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Joe committed Jan 10, 2020
1 parent 854a499 commit 57aaf22
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Showing 6 changed files with 116 additions and 80 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/measure_theory/ae_eq_fun.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ variables {γ : Type*} [topological_space γ]
[add_comm_monoid γ] [semimodule 𝕜 γ] [topological_semimodule 𝕜 γ]

protected def smul : 𝕜 → (α →ₘ γ) → (α →ₘ γ) :=
λ c f, comp (has_scalar.smul c) (measurable.smul _ measurable_id) f
λ c f, comp (has_scalar.smul c) (measurable_smul _ measurable_id) f

instance : has_scalar 𝕜 (α →ₘ γ) := ⟨ae_eq_fun.smul⟩

@[simp] lemma smul_mk (c : 𝕜) (f : α → γ) (hf) : c • (mk f hf) = mk (c • f) (measurable.smul _ hf) :=
@[simp] lemma smul_mk (c : 𝕜) (f : α → γ) (hf) : c • (mk f hf) = mk (c • f) (measurable_smul _ hf) :=

lemma smul_to_fun (c : 𝕜) (f : α →ₘ γ) : ∀ₘ a, (c • f).to_fun a = c • f.to_fun a :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ begin
exact calc
(∫⁻ (a : α), nndist (x • f a) 0) = (∫⁻ (a : α), (nnnorm x) * nnnorm (f a)) :
lintegral_congr_ae $ by { filter_upwards [], assume a, simp [nndist_eq_nnnorm, nnnorm_smul] }
... = _ : lintegral_const_mul _ (measurable.coe_nnnorm hf)
... = _ : lintegral_const_mul _ (measurable_coe_nnnorm hf)
... = _ :
convert rfl,
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131 changes: 83 additions & 48 deletions src/measure_theory/bochner_integration.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ local infixr ` →ₛ `:25 := simple_func
namespace simple_func

section bintegral
### The Bochner integral of simple functions
Define the Bochner integral of simple functions of the type `α →ₛ β` where `β` is a normed group,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ variables [normed_group β] [second_countable_topology β]
variables (α β)
/-- `l1.simple_func` is a subspace of L1 consisting of equivalence classes of an integrable simple
function. -/
def simple_func : Type (max u v) :=
def simple_func : Type* :=
{ f : α →₁ β // ∃ (s : α →ₛ β), integrable s ∧ s s.measurable = f}

variables {α β}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1033,82 +1033,117 @@ if hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f
then (l1.of_fun f hf.1 hf.2).integral
else 0

local notation `∫` binders `, ` r:(scoped f, integral f) := r
notation `∫` binders `, ` r:(scoped f, integral f) := r

section properties

open continuous_linear_map measure_theory.simple_func

variables {f g : α → β}

lemma integral_eq (f : α → β) (h₁ : measurable f) (h₂ : integrable f) :
integral f = (l1.of_fun f h₁ h₂).integral :=
dif_pos ⟨h₁, h₂⟩

lemma integral_undef (h : ¬ (measurable f ∧ integrable f)) : integral f = 0 :=
dif_neg h
lemma integral_eq (f : α → β) : integral f =
if hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f then (l1.of_fun f hf.1 hf.2).integral else 0 := rfl

lemma integral_non_integrable (h : ¬ integrable f) : integral f = 0 :=
integral_undef $ not_and_of_not_right _ h
lemma integral_eq_zero_of_non_measurable (h : ¬ measurable f) : integral f = 0 :=
by { rw [integral, dif_neg], rw not_and_distrib, exact or.inl h }

lemma integral_non_measurable (h : ¬ measurable f) : integral f = 0 :=
integral_undef $ not_and_of_not_left _ h
lemma integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable (h : ¬ integrable f) : integral f = 0 :=
by { rw [integral, dif_neg], rw not_and_distrib, exact or.inr h }

variables (α β)
@[simp] lemma integral_zero : integral (0 : α → β) = 0 :=
by rw [integral_eq, l1.of_fun_zero, l1.integral_zero]

