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feat(data/finsupp/ne_locus): new file with finsupp.ne_locus (#16091)
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`finsupp.ne_locus` for finitely supported functions.

Let `α N` be two Types, and assume that `N` has a `0` and let `f g : α →₀ N` be finitely supported

This PR defines `finsupp.ne_locus f g : finset α`, the finite subset of `α` where `f` and `g` differ.

In the case in which `N` is an additive group, `finsupp.ne_locus f g` coincides with ` (f - g)`.

This is the initial segment of #16026, that continues with the definition of witnesses.

[Zulip discussion for the choice of name](
[Zulip discussion for the actual PR](
  • Loading branch information
adomani committed Aug 19, 2022
1 parent f9c3000 commit 5ad44a9
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions src/data/finsupp/ne_locus.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Damiano Testa. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Damiano Testa
import data.finsupp.basic

# Locus of unequal values of finitely supported functions
Let `α N` be two Types, assume that `N` has a `0` and let `f g : α →₀ N` be finitely supported
## Main definition
* `finsupp.ne_locus f g : finset α`, the finite subset of `α` where `f` and `g` differ.
In the case in which `N` is an additive group, `finsupp.ne_locus f g` coincides with
` (f - g)`.

variables {α M N P : Type*}

namespace finsupp
variable [decidable_eq α]

section N_has_zero
variables [decidable_eq N] [has_zero N] (f g : α →₀ N)

/-- Given two finitely supported functions `f g : α →₀ N`, `finsupp.ne_locus f g` is the `finset`
where `f` and `g` differ. This generalizes `(f - g).support` to situations without subtraction. -/
def ne_locus (f g : α →₀ N) : finset α :=
( ∪ (λ x, f x ≠ g x)

@[simp] lemma mem_ne_locus {f g : α →₀ N} {a : α} : a ∈ f.ne_locus g ↔ f a ≠ g a :=
by simpa only [ne_locus, finset.mem_filter, finset.mem_union, mem_support_iff,
and_iff_right_iff_imp] using ne.ne_or_ne _

@[simp] lemma coe_ne_locus : ↑(f.ne_locus g) = {x | f x ≠ g x} :=
by { ext, exact mem_ne_locus }

@[simp] lemma ne_locus_eq_empty {f g : α →₀ N} : f.ne_locus g = ∅ ↔ f = g :=
⟨λ h, ext (λ a, ( ( h a))),
λ h, h ▸ by simp only [ne_locus, ne.def, eq_self_iff_true, not_true, finset.filter_false]⟩

@[simp] lemma nonempty_ne_locus_iff {f g : α →₀ N} : (f.ne_locus g).nonempty ↔ f ≠ g :=
finset.nonempty_iff_ne_empty.trans ne_locus_eq_empty.not

lemma ne_locus_comm : f.ne_locus g = g.ne_locus f :=
by simp_rw [ne_locus, finset.union_comm, ne_comm]

lemma ne_locus_zero_right : f.ne_locus 0 = :=
by { ext, rw [mem_ne_locus, mem_support_iff, coe_zero, pi.zero_apply] }

lemma ne_locus_zero_left : (0 : α →₀ N).ne_locus f = :=
(ne_locus_comm _ _).trans (ne_locus_zero_right _)

end N_has_zero

section ne_locus_and_maps

lemma subset_map_range_ne_locus [decidable_eq N] [has_zero N] [decidable_eq M] [has_zero M]
(f g : α →₀ N) {F : N → M} (F0 : F 0 = 0) :
(f.map_range F F0).ne_locus (g.map_range F F0) ⊆ f.ne_locus g :=
λ x, by simpa only [mem_ne_locus, map_range_apply, not_imp_not] using congr_arg F

lemma zip_with_ne_locus_eq_left [decidable_eq N] [has_zero M] [decidable_eq P] [has_zero P]
[has_zero N] {F : M → N → P} (F0 : F 0 0 = 0)
(f : α →₀ M) (g₁ g₂ : α →₀ N) (hF : ∀ f, function.injective (λ g, F f g)) :
(zip_with F F0 f g₁).ne_locus (zip_with F F0 f g₂) = g₁.ne_locus g₂ :=
by { ext, simpa only [mem_ne_locus] using (hF _).ne_iff }

lemma zip_with_ne_locus_eq_right [decidable_eq M] [has_zero M] [decidable_eq P] [has_zero P]
[has_zero N] {F : M → N → P} (F0 : F 0 0 = 0)
(f₁ f₂ : α →₀ M) (g : α →₀ N) (hF : ∀ g, function.injective (λ f, F f g)) :
(zip_with F F0 f₁ g).ne_locus (zip_with F F0 f₂ g) = f₁.ne_locus f₂ :=
by { ext, simpa only [mem_ne_locus] using (hF _).ne_iff }

lemma map_range_ne_locus_eq [decidable_eq N] [decidable_eq M] [has_zero M] [has_zero N]
(f g : α →₀ N) {F : N → M} (F0 : F 0 = 0) (hF : function.injective F) :
(f.map_range F F0).ne_locus (g.map_range F F0) = f.ne_locus g :=
by { ext, simpa only [mem_ne_locus] using hF.ne_iff }

end ne_locus_and_maps

section cancel_and_group
variables [decidable_eq N]

@[simp] lemma add_ne_locus_add_eq_left [add_left_cancel_monoid N] (f g h : α →₀ N) :
(f + g).ne_locus (f + h) = g.ne_locus h :=
zip_with_ne_locus_eq_left _ _ _ _ add_right_injective

@[simp] lemma add_ne_locus_add_eq_right [add_right_cancel_monoid N] (f g h : α →₀ N) :
(f + h).ne_locus (g + h) = f.ne_locus g :=
zip_with_ne_locus_eq_right _ _ _ _ add_left_injective

@[simp] lemma neg_ne_locus_neg [add_group N] (f g : α →₀ N) : (- f).ne_locus (- g) = f.ne_locus g :=
map_range_ne_locus_eq _ _ neg_zero neg_injective

lemma ne_locus_neg [add_group N] (f g : α →₀ N) : (- f).ne_locus g = f.ne_locus (- g) :=
by rw [← neg_ne_locus_neg _ _, neg_neg]

lemma ne_locus_eq_support_sub [add_group N] (f g : α →₀ N) :
f.ne_locus g = (f - g).support :=
by rw [← add_ne_locus_add_eq_right _ _ (- g), add_right_neg, ne_locus_zero_right, sub_eq_add_neg]

@[simp] lemma sub_ne_locus_sub_eq_left [add_group N] (f g h : α →₀ N) :
(f - g).ne_locus (f - h) = g.ne_locus h :=
zip_with_ne_locus_eq_left _ _ _ _ (λ fn, sub_right_injective)

@[simp] lemma sub_ne_locus_sub_eq_right [add_group N] (f g h : α →₀ N) :
(f - h).ne_locus (g - h) = f.ne_locus g :=
zip_with_ne_locus_eq_right _ _ _ _ (λ hn, sub_left_injective)

end cancel_and_group

end finsupp

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