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feat(topology/sheaves): alternate formulation of the sheaf condition (#…
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Currently the sheaf condition is stated as it often is in textbooks, e.g. That is, it is about an equalizer of the two maps `∏ F.obj (U i) ⟶ ∏ F.obj (U i) ⊓ (U j)`.

This PR adds an equivalent formulation, saying that `F.obj (supr U)` (with its natural projection maps) is the limit of the diagram consisting of the `F.obj (U i)` and the `F.obj (U i ⊓ U j)`. 

I'd like to add further reformulations in subsequent PRs, in particular the nice one I saw in Lurie's SAG, just saying that `F.obj (supr U)` is the limit over the diagram of all `F.obj V` where `V` is an open subset of *some* `U i`. This version is actually much nicer to formalise, and I'm hoping we can translate over quite a lot of what we've already done about the sheaf condition to that version 

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Sep 22, 2020
1 parent b4641ef commit 58d0bfc
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Showing 10 changed files with 789 additions and 240 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/sheafed_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace algebraic_geometry

/-- A `SheafedSpace C` is a topological space equipped with a sheaf of `C`s. -/
structure SheafedSpace extends PresheafedSpace C :=
(sheaf_condition : sheaf_condition presheaf)
(sheaf_condition : presheaf.sheaf_condition)

variables {C}

Expand All @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ instance (X : SheafedSpace.{v} C) : topological_space X := X.carrier.str
/-- The trivial `punit` valued sheaf on any topological space. -/
def punit (X : Top) : SheafedSpace (discrete punit) :=
{ sheaf_condition := sheaf_condition_punit _,
{ sheaf_condition := presheaf.sheaf_condition_punit _,
..@PresheafedSpace.const (discrete punit) _ X }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ def forget : SheafedSpace C ⥤ Top :=


open Top.presheaf

The restriction of a sheafed space along an open embedding into the space.
Expand All @@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ def restrict {U : Top} (X : SheafedSpace C)
(f : U ⟶ (X : Top.{v})) (h : open_embedding f) : SheafedSpace C :=
{ sheaf_condition := λ ι 𝒰, is_limit.of_iso_limit
((is_limit.postcompose_inv_equiv _ _).inv_fun (X.sheaf_condition _))
(sheaf_condition.fork.iso_of_open_embedding h 𝒰).symm,
(sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.fork.iso_of_open_embedding h 𝒰).symm,
..X.to_PresheafedSpace.restrict f h }

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_geometry/structure_sheaf.lean
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Expand Up @@ -307,6 +307,8 @@ nat_iso.of_components
(λ U, iso.refl _)
(by tidy)

open Top.presheaf

The structure sheaf on $Spec R$, valued in `CommRing`.
Expand Down
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/category/pairwise.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
import topology.sheaves.sheaf
import category_theory.limits.preserves.basic

# The category of "pairwise intersections".
Given `ι : Type v`, we build the diagram category `pairwise ι`
with objects `single i` and `pair i j`, for `i j : ι`,
whose only non-identity morphisms are
`left : single i ⟶ pair i j` and `right : single j ⟶ pair i j`.
We use this later in describing the sheaf condition.
Given any function `U : ι → α`, where `α` is some complete lattice (e.g. `opens X`),
we produce a functor `pairwise ι ⥤ αᵒᵖ` in the obvious way,
and show that `supr U` provides a limit cone over this functor.

noncomputable theory

universes v u

open topological_space
open Top
open opposite
open category_theory
open category_theory.limits

namespace category_theory

An inductive type representing either a single term of a type `ι`, or a pair of terms.
We use this as the objects of a category to describe the sheaf condition.
inductive pairwise (ι : Type v)
| single : ι → pairwise
| pair : ι → ι → pairwise

variables {ι : Type v}

namespace pairwise

instance pairwise_inhabited [inhabited ι] : inhabited (pairwise ι) := ⟨single (default ι)⟩

Morphisms in the category `pairwise ι`. The only non-identity morphisms are
`left i j : single i ⟶ pair i j` and `right i j : single j ⟶ pair i j`.
inductive hom : pairwise ι → pairwise ι → Type v
| id_single : Π i, hom (single i) (single i)
| id_pair : Π i j, hom (pair i j) (pair i j)
| left : Π i j, hom (single i) (pair i j)
| right : Π i j, hom (single j) (pair i j)

open hom

instance hom_inhabited [inhabited ι] : inhabited (hom (single (default ι)) (single (default ι))) :=
⟨id_single (default ι)⟩

