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eric-wieser committed Nov 6, 2020
1 parent 747aaae commit 5cf35e8
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Showing 7 changed files with 216 additions and 182 deletions.
15 changes: 5 additions & 10 deletions src/algebra/category/Algebra/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,17 +82,12 @@ def free : Type* ⥤ Algebra R :=
map := λ S T f, free_algebra.lift _ $ (free_algebra.ι _) ∘ f }

/-- The free/forget ajunction for `R`-algebras. -/
def adj : free R ⊣ forget (Algebra R) :=
{ hom_equiv := λ X A,
{ to_fun := λ f, f ∘ (free_algebra.ι _),
inv_fun := λ f, free_algebra.lift _ f,
left_inv := by tidy,
right_inv := by tidy },
unit := { app := λ S, free_algebra.ι _ },
counit :=
{ app := λ S, free_algebra.lift _ $ id,
naturality' := by {intros, ext, simp} } } -- tidy times out :(
{ hom_equiv := λ X A, (free_algebra.lift _).symm,
-- Relying on `obviously` to fill out these proofs is very slow :(
hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm' := by {intros, ext, simp},
hom_equiv_naturality_right' := by {intros, ext, simp} }

end Algebra

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59 changes: 35 additions & 24 deletions src/algebra/free_algebra.lean
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Expand Up @@ -186,11 +186,8 @@ def ι : X → free_algebra R X := λ m, _ m

variables {A : Type*} [semiring A] [algebra R A]

Given a function `f : X → A` where `A` is an `R`-algebra, `lift R f` is the unique lift
of `f` to a morphism of `R`-algebras `free_algebra R X → A`.
def lift (f : X → A) : free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A :=
/-- Internal definition used to define `lift` -/
private def lift_aux (f : X → A) : (free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A) :=
{ to_fun := λ a, quot.lift_on a (lift_fun _ _ f) $ λ a b h,
induction h,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,6 +227,34 @@ def lift (f : X → A) : free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A :=
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, refl },
commutes' := by tauto }

Given a function `f : X → A` where `A` is an `R`-algebra, `lift R f` is the unique lift
of `f` to a morphism of `R`-algebras `free_algebra R X → A`.
def lift : (X → A) ≃ (free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A) :=
{ to_fun := lift_aux R,
inv_fun := λ F, F ∘ (ι R),
left_inv := λ f, by {ext, refl},
right_inv := λ F, by {
ext x,
rcases x,
induction x,
case pre.of : {
change ((F : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R)) _ = _,
refl },
case pre.of_scalar : {
change algebra_map _ _ x = F (algebra_map _ _ x),
rw alg_hom.commutes F x, },
case pre.add : a b ha hb {
change lift_aux R (F ∘ ι R) ( _ _ + _ _) = F ( _ _ + _ _),
rw [alg_hom.map_add, alg_hom.map_add, ha, hb], },
case pre.mul : a b ha hb {
change lift_aux R (F ∘ ι R) ( _ _ * _ _) = F ( _ _ * _ _),
rw [alg_hom.map_mul, alg_hom.map_mul, ha, hb], }, }, }

lemma lift_symm_apply (F : free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A) : (lift R).symm F = F ∘ (ι R) := rfl

variables {R X}

Expand All @@ -243,22 +268,7 @@ theorem lift_ι_apply (f : X → A) (x) :
theorem lift_unique (f : X → A) (g : free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A) :
(g : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R) = f ↔ g = lift R f :=
refine ⟨λ hyp, _, λ hyp, by rw [hyp, ι_comp_lift]⟩,
rcases x,
induction x,
{ change ((g : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R)) _ = _,
rw hyp,
refl },
{ exact alg_hom.commutes g x },
{ change g ( _ _ + _ _) = _,
simp only [alg_hom.map_add, *],
refl },
{ change g ( _ _ * _ _) = _,
simp only [alg_hom.map_mul, *],
refl },
(lift R).symm_apply_eq

At this stage we set the basic definitions as `@[irreducible]`, so from this point onwards one should only use the universal properties of the free algebra, and consider the actual implementation as a quotient of an inductive type as completely hidden.
Expand All @@ -269,14 +279,15 @@ attribute [irreducible] free_algebra ι lift

theorem lift_comp_ι (g : free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A) :
lift R ((g : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R)) = g := by {symmetry, rw ←lift_unique}
lift R ((g : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R)) = g :=
by { rw ←lift_symm_apply, exact (lift R).apply_symm_apply g }

theorem hom_ext {f g : free_algebra R X →ₐ[R] A}
(w : ((f : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R)) = ((g : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R))) : f = g :=
have : g = lift R ((g : free_algebra R X → A) ∘ (ι R)), by rw ←lift_unique,
rw [this, ←lift_unique, w],
rw [←lift_symm_apply, ←lift_symm_apply] at w,
exact (lift R).symm.injective w,

