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chore(number_theory/pell): golf, use tactic mode (#18091)
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Also drop an unneeded assumption in `pell.eq_pow_of_pell_lem`.
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urkud committed Jan 8, 2023
1 parent 940d371 commit 5a1fa97
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 113 deletions.
196 changes: 83 additions & 113 deletions src/number_theory/pell.lean
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Expand Up @@ -683,119 +683,89 @@ theorem matiyasevic {a k x y} : (∃ a1 : 1 < a, xn a1 k = x ∧ yn a1 k = y)

lemma eq_pow_of_pell_lem {a y k} (a1 : 1 < a) (ypos : 0 < y) : 0 < k → y^k < a
lemma eq_pow_of_pell_lem {a y k} (hy0 : y ≠ 0) (hk0 : k ≠ 0) (hyk : y^k < a) :
(↑(y^k) : ℤ) < 2*a*y - y*y - 1 :=
have y < a → a + (y*y + 1) ≤ 2*a*y, begin
intro ya, induction y with y IH, exact absurd ypos (lt_irrefl _),
cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos y with y0 ypos,
{ rw y0, simpa [two_mul], },
{ rw [nat.mul_succ, nat.mul_succ, nat.succ_mul y],
have : y + nat.succ y ≤ 2 * a,
{ change y + y < 2 * a, rw ← two_mul,
exact mul_lt_mul_of_pos_left (nat.lt_of_succ_lt ya) dec_trivial },
have := add_le_add (IH ypos (nat.lt_of_succ_lt ya)) this,
convert this using 1,
ring }
end, λk0 yak,
lt_of_lt_of_le (int.coe_nat_lt_coe_nat_of_lt yak) $
by rw sub_sub; apply le_sub_right_of_add_le;
apply int.coe_nat_le_coe_nat_of_le;
have y1 := nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right ypos k0; simp at y1;
exact this (lt_of_le_of_lt y1 yak)

