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chore(topology/separation): golf some proofs (#14279)
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* extract `minimal_nonempty_closed_eq_singleton` out of the proof of

* replace `exists_open_singleton_of_open_finset` with
  `exists_open_singleton_of_open_finite`, extract
  `minimal_nonempty_open_eq_singleton` out of its proof.

* add `exists_is_open_xor_mem`, an alias for `t0_space.t0`.
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urkud committed May 23, 2022
1 parent 01eda9a commit 56de25e
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 50 deletions.
95 changes: 45 additions & 50 deletions src/topology/separation.lean
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ end separated
class t0_space (α : Type u) [topological_space α] : Prop :=
(t0 : ∀ x y, x ≠ y → ∃ U:set α, is_open U ∧ (xor (x ∈ U) (y ∈ U)))

lemma exists_is_open_xor_mem [t0_space α] {x y : α} (h : x ≠ y) :
∃ U:set α, is_open U ∧ xor (x ∈ U) (y ∈ U) :=
t0_space.t0 x y h

lemma t0_space_def (α : Type u) [topological_space α] :
t0_space α ↔ ∀ x y, x ≠ y → ∃ U:set α, is_open U ∧ (xor (x ∈ U) (y ∈ U)) :=
by { split, apply @t0_space.t0, apply }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,71 +210,62 @@ lemma subtype_indistinguishable_iff {α : Type u} [topological_space α] {U : se
indistinguishable x y ↔ indistinguishable (x : α) y :=
by { simp_rw [indistinguishable_iff_closure, closure_subtype, image_singleton] }

theorem minimal_nonempty_closed_eq_singleton [t0_space α] {s : set α} (hs : is_closed s)
(hne : s.nonempty) (hmin : ∀ t ⊆ s, t.nonempty → is_closed t → t = s) :
∃ x, s = {x} :=
suffices : s.subsingleton, from exists_eq_singleton_iff_nonempty_subsingleton.2 ⟨hne, this⟩,
refine λ x hx y hy, of_not_not (λ hxy, _),
rcases exists_is_open_xor_mem hxy with ⟨U, hUo, hU⟩,
wlog h : x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U := hU using [x y, y x], cases h with hxU hyU,
have : s \ U = s := hmin (s \ U) (diff_subset _ _) ⟨y, hy, hyU⟩ (hs.sdiff hUo),
exact (this.symm.subset hx).2 hxU

/-- Given a closed set `S` in a compact T₀ space,
there is some `x ∈ S` such that `{x}` is closed. -/
theorem is_closed.exists_closed_singleton {α : Type*} [topological_space α]
[t0_space α] [compact_space α] {S : set α} (hS : is_closed S) (hne : S.nonempty) :
∃ (x : α), x ∈ S ∧ is_closed ({x} : set α) :=
obtain ⟨V, Vsub, Vne, Vcls, hV⟩ := hS.exists_minimal_nonempty_closed_subset hne,
by_cases hnt : ∃ (x y : α) (hx : x ∈ V) (hy : y ∈ V), x ≠ y,
{ exfalso,
obtain ⟨x, y, hx, hy, hne⟩ := hnt,
obtain ⟨U, hU, hsep⟩ := t0_space.t0 _ _ hne,
have : ∀ (z w : α) (hz : z ∈ V) (hw : w ∈ V) (hz' : z ∈ U) (hw' : ¬ w ∈ U), false,
{ intros z w hz hw hz' hw',
have uvne : (V ∩ Uᶜ).nonempty,
{ use w, simp only [hw, hw', set.mem_inter_eq, not_false_iff, and_self, set.mem_compl_eq], },
specialize hV (V ∩ Uᶜ) (set.inter_subset_left _ _) uvne
(is_closed.inter Vcls (is_closed_compl_iff.mpr hU)),
have : V ⊆ Uᶜ,
{ rw ←hV, exact set.inter_subset_right _ _ },
exact this hz hz', },
cases hsep,
{ exact this x y hx hy hsep.1 hsep.2 },
{ exact this y x hy hx hsep.1 hsep.2 } },
{ push_neg at hnt,
obtain ⟨z, hz⟩ := Vne,
refine ⟨z, Vsub hz, _⟩,
convert Vcls,
simp only [set.mem_singleton_iff, set.mem_compl_eq],
{ rintro rfl, exact hz, },
{ exact λ hx, hnt x z hx hz, }, },
rcases minimal_nonempty_closed_eq_singleton Vcls Vne hV with ⟨x, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨x, Vsub (mem_singleton x), Vcls⟩