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52 changes: 26 additions & 26 deletions src/algebra/lie/universal_enveloping.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,43 +79,43 @@ variables {A : Type u₃} [ring A] [algebra R A] (f : L →ₗ⁅R⁆ A)

/-- The universal property of the universal enveloping algebra: Lie algebra morphisms into
associative algebras lift to associative algebra morphisms from the universal enveloping algebra. -/
def lift : universal_enveloping_algebra R L →ₐ[R] A :=
ring_quot.lift_alg_hom R (tensor_algebra.lift R (f : L →ₗ[R] A))
intros a b h, induction h with x y,
simp [lie_ring.of_associative_ring_bracket],
def lift : (L →ₗ⁅R⁆ A) ≃ (universal_enveloping_algebra R L →ₐ[R] A) :=
{ to_fun := λ f,
ring_quot.lift_alg_hom R ⟨tensor_algebra.lift R (f : L →ₗ[R] A),
intros a b h, induction h with x y,
simp [lie_ring.of_associative_ring_bracket],
inv_fun := λ F, (lie_algebra.of_associative_algebra_hom F).comp (ι R),
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp [ι, mk_alg_hom], },
right_inv := λ F, by { ext, simp [ι, mk_alg_hom], } }

@[simp] lemma lift_symm_apply (F : universal_enveloping_algebra R L →ₐ[R] A) :
(lift R).symm F = (lie_algebra.of_associative_algebra_hom F).comp (ι R) :=

@[simp] lemma ι_comp_lift : (lift R f) ∘ (ι R) = f :=
funext $ $ (lift R).symm_apply_apply f

@[simp] lemma lift_ι_apply (x : L) : lift R f (ι R x) = f x :=
have : ι R x = ring_quot.mk_alg_hom R (rel R L) (ιₜ x), by refl,
simp [this, lift],

lemma ι_comp_lift : (lift R f) ∘ (ι R) = f :=
by { ext, simp, }
by rw [←function.comp_apply (lift R f) (ι R) x, ι_comp_lift]

lemma lift_unique (g : universal_enveloping_algebra R L →ₐ[R] A) :
g ∘ (ι R) = f ↔ g = lift R f :=
split; intros h,
{ apply ring_quot.lift_alg_hom_unique,
rw ← tensor_algebra.lift_unique,
ext x,
change _ = f x, rw ← congr h rfl,
refl, },
{ subst h, apply ι_comp_lift, },
refine iff.trans _ (lift R).symm_apply_eq,
split; {intro h, ext, simp [←h] },

@[ext] lemma hom_ext {g₁ g₂ : universal_enveloping_algebra R L →ₐ[R] A}
(h : g₁ ∘ (ι R) = g₂ ∘ (ι R)) : g₁ = g₂ :=
let f₁ := (lie_algebra.of_associative_algebra_hom g₁).comp (ι R),
let f₂ := (lie_algebra.of_associative_algebra_hom g₂).comp (ι R),
have h' : f₁ = f₂, { ext, exact congr h rfl, },
have h₁ : g₁ = lift R f₁, { rw ← lift_unique, refl, },
have h₂ : g₂ = lift R f₂, { rw ← lift_unique, refl, },
rw [h₁, h₂, h'],
apply (lift R).symm.injective,
rw [lift_symm_apply, lift_symm_apply],
ext x,
have := congr h (rfl : x = x),
rw function.comp_apply at this,
simp [this],

end universal_enveloping_algebra
108 changes: 59 additions & 49 deletions src/algebra/ring_quot.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,36 +129,41 @@ variables {T : Type u₄} [semiring T]

Any ring homomorphism `f : R →+* T` which respects a relation `r : R → R → Prop`
factors through a morphism `ring_quot r →+* T`.
factors uniquely through a morphism `ring_quot r →+* T`.
def lift (f : R →+* T) {r : R → R → Prop} (w : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, r x y → f x = f y) :
ring_quot r →+* T :=
{ to_fun := quot.lift f
rintros _ _ r,
induction r,
case of : _ _ r { exact w r, },
case add_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_right : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_add x y, },
map_one' := f.map_one,
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_mul x y, }, }
def lift {r : R → R → Prop} :
{f : R →+* T // ∀ ⦃x y⦄, r x y → f x = f y} ≃ (ring_quot r →+* T) :=
{ to_fun := λ f', let f := (f' : R →+* T) in
{ to_fun := quot.lift f
rintros _ _ r,
induction r,
case of : _ _ r { exact f'.prop r, },
case add_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_right : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_add x y, },
map_one' := f.map_one,
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_mul x y, }, },
inv_fun := λ F, ⟨F.comp (mk_ring_hom r), λ x y h, by { dsimp, rw mk_ring_hom_rel h, }⟩,
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp, refl },
right_inv := λ F, by { ext, simp, refl } }

lemma lift_mk_ring_hom_apply (f : R →+* T) {r : R → R → Prop} (w : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, r x y → f x = f y) (x) :
(lift f w) (mk_ring_hom r x) = f x :=
lift ⟨f, w⟩ (mk_ring_hom r x) = f x :=

