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feat(algebraic_geometry/EllipticCurve): simplify definition of discri…
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This replaces the definition with a nested let definition more similar to the definition on [the LMFDB page on discriminants](, and proves the equivalence to the (slightly reformatted) explicit polynomial in terms of the $a_i$'s.
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digama0 committed Jul 18, 2022
1 parent bcc2c4e commit 582e667
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 9 deletions.
43 changes: 34 additions & 9 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/EllipticCurve.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Kevin Buzzard

import data.rat.defs
import tactic.norm_num
import tactic.ring

# The category of elliptic curves (over a field or a PID)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,10 +48,20 @@ at infinity if R is not a field. Define the group law on the R-points. (hard) pr
/-- The discriminant of the plane cubic `Y^2+a1*X*Y+a3*Y=X^3+a2*X^2+a4*X+a6`. If `R` is a field
then this polynomial vanishes iff the cubic curve cut out by this equation is singular. -/
def EllipticCurve.disc_aux {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (a1 a2 a3 a4 a6 : R) : R :=
-432*a6^2 + ((288*a2 + 72*a1^2)*a4 + (-216*a3^2 + (144*a1*a2 + 36*a1^3)*a3 + (-64*a2^3 -
48*a1^2*a2^2 - 12*a1^4*a2 - a1^6)))*a6 + (-64*a4^3 + (-96*a1*a3 + (16*a2^2 + 8*a1^2*a2 + a1^4))*a4^2
+ ((72*a2 - 30*a1^2)*a3^2 + (16*a1*a2^2 + 8*a1^3*a2 + a1^5)*a3)*a4 + (-27*a3^4 + (36*a1*a2 +
a1^3)*a3^3 + (-16*a2^3 - 8*a1^2*a2^2 - a1^4*a2)*a3^2))
let b2 := a1^2 + 4*a2,
b4 := 2*a4 + a1*a3,
b6 := a3^2 + 4*a6,
b8 := b2*a6 - a1*a3*a4 + a2*a3^2 - a4^2 in
-b2^2*b8 - 8*b4^3 - 27*b6^2 + 9*b2*b4*b6

theorem EllipticCurve.disc_aux_def {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (a1 a2 a3 a4 a6 : R) :
EllipticCurve.disc_aux a1 a2 a3 a4 a6 =
-27*a3^4 + a1^5*a3*a4 + 16*a2^2*a4^2 - 64*a4^3 - a1^6*a6 - 216*a3^2*a6 - 432*a6^2 -
16*a2^3*(a3^2 + 4*a6) + 72*a2*a4*(a3^2 + 4*a6) + a1^3*a3*(a3^2 + 8*a2*a4 + 36*a6) +
4*a1*a3*(4*a2^2*a4 - 24*a4^2 + 9*a2*(a3^2 + 4*a6)) +
a1^2*(-30*a3^2*a4 + 8*a2*a4^2 + 72*a4*a6 - 8*a2^2*(a3^2 + 6*a6)) +
a1^4*(a4^2 - a2*(a3^2 + 12*a6)) :=
by dsimp only [EllipticCurve.disc_aux]; ring

-- If Pic(R)[12]=0 then this definition is mathematically correct
/-- The category of elliptic curves over `R` (note that this definition is only mathematically
Expand All @@ -63,25 +73,40 @@ structure EllipticCurve (R : Type*) [comm_ring R] :=

namespace EllipticCurve

instance : inhabited (EllipticCurve ℚ) := ⟨⟨0,0,1,-1,0, 37, 37⁻¹, by norm_num, by norm_num⟩,
show (37 : ℚ) = _ + _, by norm_num⟩⟩
instance : inhabited (EllipticCurve ℚ) := ⟨⟨0,0,1,-1,0, units.mk0 37 (by norm_num),
by simp only [units.coe_mk, disc_aux_def]; norm_num⟩⟩

variables {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (E : EllipticCurve R)

/-- The `b_2` coefficient of an elliptic curve. -/
def b2 : R := E.a1^2 + 4*E.a2
/-- The `b_4` coefficient of an elliptic curve. -/
def b4 : R := 2*E.a4 + E.a1*E.a3
/-- The `b_6` coefficient of an elliptic curve. -/
def b6 : R := E.a3^2 + 4*E.a6
/-- The `b_8` coefficient of an elliptic curve. -/
def b8 : R := E.b2*E.a6 - E.a1*E.a3*E.a4 + E.a2*E.a3^2 - E.a4^2
/-- The `c_4` coefficient of an elliptic curve. -/
def c4 : R := E.b2^2 - 24*E.b4

theorem c4_def : E.c4 = E.a1^4 + 8*E.a1^2*E.a2 + 16*E.a2^2 - 24*E.a1*E.a3 - 48*E.a4 :=
by { unfold c4 b2 b4, ring }

/-- The discriminant of an elliptic curve. Sometimes only defined up to sign in the literature;
we choose the sign used by the LMFDB. See
[the LMFDB page on discriminants](
for more discussion. -/
def disc : R := disc_aux E.a1 E.a2 E.a3 E.a4 E.a6

lemma disc_def : E.disc = -E.b2^2*E.b8 - 8*E.b4^3 - 27*E.b6^2 + 9*E.b2*E.b4*E.b6 := rfl

lemma disc_is_unit : is_unit E.disc :=
convert units.is_unit E.disc_unit,
exact E.disc_unit_eq.symm

/-- The j-invariant of an elliptic curve. -/
def j := (-48*E.a4 + (-24*E.a1*E.a3 + (16*E.a2^2 + 8*E.a1^2*E.a2 + E.a1^4)))^3 *
(E.disc_unit⁻¹ : Rˣ)
def j := E.c4^3 /ₚ E.disc_unit

end EllipticCurve

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