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feat(algebraic_topology): the Moore complex of a simplicial object (#…
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## Moore complex

We construct the normalized Moore complex, as a functor
`simplicial_object C ⥤ chain_complex C ℕ`,
for any abelian category `C`.

The `n`-th object is intersection of
the kernels of `X.δ i : X.obj n ⟶ X.obj (n-1)`, for `i = 1, ..., n`.

The differentials are induced from `X.δ 0`,
which maps each of these intersections of kernels to the next.

This functor is one direction of the Dold-Kan equivalence, which we're still working towards.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
Co-authored-by: Yakov Pechersky <>
Co-authored-by: Floris van Doorn <>
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4 people committed May 15, 2021
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/homology/homological_complex.lean
Expand Up @@ -515,9 +515,35 @@ variables (X : α → V) (d : Π n, X (n+1) ⟶ X n) (sq : ∀ n, d (n+1) ≫ d
@[simp] lemma of_X (n : α) : (of X d sq).X n = X n := rfl
@[simp] lemma of_d (j : α) : (of X d sq).d (j+1) j = d j :=
by { dsimp [of], rw [if_pos rfl, category.id_comp] }
lemma of_d_ne {i j : α} (h : i ≠ j + 1) : (of X d sq).d i j = 0 :=
by { dsimp [of], rw [dif_neg h], }

end of

section of_hom

variables {V} {α : Type*} [add_right_cancel_semigroup α] [has_one α] [decidable_eq α]

variables (X : α → V) (d_X : Π n, X (n+1) ⟶ X n) (sq_X : ∀ n, d_X (n+1) ≫ d_X n = 0)
(Y : α → V) (d_Y : Π n, Y (n+1) ⟶ Y n) (sq_Y : ∀ n, d_Y (n+1) ≫ d_Y n = 0)

A constructor for chain maps between `α`-indexed chain complexes built using `chain_complex.of`,
from a dependently typed collection of morphisms.
@[simps] def of_hom (f : Π i : α, X i ⟶ Y i) (comm : ∀ i : α, f (i+1) ≫ d_Y i = d_X i ≫ f i) :
of X d_X sq_X ⟶ of Y d_Y sq_Y :=
{ f := f,
comm' := λ n m,
by_cases h : n = m + 1,
{ subst h,
simpa using comm m, },
{ rw [of_d_ne X _ _ h, of_d_ne Y _ _ h], simp }
end }

end of_hom

section mk

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161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions src/algebraic_topology/Moore_complex.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import algebraic_topology.simplicial_object
import category_theory.abelian.basic
import category_theory.subobject
import algebra.homology.homological_complex

## Moore complex
We construct the normalized Moore complex, as a functor
`simplicial_object C ⥤ chain_complex C ℕ`,
for any abelian category `C`.
The `n`-th object is intersection of
the kernels of `X.δ i : X.obj n ⟶ X.obj (n-1)`, for `i = 1, ..., n`.
The differentials are induced from `X.δ 0`,
which maps each of these intersections of kernels to the next.
This functor is one direction of the Dold-Kan equivalence, which we're still working towards.
### References

universes v u

noncomputable theory

open category_theory category_theory.limits
open opposite

namespace algebraic_topology

variables {C : Type*} [category C] [abelian C]
local attribute [instance] abelian.has_pullbacks

/-! The definitions in this namespace are all auxilliary definitions for `normalized_Moore_complex`
and should usually only be accessed via that. -/
namespace normalized_Moore_complex

open category_theory.subobject
variables (X : simplicial_object C)

The normalized Moore complex in degree `n`, as a subobject of `X n`.
def obj_X : Π n : ℕ, subobject (X.obj (op ( n)))
| 0 := ⊤
| (n+1) := finset.univ.inf (λ k : fin (n+1), kernel_subobject (X.δ k.succ))