-- note this is essentially ` h`
lemma lift_unique (f : R →+* T) {r : R → R → Prop} (w : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, r x y → f x = f y)
(g : ring_quot r →+* T) (h : g.comp (mk_ring_hom r) = f) : g = lift f w :=
(g : ring_quot r →+* T) (h : g.comp (mk_ring_hom r) = f) : g = lift ⟨f, w⟩ :=
by { ext, simp [h], }

lemma eq_lift_comp_mk_ring_hom {r : R → R → Prop} (f : ring_quot r →+* T) :
f = lift (f.comp (mk_ring_hom r)) (λ x y h, by { dsimp, rw mk_ring_hom_rel h, }) :=
by { ext, simp, }
f = lift f.comp (mk_ring_hom r), λ x y h, by { dsimp, rw mk_ring_hom_rel h, } :=
(lift.apply_symm_apply f).symm

section comm_ring
Expand All @@ -172,8 +177,8 @@ variables {B : Type u₁} [comm_ring B]
def ring_quot_to_ideal_quotient (r : B → B → Prop) :
ring_quot r →+* (ideal.of_rel r).quotient :=
( (ideal.of_rel r))
(λ x y h, quot.sound (submodule.mem_Inf.mpr (λ p w, w ⟨x, y, h, rfl⟩))) (ideal.of_rel r),
λ x y h, quot.sound (submodule.mem_Inf.mpr (λ p w, w ⟨x, y, h, rfl⟩))

@[simp] lemma ring_quot_to_ideal_quotient_apply (r : B → B → Prop) (x : B) :
ring_quot_to_ideal_quotient r (mk_ring_hom r x) = _ x := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,43 +245,48 @@ end

Any `S`-algebra homomorphism `f : A →ₐ[S] B` which respects a relation `s : A → A → Prop`
factors through a morphism `ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B`.
factors uniquely through a morphism `ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B`.
def lift_alg_hom (f : A →ₐ[S] B) {s : A → A → Prop} (w : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, s x y → f x = f y) :
ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B :=
{ to_fun := quot.lift f
rintros _ _ r,
induction r,
case of : _ _ r { exact w r, },
case add_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_right : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_add x y, },
map_one' := f.map_one,
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_mul x y, },
commutes' :=
rintros x,
conv_rhs { rw [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, ←f.map_one, ←f.map_smul], },
rw algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one,
exact quot.lift_beta f @w (x • 1),
end, }
def lift_alg_hom {s : A → A → Prop} :
{ f : A →ₐ[S] B // ∀ ⦃x y⦄, s x y → f x = f y} ≃ (ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B) :=
{ to_fun := λ f', let f := (f' : A →ₐ[S] B) in
{ to_fun := quot.lift f
rintros _ _ r,
induction r,
case of : _ _ r { exact f'.prop r, },
case add_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_left : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
case mul_right : _ _ _ _ r' { simp [r'], },
map_zero' := f.map_zero,
map_add' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_add x y, },
map_one' := f.map_one,
map_mul' := by { rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩, exact f.map_mul x y, },
commutes' :=
rintros x,
conv_rhs { rw [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, ←f.map_one, ←f.map_smul], },
rw algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one,
exact quot.lift_beta f f'.prop (x • 1),
end, },
inv_fun := λ F, ⟨F.comp (mk_alg_hom S s), λ _ _ h, by { dsimp, erw mk_alg_hom_rel S h }⟩,
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp, refl },
right_inv := λ F, by { ext, simp, refl } }

lemma lift_alg_hom_mk_alg_hom_apply (f : A →ₐ[S] B) {s : A → A → Prop} (w : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, s x y → f x = f y) (x) :
(lift_alg_hom S f w) ((mk_alg_hom S s) x) = f x :=
(lift_alg_hom S ⟨f, w⟩) ((mk_alg_hom S s) x) = f x :=

-- note this is essentially `(lift_alg_hom S) h`
lemma lift_alg_hom_unique (f : A →ₐ[S] B) {s : A → A → Prop} (w : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, s x y → f x = f y)
(g : ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B) (h : g.comp (mk_alg_hom S s) = f) : g = lift_alg_hom S f w :=
(g : ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B) (h : g.comp (mk_alg_hom S s) = f) : g = lift_alg_hom S ⟨f, w⟩ :=
by { ext, simp [h], }

lemma eq_lift_alg_hom_comp_mk_alg_hom {s : A → A → Prop} (f : ring_quot s →ₐ[S] B) :
f = lift_alg_hom S (f.comp (mk_alg_hom S s)) (λ x y h, by { dsimp, erw mk_alg_hom_rel S h, }) :=
by { ext, simp, }
f = lift_alg_hom S f.comp (mk_alg_hom S s), λ x y h, by { dsimp, erw mk_alg_hom_rel S h, } :=
((lift_alg_hom S).apply_symm_apply f).symm

end algebra

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