_seq_closed.seq_closure_eq, is_seq_closed_of_seq_closure_eq⟩

/-- A set is sequentially closed if it is closed. -/
lemma is_closed.is_seq_closed {s : set X} (hs : is_closed s) : is_seq_closed s :=
suffices seq_closure s ⊆ s, from (subset_seq_closure s).antisymm this,
calc seq_closure s ⊆ closure s : seq_closure_subset_closure s
... = s : hs.closure_eq

/-- The limit of a convergent sequence in a sequentially closed set is in that set.-/
lemma is_seq_closed.mem_of_tendsto {s : set X} (hs : is_seq_closed s) {x : ℕ → X}
(hmem : ∀ n, x n ∈ s) {a : X} (ha : tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a)) : a ∈ s :=
have a ∈ seq_closure s, from ⟨x, hmem, ha⟩,
eq.subst (eq.symm ‹is_seq_closed s›) ‹a ∈ seq_closure s›

/-- A sequential space is a space in which 'sequences are enough to probe the topology'. This can be
formalised by demanding that the sequential closure and the closure coincide. The following
statements show that other topological properties can be deduced from sequences in sequential
spaces. -/
protected lemma is_closed.is_seq_closed {s : set X} (hc : is_closed s) : is_seq_closed s :=
λ u x hu hx, hc.mem_of_tendsto hx (eventually_of_forall hu)

/-- A topological space is called a *Fréchet-Urysohn space*, if the sequential closure of any set
is equal to its closure. Since one of the inclusions is trivial, we require only the non-trivial one
in the definition. -/
class frechet_urysohn_space (X : Type*) [topological_space X] : Prop :=
(closure_subset_seq_closure : ∀ s : set X, closure s ⊆ seq_closure s)

lemma seq_closure_eq_closure [frechet_urysohn_space X] (s : set X) :
seq_closure s = closure s :=
seq_closure_subset_closure.antisymm $ frechet_urysohn_space.closure_subset_seq_closure s

/-- In a Fréchet-Urysohn space, a point belongs to the closure of a set iff it is a limit
of a sequence taking values in this set. -/
lemma mem_closure_iff_seq_limit [frechet_urysohn_space X] {s : set X} {a : X} :
a ∈ closure s ↔ ∃ x : ℕ → X, (∀ n : ℕ, x n ∈ s) ∧ tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a) :=
by { rw [← seq_closure_eq_closure], refl }

/-- If the domain of a function `f : α → β` is a Fréchet-Urysohn space, then convergence
is equivalent to sequential convergence. See also `filter.tendsto_iff_seq_tendsto` for a version
that works for any pair of filters assuming that the filter in the domain is countably generated.
This property is equivalent to the definition of `frechet_urysohn_space`, see
`frechet_urysohn_space.of_seq_tendsto_imp_tendsto`. -/
lemma tendsto_nhds_iff_seq_tendsto [frechet_urysohn_space X] {f : X → Y} {a : X} {b : Y} :
tendsto f (𝓝 a) (𝓝 b) ↔ ∀ u : ℕ → X, tendsto u at_top (𝓝 a) → tendsto (f ∘ u) at_top (𝓝 b) :=
refine ⟨λ hf u hu, hf.comp hu,
λ h, ((nhds_basis_closeds _).tendsto_iff (nhds_basis_closeds _)).2 _⟩,
rintro s ⟨hbs, hsc⟩,
refine ⟨closure (f ⁻¹' s), ⟨mt _ hbs, is_closed_closure⟩, λ x, mt $ λ hx, subset_closure hx⟩,
rw [← seq_closure_eq_closure],
rintro ⟨u, hus, hu⟩,
exact hsc.mem_of_tendsto (h u hu) (eventually_of_forall hus)

