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chore(*): import expression widgets from core (#3181)
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With widgets, the rendering of the tactic state is implemented in pure Lean code.  I would like to move this part (temporarily) into mathlib to facilitate collaborative improvement and rapid iteration under a mature community review procedure.  (That is, I want other people to tweak it themselves without having to wait a week for the next Lean release to see the effect.)

I didn't need to change anything in the source code (except for adding some doc strings).  So it should be easy to copy it back to core if we want to.

There are no changes required to core for this PR.

Co-authored-by: E.W.Ayers <>
  • Loading branch information
gebner and EdAyers committed Jun 30, 2020
1 parent e8fd085 commit 4fcd6fd
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Showing 2 changed files with 332 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/tactic/core.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import meta.expr
import meta.rb_map
import data.bool
import tactic.lean_core_docs
import tactic.interactive_expr

universe variable u

Expand Down
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/interactive_expr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 E.W.Ayers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: E.W.Ayers

# Widgets used for tactic state and term-mode goal display
The vscode extension supports the display of interactive widgets.
Default implementation of these widgets are included in the core
library. We override them here using `vm_override` so that we can
change them quickly without waiting for the next Lean release.
The function `` renders a single
expression as a widget component. Each goal in a tactic state is rendered
using the `widget_override.tactic_view_goal` function,
a complete tactic state is rendered using
Lean itself calls the `widget_override.term_goal_widget` function to render
term-mode goals and `widget_override.tactic_state_widget` to render the
tactic state in a tactic proof.

namespace widget_override
open widget

open tagged_format
open widget.html widget.attr

namespace interactive_expression

/-- eformat but without any of the formatting stuff like highlighting, groups etc. -/
meta inductive sf : Type
| tag_expr : expr.address → expr → sf → sf
| compose : sf → sf → sf
| of_string : string → sf

private meta def to_simple : eformat → sf
| (tag ⟨ea,e⟩ m) := sf.tag_expr ea e $ to_simple m
| (group m) := to_simple m
| (nest i m) := to_simple m
| (highlight i m) := to_simple m
| (of_format f) := sf.of_string $ format.to_string f
| (compose x y) := sf.compose (to_simple x) (to_simple y)

private meta def sf.flatten : sf → sf
| (sf.tag_expr e ea m) := (sf.tag_expr e ea $ sf.flatten m)
| (sf.compose x y) :=
match (sf.flatten x), (sf.flatten y) with
| (sf.of_string sx), (sf.of_string sy) := sf.of_string (sx ++ sy)
| (sf.of_string sx), (sf.compose (sf.of_string sy) z) := sf.compose (sf.of_string (sx ++ sy)) z
| (sf.compose x (sf.of_string sy)), (sf.of_string sz) := sf.compose x (sf.of_string (sy ++ sz))
| (sf.compose x (sf.of_string sy1)), (sf.compose (sf.of_string sy2) z) := sf.compose x (sf.compose (sf.of_string (sy1 ++ sy2)) z)
| x, y := sf.compose x y
| (sf.of_string s) := sf.of_string s

The actions accepted by an expression widget.
meta inductive action (γ : Type)
| on_mouse_enter : subexpr → action
| on_mouse_leave_all : action
| on_click : subexpr → action
| on_tooltip_action : γ → action
| on_close_tooltip : action

Renders a subexpression as a list of html elements.
meta def view {γ} (tooltip_component : tc subexpr (action γ)) (click_address : option expr.address) (select_address : option expr.address) :
subexpr → sf → tactic (list (html (action γ)))
| ⟨ce, current_address⟩ (sf.tag_expr ea e m) := do
let new_address := current_address ++ ea,
let select_attrs : list (attr (action γ)) := if some new_address = select_address then [className "highlight"] else [],
click_attrs : list (attr (action γ)) ←
if some new_address = click_address then do
content ← tc.to_html tooltip_component (e, new_address),
pure [tooltip $ h "div" [] [
h "button" [cn "fr pointer ba br3", on_click (λ _, action.on_close_tooltip)] ["x"],
else pure [],
let as := [className "expr-boundary", key (ea)] ++ select_attrs ++ click_attrs,
inner ← view (e,new_address) m,
pure [h "span" as inner]
| ca (sf.compose x y) := pure (++) <*> view ca x <*> view ca y
| ca (sf.of_string s) := pure
[h "span" [
on_mouse_enter (λ _, action.on_mouse_enter ca),
on_click (λ _, action.on_click ca),
key s
] [html.of_string s]]

