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feat(field_theory/finite): Chevalley–Warning (#1564)
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jcommelin committed Jun 15, 2020
1 parent 3a66d9a commit 543359c
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Showing 4 changed files with 260 additions and 1 deletion.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/data/equiv/basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -955,6 +955,45 @@ def subtype_prod_equiv_prod {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {p : α → Prop} {q :


section subtype_equiv_codomain
variables {X : Type*} {Y : Type*} [decidable_eq X] {x : X}

/-- The type of all functions `X → Y` with prescribed values for all `x' ≠ x`
is equivalent to the codomain `Y`. -/
def subtype_equiv_codomain (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y) : {g : X → Y // g ∘ coe = f} ≃ Y :=
(subtype_preimage _ f).trans $
@fun_unique {x' // ¬ x' ≠ x} _ $
show unique {x' // ¬ x' ≠ x}, from @equiv.unique _ _
(show unique {x' // x' = x}, from
{ default := ⟨x, rfl⟩, uniq := λ ⟨x', h⟩, subtype.val_injective h })
(subtype_congr_right $ λ a, not_not)

@[simp] lemma coe_subtype_equiv_codomain (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y) :
(subtype_equiv_codomain f : {g : X → Y // g ∘ coe = f} → Y) = λ g, (g : X → Y) x := rfl

@[simp] lemma subtype_equiv_codomain_apply (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y)
(g : {g : X → Y // g ∘ coe = f}) :
subtype_equiv_codomain f g = (g : X → Y) x := rfl

lemma coe_subtype_equiv_codomain_symm (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y) :
((subtype_equiv_codomain f).symm : Y → {g : X → Y // g ∘ coe = f}) =
λ y, ⟨λ x', if h : x' ≠ x then f ⟨x', h⟩ else y,
by { funext x', dsimp, erw [dif_pos x'.2, subtype.coe_eta] }⟩ := rfl

@[simp] lemma subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y) (y : Y) (x' : X) :
((subtype_equiv_codomain f).symm y : X → Y) x' = if h : x' ≠ x then f ⟨x', h⟩ else y :=

@[simp] lemma subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply_eq (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y) (y : Y) :
((subtype_equiv_codomain f).symm y : X → Y) x = y :=
dif_neg (not_not.mpr rfl)

lemma subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply_ne (f : {x' // x' ≠ x} → Y) (y : Y) (x' : X) (h : x' ≠ x) :
((subtype_equiv_codomain f).symm y : X → Y) x' = f ⟨x', h⟩ :=
dif_pos h

end subtype_equiv_codomain

namespace set
open set

Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/data/finsupp.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Scott Morrison
import algebra.module
import data.fintype.card

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,6 +433,20 @@ def sum [has_zero β] [add_comm_monoid γ] (f : α →₀ β) (g : α → β →
def prod [has_zero β] [comm_monoid γ] (f : α →₀ β) (g : α → β → γ) : γ :=
∏ a in, g a (f a)

lemma prod_fintype [fintype α] [has_zero β] [comm_monoid γ]
(f : α →₀ β) (g : α → β → γ) (h : ∀ i, g i 0 = 1) : g = ∏ i, g i (f i) :=
rw [, ← fintype.prod_extend_by_one, finset.prod_congr rfl],
intros i hi,
split_ifs with hif hif,
{ refl },
{ rw finsupp.not_mem_support_iff at hif,
rw [hif, h] }

lemma prod_map_range_index [has_zero β₁] [has_zero β₂] [comm_monoid γ]
{f : β₁ → β₂} {hf : f 0 = 0} {g : α →₀ β₁} {h : α → β₂ → γ} (h0 : ∀a, h a 0 = 1) :
Expand Down
40 changes: 39 additions & 1 deletion src/data/mv_polynomial.lean
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Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ polynomial, multivariate polynomial, multivariable polynomial

noncomputable theory
local attribute [instance, priority 100] classical.prop_decidable

open_locale classical big_operators

open set function finsupp add_monoid_algebra
open_locale big_operators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,6 +421,14 @@ variables (f : α → β) (g : σ → β)
def eval₂ (p : mv_polynomial σ α) : β :=
p.sum (λs a, f a * (λn e, g n ^ e))

lemma eval₂_eq (g : α →+* β) (x : σ → β) (f : mv_polynomial σ α) :
f.eval₂ g x = ∑ d in, g (f.coeff d) * ∏ i in, x i ^ d i :=

lemma eval₂_eq' [fintype σ] (g : α →+* β) (x : σ → β) (f : mv_polynomial σ α) :
f.eval₂ g x = ∑ d in, g (f.coeff d) * ∏ i, x i ^ d i :=
by { simp only [eval₂_eq, ← finsupp.prod_pow], refl }