simp only [integral], rw dif_pos,
{ apply l1.integral_zero },
{ exact ⟨(measurable_const : measurable (λb:α, (0:β))), integrable_zero⟩ }
variables {α β}

lemma integral_add
(hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g) (hgi : integrable g) :
integral (f + g) = integral f + integral g :=
by rw [integral_eq, integral_eq f hfm hfi, integral_eq g hgm hgi, l1.of_fun_add, l1.integral_add]
lemma integral_add (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g)
(hgi : integrable g) : integral (f + g) = integral f + integral g :=
simp only [integral], repeat { rw dif_pos },
{ rw ← l1.integral_add, refl },
{ exact ⟨hgm, hgi⟩ },
{ exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
{ exact ⟨measurable.add hfm hgm, integrable.add hfm hgm hfi hgi⟩ }

lemma integral_neg (f : α → β) : integral (-f) = - integral f :=
by_cases hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f,
{ rw [integral_eq f hf.1 hf.2, integral_eq (- f) hf.1.neg hf.2.neg, l1.of_fun_neg,
l1.integral_neg] },
{ have hf' : ¬(measurable (-f) ∧ integrable (-f)),
{ rwa [measurable_neg_iff, integrable_neg_iff] },
rw [integral_undef hf, integral_undef hf', neg_zero] }
simp only [integral],
by_cases hfm : measurable f, by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ repeat { rw dif_pos },
{ rw ← l1.integral_neg, refl },
{ exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
{ exact ⟨measurable.neg hfm, integrable.neg hfi⟩ } },
{ repeat { rw dif_neg },
{ rw neg_zero },
{ rw not_and_distrib, exact or.inr hfi },
{ rw not_and_distrib, rw integrable_neg_iff, exact or.inr hfi } },
{ repeat { rw dif_neg },
{ rw neg_zero },
{ rw not_and_distrib, exact or.inl hfm },
{ rw not_and_distrib, rw measurable_neg_iff, exact or.inl hfm } }

lemma integral_sub
(hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g) (hgi : integrable g) :
integral (f - g) = integral f - integral g :=
by simp only [sub_eq_add_neg, integral_neg, integral_add, measurable_neg_iff, integrable_neg_iff, *]
lemma integral_sub (hfm : measurable f) (hfi : integrable f) (hgm : measurable g)
(hgi : integrable g) : integral (f - g) = integral f - integral g :=
simp only [integral], repeat {rw dif_pos},
{ rw ← l1.integral_sub, refl },
{ exact ⟨hgm, hgi⟩ },
{ exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
{ exact ⟨measurable.sub hfm hgm, integrable.sub hfm hgm hfi hgi⟩ }

lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α → β) : integral (r • f) = r • integral f :=
lemma integral_smul (r : ℝ) (f : α → β) : (∫ x, r • (f x)) = r • integral f :=
by_cases hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f,
{ rw [integral_eq f hf.1 hf.2, integral_eq (r • f), l1.of_fun_smul, l1.integral_smul] },
{ by_cases hr : r = 0,
{ simp only [hr, measure_theory.integral_zero, zero_smul] },
have hf' : ¬(measurable (r • f) ∧ integrable (r • f)),
{ rwa [← measurable_smul_iff hr f, ← integrable_smul_iff hr f] at hf },
rw [integral_undef hf, integral_undef hf', smul_zero] }
by_cases r0 : r = 0,
{ have : (λx, r • (f x)) = 0, { funext, rw [r0, zero_smul, pi.zero_apply] },
rw [this, r0, zero_smul], apply integral_zero },
simp only [integral],
by_cases hfm : measurable f, by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ rw dif_pos, rw dif_pos,
{ rw ← l1.integral_smul, refl },
{ exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
{ exact ⟨measurable_smul _ hfm, integrable.smul _ hfi⟩ } },
{ repeat { rw dif_neg },
{ rw smul_zero },
{ rw not_and_distrib, exact or.inr hfi },
{ rw not_and_distrib,
have : (λx, r • (f x)) = r • f, { funext, simp only [pi.smul_apply] },
rw [this, integrable.smul_iff r0], exact or.inr hfi } },
{ repeat { rw dif_neg },
{ rw smul_zero },
{ rw not_and_distrib, exact or.inl hfm },
{ rw not_and_distrib, rw [measurable_smul_iff r0], exact or.inl hfm, apply_instance } },