The identity morphism in `pairwise ι`.
def id : Π (o : pairwise ι), hom o o
| (single i) := id_single i
| (pair i j) := id_pair i j

/-- Composition of morphisms in `pairwise ι`. -/
def comp : Π {o₁ o₂ o₃ : pairwise ι} (f : hom o₁ o₂) (g : hom o₂ o₃), hom o₁ o₃
| _ _ _ (id_single i) g := g
| _ _ _ (id_pair i j) g := g
| _ _ _ (left i j) (id_pair _ _) := left i j
| _ _ _ (right i j) (id_pair _ _) := right i j

local attribute [tidy] tactic.case_bash

instance : category (pairwise ι) :=
{ hom := hom,
id := id,
comp := λ X Y Z f g, comp f g, }


variables {α : Type v} (U : ι → α)

variables [semilattice_inf α]

/-- Auxilliary definition for `diagram`. -/
def diagram_obj : pairwise ι → αᵒᵖ
| (single i) := op (U i)
| (pair i j) := op (U i ⊓ U j)

/-- Auxilliary definition for `diagram`. -/
def diagram_map : Π {o₁ o₂ : pairwise ι} (f : o₁ ⟶ o₂), diagram_obj U o₁ ⟶ diagram_obj U o₂
| _ _ (id_single i) := 𝟙 _
| _ _ (id_pair i j) := 𝟙 _
| _ _ (left i j) := (hom_of_le inf_le_left).op
| _ _ (right i j) := (hom_of_le inf_le_right).op

Given a function `U : ι → α` for `[semilattice_inf α]`, we obtain a functor `pairwise ι ⥤ αᵒᵖ`,
sending `single i` to `op (U i)` and `pair i j` to `op (U i ⊓ U j)`,
and the morphisms to the obvious inequalities.
def diagram : pairwise ι ⥤ αᵒᵖ :=
{ obj := diagram_obj U,
map := λ X Y f, diagram_map U f, }


-- `complete_lattice` is not really needed, as we only ever use `inf`,
-- but the appropriate structure has not been defined.
variables [complete_lattice α]

/-- Auxilliary definition for `cone`. -/
def cone_π_app : Π (o : pairwise ι), op (supr U) ⟶ diagram_obj U o
| (single i) := (hom_of_le (le_supr _ _)).op
| (pair i j) := (hom_of_le inf_le_left ≫ hom_of_le (le_supr U i)).op

Given a function `U : ι → α` for `[complete_lattice α]`,
`supr U` provides a cone over `diagram U`.
def cone : cone (diagram U) :=
{ X := op (supr U),
π := { app := cone_π_app U, } }

Given a function `U : ι → α` for `[complete_lattice α]`,
`supr U` provides a limit cone over `diagram U`.
def cone_is_limit : is_limit (cone U) :=
{ lift := λ s, op_hom_of_le
apply complete_lattice.Sup_le,
rintros _ ⟨j, rfl⟩,
exact le_of_op_hom (s.π.app (single j))
end }


end pairwise

end category_theory
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/opposites.lean
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Expand Up @@ -303,4 +303,14 @@ rfl
lemma op_equiv_symm_apply (A B : Cᵒᵖ) (f : B.unop ⟶ A.unop) : (op_equiv _ _).symm f = f.op :=

universes v
variables {α : Type v} [preorder α]

/-- Construct a morphism in the opposite of a preorder category from an inequality. -/
def op_hom_of_le {U V : αᵒᵖ} (h : unop V ≤ unop U) : U ⟶ V :=
has_hom.hom.op (hom_of_le h)

lemma le_of_op_hom {U V : αᵒᵖ} (h : U ⟶ V) : unop V ≤ unop U :=
le_of_hom (h.unop)

end category_theory
22 changes: 13 additions & 9 deletions src/topology/sheaves/forget.lean
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Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,12 @@ open opposite

namespace Top

namespace presheaf

namespace sheaf_condition

open sheaf_condition_equalizer_products

universes v u₁ u₂

variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v} C] [has_limits C]
Expand All @@ -44,15 +48,14 @@ variables (G : C ⥤ D) [preserves_limits G]
variables {X : Top.{v}} (F : presheaf C X)
variables {ι : Type v} (U : ι → opens X)

local attribute [reducible] sheaf_condition.diagram
local attribute [reducible] sheaf_condition.left_res sheaf_condition.right_res
local attribute [reducible] diagram left_res right_res