theorem eq_pow_of_pell {m n k} : (n^k = m ↔
k = 0 ∧ m = 10 < k ∧
(n = 0 ∧ m = 00 < n ∧
∃ (w a t z : ℕ) (a1 : 1 < a),
xn a1 k ≡ yn a1 k * (a - n) + m [MOD t] ∧
2 * a * n = t + (n * n + 1) ∧
m < t ∧ n ≤ w ∧ k ≤ w ∧
a * a - ((w + 1) * (w + 1) - 1) * (w * z) * (w * z) = 1)) :=
⟨λe, by rw ← e;
refine (nat.eq_zero_or_pos k).elim
(λk0, by rw k0; exact or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩)
(λkpos, or.inr ⟨kpos, _⟩);
refine (nat.eq_zero_or_pos n).elim
(λn0, by rw [n0, zero_pow kpos]; exact or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩)
(λnpos, or.inr ⟨npos, _⟩); exact
let w := max n k in
have nw : n ≤ w, from le_max_left _ _,
have kw : k ≤ w, from le_max_right _ _,
have wpos : 0 < w, from lt_of_lt_of_le npos nw,
have w1 : 1 < w + 1, from nat.succ_lt_succ wpos,
let a := xn w1 w in
have a1 : 1 < a, from strict_mono_x w1 wpos,
let x := xn a1 k, y := yn a1 k in
let ⟨z, ze⟩ := show w ∣ yn w1 w, from modeq_zero_iff_dvd.1 $
(yn_modeq_a_sub_one w1 w).trans dvd_rfl.modeq_zero_nat in
have nt : (↑(n^k) : ℤ) < 2 * a * n - n * n - 1, from
eq_pow_of_pell_lem a1 npos kpos $ calc
n^k ≤ n^w : nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right npos kw
... < (w + 1)^w : nat.pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left (nat.lt_succ_of_le nw) wpos
... ≤ a : xn_ge_a_pow w1 w,
let ⟨t, te⟩ := int.eq_coe_of_zero_le $
le_trans (int.coe_zero_le _) nt.le in
have na : n ≤ a, from nw.trans $ le_of_lt $ n_lt_xn w1 w,
have tm : x ≡ y * (a - n) + n^k [MOD t], begin
apply modeq_of_dvd,
rw [int.coe_nat_add, int.coe_nat_mul, int.coe_nat_sub na, ← te],
exact x_sub_y_dvd_pow a1 n k
have ta : 2 * a * n = t + (n * n + 1), from int.coe_nat_inj $
by rw [int.coe_nat_add, ← te, sub_sub];
repeat {rw int.coe_nat_add <|> rw int.coe_nat_mul};
rw [int.coe_nat_one, sub_add_cancel]; refl,
have mt : n^k < t, from int.lt_of_coe_nat_lt_coe_nat $
by rw ← te; exact nt,
have zp : a * a - ((w + 1) * (w + 1) - 1) * (w * z) * (w * z) = 1,
by rw ← ze; exact pell_eq w1 w,
⟨w, a, t, z, a1, tm, ta, mt, nw, kw, zp⟩,
λo, match o with
| or.inl ⟨k0, m1⟩ := by rw [k0, m1]; refl
| or.inr ⟨kpos, or.inl ⟨n0, m0⟩⟩ := by rw [n0, m0, zero_pow kpos]
| or.inr ⟨kpos, or.inr ⟨npos, w, a, t, z,
(a1 : 1 < a),
(tm : xn a1 k ≡ yn a1 k * (a - n) + m [MOD t]),
(ta : 2 * a * n = t + (n * n + 1)),
(mt : m < t),
(nw : n ≤ w),
(kw : k ≤ w),
(zp : a * a - ((w + 1) * (w + 1) - 1) * (w * z) * (w * z) = 1)⟩⟩ :=
have wpos : 0 < w, from lt_of_lt_of_le npos nw,
have w1 : 1 < w + 1, from nat.succ_lt_succ wpos,
let ⟨j, xj, yj⟩ := eq_pell w1 zp in
by clear _match o _let_match; exact
have jpos : 0 < j, from (nat.eq_zero_or_pos j).resolve_left $ λj0,
have a1 : a = 1, by rw j0 at xj; exact xj,
have 2 * n = t + (n * n + 1), by rw a1 at ta; exact ta,
have n1 : n = 1, from
have n * n < n * 2, by rw [mul_comm n 2, this]; apply nat.le_add_left,
have n ≤ 1, from nat.le_of_lt_succ $ lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left this (nat.zero_le _),
le_antisymm this npos,
by rw n1 at this;
rw ← @nat.add_right_cancel 0 2 t this at mt;
exact nat.not_lt_zero _ mt,
have wj : w ≤ j, from nat.le_of_dvd jpos $ modeq_zero_iff_dvd.1 $
(yn_modeq_a_sub_one w1 j).symm.trans $
modeq_zero_iff_dvd.2 ⟨z, yj.symm⟩,
have nt : (↑(n^k) : ℤ) < 2 * a * n - n * n - 1, from
eq_pow_of_pell_lem a1 npos kpos $ calc
n^k ≤ n^j : nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right npos (le_trans kw wj)
... < (w + 1)^j : nat.pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left (nat.lt_succ_of_le nw) jpos
... ≤ xn w1 j : xn_ge_a_pow w1 j
... = a : xj.symm,
have na : n ≤ a, by rw xj; exact
le_trans (le_trans nw wj) (le_of_lt $ n_lt_xn _ _),
have te : (t : ℤ) = 2 * ↑a * ↑n - ↑n * ↑n - 1, by
rw sub_sub; apply eq_sub_of_add_eq; apply (int.coe_nat_eq_coe_nat_iff _ _).2;
exact ta.symm,
have xn a1 k ≡ yn a1 k * (a - n) + n^k [MOD t],
by have := x_sub_y_dvd_pow a1 n k;
rw [← te, ← int.coe_nat_sub na] at this; exact modeq_of_dvd this,
have n^k % t = m % t, from
(this.symm.trans tm).add_left_cancel' _,
by rw ← te at nt;
rwa [nat.mod_eq_of_lt (int.lt_of_coe_nat_lt_coe_nat nt), nat.mod_eq_of_lt mt] at this
have hya : y < a, from (nat.le_self_pow hk0 _).trans_lt hyk,
calc (↑(y ^ k) : ℤ) < a : nat.cast_lt.2 hyk
... ≤ a ^ 2 - (a - 1) ^ 2 - 1 :
rw [sub_sq, mul_one, one_pow, sub_add, sub_sub_cancel, two_mul, sub_sub, ← add_sub,
le_add_iff_nonneg_right, ← bit0, sub_nonneg, ← nat.cast_two, nat.cast_le, nat.succ_le_iff],
exact (one_le_iff_ne_zero.2 hy0).trans_lt hya
... ≤ a ^ 2 - (a - y) ^ 2 - 1 : have _ := hya.le,
by { mono*; simpa only [sub_nonneg, nat.cast_le, nat.one_le_cast, nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero] }
... = 2*a*y - y*y - 1 : by ring