@[simp] lemma eval₂_zero : (0 : mv_polynomial σ α).eval₂ f g = 0 :=

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,6 +544,14 @@ variables {f : σ → α}
/-- Evaluate a polynomial `p` given a valuation `f` of all the variables -/
def eval (f : σ → α) : mv_polynomial σ α → α := eval₂ id f

lemma eval_eq (x : σ → α) (f : mv_polynomial σ α) :
f.eval x = ∑ d in, f.coeff d * ∏ i in, x i ^ d i :=

lemma eval_eq' [fintype σ] (x : σ → α) (f : mv_polynomial σ α) :
f.eval x = ∑ d in, f.coeff d * ∏ i, x i ^ d i :=
eval₂_eq' ( α) x f

@[simp] lemma eval_zero : (0 : mv_polynomial σ α).eval f = 0 := eval₂_zero _ _

@[simp] lemma eval_one : (1 : mv_polynomial σ α).eval f = 1 := eval₂_one _ _
Expand All @@ -555,6 +572,15 @@ eval₂_monomial _ _
instance eval.is_semiring_hom : is_semiring_hom (eval f) :=
eval₂.is_semiring_hom _ _

lemma eval_sum {ι : Type*} (s : finset ι) (f : ι → mv_polynomial σ α) (g : σ → α) :
eval g (∑ i in s, f i) = ∑ i in s, eval g (f i) :=
eval₂_sum ( α) g s f

lemma eval_prod {ι : Type*} (s : finset ι) (f : ι → mv_polynomial σ α) (g : σ → α) :
eval g (∏ i in s, f i) = ∏ i in s, eval g (f i) :=
eval₂_prod ( α) g s f

theorem eval_assoc {τ}
(f : σ → mv_polynomial τ α) (g : τ → α)
(p : mv_polynomial σ α) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -888,6 +914,18 @@ begin

lemma exists_degree_lt [fintype σ] (f : mv_polynomial σ α) (n : ℕ)
(h : f.total_degree < n * fintype.card σ) {d : σ →₀ ℕ} (hd : d ∈ :
∃ i, d i < n :=
contrapose! h,
calc n * fintype.card σ
= ∑ s:σ, n : by rw [finset.sum_const, nat.nsmul_eq_mul, mul_comm, finset.card_univ]
... ≤ ∑ s, d s : finset.sum_le_sum (λ s _, h s)
... ≤ d.sum (λ i e, e) : by { rw [finsupp.sum_fintype], intros, refl }
... ≤ f.total_degree : finset.le_sup hd,

end total_degree

end comm_semiring
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167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions src/field_theory/chevalley_warning.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin

import data.mv_polynomial
import field_theory.finite

# The Chevalley–Warning theorem
This file contains a proof of the Chevalley–Warning theorem.
Throughout most of this file, `K` denotes a finite field
and `q` is notation for the cardinality of `K`.
## Main results
1. Let `f` be a multivariate polynomial in finitely many variables (`X s`, `s : σ`)
such that the total degree of `f` is less than `(q-1)` times the cardinality of `σ`.
Then the evaluation of `f` on all points of `σ → K` (aka `K^σ`) sums to `0`.
2. The Chevalley–Warning theorem (`char_dvd_card_solutions`).
Let `f i` be a finite family of multivariate polynomials
in finitely many variables (`X s`, `s : σ`) such that
the sum of the total degrees of the `f i` is less than the cardinality of `σ`.
Then the number of common solutions of the `f i`
is divisible by the characteristic of `K`.
## Notation
- `K` is a finite field
- `q` is notation for the cardinality of `K`
- `σ` is the indexing type for the variables of a multivariate polynomial ring over `K`

universes u v

open_locale big_operators

section finite_field
open mv_polynomial function finset finite_field

variables {K : Type*} {σ : Type*} [fintype K] [field K] [fintype σ]
local notation `q` := fintype.card K