/-- Make an interactive expression. -/
meta def mk {γ} (tooltip : tc subexpr γ) : tc expr γ :=
let tooltip_comp :=
component.with_props_eq (λ (x y : tactic_state × expr × expr.address), x.2.2 = y.2.2)
$ component.map_action (action.on_tooltip_action) tooltip in
(action γ)
(option subexpr × option subexpr)
(λ e, pure $ (none, none))
(λ e ⟨ca, sa⟩ act, pure $
match act with
| (action.on_mouse_enter ⟨e, ea⟩) := ((ca, some (e, ea)), none)
| (action.on_mouse_leave_all) := ((ca, none), none)
| (action.on_click ⟨e, ea⟩) := if some (e,ea) = ca then ((none, sa), none) else ((some (e, ea), sa), none)
| (action.on_tooltip_action g) := ((none, sa), some g)
| (action.on_close_tooltip) := ((none, sa), none)
(λ e ⟨ca, sa⟩, do
ts ←,
let m : sf := sf.flatten $ to_simple $ tactic_state.pp_tagged ts e,
let m : sf := sf.tag_expr [] e m, -- [hack] in pp.cpp I forgot to add an expr-boundary for the root expression.
v ← view tooltip_comp (prod.snd <$> ca) (prod.snd <$> sa) ⟨e, []⟩ m,
pure $
[ h "span" [
className "expr",
key e.hash,
on_mouse_leave (λ _, action.on_mouse_leave_all) ] $ v

/-- Render the implicit arguments for an expression in fancy, little pills. -/
meta def implicit_arg_list (tooltip : tc subexpr empty) (e : expr) : tactic $ html empty := do
fn ← (mk tooltip) $ expr.get_app_fn e,
args ← list.mmap (mk tooltip) $ expr.get_app_args e,
pure $ h "div" []
( (h "span" [className "bg-blue br3 ma1 ph2 white"] [fn]) :: (λ a, h "span" [className "bg-gray br3 ma1 ph2 white"] [a]) args

Component for the type tooltip.
meta def type_tooltip : tc subexpr empty :=
tc.stateless (λ ⟨e,ea⟩, do
y ← tactic.infer_type e,
y_comp ← mk type_tooltip y,
implicit_args ← implicit_arg_list type_tooltip e,
pure [
h "div" [] [
h "div" [] [y_comp],
h "hr" [] [],

end interactive_expression

Supported tactic state filters.
@[derive decidable_eq]
meta inductive filter_type
| none
| no_instances
| only_props

Filters a local constant using the given filter.
meta def filter_local : filter_type → expr → tactic bool
| (filter_type.none) e := pure tt
| (filter_type.no_instances) e := do
t ← tactic.infer_type e,
bnot <$> tactic.is_class t
| (filter_type.only_props) e := do
t ← tactic.infer_type e,
tactic.is_prop t

Component for the filter dropdown.
meta def filter_component : component filter_type filter_type :=
component.stateless (λ lf,
[ h "label" [] ["filter: "],
select [
⟨filter_type.none, "0", ["no filter"]⟩,
⟨filter_type.no_instances, "1", ["no instances"]⟩,
⟨filter_type.only_props, "2", ["only props"]⟩
] lf

Converts a name into an html element.
meta def html.of_name {α : Type} : name → html α
| n := html.of_string $ name.to_string n

open tactic

Component that shows a type.
meta def show_type_component : tc expr empty :=
tc.stateless (λ x, do
y ← infer_type x,
y_comp ← interactive_expression.type_tooltip $ y,
pure y_comp

/-- A group of local constants in the context that should be rendered as one line. -/
@[derive decidable_eq]
meta structure local_collection :=
(key : string)
(locals : list expr)
(type : expr)

/-- Group consecutive locals according to whether they have the same type -/
meta def to_local_collection : list local_collection → list expr → tactic (list local_collection)
| acc [] := pure $ (λ lc : local_collection, {locals := lc.locals.reverse,}) $ list.reverse $ acc
| acc (l::ls) := do
l_type ← infer_type l,
(do (⟨k,ns,t⟩::acc) ← pure acc,
is_def_eq t l_type,
to_local_collection (⟨k,l::ns,t⟩::acc) ls)
<|> (to_local_collection (⟨to_string $ expr.local_uniq_name $ l, [l], l_type⟩::acc) ls)