When `G` preserves limits, the sheaf condition diagram for `F` composed with `G` is
naturally isomorphic to the sheaf condition diagram for `F ⋙ G`.
def diagram_comp_preserves_limits :
sheaf_condition.diagram F U ⋙ G ≅ sheaf_condition.diagram (F ⋙ G) U :=
diagram F U ⋙ G ≅ diagram (F ⋙ G) U :=
fapply nat_iso.of_components,
rintro ⟨j⟩,
Expand All @@ -71,16 +74,15 @@ begin
{ ext, simp, dsimp, simp, },

local attribute [reducible] sheaf_condition.res
local attribute [reducible] res

When `G` preserves limits, the image under `G` of the sheaf condition fork for `F`
is the sheaf condition fork for `F ⋙ G`,
postcomposed with the inverse of the natural isomorphism `diagram_comp_preserves_limits`.
def map_cone_fork : G.map_cone (sheaf_condition.fork F U) ≅
(cones.postcompose (diagram_comp_preserves_limits G F U).inv).obj
(sheaf_condition.fork (F ⋙ G) U) :=
def map_cone_fork : G.map_cone (fork F U) ≅
(cones.postcompose (diagram_comp_preserves_limits G F U).inv).obj (fork (F ⋙ G) U) :=
cones.ext (iso.refl _) (λ j,
dsimp, simp [diagram_comp_preserves_limits], cases j; dsimp,
Expand All @@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ end sheaf_condition

universes v u₁ u₂

open sheaf_condition
open sheaf_condition sheaf_condition_equalizer_products

variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v} C] {D : Type u₂} [category.{v} D]
variables (G : C ⥤ D)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ begin
-- we note that ` f` is almost but not quite (see below) a morphism
-- from the sheaf condition cone for `F ⋙ G` to the
-- image under `G` of the equalizer cone for the sheaf condition diagram.
let c := sheaf_condition.fork (F ⋙ G) U,
let c := fork (F ⋙ G) U,
have hc : is_limit c := S U,
let d := G.map_cone (equalizer.fork (left_res F U) (right_res F U)),
have hd : is_limit d := preserves_limit.preserves (limit.is_limit _),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,4 +204,6 @@ example (X : Top) (F : presheaf CommRing X) (h : sheaf_condition (F ⋙ (forget

end presheaf

end Top
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/topology/sheaves/local_predicate.lean
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Expand Up @@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ into the presheaf of all functions.
def subtype : subpresheaf_to_Types P ⟶ presheaf_to_Types X T :=
{ app := λ U f, f.1 }

open Top.sheaf_condition
open Top.presheaf
open Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products

The natural transformation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,8 +286,8 @@ begin
-- the fact that the underlying presheaf is a presheaf of functions satisfying the predicate.
let s' := (cones.postcompose (diagram_subtype P.to_prelocal_predicate U)).obj s,
have fac_i := ((to_Types X T U).fac s' =≫ pi.π _ i,
simp only [sheaf_condition.res, limit.lift_π, cones.postcompose_obj_π,
sheaf_condition.fork_π_app_walking_parallel_pair_zero, fan.mk_π_app,
simp only [sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.res, limit.lift_π, cones.postcompose_obj_π,
sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.fork_π_app_walking_parallel_pair_zero, fan.mk_π_app,
nat_trans.comp_app, category.assoc] at fac_i,
have fac_i_f := congr_fun fac_i f,
simp only [diagram_subtype, discrete.nat_trans_app, types_comp_apply,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ The sheaf of continuous functions on `X` with values in a space `T`.
def sheaf_to_Top (T : Top.{v}) : sheaf (Type v) X :=
{ presheaf := presheaf_to_Top X T,
sheaf_condition :=
sheaf_condition_equiv_of_iso (subpresheaf_continuous_prelocal_iso_presheaf_to_Top T)
presheaf.sheaf_condition_equiv_of_iso (subpresheaf_continuous_prelocal_iso_presheaf_to_Top T)
(subpresheaf_to_Types.sheaf_condition (continuous_local X T)), }

end Top

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