/-- Given an open `finset` `S` in a T₀ space, there is some `x ∈ S` such that `{x}` is open. -/
theorem exists_open_singleton_of_open_finset [t0_space α] (s : finset α) (sne : s.nonempty)
(hso : is_open (s : set α)) :
theorem minimal_nonempty_open_eq_singleton [t0_space α] {s : set α} (hs : is_open s)
(hne : s.nonempty) (hmin : ∀ t ⊆ s, t.nonempty → is_open t → t = s) :
∃ x, s = {x} :=
suffices : s.subsingleton, from exists_eq_singleton_iff_nonempty_subsingleton.2 ⟨hne, this⟩,
refine λ x hx y hy, of_not_not (λ hxy, _),
rcases exists_is_open_xor_mem hxy with ⟨U, hUo, hU⟩,
wlog h : x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U := hU using [x y, y x], cases h with hxU hyU,
have : s ∩ U = s := hmin (s ∩ U) (inter_subset_left _ _) ⟨x, hx, hxU⟩ (hs.inter hUo),
exact hyU (this.symm.subset hy).2

/-- Given an open finite set `S` in a T₀ space, there is some `x ∈ S` such that `{x}` is open. -/
theorem exists_open_singleton_of_open_finite [t0_space α] {s : set α} (hfin : s.finite)
(hne : s.nonempty) (ho : is_open s) :
∃ x ∈ s, is_open ({x} : set α):=
lift s to finset α using hfin,
induction s using finset.strong_induction_on with s ihs,
by_cases hs : set.subsingleton (s : set α),
{ rcases sne with ⟨x, hx⟩,
refine ⟨x, hx, _⟩,
have : (s : set α) = {x}, from hs.eq_singleton_of_mem hx,
rwa this at hso },
{ dunfold set.subsingleton at hs,
push_neg at hs,
rcases hs with ⟨x, hx, y, hy, hxy⟩,
rcases t0_space.t0 x y hxy with ⟨U, hU, hxyU⟩,
wlog H : x ∈ U ∧ y ∉ U := hxyU using [x y, y x],
obtain ⟨z, hzs, hz⟩ : ∃ z ∈ s.filter (λ z, z ∈ U), is_open ({z} : set α),
{ refine ihs _ (finset.filter_ssubset.2 ⟨y, hy, H.2⟩) ⟨x, finset.mem_filter.2 ⟨hx, H.1⟩⟩ _,
rw [finset.coe_filter],
exact is_open.inter hso hU },
exact ⟨z, (finset.mem_filter.1 hzs).1, hz⟩ }
rcases em (∃ t ⊂ s, t.nonempty ∧ is_open (t : set α)) with ⟨t, hts, htne, hto⟩|ht,
{ rcases ihs t hts htne hto with ⟨x, hxt, hxo⟩,
exact ⟨x, hts.1 hxt, hxo⟩ },
{ rcases minimal_nonempty_open_eq_singleton ho hne _ with ⟨x, hx⟩,
{ exact ⟨x, hx.symm ▸ rfl, hx ▸ ho⟩ },
refine λ t hts htne hto, of_not_not (λ hts', ht _),
lift t to finset α using s.finite_to_set.subset hts,
exact ⟨t, ssubset_iff_subset_ne.2 ⟨hts, mt finset.coe_inj.2 hts'⟩, htne, hto⟩ }

theorem exists_open_singleton_of_fintype [t0_space α] [f : fintype α] [ha : nonempty α] :
theorem exists_open_singleton_of_fintype [t0_space α] [fintype α] [nonempty α] :
∃ x:α, is_open ({x}:set α) :=
refine ha.elim (λ x, _),
have : is_open ((finset.univ : finset α) : set α), { simp },
rcases exists_open_singleton_of_open_finset _ ⟨x, finset.mem_univ x⟩ this with ⟨x, _, hx⟩,
exact ⟨x, hx⟩
let ⟨x, _, h⟩ := exists_open_singleton_of_open_finite (finite.of_fintype _) univ_nonempty
is_open_univ in ⟨x, h⟩

lemma t0_space_of_injective_of_continuous [topological_space β] {f : α → β}
(hf : function.injective f) (hf' : continuous f) [t0_space β] : t0_space α :=
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