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feat(number_theory/number_field/embeddings) : add infinite_places (#1…
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This PR adds definitions and basic lemmas about places, complex embeddings and infinite places of number field.
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xroblot committed Dec 23, 2022
1 parent b26e15a commit 51c6beb
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Showing 5 changed files with 155 additions and 16 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/algebra/star/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -291,16 +291,16 @@ lemma star_ring_end_apply [comm_semiring R] [star_ring R] {x : R} :
@[simp] lemma star_ring_end_self_apply [comm_semiring R] [star_ring R] (x : R) :
star_ring_end R (star_ring_end R x) = x := star_star x

instance ring_hom.has_involutive_star {S : Type u} [non_assoc_semiring S] [comm_semiring R]
instance ring_hom.has_involutive_star {S : Type*} [non_assoc_semiring S] [comm_semiring R]
[star_ring R] : has_involutive_star (S →+* R) :=
{ to_has_star := { star := λ f, ring_hom.comp (star_ring_end R) f },
star_involutive :=
by { intro _, ext, simp only [ring_hom.coe_comp, function.comp_app, star_ring_end_self_apply] }}

lemma ring_hom.star_def {S : Type u} [non_assoc_semiring S] [comm_semiring R] [star_ring R]
lemma ring_hom.star_def {S : Type*} [non_assoc_semiring S] [comm_semiring R] [star_ring R]
(f : S →+* R) : f = ring_hom.comp (star_ring_end R) f := rfl

lemma ring_hom.star_apply {S : Type u} [non_assoc_semiring S] [comm_semiring R] [star_ring R]
lemma ring_hom.star_apply {S : Type*} [non_assoc_semiring S] [comm_semiring R] [star_ring R]
(f : S →+* R) (s : S) : star f s = star (f s) := rfl

-- A more convenient name for complex conjugation
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/normed/field/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -414,6 +414,12 @@ instance normed_division_ring.to_norm_one_class : norm_one_class α :=
⟨mul_left_cancel₀ (mt norm_eq_zero.1 (one_ne_zero' α)) $
by rw [← norm_mul, mul_one, mul_one]⟩

instance is_absolute_value_norm : is_absolute_value (norm : α → ℝ) :=
{ abv_nonneg := norm_nonneg,
abv_eq_zero := λ _, norm_eq_zero,
abv_add := norm_add_le,
abv_mul := norm_mul }

@[simp] lemma nnnorm_mul (a b : α) : ‖a * b‖₊ = ‖a‖₊ * ‖b‖₊ :=
nnreal.eq $ norm_mul a b

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136 changes: 130 additions & 6 deletions src/number_theory/number_field/embeddings.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,25 +4,27 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Alex J. Best, Xavier Roblot

import analysis.normed_space.basic
import number_theory.number_field.basic
import topology.algebra.polynomial
import analysis.complex.polynomial
import data.complex.basic

# Embeddings of number fields
This file defines the embeddings of a number field into an algebraic closed field.
## Main Results
* `number_field.embeddings.eq_roots`: let `x ∈ K` with `K` number field and let `A` be an algebraic
closed field of char. 0, then the images of `x` by the embeddings of `K` in `A` are exactly the
roots in `A` of the minimal polynomial of `x` over `ℚ`.
* `number_field.embeddings.range_eval_eq_root_set_minpoly`: let `x ∈ K` with `K` number field and
let `A` be an algebraic closed field of char. 0, then the images of `x` by the embeddings of `K`
in `A` are exactly the roots in `A` of the minimal polynomial of `x` over `ℚ`.
* `number_field.embeddings.pow_eq_one_of_norm_eq_one`: an algebraic integer whose conjugates are
all of norm one is a root of unity.
## Tags
number field, embeddings
number field, embeddings, places, infinite places

open_locale classical

namespace number_field.embeddings

section fintype
Expand All @@ -42,6 +44,12 @@ variables [is_alg_closed A]
lemma card : fintype.card (K →+* A) = finrank ℚ K :=
by rw [fintype.of_equiv_card ring_hom.equiv_rat_alg_hom.symm, alg_hom.card]

instance : nonempty (K →+* A) :=
rw [← fintype.card_pos_iff, number_field.embeddings.card K A],
exact finite_dimensional.finrank_pos,

end fintype

section roots
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,3 +131,119 @@ end
end bounded

end number_field.embeddings

section place

variables {K : Type*} [field K] {A : Type*} [normed_division_ring A] [nontrivial A] (φ : K →+* A)

/-- An embedding into a normed division ring defines a place of `K` -/
def : absolute_value K ℝ :=
(is_absolute_value.to_absolute_value (norm : A → ℝ)).comp φ.injective

lemma number_field.place_apply (x : K) : ( φ) x = norm (φ x) := rfl

end place

namespace number_field.complex_embedding

open complex number_field

open_locale complex_conjugate

variables {K : Type*} [field K]

/-- The conjugate of a complex embedding as a complex embedding. -/
@[reducible] def conjugate (φ : K →+* ℂ) : K →+* ℂ := star φ

lemma conjugate_coe_eq (φ : K →+* ℂ) (x : K) : (conjugate φ) x = conj (φ x) := rfl

lemma place_conjugate (φ : K →+* ℂ) : place (conjugate φ) = place φ :=
by { ext, simp only [place_apply, norm_eq_abs, abs_conj, conjugate_coe_eq] }

