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feat(pfun/recursion): unbounded recursion
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cipher1024 committed Aug 14, 2020
1 parent aa67315 commit 5d82fb7
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,135 additions and 8 deletions.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/data/nat/up.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Simon Hudon
import data.nat.basic

# `nat.up`
`nat.up p`, with `p` a predicate on `ℕ`, is a subtype of `ℕ` that contains value
`n` if no value below `n` (excluding `n`) satisfies `p`.
This allows us to prove `>` is well-founded when `∃ i, p i`. This helps implement
searches on `ℕ`, starting at `0` and with an unknown upper-bound.

namespace nat

def up (p : ℕ → Prop) : Type := { i : ℕ // (∀ j < i, ¬ p j) }

namespace up

variable {p : ℕ → Prop}

protected def lt (p) : up p → up p → Prop := λ x y, x.1 > y.1

instance : has_lt (up p) :=
{ lt := λ x y, x.1 > y.1 }

protected def wf : Exists p → well_founded ( p)
| ⟨x,h⟩ :=
have h : (<) = measure (λ y : nat.up p, x - y.val),
by { ext, dsimp [measure,inv_image],
rw nat.sub_lt_sub_left_iff, refl,
by_contradiction h', revert h,
apply _ (lt_of_not_ge h'), },
cast (congr_arg _ h.symm) (measure_wf _)

def zero : nat.up p := ⟨ 0, λ j h, false.elim (nat.not_lt_zero _ h) ⟩

def succ (x : nat.up p) (h : ¬ p x.val) : nat.up p :=
⟨x.val.succ, by { intros j h', rw nat.lt_succ_iff_lt_or_eq at h',
cases h', apply _ h', subst j, apply h } ⟩

section find

variables [decidable_pred p] (h : Exists p)

def find_aux : nat.up p → nat.up p :=
well_founded.fix ( h) $ λ x f,
if h : p x.val then x
else f (x.succ h) $ nat.lt_succ_self _

def find : ℕ := (find_aux h

lemma p_find : p (find h) :=
let P := (λ x : nat.up p, p (find_aux h x).val) in
suffices ∀ x, P x, from this _,
assume x,
well_founded.induction ( h) _ $ λ y ih,
by { dsimp [P], rw [find_aux,well_founded.fix_eq],
by_cases h' : (p y); simp *,
apply ih, apply nat.lt_succ_self, }

lemma find_least_solution (i : ℕ) (h' : i < find h) : ¬ p i := (find_aux h _ h'

end find

end up
end nat
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions src/data/pfun.lean
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Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ theorem dom_iff_mem : ∀ {o : roption α}, o.dom ↔ ∃y, y ∈ o
theorem get_mem {o : roption α} (h) : get o h ∈ o := ⟨_, rfl⟩

/-- `roption` extensionality -/
theorem ext {o p : roption α} (H : ∀ a, a ∈ o ↔ a ∈ p) : o = p :=
ext' ⟨λ h, ((H _).1 ⟨h, rfl⟩).fst,
λ h, ((H _).2 ⟨h, rfl⟩).fst⟩ $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,6 +95,16 @@ begin
{ rintro ⟨x, rfl⟩, apply some_ne_none }

lemma eq_none_or_eq_some (o : roption α) : o = none ∨ ∃ x, o = some x :=
by_cases h : o.dom,
{ rw dom_iff_mem at h, right,
apply exists_imp_exists _ h,
simp [eq_some_iff] },
{ rw eq_none_iff', exact or.inl h },

@[simp] lemma some_inj {a b : α} : roption.some a = some b ↔ a = b :=
function.injective.eq_iff (λ a b h, congr_fun (eq_of_heq ( h).2) trivial)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,6 +183,26 @@ by haveI := classical.dec; exact
⟨λ o, to_option o, of_option, λ o, of_to_option o,
λ o, eq.trans (by dsimp; congr) (to_of_option o)⟩

instance : order_bot (roption α) :=
{ le := λ x y, ∀ i, i ∈ x → i ∈ y,
le_refl := λ x y, id,
le_trans := λ x y z f g i, g _ ∘ f _,
le_antisymm := λ x y f g, roption.ext $ λ z, ⟨f _, g _⟩,
bot := none,
bot_le := by { introv x, rintro ⟨⟨_⟩,_⟩, } }

lemma le_total_of_le_of_le {x y : roption α} (z : roption α) (hx : x ≤ z) (hy : y ≤ z) :
x ≤ y ∨ y ≤ x :=
rcases roption.eq_none_or_eq_some x with h | ⟨b, h₀⟩,
{ rw h, left, apply order_bot.bot_le _ },
right, intros b' h₁,
rw roption.eq_some_iff at h₀,
replace hx := hx _ h₀, replace hy := hy _ h₁,
replace hx := roption.mem_unique hx hy, subst hx,
exact h₀

/-- `assert p f` is a bind-like operation which appends an additional condition
`p` to the domain and uses `f` to produce the value. -/
def assert (p : Prop) (f : p → roption α) : roption α :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +241,23 @@ theorem mem_assert {p : Prop} {f : p → roption α}
match a with _, ⟨h, rfl⟩ := ⟨_, ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩ end,
λ ⟨a, h⟩, mem_assert _ h⟩

lemma assert_pos {p : Prop} {f : p → roption α} (h : p) :
assert p f = f h :=
dsimp [assert],
cases h' : f h, simp [h',h],
apply function.hfunext,
{ simp only [h,h',exists_prop_of_true] },
{ cc }

lemma assert_neg {p : Prop} {f : p → roption α} (h : ¬ p) :
assert p f = none :=
dsimp [assert,none], congr, simp [h],
apply function.hfunext, simp [h], cc,

theorem mem_bind {f : roption α} {g : α → roption β} :
∀ {a b}, a ∈ f → b ∈ g a → b ∈ f.bind g
| _ _ ⟨h, rfl⟩ ⟨h₂, rfl⟩ := ⟨⟨h, h₂⟩, rfl⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,6 +321,15 @@ by rw [bind_some_eq_map]; simp [map_id']
@[simp] theorem bind_eq_bind {α β} (f : roption α) (g : α → roption β) :
f >>= g = f.bind g := rfl

lemma bind_le {α} (x : roption α) (f : α → roption β) (y : roption β) :
x >>= f ≤ y ↔ (∀ a, a ∈ x → f a ≤ y) :=
split; intro h,
{ intros a h' b, replace h := h b, simp at h, apply h _ h' },
{ intros b h', simp at h', rcases h' with ⟨a,h₀,h₁⟩,
apply h _ h₀ _ h₁ },

instance : monad_fail roption :=
{ fail := λ_ _, none, ..roption.monad }

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