lemma mv_polynomial.sum_mv_polynomial_eq_zero [decidable_eq σ] (f : mv_polynomial σ K)
(h : f.total_degree < (q - 1) * fintype.card σ) :
(∑ x, f.eval x) = 0 :=
haveI : decidable_eq K := classical.dec_eq K,
calc (∑ x, f.eval x)
= ∑ x : σ → K, ∑ d in, f.coeff d * ∏ i, x i ^ d i : by simp only [eval_eq']
... = ∑ d in, ∑ x : σ → K, f.coeff d * ∏ i, x i ^ d i : sum_comm
... = 0 : sum_eq_zero _,
intros d hd,
obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ : ∃ i, d i < q - 1, from f.exists_degree_lt (q - 1) h hd,
calc (∑ x : σ → K, f.coeff d * ∏ i, x i ^ d i)
= f.coeff d * (∑ x : σ → K, ∏ i, x i ^ d i) : mul_sum.symm
... = 0 : (mul_eq_zero.mpr ∘ or.inr) _,
calc (∑ x : σ → K, ∏ i, x i ^ d i)
= ∑ (x₀ : {j // j ≠ i} → K) (x : {x : σ → K // x ∘ coe = x₀}), ∏ j, (x : σ → K) j ^ d j :
(fintype.sum_fiberwise _ _).symm
... = 0 : fintype.sum_eq_zero _ _,
intros x₀,
let e : K ≃ {x // x ∘ coe = x₀} := (equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain _).symm,
calc (∑ x : {x : σ → K // x ∘ coe = x₀}, ∏ j, (x : σ → K) j ^ d j)
= ∑ a : K, ∏ j : σ, (e a : σ → K) j ^ d j : (finset.sum_equiv e _).symm
... = ∑ a : K, (∏ j, x₀ j ^ d j) * a ^ d i : fintype.sum_congr _ _ _
... = (∏ j, x₀ j ^ d j) * ∑ a : K, a ^ d i : by rw mul_sum
... = 0 : by rw [sum_pow_lt_card_sub_one _ hi, mul_zero],
intros a,
let e' : {j // j = i} ⊕ {j // j ≠ i} ≃ σ := equiv.sum_compl _,
letI : unique {j // j = i} :=
{ default := ⟨i, rfl⟩, uniq := λ ⟨j, h⟩, subtype.val_injective h },
calc (∏ j : σ, (e a : σ → K) j ^ d j)
= (e a : σ → K) i ^ d i * (∏ (j : {j // j ≠ i}), (e a : σ → K) j ^ d j) :
by { rw [← finset.prod_equiv e', fintype.prod_sum_type, univ_unique, prod_singleton], refl }
... = a ^ d i * (∏ (j : {j // j ≠ i}), (e a : σ → K) j ^ d j) : by rw equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply_eq
... = a ^ d i * (∏ j, x₀ j ^ d j) : congr_arg _ (fintype.prod_congr _ _ _) -- see below
... = (∏ j, x₀ j ^ d j) * a ^ d i : mul_comm _ _,
{ -- the remaining step of the calculation above
rintros ⟨j, hj⟩,
show (e a : σ → K) j ^ d j = x₀ ⟨j, hj⟩ ^ d j,
rw equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply_ne, }

variables [decidable_eq K] [decidable_eq σ]