The differentials in the normalized Moore complex.
def obj_d : Π n : ℕ, (obj_X X (n+1) : C) ⟶ (obj_X X n : C)
| 0 := subobject.arrow _ ≫ X.δ (0 : fin 2) ≫ inv ((⊤ : subobject _).arrow)
| (n+1) :=
-- The differential is `subobject.arrow _ ≫ X.δ (0 : fin (n+3))`,
-- factored through the intersection of the kernels.
refine factor_thru _ (arrow _ ≫ X.δ (0 : fin (n+3))) _,
-- We now need to show that it factors!
-- A morphism factors through an intersection of subobjects if it factors through each.
refine ((finset_inf_factors _).mpr (λ i m, _)),
-- A morphism `f` factors through the kernel of `g` exactly if `f ≫ g = 0`.
apply kernel_subobject_factors,
-- Use a simplicial identity
dsimp [obj_X],
erw [category.assoc, ←X.δ_comp_δ (fin.zero_le i.succ), ←category.assoc],
-- It's the first two factors which are zero.
convert zero_comp,
-- We can rewrite the arrow out of the intersection of all the kernels as a composition
-- of a morphism we don't care about with the arrow out of the kernel of `X.δ i.succ.succ`.
rw ←factor_thru_arrow _ _ (finset_inf_arrow_factors finset.univ _ i.succ (by simp)),
-- It's the second two factors which are zero.
rw [category.assoc],
convert comp_zero,
exact kernel_subobject_arrow_comp _,

lemma d_squared (n : ℕ) : obj_d X (n+1) ≫ obj_d X n = 0 :=
-- It's a pity we need to do a case split here;
-- after the first simp the proofs are almost identical
cases n; dsimp,
{ simp only [subobject.factor_thru_arrow_assoc],
slice_lhs 2 3 { erw ←X.δ_comp_δ (fin.zero_le 0), },
rw ←factor_thru_arrow _ _ (finset_inf_arrow_factors finset.univ _ (0 : fin 2) (by simp)),
slice_lhs 2 3 { rw [kernel_subobject_arrow_comp], },
simp, },
{ simp [factor_thru_right],
slice_lhs 2 3 { erw ←X.δ_comp_δ (fin.zero_le 0), },
rw ←factor_thru_arrow _ _ (finset_inf_arrow_factors finset.univ _ (0 : fin (n+3)) (by simp)),
slice_lhs 2 3 { rw [kernel_subobject_arrow_comp], },
simp, },

The normalized Moore complex functor, on objects.
def obj (X : simplicial_object C) : chain_complex C ℕ :=
chain_complex.of (λ n, (obj_X X n : C)) -- the coercion here picks a representative of the subobject
(obj_d X) (d_squared X)

variables {X} {Y : simplicial_object C} (f : X ⟶ Y)

The normalized Moore complex functor, on morphisms.
def map (f : X ⟶ Y) : obj X ⟶ obj Y :=
chain_complex.of_hom _ _ _ _ _ _
(λ n, begin
refine factor_thru _ (arrow _ ≫ (op ( n))) _,
cases n; dsimp,
{ apply top_factors, },
{ refine (finset_inf_factors _).mpr (λ i m, _),
apply kernel_subobject_factors,
slice_lhs 2 3 { erw ←f.naturality, },
rw ←factor_thru_arrow _ _ (finset_inf_arrow_factors finset.univ _ i (by simp)),
slice_lhs 2 3 { erw [kernel_subobject_arrow_comp], },
simp, }
(λ n, begin
cases n; dsimp,
{ ext, simp, erw f.naturality, refl, },
{ ext, simp, erw f.naturality, refl, },

end normalized_Moore_complex

open normalized_Moore_complex

variables (C)

The (normalized) Moore complex of a simplicial object `X` in an abelian category `C`.
The `n`-th object is intersection of
the kernels of `X.δ i : X.obj n ⟶ X.obj (n-1)`, for `i = 1, ..., n`.
The differentials are induced from `X.δ 0`,
which maps each of these intersections of kernels to the next.
def normalized_Moore_complex : simplicial_object C ⥤ chain_complex C ℕ :=
{ obj := obj,
map := λ X Y f, map f,
map_id' := λ X, by { ext n, cases n; { dsimp, simp, }, },
map_comp' := λ X Y Z f g, by { ext n, cases n; simp, }, }

end algebraic_topology

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