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feat(algebra/homology/local_cohomology): just the definition (#19061)
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Co-authored-by: Emily Witt <>
Co-authored-by: Jake Levinson <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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4 people committed May 25, 2023
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Showing 3 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -386,6 +386,20 @@ @Book{ boydVandenberghe2004
url = {}

@Book{ brodmannsharp13,
author = {Brodmann, M. P. and Sharp, R. Y.},
title = {Local cohomology},
series = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics},
volume = {136},
edition = {Second},
note = {An algebraic introduction with geometric applications},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge},
year = {2013},
pages = {xxii+491},
isbn = {978-0-521-51363-0},
mrclass = {13D45 (13-01)}

@Book{ cabreragarciarodriguezpalacios2014,
author = {Miguel {Cabrera Garc\'{\i}a} and \'Angel {Rodr\'{\i}guez
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1195,6 +1209,20 @@ @Book{ harmandwernerwerner1993
zbl = {0789.46011}

@Book{ hartshorne61,
author = {Hartshorne, Robin},
title = {Local cohomology},
series = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 41},
note = {A seminar given by A. Grothendieck, Harvard University,
Fall, 1961},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York},
year = {1967},
pages = {vi+106},
mrclass = {14.55 (18.00)},
mrnumber = {0224620},
mrreviewer = {F. Oort}

@Article{ Haze09,
title = {Witt vectors. Part 1},
isbn = {9780444532572},
Expand All @@ -1219,6 +1247,12 @@ @Article{ Higman52
year = {1952}

@Unpublished{ hochsterunpublished,
title = {Local cohomology},
author = {Hochster, Mel},
url = {}

@Book{ Hodges97,
author = {Hodges, Wilfrid},
title = {A Shorter Model Theory},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1299,6 +1333,22 @@ @Book{ IrelandRosen1990
url = {}

@Book{ iyengaretal07,
author = {Iyengar, Srikanth B. and Leuschke, Graham J. and Leykin,
Anton and Miller, Claudia and Miller, Ezra and Singh,
Anurag K. and Walther, Uli},
title = {Twenty-four hours of local cohomology},
series = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics},
volume = {87},
publisher = {American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI},
year = {2007},
pages = {xviii+282},
isbn = {978-0-8218-4126-6},
mrclass = {13D45 (14B15 55N30)},
doi = {10.1090/gsm/087},
url = {}

@Article{ izhakian2016,
title = {Supertropical quadratic forms I},
journal = {Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra},
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/category/Module/colimits.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -369,6 +369,12 @@ instance has_colimits_Module : has_colimits (Module.{max v u} R) :=
{ cocone := colimit_cocone F,
is_colimit := colimit_cocone_is_colimit F } } }

instance has_colimits_of_size_Module : has_colimits_of_size.{v} (Module.{max v u} R) :=
has_colimits_of_size_shrink _

instance has_colimits_of_size_zero_Module : has_colimits_of_size.{0} (Module.{max v u} R) :=
@has_colimits_of_size_shrink.{0} (Module.{max v u} R) _ Module.colimits.has_colimits_Module

-- We manually add a `has_colimits` instance with universe parameters swapped, for otherwise
-- the instance is not found by typeclass search.
instance has_colimits_Module' (R : Type u) [ring R] :
Expand Down
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/homology/local_cohomology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 Emily Witt. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Emily Witt, Scott Morrison, Jake Levinson, Sam van Gool
import ring_theory.ideal.basic
import algebra.category.Module.colimits
import algebra.category.Module.projective
import category_theory.abelian.ext
import ring_theory.finiteness

# Local cohomology.
This file defines the `i`-th local cohomology module of an `R`-module `M` with support in an
ideal `I` of `R`, where `R` is a commutative ring, as the direct limit of Ext modules:
Given a collection of ideals cofinal with the powers of `I`, consider the directed system of
quotients of `R` by these ideals, and take the direct limit of the system induced on the `i`-th
Ext into `M`. One can, of course, take the collection to simply be the integral powers of `I`.
## References
* [M. Hochster, *Local cohomology*][hochsterunpublished]
* [R. Hartshorne, *Local cohomology: A seminar given by A. Grothendieck*][hartshorne61]
* [M. Brodmann and R. Sharp, *Local cohomology: An algebraic introduction with geometric
* [S. Iyengar, G. Leuschke, A. Leykin, Anton, C. Miller, E. Miller, A. Singh, U. Walther,
*Twenty-four hours of local cohomology*][iyengaretal13]
## Tags
local cohomology, local cohomology modules
## Future work
* Prove that this definition is equivalent to:
* the right-derived functor definition
* the characterization as the limit of Koszul homology
* the characterization as the cohomology of a Cech-like complex
* Prove that local cohomology depends only on the radical of the ideal
* Establish long exact sequence(s) in local cohomology

open opposite
open category_theory
open category_theory.limits

noncomputable theory

universes u v

namespace local_cohomology

/- We define local cohomology, implemented as a direct limit of `Ext(R/J, -)`. -/
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] {D : Type v} [small_category D]

/-- The directed system of `R`-modules of the form `R/J`, where `J` is an ideal of `R`,
determined by the functor `I` -/
def ring_mod_ideals (I : D ⥤ ideal R) : D ⥤ Module.{u} R :=
{ obj := λ t, Module.of R $ R ⧸ (I.obj t),
map := λ s t w, submodule.mapq _ _ ( ( w).down.down }

/- TODO: Once this file is ported, move this file to the right location. -/
instance Module_enough_projectives' : enough_projectives (Module.{u} R) :=