/-- Component that displays the main (first) goal. -/
meta def tactic_view_goal {γ} (local_c : tc local_collection γ) (target_c : tc expr γ) : tc filter_type γ :=
tc.stateless $ λ ft, do
g@(expr.mvar u_n pp_n y) ← main_goal,
t ← get_tag g,
let case_tag : list (html γ) :=
match interactive.case_tag.parse t with
| some t :=
[h "li" [key "_case"] $ [h "span" [cn "goal-case b"] ["case"]] ++
(t.case_names.bind $ λ n, [" ", n])]
| none := []
lcs ← local_context,
lcs ← list.mfilter (filter_local ft) lcs,
lcs ← to_local_collection [] lcs,
lchs ← lcs.mmap (λ lc, do
lh ← local_c lc,
ns ← pure $ (λ n, h "span" [cn "goal-hyp b pr2"] [html.of_name $ expr.local_pp_name n]),
pure $ h "li" [key lc.key] (ns ++ [": ", h "span" [cn "goal-hyp-type"] [lh]])),
t_comp ← target_c g,
pure $ h "ul" [key g.hash, className "list pl0 font-code"] $ case_tag ++ lchs ++ [
h "li" [key u_n] [
h "span" [cn "goal-vdash b"] ["⊢ "],

Actions accepted by the `tactic_view_component`.
meta inductive tactic_view_action (γ : Type)
| out (a:γ): tactic_view_action
| filter (f: filter_type): tactic_view_action

/-- Component that displays all goals, together with the `$n goals` message. -/
meta def tactic_view_component {γ} (local_c : tc local_collection γ) (target_c : tc expr γ) : tc unit γ :=
(tactic_view_action γ)
(λ _, pure $ filter_type.none)
(λ ⟨⟩ ft a, match a with
| (tactic_view_action.out a) := pure (ft, some a)
| (tactic_view_action.filter ft) := pure (ft, none)
(λ ⟨⟩ ft, do
gs ← get_goals,
hs ← gs.mmap (λ g, do set_goals [g], flip tc.to_html ft $ tactic_view_goal local_c target_c),
set_goals gs,
let goal_message :=
if gs.length = 0 then
"goals accomplished 🎉"
else if gs.length = 1 then
"1 goal"
to_string gs.length ++ " goals",
let goal_message : html γ := h "strong" [cn "goal-goals"] [goal_message],
let goals : html γ := h "ul" [className "list pl0"]
$ list.map_with_index (λ i x,
h "li" [className $ "lh-copy mt2", key i] [x])
$ (goal_message :: hs),
pure [
h "div" [className "fr"] [html.of_component ft $ component.map_action tactic_view_action.filter filter_component],
html.map_action tactic_view_action.out goals

/-- Component that displays the term-mode goal. -/
meta def tactic_view_term_goal {γ} (local_c : tc local_collection γ) (target_c : tc expr γ) : tc unit γ :=
tc.stateless $ λ _, do
goal ← flip tc.to_html (filter_type.none) $ tactic_view_goal local_c target_c,
pure [h "ul" [className "list pl0"] [
h "li" [className "lh-copy"] [h "strong" [cn "goal-goals"] ["expected type:"]],
h "li" [className "lh-copy"] [goal]]]

Component showing a local collection.
meta def show_local_collection_component : tc local_collection empty :=
tc.stateless (λ lc, do
(l::_) ← pure lc.locals,
c ← show_type_component l,
pure [c]

Renders the current tactic state.
meta def tactic_render : tc unit string :=
component.ignore_action $ tactic_view_component show_local_collection_component show_type_component

Component showing the current tactic state.
meta def tactic_state_widget : component tactic_state string :=
tc.to_component tactic_render

Widget used to display term-proof goals.
meta def term_goal_widget : component tactic_state string :=
(tactic_view_term_goal show_local_collection_component show_type_component).to_component

end widget_override

attribute [vm_override widget_override.term_goal_widget] widget.term_goal_widget
attribute [vm_override widget_override.tactic_state_widget] widget.tactic_state_widget

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