/-- An alternative construction for `frechet_urysohn_space`: if sequential convergence implies
convergence, then the space is a Fréchet-Urysohn space. -/
lemma frechet_urysohn_space.of_seq_tendsto_imp_tendsto
(h : ∀ (f : X → Prop) (a : X),
(∀ u : ℕ → X, tendsto u at_top (𝓝 a) → tendsto (f ∘ u) at_top (𝓝 (f a))) → continuous_at f a) :
frechet_urysohn_space X :=
refine ⟨λ s x hcx, _⟩,
specialize h (∉ s) x,
by_cases hx : x ∈ s, { exact subset_seq_closure hx },
simp_rw [(∘), continuous_at, hx, not_false_iff, nhds_true, tendsto_pure, eq_true,
← mem_compl_iff, eventually_mem_set, ← mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds, interior_compl] at h,
rw [mem_compl_iff, imp_not_comm] at h,
simp only [not_forall, not_eventually, mem_compl_iff, not_not] at h,
rcases h hcx with ⟨u, hux, hus⟩,
rcases extraction_of_frequently_at_top hus with ⟨φ, φ_mono, hφ⟩,
exact ⟨u ∘ φ, hφ, hux.comp φ_mono.tendsto_at_top⟩

/-- Every first-countable space is a Fréchet-Urysohn space. -/
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance topological_space.first_countable_topology.frechet_urysohn_space
[first_countable_topology X] : frechet_urysohn_space X :=
frechet_urysohn_space.of_seq_tendsto_imp_tendsto $ λ f a, tendsto_iff_seq_tendsto.2

/-- A topological space is said to be a *sequential space* if any sequentially closed set in this
space is closed. This condition is weaker than being a Fréchet-Urysohn space. -/
class sequential_space (X : Type*) [topological_space X] : Prop :=
(seq_closure_eq_closure : ∀ s : set X, seq_closure s = closure s)
(is_closed_of_seq : ∀ s : set X, is_seq_closed s → is_closed s)

/-- Every Fréchet-Urysohn space is a sequential space. -/
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance frechet_urysohn_space.to_sequential_space [frechet_urysohn_space X] :
sequential_space X :=
⟨λ s hs, by rw [← closure_eq_iff_is_closed, ← seq_closure_eq_closure, hs.seq_closure_eq]⟩

/-- In a sequential space, a sequentially closed set is closed. -/
protected lemma is_seq_closed.is_closed [sequential_space X] {s : set X} (hs : is_seq_closed s) :
is_closed s :=
sequential_space.is_closed_of_seq s hs

/-- In a sequential space, a set is closed iff it's sequentially closed. -/
lemma is_seq_closed_iff_is_closed [sequential_space X] {s : set X} :
is_seq_closed s ↔ is_closed s :=
(assume _, (eq.symm
(calc s = seq_closure s : by assumption
... = closure s : sequential_space.seq_closure_eq_closure s)))

alias is_seq_closed_iff_is_closed ↔ is_seq_closed.is_closed _

/-- In a sequential space, a point belongs to the closure of a set iff it is a limit of a sequence
taking values in this set. -/
lemma mem_closure_iff_seq_limit [sequential_space X] {s : set X} {a : X} :
a ∈ closure s ↔ ∃ x : ℕ → X, (∀ n : ℕ, x n ∈ s) ∧ tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a) :=
by { rw ← sequential_space.seq_closure_eq_closure, exact iff.rfl }
lemma is_seq_closed_iff_is_closed [sequential_space X] {M : set X} :
is_seq_closed M ↔ is_closed M :=
⟨is_seq_closed.is_closed, is_closed.is_seq_closed⟩

/-- A function between topological spaces is sequentially continuous if it commutes with limit of
convergent sequences. -/
def seq_continuous (f : X → Y) : Prop :=
(x : ℕ → X), ∀ {a : X}, tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a) → tendsto (f ∘ x) at_top (𝓝 (f a))
x : ℕ → X⦄ ⦃p : X, tendsto x at_top (𝓝 p) → tendsto (f ∘ x) at_top (𝓝 (f p))