/-- The Chevalley–Warning theorem.
Let `(f i)` be a finite family of multivariate polynomials
in finitely many variables (`X s`, `s : σ`) over a finite field of characteristic `p`.
Assume that the sum of the total degrees of the `f i` is less than the cardinality of `σ`.
Then the number of common solutions of the `f i` is divisible by `p`. -/
theorem char_dvd_card_solutions_family (p : ℕ) [char_p K p]
{ι : Type*} {s : finset ι} {f : ι → mv_polynomial σ K}
(h : (∑ i in s, (f i).total_degree) < fintype.card σ) :
p ∣ fintype.card {x : σ → K // ∀ i ∈ s, (f i).eval x = 0} :=
have hq : 0 < q - 1, { rw [← card_units, fintype.card_pos_iff], exact ⟨1⟩ },
let S : finset (σ → K) := { x ∈ univ | ∀ i ∈ s, (f i).eval x = 0 },
have hS : ∀ (x : σ → K), x ∈ S ↔ ∀ (i : ι), i ∈ s → eval x (f i) = 0,
{ intros x, simp only [S, true_and, sep_def, mem_filter, mem_univ], },
/- The polynomial `F = ∏ i in s, (1 - (f i)^(q - 1))` has the nice property
that it takes the value `1` on elements of `{x : σ → K // ∀ i ∈ s, (f i).eval x = 0}`
while it is `0` outside that locus.
Hence the sum of its values is equal to the cardinality of
`{x : σ → K // ∀ i ∈ s, (f i).eval x = 0}` modulo `p`. -/
let F : mv_polynomial σ K := ∏ i in s, (1 - (f i)^(q - 1)),
have hF : ∀ x, F.eval x = if x ∈ S then 1 else 0,
{ intro x,
calc F.eval x = ∏ i in s, (1 - f i ^ (q - 1)).eval x : eval_prod s _ x
... = if x ∈ S then 1 else 0 : _,
simp only [eval_sub, eval_pow, eval_one],
split_ifs with hx hx,
{ apply finset.prod_eq_one,
intros i hi,
rw hS at hx,
rw [hx i hi, zero_pow hq, sub_zero], },
{ obtain ⟨i, hi, hx⟩ : ∃ (i : ι), i ∈ s ∧ (f i).eval x ≠ 0,
{ simpa only [hS, classical.not_forall, classical.not_imp] using hx },
apply finset.prod_eq_zero hi,
rw [pow_card_sub_one_eq_one ((f i).eval x) hx, sub_self], } },
-- In particular, we can now show:
have key : ∑ x, F.eval x = fintype.card {x : σ → K // ∀ i ∈ s, (f i).eval x = 0},
rw [fintype.card_of_subtype S hS, card_eq_sum_ones, sum_nat_cast, nat.cast_one,
← fintype.sum_extend_by_zero S, sum_congr rfl (λ x hx, hF x)],
-- With these preparations under our belt, we will approach the main goal.
show p ∣ fintype.card {x // ∀ (i : ι), i ∈ s → (f i).eval x = 0},
rw [← char_p.cast_eq_zero_iff K, ← key],
show ∑ x, F.eval x = 0,
-- We are now ready to apply the main machine, proven before.
apply F.sum_mv_polynomial_eq_zero,
-- It remains to verify the crucial assumption of this machine
show F.total_degree < (q - 1) * fintype.card σ,
calc F.total_degree ≤ ∑ i in s, (1 - (f i)^(q - 1)).total_degree : total_degree_finset_prod s _
... ≤ ∑ i in s, (q - 1) * (f i).total_degree : sum_le_sum $ λ i hi, _ -- see ↓
... = (q - 1) * (∑ i in s, (f i).total_degree) : mul_sum.symm
... < (q - 1) * (fintype.card σ) : by rwa mul_lt_mul_left hq,
-- Now we prove the remaining step from the preceding calculation
show (1 - f i ^ (q - 1)).total_degree ≤ (q - 1) * (f i).total_degree,
calc (1 - f i ^ (q - 1)).total_degree
≤ max (1 : mv_polynomial σ K).total_degree (f i ^ (q - 1)).total_degree : total_degree_sub _ _
... ≤ (f i ^ (q - 1)).total_degree : by simp only [max_eq_right, nat.zero_le, total_degree_one]
... ≤ (q - 1) * (f i).total_degree : total_degree_pow _ _

/-- The Chevalley–Warning theorem.
Let `f` be a multivariate polynomial in finitely many variables (`X s`, `s : σ`)
over a finite field of characteristic `p`.
Assume that the total degree of `f` is less than the cardinality of `σ`.
Then the number of solutions of `f` is divisible by `p`.
See `char_dvd_card_solutions_family` for a version that takes a family of polynomials `f i`. -/
theorem char_dvd_card_solutions (p : ℕ) [char_p K p]
{f : mv_polynomial σ K} (h : f.total_degree < fintype.card σ) :
p ∣ fintype.card {x : σ → K // f.eval x = 0} :=
let F : unit → mv_polynomial σ K := λ _, f,
have : ∑ i : unit, (F i).total_degree < fintype.card σ,
{ simpa only [fintype.univ_punit, sum_singleton] using h, },
have key := char_dvd_card_solutions_family p this,
simp only [F, fintype.univ_punit, forall_eq, mem_singleton] at key,
convert key,

end finite_field

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