lemma integral_congr_ae (hfm : measurable f) (hgm : measurable g) (h : ∀ₘ a, f a = g a) :
integral f = integral g :=
by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ have hgi : integrable g := integrable_of_ae_eq hfi h,
rw [integral_eq f hfm hfi, integral_eq g hgm hgi, (l1.of_fun_eq_of_fun f g hfm hfi hgm hgi).2 h]
simp only [integral],
repeat { rw dif_pos },
rotate, { exact ⟨hgm, hgi⟩ }, { exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
rw ← l1.of_fun_eq_of_fun f g hfm hfi hgm hgi at h,
rw h },
{ have hgi : ¬ integrable g, { rw integrable_iff_of_ae_eq h at hfi, exact hfi },
rw [integral_non_integrable hfi, integral_non_integrable hgi] },
rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hfi, integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hgi] },

lemma norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm (f : α → β) :
∥integral f∥ ≤ ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) :=
by_cases hf : measurable f ∧ integrable f,
{ rw [integral_eq f hf.1 hf.2, ← l1.norm_of_fun_eq_lintegral_norm f hf.1 hf.2],
exact l1.norm_integral_le _ },
{ rw [integral_undef hf, _root_.norm_zero],
by_cases hfm : measurable f,
by_cases hfi : integrable f,
{ rw [integral, ← l1.norm_of_fun_eq_lintegral_norm f hfm hfi, dif_pos],
exact l1.norm_integral_le _, exact ⟨hfm, hfi⟩ },
{ rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hfi, _root_.norm_zero],
exact to_real_nonneg },
{ rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_measurable hfm, _root_.norm_zero],
exact to_real_nonneg }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1205,7 +1240,7 @@ begin
assume a h,
rw max_eq_left h },
rw [h_min, h_max, zero_to_real, _root_.sub_zero] },
{ rw integral_non_integrable hfi,
{ rw integral_eq_zero_of_non_integrable hfi,
rw [integrable_iff_norm, lt_top_iff_ne_top, ne.def, not_not] at hfi,
have : (∫⁻ (a : α), ennreal.of_real (f a)) = (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥),
{ apply lintegral_congr_ae,
Expand All @@ -1220,7 +1255,7 @@ lemma integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae {f : α → ℝ} (hf : ∀ₘ a, 0 ≤ f a) :
by_cases hfm : measurable f,
{ rw integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae hf hfm, exact to_real_nonneg },
{ rw integral_non_measurable hfm }
{ rw integral_eq_zero_of_non_measurable hfm }

lemma integral_nonpos_of_nonpos_ae {f : α → ℝ} (hf : ∀ₘ a, f a ≤ 0) : integral f ≤ 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1248,10 +1283,10 @@ have le_ae : ∀ₘ (a : α), 0 ≤ ∥f a∥ := by filter_upwards [] λa, norm_
( λh : measurable f,
calc ∥integral f∥ ≤ ennreal.to_real (∫⁻ a, ennreal.of_real ∥f a∥) : norm_integral_le_lintegral_norm _
... = ∫ a, ∥f a∥ : (integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae le_ae $ measurable.norm h).symm )
... = ∫ a, ∥f a∥ : (integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae le_ae $ measurable_norm h).symm )
( λh : ¬measurable f,
rw [integral_non_measurable h, _root_.norm_zero],
rw [integral_eq_zero_of_non_measurable h, _root_.norm_zero],
exact integral_nonneg_of_nonneg_ae le_ae
end )