theorem eq_pow_of_pell {m n k} : n^k = m ↔
k = 0 ∧ m = 1
0 < k ∧ (n = 0 ∧ m = 0
0 < n ∧ ∃ (w a t z : ℕ) (a1 : 1 < a),
xn a1 k ≡ yn a1 k * (a - n) + m [MOD t] ∧
2 * a * n = t + (n * n + 1) ∧
m < t ∧ n ≤ w ∧ k ≤ w ∧
a * a - ((w + 1) * (w + 1) - 1) * (w * z) * (w * z) = 1) :=
{ rintro rfl,
refine k.eq_zero_or_pos.imp (λ k0, k0.symm ▸ ⟨rfl, rfl⟩) (λ hk, ⟨hk, _⟩),
refine n.eq_zero_or_pos.imp (λ n0, n0.symm ▸ ⟨rfl, zero_pow hk⟩) (λ hn, ⟨hn, _⟩),
set w := max n k,
have nw : n ≤ w, from le_max_left _ _,
have kw : k ≤ w, from le_max_right _ _,
have wpos : 0 < w, from hn.trans_le nw,
have w1 : 1 < w + 1, from nat.succ_lt_succ wpos,
set a := xn w1 w,
have a1 : 1 < a, from strict_mono_x w1 wpos,
have na : n ≤ a, from nw.trans (n_lt_xn w1 w).le,
set x := xn a1 k, set y := yn a1 k,
obtain ⟨z, ze⟩ : w ∣ yn w1 w,
from modeq_zero_iff_dvd.1 ((yn_modeq_a_sub_one w1 w).trans dvd_rfl.modeq_zero_nat),
have nt : (↑(n^k) : ℤ) < 2 * a * n - n * n - 1,
{ refine eq_pow_of_pell_lem'' _,
calc n^k ≤ n^w : nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right hn kw
... < (w + 1)^w : nat.pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left (nat.lt_succ_of_le nw) wpos
... ≤ a : xn_ge_a_pow w1 w },
lift (2 * a * n - n * n - 1 : ℤ) to ℕ using ((nat.cast_nonneg _).trans nt.le) with t te,
have tm : x ≡ y * (a - n) + n^k [MOD t],
{ apply modeq_of_dvd,
rw [int.coe_nat_add, int.coe_nat_mul, int.coe_nat_sub na, te],
exact x_sub_y_dvd_pow a1 n k },
have ta : 2 * a * n = t + (n * n + 1),
{ rw [← @nat.cast_inj ℤ, int.coe_nat_add, te, sub_sub],
repeat { rw nat.cast_add <|> rw nat.cast_mul },
rw [nat.cast_one, sub_add_cancel, nat.cast_two] },
have zp : a * a - ((w + 1) * (w + 1) - 1) * (w * z) * (w * z) = 1,
from ze ▸ pell_eq w1 w,
exact ⟨w, a, t, z, a1, tm, ta, nat.cast_lt.1 nt, nw, kw, zp⟩ },
{ rintro (⟨rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨hk0, ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ | ⟨hn0, w, a, t, z, a1, tm, ta, mt, nw, kw, zp⟩⟩),
{ exact pow_zero n }, { exact zero_pow hk0 },
have hw0 : 0 < w, from hn0.trans_le nw,
have hw1 : 1 < w + 1, from nat.succ_lt_succ hw0,
rcases eq_pell hw1 zp with ⟨j, rfl, yj⟩,
have hj0 : 0 < j,
{ apply nat.pos_of_ne_zero,
rintro rfl,
exact lt_irrefl 1 a1 },
have wj : w ≤ j := nat.le_of_dvd hj0 (modeq_zero_iff_dvd.1 $
(yn_modeq_a_sub_one hw1 j).symm.trans $ modeq_zero_iff_dvd.2 ⟨z, yj.symm⟩),
have hnka : n ^ k < xn hw1 j,
calc n^k ≤ n^j : nat.pow_le_pow_of_le_right hn0 (le_trans kw wj)
... < (w + 1)^j : nat.pow_lt_pow_of_lt_left (nat.lt_succ_of_le nw) hj0
... ≤ xn hw1 j : xn_ge_a_pow hw1 j,
have nt : (↑(n^k) : ℤ) < 2 * xn hw1 j * n - n * n - 1,
from eq_pow_of_pell_lem'' hnka,
have na : n ≤ xn hw1 j, from (nat.le_self_pow' _).trans hnka.le,
have te : (t : ℤ) = 2 * xn hw1 j * n - n * n - 1,
{ rw [sub_sub, eq_sub_iff_add_eq],
exact_mod_cast ta.symm },
have : xn a1 k ≡ yn a1 k * (xn hw1 j - n) + n^k [MOD t],
{ apply modeq_of_dvd,
rw [te, nat.cast_add, nat.cast_mul, int.coe_nat_sub na],
exact x_sub_y_dvd_pow a1 n k },
have : n^k % t = m % t, from (this.symm.trans tm).add_left_cancel' _,
rw [← te] at nt,
rwa [nat.mod_eq_of_lt (nat.cast_lt.1 nt), nat.mod_eq_of_lt mt] at this }

end pell

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