/-- The diagram we will take the colimit of to define local cohomology, corresponding to the
directed system determined by the functor `I` -/
def diagram (I : D ⥤ ideal R) (i : ℕ) : Dᵒᵖ ⥤ Module.{u} R ⥤ Module.{u} R :=
(ring_mod_ideals I).op ⋙ Ext R (Module.{u} R) i


-- We momentarily need to work with a type inequality, as later we will take colimits
-- along diagrams either in Type, or in the same universe as the ring, and we need to cover both.
variables {R : Type max u v} [comm_ring R] {D : Type v} [small_category D]

/-- `local_cohomology.of_diagram I i` is the the functor sending a module `M` over a commutative
ring `R` to the direct limit of `Ext^i(R/J, M)`, where `J` ranges over a collection of ideals
of `R`, represented as a functor `I`. -/
In this definition we do not assume any special property of the diagram `I`, but the relevant case
will be where `I` is (cofinal with) the diagram of powers of a single given ideal.
Below, we give two equivalent (to be shown) definitions of the usual local cohomology with support
in an ideal `J`, `local_cohomology` and `local_cohomology.of_self_le_radical`.
TODO: Show that any functor cofinal with `I` gives the same result.
def of_diagram (I : D ⥤ ideal R) (i : ℕ) :
Module.{max u v} R ⥤ Module.{max u v} R :=
colimit (diagram.{(max u v) v} I i)


section diagrams

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

/-- The functor sending a natural number `i` to the `i`-th power of the ideal `J` -/
def ideal_powers_diagram (J : ideal R) : ℕᵒᵖ ⥤ ideal R :=
{ obj := λ t, J^(unop t),
map := λ s t w, ⟨⟨ideal.pow_le_pow w.unop.down.down⟩⟩, }

/-- The full subcategory of all ideals with radical containing `J` -/
@[derive category] def self_le_radical (J : ideal R) : Type u :=
full_subcategory (λ J' : ideal R, J ≤ J'.radical)

instance self_le_radical.inhabited (J : ideal R) : inhabited (self_le_radical J) :=
{ default := ⟨J, ideal.le_radical⟩ }

/-- The diagram of all ideals with radical containing `J`, represented as a functor.
This is the "largest" diagram that computes local cohomology with support in `J`. -/
def self_le_radical_diagram (J : ideal R) : (self_le_radical J) ⥤ ideal R :=
full_subcategory_inclusion _

end diagrams

end local_cohomology

/-! We give two models for the local cohomology with support in an ideal `J`: first in terms of
the powers of `J` (`local_cohomology`), then in terms of *all* ideals with radical
containing `J` (`local_cohomology.of_self_le_radical`). -/
section models_for_local_cohomology

open local_cohomology

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]

/-- `local_cohomology J i` is `i`-th the local cohomology module of a module `M` over
a commutative ring `R` with support in the ideal `J` of `R`, defined as the direct limit
of `Ext^i(R/J^t, M)` over all powers `t : ℕ`. -/
def local_cohomology (J : ideal R) (i : ℕ) : Module.{u} R ⥤ Module.{u} R :=
of_diagram (ideal_powers_diagram J) i

/-- Local cohomology as the direct limit of `Ext^i(R/J', M)` over *all* ideals `J'` with radical
containing `J`. -/
def local_cohomology.of_self_le_radical (J : ideal R) (i : ℕ) :
Module.{u} R ⥤ Module.{u} R :=
of_diagram.{u} (self_le_radical_diagram.{u} J) i
/- TODO: Construct `local_cohomology J i ≅ local_cohomology.of_self_le_radical J i`. Use this to
show that local cohomology depends only on `J.radical`. -/

end models_for_local_cohomology

section local_cohomology_equiv

open local_cohomology

variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] (I J : ideal R)

/-- Lifting `ideal_powers_diagram J` from a diagram valued in `ideals R` to a diagram
valued in `self_le_radical J`. -/
def local_cohomology.ideal_powers_to_self_le_radical (J : ideal R) : ℕᵒᵖ ⥤ self_le_radical J :=
full_subcategory.lift _ (ideal_powers_diagram J)
(λ k, begin
change _ ≤ (J^(unop k)).radical,
cases (unop k),
{ simp only [ideal.radical_top, pow_zero, ideal.one_eq_top, le_top] },
{ simp only [J.radical_pow _ n.succ_pos, ideal.le_radical] },

/-- The composition with the inclusion into `ideals R` is isomorphic to `ideal_powers_diagram J`. -/
def local_cohomology.ideal_powers_to_self_le_radical_comp_inclusion (J : ideal R) :
local_cohomology.ideal_powers_to_self_le_radical J ⋙ self_le_radical_diagram J
≅ ideal_powers_diagram J :=
full_subcategory.lift_comp_inclusion _ _ _

/-- The lemma below essentially says that `ideal_powers_to_self_le_radical I` is initial in
`self_le_radical_diagram I`.
PORTING NOTE: This lemma should probably be moved to `ring_theory/finiteness.lean`
to be near `ideal.exists_radical_pow_le_of_fg`, which it generalizes. -/
lemma ideal.exists_pow_le_of_le_radical_of_fg (hIJ : I ≤ J.radical) (hJ : J.radical.fg) :
∃ (k : ℕ), I^k ≤ J :=
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := J.exists_radical_pow_le_of_fg hJ,
use k,
calc I^k ≤ J.radical^k : ideal.pow_mono hIJ _
... ≤ J : hk,

end local_cohomology_equiv

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