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36 changes: 20 additions & 16 deletions src/measure_theory/borel_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -512,17 +512,19 @@ measurable_of_continuous ennreal.continuous_of_real

end ennreal

namespace measure_theory

open topological_space

lemma measurable.smul' {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
lemma measurable_smul' {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
[semiring α] [topological_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
[topological_space β] [add_comm_monoid β] [second_countable_topology β]
[semimodule α β] [topological_semimodule α β] [measurable_space γ]
{f : γ → α} {g : γ → β} (hf : measurable f) (hg : measurable g) :
measurable (λ c, f c • g c) :=
measurable_of_continuous2 (continuous_fst.smul continuous_snd) hf hg

lemma measurable.smul {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
lemma measurable_smul {α : Type*} {β : Type*} {γ : Type*}
[semiring α] [topological_space α]
[topological_space β] [add_comm_monoid β]
[semimodule α β] [topological_semimodule α β] [measurable_space γ]
Expand All @@ -539,10 +541,10 @@ begin
assume h,
have eq : (λ (x : γ), c⁻¹ • (λ (x : γ), c • f x) x) = f,
{ funext, rw [smul_smul, inv_mul_cancel hc, one_smul] },
have := h.smul c⁻¹,
have := measurable_smul c⁻¹ h,
rwa eq at this
$ measurable.smul c
$ measurable_smul c

lemma measurable_dist' {α : Type*} [metric_space α] [second_countable_topology α] :
measurable (λp:α×α, dist p.1 p.2) :=
Expand All @@ -552,10 +554,10 @@ begin
exact continuous_dist continuous_fst continuous_snd

lemma measurable.dist {α : Type*} [metric_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
lemma measurable_dist {α : Type*} [metric_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
[measurable_space β] {f g : β → α} (hf : measurable f) (hg : measurable g) :
measurable (λ b, dist (f b) (g b)) :=
measurable_dist'.comp (measurable.prod_mk hf hg)
measurable.comp measurable_dist' (measurable.prod_mk hf hg)

lemma measurable_nndist' {α : Type*} [metric_space α] [second_countable_topology α] :
measurable (λp:α×α, nndist p.1 p.2) :=
Expand All @@ -565,10 +567,10 @@ begin
exact continuous_nndist continuous_fst continuous_snd

lemma measurable.nndist {α : Type*} [metric_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
lemma measurable_nndist {α : Type*} [metric_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
[measurable_space β] {f g : β → α} (hf : measurable f) (hg : measurable g) :
measurable (λ b, nndist (f b) (g b)) :=
measurable_nndist'.comp (measurable.prod_mk hf hg)
measurable.comp measurable_nndist' (measurable.prod_mk hf hg)

lemma measurable_edist' {α : Type*} [emetric_space α] [second_countable_topology α] :
measurable (λp:α×α, edist p.1 p.2) :=
Expand All @@ -578,25 +580,27 @@ begin
exact continuous_edist continuous_fst continuous_snd

lemma measurable.edist {α : Type*} [emetric_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
lemma measurable_edist {α : Type*} [emetric_space α] [second_countable_topology α]
[measurable_space β] {f g : β → α} (hf : measurable f) (hg : measurable g) :
measurable (λ b, edist (f b) (g b)) :=
measurable_edist'.comp (measurable.prod_mk hf hg)
measurable.comp measurable_edist' (measurable.prod_mk hf hg)

lemma measurable_norm' {α : Type*} [normed_group α] : measurable (norm : α → ℝ) :=
measurable_of_continuous continuous_norm

lemma measurable.norm {α : Type*} [normed_group α] [measurable_space β]
lemma measurable_norm {α : Type*} [normed_group α] [measurable_space β]
{f : β → α} (hf : measurable f) : measurable (λa, norm (f a)) :=
measurable_norm'.comp hf
measurable.comp measurable_norm' hf

lemma measurable_nnnorm' {α : Type*} [normed_group α] : measurable (nnnorm : α → nnreal) :=
measurable_of_continuous continuous_nnnorm

lemma measurable.nnnorm {α : Type*} [normed_group α] [measurable_space β]
lemma measurable_nnnorm {α : Type*} [normed_group α] [measurable_space β]
{f : β → α} (hf : measurable f) : measurable (λa, nnnorm (f a)) :=
measurable_nnnorm'.comp hf
measurable.comp measurable_nnnorm' hf

