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feat(data/sigma/order): The lexicographical order has a bot/top (#10905)
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Also fix localized instances declarations. They weren't using fully qualified names and I had forgotten `sigma.lex.linear_order`.
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YaelDillies committed Dec 23, 2021
1 parent 87fa060 commit 60c2b68
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 9 deletions.
58 changes: 49 additions & 9 deletions src/data/sigma/order.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
import data.sigma.lex
import order.bounded_order

# Orders on a sigma type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,21 +49,23 @@ instance [Π i, partial_order (α i)] : partial_order (Σ i, α i) :=

/-! ### Lexicographical order on `sigma` -/

namespace lex

localized "attribute [-instance] sigma.has_le" in lex
localized "attribute [-instance] sigma.preorder" in lex
localized "attribute [-instance] sigma.partial_order" in lex

/-- The lexicographical `≤` on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
def lex.has_le [has_lt ι] [Π i, has_le (α i)] : has_le (Σ i, α i) := ⟨lex (<) (λ i, (≤))⟩
protected def has_le [has_lt ι] [Π i, has_le (α i)] : has_le (Σ i, α i) := ⟨lex (<) (λ i, (≤))⟩

/-- The lexicographical `<` on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
def lex.has_lt [has_lt ι] [Π i, has_lt (α i)] : has_lt (Σ i, α i) := ⟨lex (<) (λ i, (<))⟩
protected def has_lt [has_lt ι] [Π i, has_lt (α i)] : has_lt (Σ i, α i) := ⟨lex (<) (λ i, (<))⟩

localized "attribute [instance] lex.has_le" in lex
localized "attribute [instance] lex.has_lt" in lex
localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.has_le" in lex
localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.has_lt" in lex

/-- The lexicographical preorder on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
def lex.preorder [preorder ι] [Π i, preorder (α i)] : preorder (Σ i, α i) :=
protected def preorder [preorder ι] [Π i, preorder (α i)] : preorder (Σ i, α i) :=
{ le_refl := λ ⟨i, a⟩, lex.right a a le_rfl,
le_trans := λ _ _ _, trans,
lt_iff_le_not_le := begin
Expand All @@ -80,20 +83,57 @@ def lex.preorder [preorder ι] [Π i, preorder (α i)] : preorder (Σ i, α i) :
.. lex.has_le,
.. lex.has_lt }

localized "attribute [instance] lex.preorder" in lex
localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.preorder" in lex

/-- The lexicographical partial order on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
def lex.partial_order [preorder ι] [Π i, partial_order (α i)] : partial_order (Σ i, α i) :=
protected def partial_order [preorder ι] [Π i, partial_order (α i)] :
partial_order (Σ i, α i) :=
{ le_antisymm := λ _ _, antisymm,
.. lex.preorder }

localized "attribute [instance] lex.partial_order" in lex
localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.partial_order" in lex

/-- The lexicographical linear order on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
def lex.linear_order [linear_order ι] [Π i, linear_order (α i)] : linear_order (Σ i, α i) :=
protected def linear_order [linear_order ι] [Π i, linear_order (α i)] :
linear_order (Σ i, α i) :=
{ le_total := total_of _,
decidable_eq := sigma.decidable_eq,
decidable_le := lex.decidable _ _,
.. lex.partial_order }

localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.linear_order" in lex

/-- The lexicographical linear order on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
protected def order_bot [partial_order ι] [order_bot ι] [Π i, preorder (α i)] [order_bot (α ⊥)] :
order_bot (Σ i, α i) :=
{ bot := ⟨⊥, ⊥⟩,
bot_le := λ ⟨a, b⟩, begin
obtain rfl | ha := eq_bot_or_bot_lt a,
{ exact lex.right _ _ bot_le },
{ exact lex.left _ _ ha }
end }

localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.order_bot" in lex

/-- The lexicographical linear order on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
protected def order_top [partial_order ι] [order_top ι] [Π i, preorder (α i)] [order_top (α ⊤)] :
order_top (Σ i, α i) :=
{ top := ⟨⊤, ⊤⟩,
le_top := λ ⟨a, b⟩, begin
obtain rfl | ha := eq_top_or_lt_top a,
{ exact lex.right _ _ le_top },
{ exact lex.left _ _ ha }
end }

localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.order_top" in lex

/-- The lexicographical linear order on a sigma type. Turn this on by opening locale `lex`. -/
protected def bounded_order [partial_order ι] [bounded_order ι] [Π i, preorder (α i)]
[order_bot (α ⊥)] [order_top (α ⊤)] :
bounded_order (Σ i, α i) :=
{ .. lex.order_bot, .. lex.order_top }

localized "attribute [instance] sigma.lex.bounded_order" in lex

end lex
end sigma

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