/- A continuous function is sequentially continuous. -/
protected lemma continuous.seq_continuous {f : X → Y} (hf : continuous f) : seq_continuous f :=
λ x a, (hf.tendsto _).comp
/-- The preimage of a sequentially closed set under a sequentially continuous map is sequentially
closed. -/
lemma is_seq_closed.preimage {f : X → Y} {s : set Y} (hs : is_seq_closed s)
(hf : seq_continuous f) :
is_seq_closed (f ⁻¹' s) :=
λ x p hx hp, hs hx (hf hp)

/-- In a sequential space, continuity and sequential continuity coincide. -/
lemma continuous_iff_seq_continuous {f : X → Y} [sequential_space X] :
/- A continuous function is sequentially continuous. -/
protected lemma continuous.seq_continuous {f : X → Y} (hf : continuous f) :
seq_continuous f :=
λ x p hx, (hf.tendsto p).comp hx

/-- A sequentially continuous function defined on a sequential space is continuous. -/
protected lemma seq_continuous.continuous [sequential_space X] {f : X → Y} (hf : seq_continuous f) :
continuous f :=
continuous_iff_is_closed.mpr $ λ s hs, (hs.is_seq_closed.preimage hf).is_closed

/-- If the domain of a function is a sequential space, then continuity of this function is
equivalent to its sequential continuity. -/
lemma continuous_iff_seq_continuous [sequential_space X] {f : X → Y} :
continuous f ↔ seq_continuous f :=
(assume : seq_continuous f, show continuous f, from
suffices h : ∀ {s : set Y}, is_closed s → is_seq_closed (f ⁻¹' s), from
continuous_iff_is_closed.mpr (assume s _, $ h ‹is_closed s›),
assume s (_ : is_closed s),
is_seq_closed_of_def $
assume (x : ℕ → X) a (_ : ∀ n, f (x n) ∈ s) (_ : tendsto x at_top (𝓝 a)),
have tendsto (f ∘ x) at_top (𝓝 (f a)), from ‹seq_continuous f› x ‹_›,
show f a ∈ s,
from ‹is_closed s›.is_seq_closed.mem_of_tendsto ‹∀ n, f (x n) ∈ s› ‹_›)

alias continuous_iff_seq_continuous ↔ _ seq_continuous.continuous
⟨continuous.seq_continuous, seq_continuous.continuous⟩

end topological_space
lemma quotient_map.sequential_space [sequential_space X] {f : X → Y} (hf : quotient_map f) :
sequential_space Y :=
⟨λ s hs, $ (hs.preimage $ hf.continuous.seq_continuous).is_closed⟩

namespace topological_space

namespace first_countable_topology

variables [topological_space X] [first_countable_topology X]

/-- Every first-countable space is sequential. -/
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : sequential_space X :=
show ∀ s, seq_closure s = closure s, from assume s,
suffices closure s ⊆ seq_closure s,
from set.subset.antisymm (seq_closure_subset_closure s) this,
-- For every a ∈ closure s, we need to construct a sequence `x` in `s` that converges to `a`:
assume (a : X) (ha : a ∈ closure s),
-- Since we are in a first-countable space, the neighborhood filter around `a` has a decreasing
-- basis `U` indexed by `ℕ`.
let ⟨U, hU⟩ := (𝓝 a).exists_antitone_basis in
-- Since `p ∈ closure M`, there is an element in each `M ∩ U i`
have ha : ∀ (i : ℕ), ∃ (y : X), y ∈ s ∧ y ∈ U i,
by simpa using (mem_closure_iff_nhds_basis hU.1).mp ha,
-- The axiom of (countable) choice builds our sequence from the later fact
choose u hu using ha,
rw forall_and_distrib at hu,
-- It clearly takes values in `M`
use [u, hu.1],
-- and converges to `p` because the basis is decreasing.
apply hU.tendsto hu.2,

end first_countable_topology
/-- The quotient of a sequential space is a sequential space. -/
instance [sequential_space X] {s : setoid X} : sequential_space (quotient s) :=

end topological_space

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