lemma measurable.coe_nnnorm {α : Type*} [normed_group α] [measurable_space β]
lemma measurable_coe_nnnorm {α : Type*} [normed_group α] [measurable_space β]
{f : β → α} (hf : measurable f) : measurable (λa, (nnnorm (f a) : ennreal)) :=
ennreal.measurable_coe.comp $ hf.nnnorm
measurable.comp ennreal.measurable_coe $ measurable_nnnorm hf

end measure_theory
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/measure_theory/l1_space.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ lemma lintegral_edist_triangle [second_countable_topology β] {f g h : α → β
(hf : measurable f) (hg : measurable g) (hh : measurable h) :
(∫⁻ a, edist (f a) (g a)) ≤ (∫⁻ a, edist (f a) (h a)) + ∫⁻ a, edist (g a) (h a) :=
rw ← lintegral_add (measurable.edist hf hh) (measurable.edist hg hh),
rw ← lintegral_add (measurable_edist hf hh) (measurable_edist hg hh),
apply lintegral_le_lintegral,
assume a,
have := edist_triangle (f a) (h a) (g a),
Expand All @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ by { have := coe_lt_top, simpa [integrable] }

lemma lintegral_nnnorm_add {f : α → β} {g : α → γ} (hf : measurable f) (hg : measurable g) :
(∫⁻ a, nnnorm (f a) + nnnorm (g a)) = (∫⁻ a, nnnorm (f a)) + ∫⁻ a, nnnorm (g a) :=
lintegral_add (measurable.coe_nnnorm hf) (measurable.coe_nnnorm hg)
lintegral_add (measurable_coe_nnnorm hf) (measurable_coe_nnnorm hg)

lemma integrable.add {f g : α → β} (hfm : measurable f) (hgm : measurable g) :
integrable f → integrable g → integrable (f + g) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ begin
-- Using the dominated convergence theorem.
refine tendsto_lintegral_of_dominated_convergence _ hb _ _,
-- Show `λa, ∥f a - F n a∥` is measurable for all `n`
{ exact λn, measurable.comp measurable_of_real (measurable.norm (measurable.sub (F_measurable n)
{ exact λn, measurable.comp measurable_of_real (measurable_norm (measurable.sub (F_measurable n)
f_measurable)) },
-- Show `2 * bound` is integrable
{ rw integrable_iff_of_real at bound_integrable,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ begin

lemma integrable_smul_iff {c : 𝕜} (hc : c ≠ 0) (f : α → β) : integrable (c • f) ↔ integrable f :=
lemma integrable.smul_iff {c : 𝕜} (hc : c ≠ 0) (f : α → β) : integrable (c • f) ↔ integrable f :=
{ assume h,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ variables (α β)
/-- The space of equivalence classes of integrable (and measurable) functions, where two integrable
functions are equivalent if they agree almost everywhere, i.e., they differ on a set of measure
`0`. -/
def l1 : Type (max u v) := subtype (@ae_eq_fun.integrable α _ β _ _)
def l1 : Type* := subtype (@ae_eq_fun.integrable α _ β _ _)

infixr ` →₁ `:25 := l1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ by { rw [norm_of_fun, lintegral_norm_eq_lintegral_edist] }
variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 β]

lemma of_fun_smul (f : α → β) (hfm hfi) (k : 𝕜) :
of_fun (k • f) (measurable.smul _ hfm) (integrable.smul _ hfi) = k • of_fun f hfm hfi := rfl
of_fun (k • f) (measurable_smul _ hfm) (integrable.smul _ hfi) = k • of_fun f hfm hfi := rfl

end of_fun

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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/measure_theory/measurable_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -389,9 +389,6 @@ assume s hs, show is_measurable {b : β | a ∈ s}, from
(assume h : a ∈ s, by simp [h]; from is_measurable.univ)
(assume h : a ∉ s, by simp [h]; from is_measurable.empty)

lemma measurable_zero {α β} [measurable_space α] [has_zero α] [measurable_space β] :
measurable (λb:β, (0:α)) := measurable_const

end measurable_functions

section constructions
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