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feat(measure_theory/measure): add some simp lemmas, golf (#12974)
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* add `top_add`, `add_top`, `sub_top`, `zero_sub`, `sub_self`;
* golf the proof of `restrict_sub_eq_restrict_sub_restrict`.
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urkud committed Mar 28, 2022
1 parent 4b05a42 commit 562bbf5
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Showing 2 changed files with 38 additions and 52 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/measure_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -838,6 +838,9 @@ instance [measurable_space α] : complete_lattice (measure α) :=

end Inf

@[simp] lemma top_add : ⊤ + μ = ⊤ := top_unique $ measure.le_add_right le_rfl
@[simp] lemma add_top : μ + ⊤ = ⊤ := top_unique $ measure.le_add_left le_rfl

protected lemma zero_le {m0 : measurable_space α} (μ : measure α) : 0 ≤ μ := bot_le

lemma nonpos_iff_eq_zero' : μ ≤ 0 ↔ μ = 0 :=
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87 changes: 35 additions & 52 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/sub.lean
Expand Up @@ -31,16 +31,21 @@ Specifically, note that if you have `α = {1,2}`, and `μ {1} = 2`, `μ {2} = 0
noncomputable instance has_sub {α : Type*} [measurable_space α] : has_sub (measure α) :=
⟨λ μ ν, Inf {τ | μ ≤ τ + ν} ⟩

variables {α : Type*} {m : measurable_space α} {μ ν : measure α} {s t : set α}
variables {α : Type*} {m : measurable_space α} {μ ν : measure α} {s : set α}

lemma sub_def : μ - ν = Inf {d | μ ≤ d + ν} := rfl

lemma sub_le_of_le_add {d} (h : μ ≤ d + ν) : μ - ν ≤ d := Inf_le h

lemma sub_eq_zero_of_le (h : μ ≤ ν) : μ - ν = 0 :=
rw [← nonpos_iff_eq_zero', measure.sub_def],
apply @Inf_le (measure α) _ _,
simp [h],
nonpos_iff_eq_zero'.1 $ sub_le_of_le_add $ by rwa zero_add

lemma sub_le : μ - ν ≤ μ :=
sub_le_of_le_add $ measure.le_add_right le_rfl

@[simp] lemma sub_top : μ - ⊤ = 0 := sub_eq_zero_of_le le_top
@[simp] lemma zero_sub : 0 - μ = 0 := sub_eq_zero_of_le μ.zero_le
@[simp] lemma sub_self : μ - μ = 0 := sub_eq_zero_of_le le_rfl

/-- This application lemma only works in special circumstances. Given knowledge of
when `μ ≤ ν` and `ν ≤ μ`, a more general application lemma can be written. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,58 +88,36 @@ begin
rw [add_apply, sub_apply h_s_meas h₁, tsub_add_cancel_of_le (h₁ s h_s_meas)],

lemma sub_le : μ - ν ≤ μ :=
Inf_le (measure.le_add_right le_rfl)

lemma restrict_sub_eq_restrict_sub_restrict (h_meas_s : measurable_set s) :
(μ - ν).restrict s = (μ.restrict s) - (ν.restrict s) :=
repeat {rw sub_def},
have h_nonempty : {d | μ ≤ d + ν}.nonempty,
{ apply @set.nonempty_of_mem _ _ μ, rw mem_set_of_eq, intros t h_meas,
exact le_self_add },
have h_nonempty : {d | μ ≤ d + ν}.nonempty, from ⟨μ, measure.le_add_right le_rfl⟩,
rw restrict_Inf_eq_Inf_restrict h_nonempty h_meas_s,
apply le_antisymm,
{ apply @Inf_le_Inf_of_forall_exists_le (measure α) _,
intros ν' h_ν'_in, rw mem_set_of_eq at h_ν'_in, apply exists.intro (ν'.restrict s),
{ rw mem_image, apply exists.intro (ν' + (⊤ : measure_theory.measure α).restrict sᶜ),
rw mem_set_of_eq,
{ rw [add_assoc, add_comm _ ν, ← add_assoc, measure_theory.measure.le_iff],
intros t h_meas_t,
have h_inter_inter_eq_inter : ∀ t' : set α , t ∩ t' ∩ t' = t ∩ t',
{ intro t', rw set.inter_eq_self_of_subset_left, apply set.inter_subset_right t t' },
have h_meas_t_inter_s : measurable_set (t ∩ s) :=
h_meas_t.inter h_meas_s,
repeat { rw ← measure_inter_add_diff t h_meas_s, rw set.diff_eq },
refine add_le_add _ _,
{ rw add_apply,
apply le_add_right _,
rw add_apply,
rw [← restrict_eq_self μ (set.inter_subset_right _ _),
← restrict_eq_self ν (set.inter_subset_right _ _)],
apply h_ν'_in _ h_meas_t_inter_s },
{ rw add_apply,
have h_meas_inter_compl :=
h_meas_t.inter (measurable_set.compl h_meas_s),
rw [restrict_apply h_meas_inter_compl, h_inter_inter_eq_inter sᶜ],
have h_mu_le_add_top : μ ≤ ν' + ν + ⊤,
{ rw add_comm,
have h_le_top : μ ≤ ⊤ := le_top,
apply (λ t₂ h_meas, le_add_right (h_le_top t₂ h_meas)) },
apply h_mu_le_add_top _ h_meas_inter_compl } },
{ ext1 t h_meas_t,
simp [restrict_apply h_meas_t,
restrict_apply (h_meas_t.inter h_meas_s),
set.inter_assoc] } },
{ apply restrict_le_self } },
{ apply @Inf_le_Inf_of_forall_exists_le (measure α) _,
intros s h_s_in, cases h_s_in with t h_t, cases h_t with h_t_in h_t_eq, subst s,
apply exists.intro (t.restrict s), split,
{ rw [set.mem_set_of_eq, ← restrict_add],
apply restrict_mono (set.subset.refl _) h_t_in },
{ exact le_rfl } },
{ refine Inf_le_Inf_of_forall_exists_le _,
intros ν' h_ν'_in, rw mem_set_of_eq at h_ν'_in,
refine ⟨ν'.restrict s, _, restrict_le_self⟩,
refine ⟨ν' + (⊤ : measure α).restrict sᶜ, _, _⟩,
{ rw [mem_set_of_eq, add_right_comm, measure.le_iff],
intros t h_meas_t,
repeat { rw ← measure_inter_add_diff t h_meas_s },
refine add_le_add _ _,
{ rw [add_apply, add_apply],
apply le_add_right _,
rw [← restrict_eq_self μ (inter_subset_right _ _),
← restrict_eq_self ν (inter_subset_right _ _)],
apply h_ν'_in _ (h_meas_t.inter h_meas_s) },
{ rw [add_apply, restrict_apply (h_meas_t.diff h_meas_s), diff_eq, inter_assoc,
inter_self, ← add_apply],
have h_mu_le_add_top : μ ≤ ν' + ν + ⊤, by simp only [add_top, le_top],
exact measure.le_iff'.1 h_mu_le_add_top _ } },
{ ext1 t h_meas_t,
simp [restrict_apply h_meas_t, restrict_apply (h_meas_t.inter h_meas_s), inter_assoc] } },
{ refine Inf_le_Inf_of_forall_exists_le _,
refine ball_image_iff.2 (λ t h_t_in, ⟨t.restrict s, _, le_rfl⟩),
rw [set.mem_set_of_eq, ← restrict_add],
exact restrict_mono subset.rfl h_t_in }

lemma sub_apply_eq_zero_of_restrict_le_restrict
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