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feat(topology): the currying homeomorphism (#6319)
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TwoFX committed Feb 20, 2021
1 parent 26d287c commit 52e2937
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Showing 2 changed files with 110 additions and 0 deletions.
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/compact_open.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,34 @@ Type of continuous maps and the compact-open topology on them.
import topology.subset_properties
import topology.continuous_map
import topology.homeomorph
import tactic.tidy

# The compact-open topology
In this file, we define the compact-open topology on the set of continuous maps between two
topological spaces.
## Main definitions
* `compact_open` is the compact-open topology on `C(α, β)`. It is declared as an instance.
* `ev` is the evaluation map `C(α, β) × α → β`. It is continuous as long as `α` is locally compact.
* `coev` is the coevaluation map `β → C(α, β × α)`. It is always continuous.
* `continuous_map.curry` is the currying map `C(α × β, γ) → C(α, C(β, γ))`. This map always exists
and it is continuous as long as `α × β` is locally compact.
* `continuous_map.uncurry` is the uncurrying map `C(α, C(β, γ)) → C(α × β, γ)`. For this map to
exist, we need `β` to be locally compact. If `α` is also locally compact, then this map is
* `homeomorph.curry` combines the currying and uncurrying operations into a homeomorphism
`C(α × β, γ) ≃ₜ C(α, C(β, γ))`. This homeomorphism exists if `α` and `β` are locally compact.
## Tags
compact-open, curry, function space

open set
open_locale topological_space

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end coev

section curry

/-- Auxiliary definition, see `continuous_map.curry` and `homeomorph.curry`. -/
def curry' (f : C(α × β, γ)) (a : α) : C(β, γ) := ⟨function.curry f a⟩

/-- If a map `α × β → γ` is continuous, then its curried form `α → C(β, γ)` is continuous. -/
lemma continuous_curry' (f : C(α × β, γ)) : continuous (curry' f) :=
have hf : curry' f = continuous_map.induced f.continuous_to_fun ∘ coev _ _, by { ext, refl },
hf ▸ continuous.comp (continuous_induced f.continuous_to_fun) continuous_coev

/-- To show continuity of a map `α → C(β, γ)`, it suffices to show that its uncurried form
`α × β → γ` is continuous. -/
lemma continuous_of_continuous_uncurry (f : α → C(β, γ))
(h : continuous (function.uncurry (λ x y, f x y))) : continuous f :=
by { convert continuous_curry' ⟨_, h⟩, ext, refl }

/-- The curried form of a continuous map `α × β → γ` as a continuous map `α → C(β, γ)`.
If `a × β` is locally compact, this is continuous. If `α` and `β` are both locally
compact, then this is a homeomorphism, see `homeomorph.curry`. -/
def curry (f : C(α × β, γ)) : C(α, C(β, γ)) :=
⟨_, continuous_curry' f⟩

/-- The currying process is a continuous map between function spaces. -/
lemma continuous_curry [locally_compact_space (α × β)] :
continuous (curry : C(α × β, γ) → C(α, C(β, γ))) :=
apply continuous_of_continuous_uncurry,
apply continuous_of_continuous_uncurry,
rw ←homeomorph.comp_continuous_iff' (homeomorph.prod_assoc _ _ _).symm,
convert continuous_ev;

/-- The uncurried form of a continuous map `α → C(β, γ)` is a continuous map `α × β → γ`. -/
lemma continuous_uncurry_of_continuous [locally_compact_space β] (f : C(α, C(β, γ))) :
continuous (function.uncurry (λ x y, f x y)) :=
have hf : function.uncurry (λ x y, f x y) = ev β γ ∘ f id, by { ext, refl },
hf ▸ continuous.comp continuous_ev $ continuous.prod_map f.2 id.2

/-- The uncurried form of a continuous map `α → C(β, γ)` as a continuous map `α × β → γ` (if `β` is
locally compact). If `α` is also locally compact, then this is a homeomorphism between the two
function spaces, see `homeomorph.curry`. -/
def uncurry [locally_compact_space β] (f : C(α, C(β, γ))) : C(α × β, γ) :=
⟨_, continuous_uncurry_of_continuous f⟩

/-- The uncurrying process is a continuous map between function spaces. -/
lemma continuous_uncurry [locally_compact_space α] [locally_compact_space β] :
continuous (uncurry : C(α, C(β, γ)) → C(α × β, γ)) :=
apply continuous_of_continuous_uncurry,
rw ←homeomorph.comp_continuous_iff' (homeomorph.prod_assoc _ _ _),
apply continuous.comp continuous_ev (continuous.prod_map continuous_ev id.2);

end curry

end compact_open

end continuous_map

open continuous_map

namespace homeomorph
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
variables [topological_space α] [topological_space β] [topological_space γ]

/-- Currying as a homeomorphism between the function spaces `C(α × β, γ)` and `C(α, C(β, γ))`. -/
def curry [locally_compact_space α] [locally_compact_space β] : C(α × β, γ) ≃ₜ C(α, C(β, γ)) :=
⟨⟨curry, uncurry, by tidy, by tidy⟩, continuous_curry, continuous_uncurry⟩

end homeomorph
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/subset_properties.lean
Expand Up @@ -635,6 +635,21 @@ compact-open topology. -/
class locally_compact_space (α : Type*) [topological_space α] : Prop :=
(local_compact_nhds : ∀ (x : α) (n ∈ 𝓝 x), ∃ s ∈ 𝓝 x, s ⊆ n ∧ is_compact s)

instance (α : Type*) (β : Type*) [topological_space α]
[topological_space β] [locally_compact_space α] [locally_compact_space β] :
locally_compact_space (α × β) :=
{ local_compact_nhds :=
rintros ⟨x, y⟩ n hn,
obtain ⟨u, hu, v, hv, huv⟩ := mem_nhds_prod_iff.1 hn,
obtain ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂, ha₃⟩ := locally_compact_space.local_compact_nhds _ _ hu,
obtain ⟨b, hb₁, hb₂, hb₃⟩ := locally_compact_space.local_compact_nhds _ _ hv,
refine ⟨ b, _, _, _⟩,
{ exact mem_nhds_prod_iff.2 ⟨_, ha₁, _, hb₁, subset.rfl⟩ },
{ exact subset.trans (prod_mono ha₂ hb₂) huv },
{ exact ha₃ hb₃ }
end }

/-- A reformulation of the definition of locally compact space: In a locally compact space,
every open set containing `x` has a compact subset containing `x` in its interior. -/
lemma exists_compact_subset [locally_compact_space α] {x : α} {U : set α}
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