/-- A embedding into `ℂ` is real if it is fixed by complex conjugation. -/
@[reducible] def is_real (φ : K →+* ℂ) : Prop := is_self_adjoint φ

lemma is_real_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} : is_real φ ↔ conjugate φ = φ := is_self_adjoint_iff

/-- A real embedding as a ring homomorphism from `K` to `ℝ` . -/
def is_real.embedding {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : is_real φ) : K →+* ℝ :=
{ to_fun := λ x, (φ x).re,
map_one' := by simp only [map_one, one_re],
map_mul' := by simp only [ (ring_hom.congr_fun hφ _), map_mul, mul_re,
mul_zero, tsub_zero, eq_self_iff_true, forall_const],
map_zero' := by simp only [map_zero, zero_re],
map_add' := by simp only [map_add, add_re, eq_self_iff_true, forall_const], }

lemma is_real.coe_embedding_apply {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : is_real φ) (x : K) :
(hφ.embedding x : ℂ) = φ x :=
ext, { refl, },
{ rw [of_real_im, eq_comm, ← complex.eq_conj_iff_im],
rw is_real at hφ,
exact ring_hom.congr_fun hφ x, },

lemma is_real.place_embedding {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : is_real φ) :
place hφ.embedding = place φ :=
by { ext x, simp only [place_apply, real.norm_eq_abs, ←abs_of_real, norm_eq_abs,
hφ.coe_embedding_apply x], }

lemma is_real_conjugate_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
is_real (conjugate φ) ↔ is_real φ := is_self_adjoint.star_iff

end number_field.complex_embedding

section infinite_place

open number_field

variables (K : Type*) [field K]

/-- An infinite place of a number field `K` is a place associated to a complex embedding. -/
def number_field.infinite_place := { w : absolute_value K ℝ // ∃ φ : K →+* ℂ, place φ = w}

instance [number_field K] : nonempty (number_field.infinite_place K) := set.range.nonempty _

variables {K}

/-- Return the infinite place defined by a complex embedding `φ`. -/
noncomputable def (φ : K →+* ℂ) : number_field.infinite_place K :=
⟨place φ, ⟨φ, rfl⟩⟩

namespace number_field.infinite_place

open number_field

instance : has_coe_to_fun (infinite_place K) (λ _, K → ℝ) := { coe := λ w, w.1 }

instance : monoid_with_zero_hom_class (infinite_place K) K ℝ :=
{ coe := λ w x, w.1 x,
coe_injective' := λ _ _ h, subtype.eq (absolute_value.ext (λ x, congr_fun h x)),
map_mul := λ w _ _, w.1.map_mul _ _,
map_one := λ w, w.1.map_one,
map_zero := λ w, w.1.map_zero, }

instance : nonneg_hom_class (infinite_place K) K ℝ :=
{ coe := λ w x, w x,
coe_injective' := λ _ _ h, subtype.eq (absolute_value.ext (λ x, congr_fun h x)),
map_nonneg := λ w x, w.1.nonneg _ }

lemma coe_mk (φ : K →+* ℂ) : ⇑(mk φ) = place φ := rfl

lemma apply (φ : K →+* ℂ) (x : K) : (mk φ) x = complex.abs (φ x) := rfl

/-- For an infinite place `w`, return an embedding `φ` such that `w = infinite_place φ` . -/
noncomputable def embedding (w : infinite_place K) : K →+* ℂ := (w.2).some

lemma mk_embedding (w : infinite_place K) :
mk (embedding w) = w :=
subtype.ext (w.2).some_spec

lemma pos_iff (w : infinite_place K) (x : K) : 0 < w x ↔ x ≠ 0 := absolute_value.pos_iff w.1

end number_field.infinite_place

end infinite_place
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/algebra/ring.lean
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Expand Up @@ -472,3 +472,18 @@ def to_add_group_topology.order_embedding : order_embedding (ring_topology α)
end }

end ring_topology

section absolute_value

/-- Construct an absolute value on a semiring `T` from an absolute value on a semiring `R`
and an injective ring homomorphism `f : T →+* R` -/
def absolute_value.comp {R S T : Type*} [semiring T] [semiring R] [ordered_semiring S]
(v : absolute_value R S) {f : T →+* R} (hf : function.injective f) :
absolute_value T S :=
{ to_fun := v ∘ f,
map_mul' := by simp only [function.comp_app, map_mul, eq_self_iff_true, forall_const],
nonneg' := by simp only [v.nonneg, forall_const],
eq_zero' := by simp only [map_eq_zero_iff f hf, v.eq_zero, forall_const, iff_self],
add_le' := by simp only [function.comp_app, map_add, v.add_le, forall_const], }

end absolute_value
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/topology/metric_space/cau_seq_filter.lean
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Expand Up @@ -41,16 +41,10 @@ variables [normed_field β]
This section shows that if we have a uniform space generated by an absolute value, topological
completeness and Cauchy sequence completeness coincide. The problem is that there isn't
a good notion of "uniform space generated by an absolute value", so right now this is
specific to norm. Furthermore, norm only instantiates is_absolute_value on normed_field.
specific to norm. Furthermore, norm only instantiates is_absolute_value on normed_division_ring.
This needs to be fixed, since it prevents showing that ℤ_[hp] is complete

instance normed_field.is_absolute_value : is_absolute_value (norm : β → ℝ) :=
{ abv_nonneg := norm_nonneg,
abv_eq_zero := λ _, norm_eq_zero,
abv_add := norm_add_le,
abv_mul := norm_mul }

open metric

lemma cauchy_seq.is_cau_seq {f : ℕ → β} (hf : cauchy_seq f) :
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